blob: 2e009f54bf1d9a5c235131e4b78b43405c70b83f [file] [log] [blame]
Name: Immersive Web - WebXR Samples
Short Name: webxr-samples
Version: 0
Revision: 2727b46707d766e358152194fbb4f6b2647ef2e9
Date: 2019-01-15
License: MIT
License File: NOT_SHIPPED
Security Critical: no
A fork of the WebXR samples to be kept in sync with Chrome and used for testing Chrome.
Local Modifications:
Forked to provide a stable set of test pages in sync with Chrome.
Stripped out the media/ directory to minimize the size.
In order to serve the samples locally, few steps are required:
1. Copy contents of src/chrome/test/data/xr/webxr_samples/media into src/third_party/webxr_test_pages/webxr-samples/media
2. (optional) If editing cottontail code, run `npm install` and `npm run build-all` in src/third_party/webxr_test_pages/webxr-samples/js/cottontail
3. Serve files, for example by running `python -m SimpleHTTPServer <port number>` in src/third_party/webxr_test_pages/webxr-samples