blob: 155a602be67aaf2a5d1fd2be798b304b5fe6aa54 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <limits>
#include "base/command_line.h"
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "media/base/test_data_util.h"
#include "media/gpu/test/video.h"
#include "media/gpu/test/video_encoder/video_encoder.h"
#include "media/gpu/test/video_encoder/video_encoder_client.h"
#include "media/gpu/test/video_encoder/video_encoder_test_environment.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
namespace media {
namespace test {
namespace {
// Video encoder tests usage message. Make sure to also update the documentation
// under docs/media/gpu/ when making changes here.
// TODO(dstaessens): Add
constexpr const char* usage_msg =
"usage: video_encode_accelerator_tests\n"
" [-v=<level>] [--vmodule=<config>] [--gtest_help] [--help]\n"
" [<video path>] [<video metadata path>]\n";
// Video encoder tests help message.
constexpr const char* help_msg =
"Run the video encoder accelerator tests on the video specified by\n"
"<video path>. If no <video path> is given the default\n"
"\"bear_320x192_40frames.yuv.webm\" video will be used.\n"
"\nThe <video metadata path> should specify the location of a json file\n"
"containing the video's metadata, such as frame checksums. By default\n"
"<video path>.json will be used.\n"
"\nThe following arguments are supported:\n"
" -v enable verbose mode, e.g. -v=2.\n"
" --vmodule enable verbose mode for the specified module,\n"
" e.g. --vmodule=*media/gpu*=2.\n\n"
" --gtest_help display the gtest help and exit.\n"
" --help display this help and exit.\n";
// Default video to be used if no test video was specified.
constexpr base::FilePath::CharType kDefaultTestVideoPath[] =
media::test::VideoEncoderTestEnvironment* g_env;
// Video encode test class. Performs setup and teardown for each single test.
class VideoEncoderTest : public ::testing::Test {
std::unique_ptr<VideoEncoder> CreateVideoEncoder(
const Video* video,
VideoEncoderClientConfig config = VideoEncoderClientConfig()) {
auto video_encoder = VideoEncoder::Create(config);
return video_encoder;
} // namespace
// TODO(dstaessens): Add more test scenarios:
// - Vary framerate
// - Vary bitrate
// - Flush midstream
// - Forcing key frames
// Encode video from start to end. Wait for the kFlushDone event at the end of
// the stream, that notifies us all frames have been encoded.
TEST_F(VideoEncoderTest, FlushAtEndOfStream) {
VideoEncoderClientConfig config = VideoEncoderClientConfig();
config.framerate = g_env->Video()->FrameRate();
auto encoder = CreateVideoEncoder(g_env->Video(), config);
EXPECT_EQ(encoder->GetFlushDoneCount(), 1u);
EXPECT_EQ(encoder->GetFrameReleasedCount(), g_env->Video()->NumFrames());
} // namespace test
} // namespace media
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
// Set the default test data path.
// Print the help message if requested. This needs to be done before
// initializing gtest, to overwrite the default gtest help message.
base::CommandLine::Init(argc, argv);
const base::CommandLine* cmd_line = base::CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess();
if (cmd_line->HasSwitch("help")) {
std::cout << media::test::usage_msg << "\n" << media::test::help_msg;
return 0;
// Check if a video was specified on the command line.
base::CommandLine::StringVector args = cmd_line->GetArgs();
base::FilePath video_path =
(args.size() >= 1) ? base::FilePath(args[0])
: base::FilePath(media::test::kDefaultTestVideoPath);
base::FilePath video_metadata_path =
(args.size() >= 2) ? base::FilePath(args[1]) : base::FilePath();
// Parse command line arguments.
base::CommandLine::SwitchMap switches = cmd_line->GetSwitches();
for (base::CommandLine::SwitchMap::const_iterator it = switches.begin();
it != switches.end(); ++it) {
if (it->first.find("gtest_") == 0 || // Handled by GoogleTest
it->first == "v" || it->first == "vmodule") { // Handled by Chrome
std::cout << "unknown option: --" << it->first << "\n"
<< media::test::usage_msg;
testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
// Set up our test environment.
media::test::VideoEncoderTestEnvironment* test_environment =
video_path, video_metadata_path, base::FilePath());
if (!test_environment)
media::test::g_env = static_cast<media::test::VideoEncoderTestEnvironment*>(
return RUN_ALL_TESTS();