blob: 8354f0885339f0c414140a186e5febcbd1f2cc14 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ash/wm/mru_window_tracker.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include "ash/public/cpp/shell_window_ids.h"
#include "ash/public/cpp/window_properties.h"
#include "ash/session/session_controller_impl.h"
#include "ash/shell.h"
#include "ash/wm/ash_focus_rules.h"
#include "ash/wm/desks/desks_util.h"
#include "ash/wm/switchable_windows.h"
#include "ash/wm/window_state.h"
#include "ash/wm/window_util.h"
#include "base/containers/adapters.h"
#include "base/stl_util.h"
#include "ui/aura/client/aura_constants.h"
#include "ui/aura/window.h"
#include "ui/wm/core/window_util.h"
#include "ui/wm/public/activation_client.h"
#include "ui/wm/public/activation_delegate.h"
namespace ash {
namespace {
// A class that observes a window that should not be destroyed inside a certain
// scope. This class is added to investigate to see if it's
// possible that a window is destroyed while building up the mru window list.
// TODO( Remove this class once we figure out the reason.
class ScopedWindowClosingObserver : public aura::WindowObserver {
explicit ScopedWindowClosingObserver(aura::Window* window) : window_(window) {
~ScopedWindowClosingObserver() override {
window_ = nullptr;
// aura::WindowObserver:
void OnWindowDestroyed(aura::Window* window) override { CHECK(false); }
aura::Window* window_;
bool IsNonSysModalWindowConsideredActivatable(aura::Window* window) {
if (window->GetProperty(ash::kExcludeInMruKey))
return false;
ScopedWindowClosingObserver observer(window);
AshFocusRules* focus_rules = Shell::Get()->focus_rules();
// Exclude system modal because we only care about non systm modal windows.
if (window->GetProperty(aura::client::kModalKey) ==
static_cast<int>(ui::MODAL_TYPE_SYSTEM)) {
return false;
// Only toplevel windows can be activated.
if (!focus_rules->IsToplevelWindow(window))
return false;
if (!focus_rules->IsWindowConsideredVisibleForActivation(window))
return false;
if (::wm::GetActivationDelegate(window) &&
!::wm::GetActivationDelegate(window)->ShouldActivate()) {
return false;
return window->CanFocus();
// A predicate that determines whether |window| can be included in the list
// built for cycling through windows (alt + tab).
bool CanIncludeWindowInCycleList(aura::Window* window) {
return CanIncludeWindowInMruList(window) &&
// A predicate that determines whether |window| can be included in the list
// built for alt-tab cycling, including one of the windows for Android PIP apps.
// For single-activity PIP, the PIP window is included in the list. (in the case
// of single-activity PIP, the PIP window is the same as the original window.)
// For multi-activity PIP, the non-PIP activity is included in the list.
// See the comment for |kPipOriginalWindowKey| for more detail.
bool CanIncludeWindowInCycleWithPipList(aura::Window* window) {
return CanIncludeWindowInCycleList(window) ||
(window_util::IsArcPipWindow(window) &&
// Returns a list of windows ordered by their stacking order such that the most
// recently used window is at the front of the list.
// If |mru_windows| is passed, these windows are moved to the front of the list.
// If |desks_mru_type| is `kAllDesks`, then all active and inactive desk
// containers will be considered, otherwise only the active desk container is
// considered.
// It uses the given |can_include_window_predicate| to determine whether to
// include a window in the returned list or not.
template <class CanIncludeWindowPredicate>
MruWindowTracker::WindowList BuildWindowListInternal(
const std::vector<aura::Window*>* mru_windows,
DesksMruType desks_mru_type,
CanIncludeWindowPredicate can_include_window_predicate) {
MruWindowTracker::WindowList windows;
const int active_desk_id = desks_util::GetActiveDeskContainerId();
const bool active_desk_only = desks_mru_type == kActiveDesk;
// Put the windows in the mru_windows list at the head, if it's available.
if (mru_windows) {
// The |mru_windows| are sorted such that the most recent window comes last,
// hence iterate in reverse order.
for (auto* window : base::Reversed(*mru_windows)) {
// Exclude windows in non-switchable containers and those which should not
// be included.
if (window->parent()) {
if (!IsSwitchableContainer(window->parent()))
if (active_desk_only) {
// If only the active desk's MRU windows are requested, then exclude
// children of the non-active desks' containers.
const int parent_id = window->parent()->id();
if (desks_util::IsDeskContainerId(parent_id) &&
parent_id != active_desk_id) {
if (!can_include_window_predicate(window))
auto roots = Shell::GetAllRootWindows();
// Put the active root window last in |roots| so that when we iterate over the
// root windows in reverse order below, the active root comes first. We do
// this so that the top-most windows in the active root window will be added
// first to |windows|.
aura::Window* active_root = Shell::GetRootWindowForNewWindows();
auto iter = std::find(roots.begin(), roots.end(), active_root);
// When switching to/from Unified Mode, the active root window controller
// might be in the process of shutting down, and its windows are being moved
// to another root window before the root window for new windows is updated.
// See WindowTreeHostManager::DeleteHost().
if (iter != roots.end()) {
// TODO(afakhry): Check with UX, if kAllDesks is desired, should we put
// the active desk's windows at the front?
for (auto* root : base::Reversed(roots)) {
// |wm::kSwitchableWindowContainerIds[]| contains a list of the container
// IDs sorted such that the ID of the top-most container comes last. Hence,
// we iterate in reverse order so the top-most windows are added first.
const auto switachable_containers =
GetSwitchableContainersForRoot(root, active_desk_only);
for (auto* container : base::Reversed(switachable_containers)) {
for (auto* child : base::Reversed(container->children())) {
// Only add windows that the predicate allows.
if (!can_include_window_predicate(child))
// Only add windows that have not been added previously from
// |mru_windows| (if available).
if (mru_windows && base::Contains(*mru_windows, child))
return windows;
} // namespace
bool CanIncludeWindowInMruList(aura::Window* window) {
return wm::CanActivateWindow(window) &&
// MruWindowTracker, public:
MruWindowTracker::MruWindowTracker() {
MruWindowTracker::~MruWindowTracker() {
for (auto* window : mru_windows_)
MruWindowTracker::WindowList MruWindowTracker::BuildMruWindowList(
DesksMruType desks_mru_type) const {
return BuildWindowListInternal(&mru_windows_, desks_mru_type,
MruWindowTracker::WindowList MruWindowTracker::BuildWindowListIgnoreModal(
DesksMruType desks_mru_type) const {
return BuildWindowListInternal(&mru_windows_, desks_mru_type,
MruWindowTracker::WindowList MruWindowTracker::BuildWindowForCycleList(
DesksMruType desks_mru_type) const {
return BuildWindowListInternal(&mru_windows_, desks_mru_type,
MruWindowTracker::WindowList MruWindowTracker::BuildWindowForCycleWithPipList(
DesksMruType desks_mru_type) const {
return BuildWindowListInternal(&mru_windows_, desks_mru_type,
void MruWindowTracker::SetIgnoreActivations(bool ignore) {
ignore_window_activations_ = ignore;
// If no longer ignoring window activations, move currently active window
// to front.
if (!ignore)
void MruWindowTracker::AddObserver(Observer* observer) {
void MruWindowTracker::RemoveObserver(Observer* observer) {
// MruWindowTracker, private:
void MruWindowTracker::SetActiveWindow(aura::Window* active_window) {
if (!active_window)
auto iter =
std::find(mru_windows_.begin(), mru_windows_.end(), active_window);
// Observe all newly tracked windows.
if (iter == mru_windows_.end())
void MruWindowTracker::OnWindowActivated(ActivationReason reason,
aura::Window* gained_active,
aura::Window* lost_active) {
if (!ignore_window_activations_)
void MruWindowTracker::OnWindowDestroyed(aura::Window* window) {
// It's possible for OnWindowActivated() to be called after
// OnWindowDestroying(). This means we need to override OnWindowDestroyed()
// else we may end up with a deleted window in |mru_windows_|.
base::Erase(mru_windows_, window);
for (auto& observer : observers_)
} // namespace ash