blob: 51349cdb67bd877abef4124281a50e67a825d81f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cstdint>
#include <utility>
#include "base/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_refptr.h"
#include "base/sequenced_task_runner.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/interface_ptr_info.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/lib/interface_ptr_state.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/pending_remote.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/receiver.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/system/message_pipe.h"
namespace mojo {
// A Remote is used to issue Interface method calls to a single connected
// Receiver or PendingReceiver. The Remote must be bound in order to issue those
// method calls, and it becomes bound by consuming a PendingRemote either at
// construction time or by calling |Bind()|.
// Remote is NOT thread- or sequence-safe and must be used on a single
// (but otherwise arbitrary) sequence. All bound Remote objects are associated
// with a base::SequenceTaskRunner which the Remote uses exclusively to schedule
// response callbacks and disconnection notifications.
// The most common ways to bind a Remote are to consume a PendingRemote received
// via some IPC, or to call |BindNewPipeAndPassReceiver()| and send the returned
// PendingReceiver somewhere useful (i.e., to a remote Receiver who will consume
// it). For example:
// mojo::Remote<mojom::Widget> widget;
// widget_factory->CreateWidget(widget.BindNewPipeAndPassReceiver());
// widget->Click();
// IMPORTANT: There are some things to be aware of regarding Interface method
// calls as they relate to Remote object lifetime:
// - Interface method calls issued immediately before the destruction of a
// Remote ARE guaranteed to be transmitted to the remote's receiver as long
// as the receiver itself remains alive, either as a Receiver or a
// PendingReceiver.
// - In the name of memory safety, Interface method response callbacks (and in
// general ANY tasks which can be scheduled by a Remote) will NEVER
// be dispatched beyond the lifetime of the Remote object. As such, if
// you make a call and you need its reply, you must keep the Remote alive
// until the reply is received.
template <typename Interface>
class Remote {
using InterfaceType = Interface;
using PendingType = PendingRemote<Interface>;
// Constructs an unbound Remote. This object cannot issue Interface method
// calls and does not schedule any tasks.
Remote() = default;
Remote(Remote&& other) noexcept { *this = std::move(other); }
// Constructs a new Remote which is bound from |pending_remote| and which
// schedules response callbacks and disconnection notifications on the default
// SequencedTaskRunner (i.e., base::SequencedTaskRunnerHandle::Get() at
// construction time).
explicit Remote(PendingRemote<Interface> pending_remote)
: Remote(std::move(pending_remote), nullptr) {}
// Constructs a new Remote which is bound from |pending_remote| and which
// schedules response callbacks and disconnection notifications on
// |task_runner|. |task_runner| must run tasks on the same sequence that owns
// this Remote.
Remote(PendingRemote<Interface> pending_remote,
scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> task_runner) {
Bind(std::move(pending_remote), std::move(task_runner));
~Remote() = default;
Remote& operator=(Remote&& other) noexcept {
return *this;
// Exposes access to callable Interface methods directed at this Remote's
// receiver. Must only be called on a bound Remote.
typename Interface::Proxy_* get() const {
<< "Cannot issue Interface method calls on an unbound Remote";
return internal_state_.instance();
// Shorthand form of |get()|. See above.
typename Interface::Proxy_* operator->() const { return get(); }
typename Interface::Proxy_& operator*() const { return *get(); }
// Indicates whether this Remote is bound and thus can issue Interface method
// calls via the above accessors.
// NOTE: The state of being "bound" should not be confused with the state of
// being "connected" (see |is_connected()| below). A Remote is NEVER passively
// unbound and the only way for it to become unbound is to explicitly call
// |reset()| or |Unbind()|. As such, unless you make explicit calls to those
// methods, it is always safe to assume that a Remote you've bound will remain
// bound and callable.
bool is_bound() const { return internal_state_.is_bound(); }
explicit operator bool() const { return is_bound(); }
// Indicates whether this Remote is connected to a receiver. Must only be
// called on a bound Remote. If this returns |true|, method calls made by this
// Remote may eventually end up at the connected receiver (though it's of
// course possible for this call to race with disconnection). If this returns
// |false| however, all future Interface method calls on this Remote will be
// silently dropped.
// A bound Remote becomes disconnected automatically either when its receiver
// is destroyed, or when it receives a malformed or otherwise unexpected
// response message from the receiver.
// NOTE: The state of being "bound" should not be confused with the state of
// being "connected". See |is_bound()| above.
bool is_connected() const {
return !internal_state_.encountered_error();
// Sets a Closure to be invoked if this Remote is cut off from its receiver.
// This can happen if the corresponding Receiver (or unconsumed
// PendingReceiver) is destroyed, or if the Receiver sends a malformed or
// otherwise unexpected response message to this Remote. Must only be called
// on a bound Remote object, and only remains set as long as the Remote is
// both bound and connected.
// If invoked at all, |handler| will be scheduled asynchronously using the
// Remote's bound SequencedTaskRunner.
void set_disconnect_handler(base::OnceClosure handler) {
if (is_connected())
// Like above but also receives extra user-defined metadata about why the
// receiving endpoint was closed.
void set_disconnect_with_reason_handler(
ConnectionErrorWithReasonCallback handler) {
// A convenient helper that resets this Remote on disconnect. Note that this
// replaces any previously set disconnection handler.
void reset_on_disconnect() {
if (!is_connected()) {
base::BindOnce(&Remote::reset, base::Unretained(this)));
// Sets a Closure to be invoked if the receiving endpoint reports itself as
// idle and there are no in-flight messages it has yet to acknowledge, and
// this state occurs continuously for a duration of at least |timeout|. The
// first time this is called, it must be called BEFORE sending any interface
// messages to the receiver. It may be called any number of times after that
// to reconfigure the idle timeout period or assign a new idle handler.
// Once called, the interface connection incurs some permanent additional
// per-message overhead to help track idle state across the interface
// boundary.
// Whenever this callback is invoked, the following conditions are guaranteed
// to hold:
// - There are no messages sent on this Remote that have not already been
// dispatched by the receiver.
// - The receiver has explicitly notified us that it considers itself to be
// "idle."
// - The receiver has not dispatched any additional messages since sending
// this idle notification
// - The Remote does not have any outstanding reply callbacks that haven't
// been called yet
// - All of the above has been true continuously for a duration of at least
// |timeout|.
void set_idle_handler(base::TimeDelta timeout,
base::RepeatingClosure handler) {
internal_state_.set_idle_handler(timeout, std::move(handler));
// A convenient helper for common idle timeout behavior. This is equivalent to
// calling |set_idle_handler| with a handler that only resets this Remote.
void reset_on_idle_timeout(base::TimeDelta timeout) {
timeout, base::BindRepeating(&Remote::reset, base::Unretained(this)));
// Resets this Remote to an unbound state. To reset the Remote and recover an
// PendingRemote that can be bound again later, use |Unbind()| instead.
void reset() {
State doomed_state;
// Similar to the method above, but also specifies a disconnect reason.
void ResetWithReason(uint32_t custom_reason, const std::string& description) {
if (internal_state_.is_bound())
internal_state_.CloseWithReason(custom_reason, description);
// Returns the version of Interface used by this Remote. Defaults to 0 but can
// be adjusted either at binding time, or by invoking either |QueryVersion()|
// or |RequireVersion()|.
uint32_t version() const { return internal_state_.version(); }
// Binds this Remote, connecting it to a new PendingReceiver which is
// returned for transmission to some Receiver which can bind it. The Remote
// will schedule any response callbacks or disconnection notifications on the
// default SequencedTaskRunner (i.e. base::SequencedTaskRunnerHandle::Get() at
// the time of this call). Must only be called on an unbound Remote.
PendingReceiver<Interface> BindNewPipeAndPassReceiver() WARN_UNUSED_RESULT {
return BindNewPipeAndPassReceiver(nullptr);
// Like above, but the Remote will schedule response callbacks and
// disconnection notifications on |task_runner| instead of the default
// SequencedTaskRunner. |task_runner| must run tasks on the same sequence that
// owns this Remote.
PendingReceiver<Interface> BindNewPipeAndPassReceiver(
scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> task_runner) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT {
MessagePipe pipe;
Bind(PendingRemote<Interface>(std::move(pipe.handle0), 0),
return PendingReceiver<Interface>(std::move(pipe.handle1));
// Binds this Remote by consuming |pending_remote|, which must be valid. The
// Remote will schedule any response callbacks or disconnection notifications
// on the default SequencedTaskRunner (i.e.
// base::SequencedTaskRunnerHandle::Get() at the time of this call). Must only
// be called on an unbound Remote.
void Bind(PendingRemote<Interface> pending_remote) {
Bind(std::move(pending_remote), nullptr);
// Like above, but the Remote will schedule response callbacks and
// disconnection notifications on |task_runner| instead of the default
// SequencedTaskRunner. Must only be called on an unbound Remote.
// |task_runner| must run tasks on the same sequence that owns this Remote.
void Bind(PendingRemote<Interface> pending_remote,
scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> task_runner) {
DCHECK(!is_bound()) << "Remote is already bound";
if (!pending_remote) {
// Force the internal state to configure its proxy. Unlike InterfacePtr we
// do not use Remote in transit, so binding to a pipe handle can also imply
// binding to a SequencedTaskRunner and observing pipe handle state. This
// allows for e.g. |is_connected()| to be a more reliable API than
// |InterfacePtr::encountered_error()|.
// Unbinds this Remote, rendering it unable to issue further Interface method
// calls. Returns a PendingRemote which may be passed across threads or
// processes and consumed by another Remote elsewhere.
// Note that it is an error (the bad, crashy kind of error) to attempt to
// |Unbind()| a Remote which is awaiting one or more responses to previously
// issued Interface method calls. Calling this method should only be
// considered in cases where satisfaction of that constraint can be proven.
// Must only be called on a bound Remote.
PendingRemote<Interface> Unbind() WARN_UNUSED_RESULT {
State state;
InterfacePtrInfo<Interface> info = state.PassInterface();
return PendingRemote<Interface>(info.PassHandle(), info.version());
// Queries the max version that the receiving endpoint supports. Once a
// response is received, |callback| will be invoked with the version number
// and the version number of this Remote object will also be updated.
void QueryVersion(base::OnceCallback<void(uint32_t)> callback) {
// Requires the receiving endpoint to support at least the specified
// |version|. If it does not, it will close its end of the connection
// immediately.
void RequireVersion(uint32_t version) {
// Sends a no-op message on the underlying message pipe and runs the current
// message loop until its response is received. This can be used in tests to
// verify that no message was sent on a message pipe in response to some
// stimulus.
void FlushForTesting() { internal_state_.FlushForTesting(); }
// Same as |FlushForTesting()| but will call |callback| when the flush is
// complete.
void FlushAsyncForTesting(base::OnceClosure callback) {
// Returns the number of unacknowledged messages sent by this Remote. Only
// non-zero when |set_idle_handler()| has been called.
unsigned int GetNumUnackedMessagesForTesting() const {
return internal_state_.GetNumUnackedMessagesForTesting();
// DO NOT USE. Exposed only for internal use and for testing.
internal::InterfacePtrState<Interface>* internal_state() {
return &internal_state_;
using State = internal::InterfacePtrState<Interface>;
mutable State internal_state_;
} // namespace mojo