blob: b99fd5776ac1000b546fa477a0ca46ad3d4e52e8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "pdf/accessibility.h"
#include "pdf/pdfium/pdfium_engine.h"
#include "pdf/pdfium/pdfium_test_base.h"
#include "pdf/test/test_client.h"
#include "ppapi/c/private/ppb_pdf.h"
#include "ppapi/c/private/ppp_pdf.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
namespace chrome_pdf {
using AccessibilityTest = PDFiumTestBase;
float GetExpectedBoundsWidth(bool is_chromeos, size_t i, float expected) {
return (is_chromeos && i == 0) ? 85.333336f : expected;
double GetExpectedCharWidth(bool is_chromeos, size_t i, double expected) {
if (is_chromeos) {
if (i == 25)
return 13.333343;
if (i == 26)
return 6.666656;
return expected;
// NOTE: This test is sensitive to font metrics from the underlying platform.
// If changes to fonts on the system or to font code like FreeType cause this
// test to fail, please feel free to rebase the test expectations here, or
// update the GetExpected... functions above. If that becomes too much of a
// burden, consider changing the checks to just make sure the font metrics look
// sane.
TEST_F(AccessibilityTest, GetAccessibilityPage) {
static constexpr size_t kExpectedTextRunCount = 2;
struct {
uint32_t len;
double font_size;
float bounds_x;
float bounds_y;
float bounds_w;
float bounds_h;
} static constexpr kExpectedTextRuns[] = {
{15, 12, 26.666666f, 189.333328f, 84.000008f, 13.333344f},
{15, 16, 28.000000f, 117.333334f, 152.000000f, 19.999992f},
static_assert(base::size(kExpectedTextRuns) == kExpectedTextRunCount,
"Bad test expectation count");
static constexpr size_t kExpectedCharCount = 30;
static constexpr PP_PrivateAccessibilityCharInfo kExpectedChars[] = {
{'H', 12}, {'e', 6.6666}, {'l', 5.3333}, {'l', 4}, {'o', 8},
{',', 4}, {' ', 4}, {'w', 12}, {'o', 6.6666}, {'r', 6.6666},
{'l', 4}, {'d', 9.3333}, {'!', 4}, {'\r', 0}, {'\n', 0},
{'G', 16}, {'o', 12}, {'o', 12}, {'d', 12}, {'b', 10.6666},
{'y', 12}, {'e', 12}, {',', 4}, {' ', 6.6666}, {'w', 16},
{'o', 12}, {'r', 8}, {'l', 4}, {'d', 12}, {'!', 2.6666},
static_assert(base::size(kExpectedChars) == kExpectedCharCount,
"Bad test expectation count");
TestClient client;
std::unique_ptr<PDFiumEngine> engine =
InitializeEngine(&client, FILE_PATH_LITERAL("hello_world2.pdf"));
ASSERT_EQ(2, engine->GetNumberOfPages());
PP_PrivateAccessibilityPageInfo page_info;
std::vector<PP_PrivateAccessibilityTextRunInfo> text_runs;
std::vector<PP_PrivateAccessibilityCharInfo> chars;
std::vector<PP_PrivateAccessibilityLinkInfo> links;
std::vector<PP_PrivateAccessibilityImageInfo> images;
ASSERT_TRUE(GetAccessibilityInfo(engine.get(), 0, &page_info, &text_runs,
&chars, &links, &images));
EXPECT_EQ(0u, page_info.page_index);
EXPECT_EQ(5, page_info.bounds.point.x);
EXPECT_EQ(3, page_info.bounds.point.y);
EXPECT_EQ(266, page_info.bounds.size.width);
EXPECT_EQ(266, page_info.bounds.size.height);
EXPECT_EQ(text_runs.size(), page_info.text_run_count);
EXPECT_EQ(chars.size(), page_info.char_count);
// TODO( Test the contents of |links| and |images| when
// populated.
EXPECT_EQ(links.size(), page_info.link_count);
EXPECT_EQ(images.size(), page_info.image_count);
bool is_chromeos = IsRunningOnChromeOS();
ASSERT_EQ(kExpectedTextRunCount, text_runs.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < kExpectedTextRunCount; ++i) {
const auto& expected = kExpectedTextRuns[i];
EXPECT_EQ(expected.len, text_runs[i].len) << i;
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(expected.font_size, text_runs[i].font_size) << i;
EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(expected.bounds_x, text_runs[i].bounds.point.x) << i;
EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(expected.bounds_y, text_runs[i].bounds.point.y) << i;
float expected_bounds_w =
GetExpectedBoundsWidth(is_chromeos, i, expected.bounds_w);
EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(expected_bounds_w, text_runs[i].bounds.size.width) << i;
EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(expected.bounds_h, text_runs[i].bounds.size.height) << i;
EXPECT_EQ(PP_PRIVATEDIRECTION_LTR, text_runs[i].direction);
ASSERT_EQ(kExpectedCharCount, chars.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < kExpectedCharCount; ++i) {
const auto& expected = kExpectedChars[i];
EXPECT_EQ(expected.unicode_character, chars[i].unicode_character) << i;
double expected_char_width =
GetExpectedCharWidth(is_chromeos, i, expected.char_width);
EXPECT_NEAR(expected_char_width, chars[i].char_width, 0.001) << i;
TEST_F(AccessibilityTest, GetUnderlyingTextRangeForRect) {
TestClient client;
std::unique_ptr<PDFiumEngine> engine =
InitializeEngine(&client, FILE_PATH_LITERAL("hello_world2.pdf"));
PDFiumPage* page = GetPDFiumPageForTest(engine.get(), 0);
// The test rect spans across [0, 4] char indices.
int start_index = -1;
int char_count = 0;
pp::FloatRect(20.0f, 50.0f, 26.0f, 8.0f), &start_index, &char_count));
EXPECT_EQ(start_index, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(char_count, 5);
// The input rectangle is spanning across multiple lines.
// GetUnderlyingTextRangeForRect() should return only the char indices
// of first line.
start_index = -1;
char_count = 0;
pp::FloatRect(20.0f, 0.0f, 26.0f, 58.0f), &start_index, &char_count));
EXPECT_EQ(start_index, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(char_count, 5);
// There is no text below this rectangle. So, GetUnderlyingTextRangeForRect()
// will return false and not change the dummy values set here.
start_index = -9;
char_count = -10;
pp::FloatRect(10.0f, 10.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), &start_index, &char_count));
EXPECT_EQ(start_index, -9);
EXPECT_EQ(char_count, -10);
// This class overrides TestClient to record points received when a scroll
// call is made by tests.
class ScrollEnabledTestClient : public TestClient {
ScrollEnabledTestClient() = default;
~ScrollEnabledTestClient() override = default;
// Records the point received in a ScrollBy action request from tests.
void ScrollBy(const pp::Point& point) override { received_point_ = point; }
// Returns the point received in a ScrollBy action for validation in tests.
const pp::Point& GetScrollRequestPoints() const { return received_point_; }
pp::Point received_point_;
TEST_F(AccessibilityTest, TestScrollIntoViewActionHandling) {
// This test checks that accessibility scroll action is passed
// on to the ScrollEnabledTestClient implementation.
ScrollEnabledTestClient client;
std::unique_ptr<PDFiumEngine> engine =
InitializeEngine(&client, FILE_PATH_LITERAL("hello_world2.pdf"));
PP_PdfAccessibilityActionData action_data;
action_data.action = PP_PdfAccessibilityAction::PP_PDF_SCROLL_TO_MAKE_VISIBLE;
action_data.target_rect = {{120, 0}, {10, 10}};
// As Pdfium::Client is mocked, we will receive the same points back.
EXPECT_EQ(action_data.target_rect.point, client.GetScrollRequestPoints());
// Simulate a zoom update in the PDFiumEngine.
constexpr PP_Point kExpectedPoint = {180, 0};
EXPECT_EQ(kExpectedPoint, client.GetScrollRequestPoints());
} // namespace chrome_pdf