blob: 580e5bbcfcb4e90810d9aac53a2bd03776070b92 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
declare_args() {
# Enables Widevine key system support. Enabled by default in Google Chrome,
# on Android and Fuchsia platforms.
# Can be optionally enabled in Chromium on non-Android platforms. Please see
# //src/third_party/widevine/LICENSE file for details.
enable_widevine = is_chrome_branded || is_android || is_fuchsia
# Widevine CDM is available as a library CDM on the following platforms and
# architectures. Notably on Android library CDM is not used and Widevine is
# supported via Android MediaDrm API.
# TODO(hmchen): Provide support on "arm64".
library_widevine_cdm_available =
(is_chromeos && (target_cpu == "x64" || target_cpu == "arm")) ||
(is_desktop_linux && (target_cpu == "x86" || target_cpu == "x64")) ||
(is_mac && target_cpu == "x64") ||
(is_win && (target_cpu == "x86" || target_cpu == "x64"))
# Widevine CDM is available as a library CDM and it's supported by Chromium.
# This does not define how the CDM will be deployed. It can be bundled or
# component updated. See below.
enable_library_widevine_cdm =
enable_widevine && enable_library_cdms && library_widevine_cdm_available
# Widevine CDM can be deployed as a component. Currently only supported on
# Mac, Windows, and desktop Linux. The CDM can be bundled regardless whether
# it's a component. See below.
enable_widevine_cdm_component =
enable_library_widevine_cdm && (is_win || is_mac || is_desktop_linux)
# Widevine CDM is bundled as part of Google Chrome builds.
bundle_widevine_cdm = enable_library_widevine_cdm && is_chrome_branded
enable_widevine_cdm_host_verification =
enable_library_widevine_cdm && enable_cdm_host_verification
template("widevine_sign_file") {
# For official builds, generate a signature file for |file| which will
# be used by Widevine. If |signature_file| is not specified, the signature
# file will be in the same directory as |file|.
action(target_name) {
assert(defined(file), "File to be signed must be specified.")
if (!defined(signature_file)) {
signature_file = "$file.sig"
if (!defined(flags)) {
flags = 0
script = "//third_party/widevine/scripts/"
sources = [
outputs = [
args = [
rebase_path("$file", root_build_dir),
rebase_path("$signature_file", root_build_dir),