blob: 7c7d4b465a9c06ca4843bbf39bd25b5d3a5b6ff7 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Chrome OS-specific strings (included from generated_resources.grd).
Everything in this file is wrapped in <if expr="chromeos">. -->
<message name="IDS_EMPTY_STRING" desc="Empty string, exist only to make code generic. No translation required.">
<!-- Application name notification upon idle -->
<message name="IDS_IDLE_APP_NAME_UNKNOWN_APPLICATION_NOTIFICATION" desc="A notification which shows that the name of the running Kiosk application cannot be determined and is probably invalid.">
The application appears to be invalid.
<!-- Per-App Time Limits -->
<message name="IDS_APP_TIME_LIMIT_APP_WILL_PAUSE_SYSTEM_NOTIFICATION_TITLE" desc="PerAppTimeLimit system notification title specifying that the application will pause soon.">
<ph name="APP_NAME">$1<ex>App x</ex></ph> will pause soon
<message name="IDS_APP_TIME_LIMIT_APP_WILL_PAUSE_SYSTEM_NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE" desc="PerAppTimeLimit system notification message specifying that the application will pause in the specified time.">
<ph name="TIME">$1<ex> 5 minutes</ex></ph> left
<message name="IDS_APP_TIME_LIMIT_APP_TIME_LIMIT_SET_SYSTEM_NOTIFICATION_TITLE" desc="PerAppTimeLimit system notification title specifying that the application's time limit has been set by a parent.">
Update from your parent
<message name="IDS_APP_TIME_LIMIT_APP_TIME_LIMIT_SET_SYSTEM_NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE" desc="PerAppTimeLimit system notification message specifying that the application's time limit has been set by a parent.">
<ph name="TIME">$1<ex> 1 hour 30 minutes</ex></ph> time limit set for <ph name="APP_NAME">$2<ex>Gmail</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_APP_TIME_LIMIT_APP_TIME_LIMIT_REMOVED_SYSTEM_NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE" desc="PerAppTimeLimit system notification message specifying that the application's time limit has been removed by parent.">
Time limit removed for <ph name="APP_NAME">$1<ex>Gmail</ex></ph>
<!-- Wallpaper Manager -->
<message name="IDS_WALLPAPER_MANAGER_ALL_CATEGORY_LABEL" desc="Wallpaper category label.">
<message name="IDS_WALLPAPER_MANAGER_DELETE_COMMAND_LABEL" desc="Wallpaper delete command label.">
<message name="IDS_WALLPAPER_MANAGER_MY_IMAGES_CATEGORY_LABEL" desc="Wallpaper category label, the equivalent of the Custom category on the new wallpaper picker.">
My Images
<message name="IDS_WALLPAPER_MANAGER_SELECT_CUSTOM_LABEL" desc="Selects custom wallpaper label.">
Custom Image:
<message name="IDS_WALLPAPER_MANAGER_POSITION_LABEL" desc="Custom wallpaper position label.">
<message name="IDS_WALLPAPER_MANAGER_COLOR_LABEL" desc="Custom wallpaper color label.">
<message name="IDS_WALLPAPER_MANAGER_REFRESH_LABEL" desc="The label of the refresh option in the top bar. Upon click, the wallpaper picker will fetch the online wallpapers again.">
<message name="IDS_WALLPAPER_MANAGER_EXPLORE_LABEL" desc="The label of the explore option in the top bar. Upon click, a link with more information on the selected wallpaper will open.">
<message name="IDS_WALLPAPER_MANAGER_SHOW_CUSTOM_WALLPAPER_ON_START_WARNING" desc="The string displayed to user when set custom wallpaper.">
Wallpapers appear on the Sign-in Screen.
<message name="IDS_WALLPAPER_MANAGER_DAILY_REFRESH_LABEL" desc="Wallpaper daily refresh checkbox label. It is the equivalent of surprise me on the new wallpaper picker.">
Daily Refresh
<message name="IDS_WALLPAPER_MANAGER_NETWORK_ERROR" desc="The string displayed when user can't use wallpaper picker because they're not connected to the internet.">
The images are currently not available. Please reconnect to the internet to see wallpaper collections.
<message name="IDS_WALLPAPER_MANAGER_IMAGE_ERROR" desc="The string displayed to user when downloading the wallpaper failed on the new wallpaper picker.">
There's an error. Please try again by choosing other images.
<message name="IDS_WALLPAPER_MANAGER_DOWNLOAD_CANCEL" desc="The string displayed to user when downloading the wallpaper canceled.">
Download was canceled.
<message name="IDS_WALLPAPER_MANAGER_ACCESS_FILE_FAILURE" desc="The string displayed to user when accessing custom wallpaper on disk failed.">
Chrome cannot access the image.
<message name="IDS_WALLPAPER_MANAGER_INVALID_WALLPAPER" desc="The string displayed to user when user selected wallpaper can not be set as a wallpaper.">
Chrome cannot set wallpaper.
<message name="IDS_WALLPAPER_MANAGER_NO_IMAGES_AVAILABLE" desc="The string displayed to user when there're no local files that can be used as wallpaper.">
No images available
<message name="IDS_WALLPAPER_MANAGER_LAYOUT_CENTER" desc="Label for option to center a customized wallpaper.">
<message name="IDS_WALLPAPER_MANAGER_LAYOUT_CENTER_CROPPED" desc="Label for option to center crop a customized wallpaper.">
Center Cropped
<message name="IDS_WALLPAPER_MANAGER_LAYOUT_STRETCH" desc="Label for option to stretch a customized wallpaper.">
<message name="IDS_WALLPAPER_MANAGER_CURRENTLY_SET_LABEL" desc="The string displayed before the title of the currently set wallpaper.">
Currently set
<message name="IDS_WALLPAPER_MANAGER_CONFIRM_PREVIEW_WALLPAPER_LABEL" desc="Label for the button that confirms setting the preview wallpaper.">
Set Wallpaper
<message name="IDS_WALLPAPER_MANAGER_SET_SUCCESSFULLY_MESSAGE" desc="Message shown to user after setting wallpaper is done.">
Wallpaper set successfully
<message name="IDS_CURRENT_WALLPAPER_SET_BY_MESSAGE" desc="The string displayed to user if the current wallpaper is set by a third party wallpaper app/extension.">
The current wallpaper is set by '<ph name="APP_NAME">$1</ph>'. You may need to uninstall '<ph name="APP_NAME">$1</ph>' before selecting a different wallpaper.
<message name="IDS_DEFAULT_WALLPAPER_ACCESSIBLE_LABEL" desc="Accessibility text read by chromevox when the default wallpaper is focused.">
Default wallpaper
<!-- Zip Archiver -->
<message desc="The product name for Zip Archiver." name="IDS_ZIP_ARCHIVER_NAME">
Zip Archiver
<message desc="The product description, displayed in the Chrome Extensions page." name="IDS_ZIP_ARCHIVER_DESCRIPTION">
Zip Archiver - Open and pack ZIP files in Files app.
<message desc="Title of the password input dialog." name="IDS_ZIP_ARCHIVER_PASSPHRASE_TITLE">
Enter your password
<message desc="Label of the password input field." name="IDS_ZIP_ARCHIVER_PASSPHRASE_INPUT_LABEL">
<message desc="Short name of the password accept button." name="IDS_ZIP_ARCHIVER_PASSPHRASE_ACCEPT">
<message desc="Short name of the password cancel button." name="IDS_ZIP_ARCHIVER_PASSPHRASE_CANCEL">
<message desc="Title for of a checkbox whether the password should be remembered. Please keep it as short." name="IDS_ZIP_ARCHIVER_PASSPHRASE_REMEMBER">
<message desc="Error message when opening an archive fails because of an unknown reason." name="IDS_ZIP_ARCHIVER_OTHER_ERROR_MESSAGE">
The archive format is not supported, or the file is broken.
<message desc="Error message when the Zip Archiver has crashed." name="IDS_ZIP_ARCHIVER_CRASH_ERROR_MESSAGE">
Aw, Snap! The Zip Archiver encountered an error.
<message desc="Message shown when opening an archive takes long time." name="IDS_ZIP_ARCHIVER_MOUNTING_MESSAGE">
Please wait, the archive is being scanned...
<message desc="Message shown when packing an archive takes long time." name="IDS_ZIP_ARCHIVER_PACKING_DEFERRED_MESSAGE">
Please wait...
<message desc="Message shown when packing fails." name="IDS_ZIP_ARCHIVER_PACKING_ERROR_MESSAGE">
Packing failed.
<message desc="Message shown when packing is in progress." name="IDS_ZIP_ARCHIVER_PACKING_PROGRESS_MESSAGE">
Please wait, packing...
<message desc="Label text used to cancel zip operation in progress." name="IDS_ZIP_ARCHIVER_PACKING_CANCEL_BUTTON_LABEL">
<message desc="Message shown when limit of open FSPs reached." name="IDS_ZIP_ARCHIVER_TOO_MANY_OPENED">
Too many file systems opened.
<!-- MultiDevice setup dialog. -->
<message name="IDS_MULTIDEVICE_SETUP_ACCEPT_LABEL" desc="Label for button to accept conditions and begin MultiDevice setup workflow.">
Accept &amp; continue
<message name="IDS_MULTIDEVICE_SETUP_TRY_AGAIN_LABEL" desc="Label for button to retry setup upon failure.">
Try again
<message name="IDS_MULTIDEVICE_SETUP_PASSWORD_PAGE_HEADER" desc="Header for the first page in the multi-device setup flow; the page displays a field in which the user must enter their password to continue.">
Enter your password
<message name="IDS_MULTIDEVICE_SETUP_PASSWORD_PAGE_ENTER_PASSWORD_LABEL" desc="Default text in the field for user to enter their password.">
<message name="IDS_MULTIDEVICE_SETUP_PASSWORD_PAGE_WRONG_PASSWORD_LABEL" desc="Message displayed in the multi-device setup flow when the user has entered an incorrect password.">
Wrong password
<message name="IDS_MULTIDEVICE_SETUP_BACK_LABEL" desc="Label for button to navigate back in MultiDevice setup workflow.">
<message name="IDS_MULTIDEVICE_SETUP_SETUP_SUCCEEDED_PAGE_HEADER" desc="Header for successful setup page.">
All set!
<message name="IDS_MULTIDEVICE_SETUP_SETUP_SUCCEEDED_PAGE_MESSAGE" desc="Message for successful setup page.">
Go to <ph name="LINK_BEGIN">&lt;a id="settings-link"&gt;</ph>Settings<ph name="LINK_END">&lt;/a&gt;</ph> to see options for your connected phone
<message name="IDS_MULTIDEVICE_SETUP_DIALOG_ACCESSIBILITY_TITLE" desc="Accessibility title for the multidevice setup dialog with a '- Dialog' appended to inform screen reader users they are in a dialog. This is a work around to deal with the fact that we cannot annotate the window's role as a dialog another way.">
Connect to your phone - Dialog
<message name="IDS_MULTIDEVICE_SETUP_START_SETUP_PAGE_HEADER" desc="Header for welcome page.">
Connect to your phone
<message name="IDS_MULTIDEVICE_SETUP_START_SETUP_PAGE_MESSAGE" desc="Summary to tell user that they can share their Android's capabilities with their Chrome OS device; includes details on specific features that can be used and a link to an information page">
Your <ph name="DEVICE_TYPE">$1<ex>Chromebook</ex></ph> and Android phone work better together. Connect them so you can text from your computer, share your internet connection, and unlock your <ph name="DEVICE_TYPE">$1<ex>Chromebook</ex></ph> with your phone.<ph name="FOOTNOTE_POINTER">$2<ex>*</ex></ph> <ph name="LINK_BEGIN">&lt;a href="$3<ex></ex>"&gt;</ph>Learn more<ph name="LINK_END">&lt;/a&gt;</ph>
<message name="IDS_MULTIDEVICE_SETUP_START_SETUP_PAGE_FOOTNOTE" desc="Footnote for multi-device feature setup page, which indicates that the exact set of features available to users differs according to the device model used.">
<ph name="FOOTNOTE_POINTER">$1<ex>*</ex></ph>Features vary by device
<message name="IDS_MULTIDEVICE_SETUP_START_SETUP_PAGE_SINGLE_DEVICE_HEADER" desc="Label appearing over the name of an Android phone which this Chromebook can connect to.">
Device detected
<message name="IDS_MULTIDEVICE_SETUP_START_SETUP_PAGE_MULTIPLE_DEVICE_HEADER" desc="Label appearing over a list of Android phones which this Chromebook can connect to.">
Select a device
<message name="IDS_MULTIDEVICE_SETUP_START_SETUP_PAGE_OFFLINE_DEVICE_OPTION" desc="Device name appearing in the list of Android phones indicating
the device is offline.">
<ph name="DEVICE_NAME">$1<ex>Pixel 2</ex></ph> (offline)
<message name="IDS_MULTIDEVICE_SETUP_START_SETUP_PAGE_FEATURE_LIST_HEADER" desc="Header to introduce a list of the features that the user is agreeing to in the multi-device setup.">
When you connect your devices, you agree that your <ph name="DEVICE_TYPE">$1<ex>Chromebook</ex></ph> can:
<message name="IDS_MULTIDEVICE_SETUP_START_SETUP_PAGE_AWM_DESCRIPTION" desc="Description of a feature that shows text messages received by the user's phone as notification on their Chromebook and a link to an information page.">
Send you notifications and default to remembering this computer for Messages. <ph name="LINK_BEGIN">&lt;a href="$1<ex></ex>"&gt;</ph>Learn more<ph name="LINK_END">&lt;/a&gt;</ph>
<message name="IDS_MULTIDEVICE_SETUP_START_SETUP_PAGE_INSTALL_APPS_DESCRIPTION" desc="Tell the user that Better Together can automatically install apps on their Chromebook">
Automatically install apps
<message name="IDS_MULTIDEVICE_SETUP_START_SETUP_PAGE_ADD_FEATURES" desc="Tell the user that Better Together can offer to add new features to that use their phone's connection to their Chromebook">
Offer new features as they become available
<!-- Android Messages notification strings. -->
<message name="IDS_ANDROID_MESSAGES_PAIRING_LOST_NOTIFICATION_TITLE" desc="Title of the notification which alerts the user that they can set up their phones to sync text messages with their Chromebook.">
Pair your phone with Messages
<message name="IDS_ANDROID_MESSAGES_PAIRING_LOST_NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE" desc="Message for the body of the notification which alerts the user that they can set up their phones to sync text messages with their Chromebook.">
Send and receive text messages from your Chromebook
<!-- Update Screen Strings -->
<message name="IDS_CHECKING_FOR_UPDATES" desc="Notification for checking for update">
Checking for updates
<message name="IDS_CHECKING_FOR_UPDATE_MSG" desc="Chrome OS OOBE: message shown during checking for update stage.">
Future software and security updates will install automatically.
<message name="IDS_UPDATE_MSG" desc="Chrome OS OOBE: message shown during update stage.">
Your <ph name="DEVICE_TYPE">$1<ex>Chromebook</ex></ph> will restart after this update. Future software and security updates will install automatically.
<message name="IDS_QUICK_FIX_RELEASE_BUILD" desc="Quick Fix build which is Chrome OS release build displayed string instead of canary/dev/beta.">
<message name="IDS_UPDATE_VERIFYING" desc="Message that the system is verifying an update">
<message name="IDS_UPDATE_FINALIZING" desc="Message that the system is finalizing an update">
<!-- Cellular Setup UI Strings -->
<message name="IDS_CELLULAR_SETUP_BACK_LABEL" desc="Label for button to go to previous screen during cellular setup">
<message name="IDS_CELLULAR_SETUP_FINISH_LABEL" desc="Label for button to finish and exit cellular setup">
<message name="IDS_CELLULAR_SETUP_TRY_AGAIN_LABEL" desc="Label for button to retry a step during cellular setup">
Try again
<message name="IDS_CELLULAR_SETUP_SIM_DETECT_PAGE_TITLE" desc="Title for first screen of cellular setup during which ChromeOS is preparing the cellular device for setup.">
Preparing to setup your cellular device...
<message name="IDS_CELLULAR_SETUP_SIM_DETECT_PAGE_ERROR_TITLE" desc="Title for cellular setup when Chrome OS encounters an error preparing the cellular device for setup.">
We couldn't detect your SIM card
<message name="IDS_CELLULAR_SETUP_SIM_DETECT_PAGE_ERROR_MESSAGE" desc="Message displayed under title in cellular setup when Chrome OS encounters an error preparing the cellular device for setup. Prompts user to insert SIM and try again.">
Please insert your SIM and try again
<message name="IDS_CELLULAR_SETUP_PROVISIONING_PAGE_LOADING_TITLE" desc="Title for cellular setup step which indicates that a connection is in progress to the user's mobile data provider (e.g., Verizon).">
Connecting to <ph name="CARRIER_NAME">$1<ex>Google Fi</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_CELLULAR_SETUP_PROVISIONING_PAGE_ERROR_TITLE" desc="Title for cellular setup step which indicates that the Chromebook was unable to establish a connection to the user's mobile data provider (e.g., Verizon).">
Couldn't connect to <ph name="CARRIER_NAME">$1<ex>Google Fi</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_CELLULAR_SETUP_PROVISIONING_PAGE_ERROR_MESSAGE" desc="Message for the cellular setup step which indicates that the Chromebook was unable to establish a connection to the user's mobile data provider (e.g., Verizon).">
Please try again. For technical support, contact <ph name="CARRIER_NAME">$1<ex>Google Fi</ex></ph>.
<message name="IDS_CELLULAR_SETUP_PROVISIONING_PAGE_ACTIVE_TITLE" desc="Title for cellular setup step which indicates that the Chromebook is in the process of connecting to a mobile network.">
Connect to mobile network
<message name="IDS_CELLULAR_SETUP_FINAL_PAGE_TITLE" desc="Title for the final success screen of cellular setup that tells the user that setup is completed but service is being activated">
Mobile data being activated
<message name="IDS_CELLULAR_SETUP_FINAL_PAGE_MESSAGE" desc="Message displayed under title in final success screen of cellular setup that tells user that service may take a while to activate.">
It might take up to 15 minutes to complete mobile data activation.
<message name="IDS_CELLULAR_SETUP_FINAL_PAGE_ERROR_TITLE" desc="Title for the final screen of cellular setup when ChromeOS encountered an error completing activation">
Could not activate cellular device
<message name="IDS_CELLULAR_SETUP_FINAL_PAGE_ERROR_MESSAGE" desc="Message displayed under title in final screen of cellular setup when ChromeOS encountered an error completing activation.">
An error occured during activation.
<!-- Upgrade notifications -->
<message name="IDS_RELAUNCH_REQUIRED_TITLE_DAYS" desc="The title of a dialog that tells users the device must be restarted within two or more days.">
{0, plural,
=1 {Update device within a day}
other {Update device within # days}}
<message name="IDS_RELAUNCH_REQUIRED_TITLE_HOURS" desc="The title of a dialog that tells users the device must be restarted within one or more hours.">
{0, plural,
=1 {Update device within an hour}
other {Update device within # hours}}
<message name="IDS_RELAUNCH_REQUIRED_TITLE_MINUTES" desc="The title of a dialog that tells users the device must be restarted within one or more minutes.">
{0, plural,
=1 {Update device within 1 minute}
other {Update device within # minutes}}
<message name="IDS_RELAUNCH_REQUIRED_TITLE_SECONDS" desc="The title of a dialog that tells users the device must be restarted within some number of seconds.">
{0, plural,
=0 {Update device now}
=1 {Update device within 1 second}
other {Update device within # seconds}}
<message name="IDS_RELAUNCH_REQUIRED_BODY" desc="The body text of a dialog that tells users the device must be restarted.">
<ph name="organization_name">$1<ex></ex></ph> requires you to update this device before the deadline.
<message name="IDS_RELAUNCH_RECOMMENDED_TITLE" desc="The title of a dialog that tells users that a device restart is recommended for an update.">
Update available
<message name="IDS_RELAUNCH_RECOMMENDED_OVERDUE_TITLE" desc="The title of a dialog that tells users that a device restart had been recommended for an update.">
Update overdue
<message name="IDS_RELAUNCH_RECOMMENDED_BODY" desc="The body text of a dialog that tells users the device must be restarted.">
<ph name="organization_name">$1<ex></ex></ph> recommends that you update this device.
<message name="IDS_RELAUNCH_RECOMMENDED_OVERDUE_BODY" desc="The body text of a dialog that tells users the device must be restarted right now.">
<ph name="organization_name">$1<ex></ex></ph> requires you to update this device immediately.
<!-- Chrome OS Strings -->
<message name="IDS_ECHO_CONSENT_DIALOG_TEXT" desc="Dialog text shown when user is asked to give consent to proceed with redeeming an ECHO offer.">
<ph name="SERVICE_NAME">$1<ex>Google Drive</ex></ph> wants to check if you are using an eligible Chrome OS device.
<message name="IDS_ECHO_DISABLED_CONSENT_DIALOG_TEXT" desc="Dialog text shown when user is informed that redeeming offers is disabled for the device.">
Your IT administrator has disabled Chrome Goodies for your device.
<message name="IDS_ECHO_CONSENT_DISMISS_BUTTON" desc="Dismiss dialog button label for disabled echo dialog.">
Got it
<message name="IDS_OFFERS_CONSENT_INFOBAR_ENABLE_BUTTON" desc="Enable button label.">
<message name="IDS_OFFERS_CONSENT_INFOBAR_DISABLE_BUTTON" desc="Disable button label.">
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_CONFIG_ERROR_INCORRECT_PASSWORD" desc="Error for network configuration: Incorrect password.">
Incorrect password
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_CONFIG_ERROR_NETWORK_TYPE_MISSING" desc="Error for network configuration: Network type missing.">
Network type missing
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_CONFIG_ERROR_NETWORK_PROP_DICT_MALFORMED" desc="Error for network configuration: Network property dictionary malformed.">
Network property dictionary malformed
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_ENROLLMENT_HANDLER_TITLE" desc="Title of the window for generating a new network certificate.">
Obtain network certificate
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_ENROLLMENT_HANDLER_INSTRUCTIONS" desc="Text in the window used for generating a new network certificate.">
The certificate required by network "<ph name="network_name">$1<ex>My Wireless</ex></ph>" is either not installed or is no longer valid. Please get a new certificate and try connecting again.
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_ENROLLMENT_HANDLER_BUTTON" desc="Text of the accept button for generating a new network certificate.">
Get new certificate
<message name="IDS_UPDATE_AVAILABLE" desc="Notification for available update">
System update available. Preparing to download&#x2026;
<message name="IDS_UPDATE_COMPLETED" desc="Notification for update completed">
System update complete. Please restart the system.
<message name="IDS_DOWNLOADING" desc="The format for ETA during the update downloading stage">
Downloading: <ph name="STATUS">$1<ex>Less than 1 minute left</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_DOWNLOADING_TIME_LEFT_LONG" desc="The status text for downloading estimated time left, when estimated time is more than one hour">
More than 1 hour left
<message name="IDS_DOWNLOADING_TIME_LEFT_STATUS_ONE_HOUR" desc="The status text for downloading estimated time when about one hour remaining.">
About 1 hour left
<message name="IDS_DOWNLOADING_TIME_LEFT_STATUS_MINUTES" desc="The status text for downloading estimated time left in minutes. In the localized version instead of |minutes| some abbreviation like |mins| should be used.">
About <ph name="TIME">$1<ex>2</ex></ph> minutes left
<message name="IDS_DOWNLOADING_TIME_LEFT_SMALL" desc="The status text for downloading estimated time left, when estimated time is less than one minute">
Less than 1 minute left
<message name="IDS_DRIVE_OFFLINE_NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE" desc="Message shown in notification when Google Drive offline mode is automatically enabled.">
Your Docs, Sheets, Slides, and Drawings files are being synced. Open the Google Drive app to access them online or offline.
<message name="IDS_DRIVE_OFFLINE_NOTIFICATION_BUTTON" desc="Label on button in notification when Google Drive offline mode is automatically enabled.">
Learn More
<message name="IDS_UPDATE_CANCEL" desc="Message telling to press Escape to cancel update on a non-official build">
Press ESCAPE to skip (Non-official builds only).
<message name="IDS_UPDATE_CANCELLED" desc="Message shown when the update has been cancelled by user">
Cancelling update...
<message name="IDS_UPDATE_OVER_CELLULAR_PROMPT_TITLE" desc="Title for the dialog shown to the user in Chrome OS OOBE before forced auto-update is attempted if the Chrome OS device is connected to a cellular/metered network. The dialog warns the user that procceeding with OOBE on a mobile network can cause overage charges.">
Your <ph name="DEVICE_TYPE">$1<ex>Chromebook</ex></ph> needs an update
<message name="IDS_UPDATE_OVER_CELLULAR_PROMPT_MESSAGE" desc="Contens of the dialog shown to the user in Chrome OS OOBE before forced auto-update is attempted if the Chrome OS device is connected to a cellular/metered network. The dialog warns the user that procceeding with OOBE on a mobile network can cause overage charges. The dialog title states that the Chromebook needs an update.">
If you download the update over your mobile network, it could result in overage charges.
<message name="IDS_REMORA_CONFIRM_MESSAGE" desc="Remora confirm message on the first OOBE screen">
Your Hangouts Meet hardware is ready to be set up.
<message name="IDS_WELCOME_SCREEN_GREETING" desc="Greeting message on the OOBE welcome screen">
<message name="IDS_OOBE_ADVANCED_OPTIONS_SCREEN_TITLE" desc="Screen title on the Chrome OS OOBE (first run) Advanced options screen">
Advanced options
<message name="IDS_OOBE_ADVANCED_OPTIONS_CFM_SETUP_TITLE" desc="Title of the button that triggers Chromebox for Meetings device mode on the Chrome OS OOBE (first run UI) Advanced options screen">
Set up as Chromebox for meetings
<message name="IDS_OOBE_ADVANCED_OPTIONS_CFM_SETUP_SUBTITLE" desc="Subtitle of the button that trigers Chromebox for Meetings device mode on the Chrome OS OOBE (first run UI) Advanced options screen">
Enroll device for video conferencing
<message name="IDS_OOBE_ADVANCED_OPTIONS_DEVICE_REQUISITION_TITLE" desc="Title of the button that triggers Device requisition device setup mode on the Chrome OS OOBE (first run UI) Advanced options screen">
Device requisition
<message name="IDS_OOBE_ADVANCED_OPTIONS_DEVICE_REQUISITION_SUBTITLE" desc="Subtitle of the button that trigers Device requisition device setup mode on the Chrome OS OOBE (first run UI) Advanced options screen">
Add requisition ID to this device
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_PROXY_SETTINGS_LIST_ITEM_NAME" desc="OOBE network screen list entry that opens proxy settings dialog">
Proxy settings
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_ADD_WI_FI_LIST_ITEM_NAME" desc="OOBE network screen list entry that opens 'Add New WiFi Network' dialog">
Add other WiFi network
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_OFFLINE_DEMO_SETUP_LIST_ITEM_NAME" desc="OOBE network screen list entry that starts offline demo mode setup">
Offline demo mode
<message name="IDS_AUTOSTART_WARNING_TITLE" desc="Title of the kiosk autostart screen">
Auto-launch permission requested
<message name="IDS_KIOSK_AUTOSTART_SCREEN_WARNING_MSG" desc="Warning text shown on kiosk autolaunch screen above the exclamation icon.">
Do you want to automatically start this app when the machine turns on?
<message name="IDS_KIOSK_AUTOSTART_CONFIRM" desc="Confirm button text">
<message name="IDS_KIOSK_ENABLE_SCREEN_WARNING" desc="Title of the kiosk enable screen">
Automatic Kiosk Mode
<message name="IDS_KIOSK_ENABLE_SCREEN_WARNING_DETAILS" desc="Warning text shown on kiosk auto-launch enable screen above the exclamation icon.">
Enabling this setting allows kiosk applications to launch automatically on startup.
<message name="IDS_KIOSK_ENABLE_SCREEN_SUCCESS" desc="Confirmation text shown on kiosk auto-launch enable screen after the feature is successfully enabled.">
Kiosk applications can now be configured to auto-launch on this device.
<message name="IDS_KIOSK_ENABLE_SCREEN_ERROR" desc="Error text shown on kiosk enable screen after we failed enabling this feature.">
An error occurred. Kiosk application will not be able to auto-launch on this device.
<message name="IDS_KIOSK_ENABLE_SCREEN_ENABLE_BUTTON" desc="Enable button text">
<message name="IDS_RESET_SCREEN_TITLE" desc="Title of the reset screen">
Factory reset
<message name="IDS_RESET_SCREEN_ICON_TITLE" desc="Accessible title of the reset screen icon depicting exclamation mark.">
Exclamation mark icon
<message name="IDS_RESET_SCREEN_ILLUSTRATION_TITLE" desc="Accessible title of the reset screen illustration depicting powerwash.">
Powerwash illustration
<message name="IDS_UPDATING_SCREEN_TITLE" desc="Title of the OOBE screen displayed while system update is being dowloaded.">
<message name="IDS_UPDATE_SCREEN_ACCESSIBLE_TITLE" desc="Title to be spoken on opening the OOBE update screen">
Chrome updates automatically so you always have the freshest version
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_GAIA_LOADING_MESSAGE" desc="Message on the OOBE gaia loading screen">
Please wait...
<message name="IDS_ENTERPRISE_ENROLLMENT_WORKING_MESSAGE" desc="Message to show while enrollment is in progress">
Enrolling device...
<message name="IDS_OOBE_ASSET_ID_LABEL" desc="Chrome OS OOBE: label for asset identifier.">
Asset ID: <ph name="ASSET_ID">$1<ex>None specified</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_LANGUAGE_SELECTION_SELECT" desc="Label for language selection dropdown">
Select your language:
<message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_SELECTION_SELECT" desc="Label for keyboard selection dropdown">
Select your keyboard:
<message name="IDS_HID_DETECTION_INVITATION_TEXT" desc="Text shown on top of HID detection screen inviting user to connect an input device.">
Searching for Bluetooth and USB devices...
<message name="IDS_HID_DETECTION_PRECONDITION_TEXT" desc="Text shown on HID detection screen beneath invitation.">
Please connect a mouse or a keyboard. If you are using a Bluetooth device, make sure it is ready to pair.
<message name="IDS_HID_DETECTION_SEARCHING_MOUSE" desc="Text shown on HID detection screen next to mouse icon while device searching.">
Searching for mouse...
<message name="IDS_HID_DETECTION_SEARCHING_KEYBOARD" desc="Text shown on HID detection screen next to keyboard icon while device searching.">
Searching for keyboard...
<message name="IDS_HID_DETECTION_CONNECTED_USB_MOUSE" desc="Text shown on HID detection screen next to mouse icon after USB mouse is connected.">
USB mouse connected
<message name="IDS_HID_DETECTION_CONNECTED_POINTING_DEVICE" desc="Text shown on HID detection screen next to mouse icon after other pointing device is connected.">
Pointing device connected
<message name="IDS_HID_DETECTION_CONNECTED_USB_KEYBOARD" desc="Text shown on HID detection screen next to keyboard icon after USB keyboard is connected.">
USB keyboard connected
<message name="IDS_HID_DETECTION_PAIRED_BLUETOOTH_MOUSE" desc="Text shown on HID detection screen next to mouse icon after Bluetooth mouse is connected.">
Bluetooth mouse paired
<message name="IDS_HID_DETECTION_PAIRED_BLUETOOTH_KEYBOARD" desc="Text shown on HID detection screen next to keyboard icon after Bluetooth keyboard is connected.">
"<ph name="DEVICE_NAME">$1<ex>Bluetooth Keyboard</ex></ph>" paired
<message name="IDS_HID_DETECTION_PAIRING_BLUETOOTH_KEYBOARD" desc="Bluetooth pairing message displayed on HID detection screen when pairing a Bluetooth keyboard.">
Pairing with "<ph name="DEVICE_NAME">$1<ex>Nexus S</ex></ph>" ...
<message name="IDS_HID_DETECTION_PAIRING_BLUETOOTH_KEYBOARD_PIN_DIALOG_TITLE" desc="Dialog title for PIN input on HID detection screen when pairing a Bluetooth keyboard.">
Pair with "<ph name="DEVICE_NAME">$1<ex>Nexus S</ex></ph>"?
<message name="IDS_HID_DETECTION_BLUETOOTH_PAIRING_CODE" desc="Bluetooth pairing code inside the PIN input dialog on the HID detection screen.">
Bluetooth pairing code:
<message name="IDS_HID_DETECTION_BLUETOOTH_PAIRING_CODE_EXPLANATION" desc="Explanation to the user on how to type in the PIN while connecting to a bluetooth keyboard on the HID detection screen.">
Type the bluetooth pairing code then press Return or Enter.
<message name="IDS_HID_DETECTION_DEFAULT_KEYBOARD_NAME" desc="Default keyboard name used at HID-detection labels and messages at HID-detection OOBE screen.">
Unknown keyboard
<message name="IDS_HID_DETECTION_BLUETOOTH_ENTER_KEY" meaning="Label on the button representing Enter key at the HID detection screen.">
<message name="IDS_HID_DETECTION_CONTINUE_BUTTON" desc="Text shown on continue button" meaning="Continue button label of HID detection screen.">
<message name="IDS_WELCOME_SELECTION_CONTINUE_BUTTON" desc="Text shown on continue button" meaning="Continue button label of welcome screen.">
<message name="IDS_WELCOME_ENABLE_DEV_FEATURES_LINK" desc="Link shown on welcome screen" meaning="Link shown on OOBE screens that opens enable debugging features dialog">
Enable debugging features
<message name="IDS_LANGUAGE_DROPDOWN_TITLE" desc="Title of language selection dropdown menu" meaning="Small title near language dropdown menu suggesting that this is a language selector.">
<message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_DROPDOWN_TITLE" desc="Title of keyboard selection dropdown menu" meaning="Small title near keyboard dropdown menu suggesting that this is a keyboard layout selector.">
<message name="IDS_COUNTRY_DROPDOWN_TITLE" desc="Title of country selection dropdown menu" meaning="Small title near country dropdown menu suggesting that this is a country selector.">
<message name="IDS_OOBE_WELCOME_NEXT_BUTTON_TEXT" desc="Text on 'Start to use Chrome OS' button" meaning="This is the text label displayed on the 'Next' button for the first Chrome OS initial device setup screen ('Welcome screen').">
Let's go
<message name="IDS_OOBE_OK_BUTTON_TEXT" desc="Text on 'OK' button" meaning="This is 'OK' text for all 'OK' buttons on Chrome OS initial device setup screens.">
<message name="IDS_LANGUAGE_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Navigation label attached to the 'Select Language' button on Chrome OS initial device setup screen" meaning="The button itself displays only current language name. But for accessibility mode we need full description of this button. So this label suggests that pressing on a button will allow to change current language and input method. And it should also include the name of currently selected language.">
Select language and keyboard button. Currently selected language is <ph name="LANGUAGE">$1<ex>English (United States)</ex></ph>.
<message name="IDS_LANGUAGE_SECTION_TITLE" desc="Title of language selection screen" meaning="A title of the dialog where user should select Chrome OS UI language and default keyboard layout during initial device setup.">
Choose your language &amp; keyboard
<message name="IDS_ACCESSIBILITY_SECTION_TITLE" desc="Title of accessibility options screen" meaning="A title of the dialog where user can control Chrome OS UI accessibility (like large cursor or screen reader) options during initial device setup.">
Accessibility settings
<message name="IDS_ACCESSIBILITY_SECTION_HINT" desc="Under-title line on the accessibility options screen" meaning="A hint to the user what these settings do and how to update them later.">
You can customize this device to fit your needs. These accessibility features can be changed later in Settings.
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_SELECTION_TITLE" desc="Title of network selection screen" meaning="A title of the dialog where user should select network to connect to Internet">
Connect to network
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_SELECTION_HINT" desc="Under-title line on the network selection screen" meaning="A hint to the user why device should be connected to the network">
To restore your data, connect to the internet
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_SELECTION_ERROR" desc="Error shown when connection to network failed or timed out.">
<ph name="PRODUCT_NAME">$1<ex>Chrome OS</ex></ph> was unable to connect to <ph name="NETWORK_ID">$2<ex>Public Wifi</ex></ph>. Please select another network or try again.
<message name="IDS_OOBE_ACCESSIBILITY_LINK" desc="Link shown on OOBE screens that opens accessibility options menu.">
<message name="IDS_OOBE_SPOKEN_FEEDBACK_OPTION" desc="Spoken feedback option shown on OOBE screens accessibility menu.">
ChromeVox (spoken feedback)
<message name="IDS_A11Y_SETTING_TOGGLE_OPTION_OFF" desc="A value for an accessibility toggle option when it is off.">
<message name="IDS_A11Y_SETTING_TOGGLE_OPTION_ON" desc="A value for an accessibility toggle option when it is on.">
<message name="IDS_OOBE_SELECT_TO_SPEAK_OPTION" desc="Select to Speak option shown on OOBE screens accessibility menu.">
Select to speak
<message name="IDS_OOBE_LARGE_CURSOR_OPTION" desc="Large mouse cursor option shown on OOBE screens accessibility menu.">
Large mouse cursor
<message name="IDS_LARGE_CURSOR_OPTION_OFF" desc="A value for Large Mouse Cursor accessibility option when it is off.">
<message name="IDS_LARGE_CURSOR_OPTION_ON" desc="A value for Large Mouse Cursor accessibility option when it is on.">
<message name="IDS_OOBE_HIGH_CONTRAST_MODE_OPTION" desc="High contrast mode option shown on OOBE screens accessibility menu.">
High contrast mode
<message name="IDS_OOBE_SCREEN_MAGNIFIER_OPTION" desc="Screen magnifier option shown on OOBE screens accessibility menu.">
Screen magnifier
<message name="IDS_OOBE_DOCKED_MAGNIFIER_OPTION" desc="Docked magnifier option shown on OOBE screens accessibility menu.">
Docked magnifier
<message name="IDS_OOBE_VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD_OPTION" desc="Virtual keyboard option shown on the OOBE screens accessibility menu.">
On-screen keyboard
<message name="IDS_OOBE_CLOSE_ACCESSIBILITY_MENU" desc="Text to be spoken when focus is set to the close button of accessibility options menu.">
Close accessibility menu
<message name="IDS_LANGUAGE_DROPDOWN_LABEL" desc="Navigation label attached to the 'List of languages' dropdown menu on Chrome OS Language and keyboard initial device setup screen" meaning="The menu itself displays only current language name. But for accessibility mode we need full description of this menu. So this label suggests that activating a menu will allow to change current language.">
Select language
<message name="IDS_KEYBOARD_DROPDOWN_LABEL" desc="Navigation label attached to the 'List of keyboards' dropdown menu on Chrome OS Language and keyboard initial device setup screen" meaning="The menu itself displays only current keyboard layout name. But for accessibility mode we need full description of this menu. So this label suggests that activating a menu will allow to change current input method.">
Select keyboard
<message name="IDS_COUNTRY_DROPDOWN_LABEL" desc="Navigation label attached to the 'List of countries' dropdown menu on Chrome OS Demo Mode setup screen" meaning="The menu itself displays only current country name. But for accessibility mode we need full description of this menu. So this label suggests that activating a menu will allow to change current country.">
Select country
<message name="IDS_OOBE_OTHER_LANGUAGES" desc="Option group name dividing vendor-configured languages from other available languages in out-of-box 'Select language' select control.">
Other languages
<message name="IDS_OOBE_OTHER_KEYBOARD_LAYOUTS" desc="Option group name dividing vendor-configured keyboard layouts from other available layouts in out-of-box 'Select your keyboard' select control.">
Other keyboards
<message name="IDS_TIMEZONE_BUTTON_TEXT" desc="Label on a button that opens timezone selection screen" meaning="Label on a button that opens timezone selection screen during initial device configuration">
<message name="IDS_TIMEZONE_SECTION_TITLE" desc="Title of timezone selection screen" meaning="A title of the dialog where user should select device timezone during initial device configuration">
Select timezone
<message name="IDS_TIMEZONE_DROPDOWN_TITLE" desc="Title of timezone selection dropdown menu" meaning="Small title near timezone dropdown menu suggesting that this is a timezone selector.">
<message name="IDS_TIMEZONE_DROPDOWN_LABEL" desc="Navigation label attached to the 'List of timezones' dropdown menu on Chrome OS Timezone initial device setup screen" meaning="The menu itself displays only current timezone name. But for accessibility mode we need full description of this menu. So this label suggests that activating a menu will allow to change current timezone.">
Select timezone
<message name="IDS_OOBE_EULA_SECTION_TITLE" desc="Title of Terms of Service screen">
Google universal Terms of Service (uToS)
<message name="IDS_OOBE_EULA_IFRAME_LABEL" desc="Accessibility label on an iframe with full Chrome OS Terms text">
Google Chrome OS Terms contents
<message name="IDS_OOBE_EULA_ADDITIONAL_TERMS" desc="Text of the Link to Google Chrome and Chrome OS additional terms">
Google Chrome and Chrome OS Additional Terms
<message name="IDS_OOBE_EULA_ACCEPT_AND_CONTINUE_BUTTON_TEXT" desc="Label on a button on the Title of Terms of Service OOBE screen to accept EULA and continue.">
Accept and continue
<!-- Strings for the OOBE packaged license screen -->
<message name="IDS_OOBE_PACKAGED_LICENSE_TITLE" desc="Title of the screen which advertises use of packaged license.">
Enroll your device
<message name="IDS_OOBE_PACKGED_LICENSE_SUBTITLE_P1" desc="Paragraph 1 of subtitle of the packaged license screen.">
This Chromebook Enterprise device comes bundled with the Chrome Enterprise Upgrade. To take advantage of the enterprise capabilities, enroll this device with a Google admin account.
<message name="IDS_OOBE_PACKGED_LICENSE_SUBTITLE_P2" desc="Paragraph 2 of subtitle of the packaged license screen.">
Visit if you need to create a new account.
<message name="IDS_OOBE_PACKAGED_LICENSE_ENROLL_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="The label of the button that leads to enrollment screen.">
<message name="IDS_OOBE_PACKAGED_LICENSE_DONT_ENROLL_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="The label of the button that leads to login screen.">
Don't enroll
<!-- Strings for the OOBE demo setup flow -->
<message name="IDS_OOBE_DEMO_SETUP_PREFERENCES_SCREEN_TITLE" desc="The title of the dialog that allows to choose demo setup preferences.">
Choose your demo preferences
<message name="IDS_OOBE_DEMO_SETUP_PREFERENCES_SCREEN_NEXT_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="The label of the button that is shown on preferences screen and that confirms chosen configuration and shows next demo setup screen.">
<message name="IDS_OOBE_DEMO_SETUP_PROGRESS_SCREEN_TITLE" desc="The title of the dialog that is shown when demo mode setup is in progress.">
Starting Demo Mode
<message name="IDS_OOBE_DEMO_SETUP_ERROR_SCREEN_TITLE" desc="The title of the dialog that is shown when demo mode setup failed.">
Couldn't start demo mode
<message name="IDS_OOBE_DEMO_SETUP_ERROR_SCREEN_RETRY_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="The label of the button that is shown on error screen and that retries demo mode setup with the previously chosen configuration.">
<!-- Demo setup progress steps -->
<message name="IDS_OOBE_DEMO_SETUP_PROGRESS_STEP_DOWNLOAD" desc="List item shown when demo resources are being downloaded">
Downloading Resources
<message name="IDS_OOBE_DEMO_SETUP_PROGRESS_STEP_ENROLL" desc="List item shown when enterprise enrolling for demo mode">
Enrolling in Demo Mode
<!-- Demo setup flow errors -->
<message name="IDS_DEMO_SETUP_OFFLINE_POLICY_ERROR" desc="Error message shown on demo setup screen when loading or parsing offline policy failed.">
Could not read offline demo mode policy.
<message name="IDS_DEMO_SETUP_OFFLINE_STORE_ERROR" desc="Error message shown on demo setup screen when loading or parsing offline policy failed.">
Failed to install offline policy on the device.
<message name="IDS_DEMO_SETUP_OFFLINE_UNAVAILABLE_ERROR" desc="Error message shown on demo setup screen when offline demo mode is not available on the device.">
This device cannot be set up in offline demo mode.
<message name="IDS_DEMO_SETUP_COMPONENT_ERROR" desc="Error message shown on demo setup screen when loading online component with demo resources failed.">
Could not load online component with demo mode resources.
<message name="IDS_DEMO_SETUP_NO_STATE_KEYS_ERROR" desc="Error message shown on demo setup screen when the system failed to determine server-backed state keys.">
The system failed to determine device identifiers for this device.
<message name="IDS_DEMO_SETUP_ROBOT_ERROR" desc="Error message shown on demo setup screen upon failure to fetch the OAuth2 token for device-level API access.">
The system failed to authorize API access for this device.
<message name="IDS_DEMO_SETUP_ROBOT_STORE_ERROR" desc="Error message shown on demo setup screen upon failure to store the OAuth2 refresh token for device-level API access.">
The system failed to store the long-term API access token for this device.
<message name="IDS_DEMO_SETUP_BAD_MODE_ERROR" desc="Error message shown on demo setup screen upon receiving a bad mode on device registration.">
The supplied enrollment mode is not supported by this version of the operating system. Please make sure you are running the newest version.
<message name="IDS_DEMO_SETUP_CERT_FETCH_ERROR" desc="Error message shown when a registration certificate could not be obtained.">
A registration certificate could not be obtained.
<message name="IDS_DEMO_SETUP_POLICY_FETCH_ERROR" desc="Error message shown on demo setup screen upon a failed policy fetch.">
Error when fetching policy from the server.
<message name="IDS_DEMO_SETUP_POLICY_VALIDATION_ERROR" desc="Error message shown on demo setup screen upon a failure to validate downloaded policy.">
The policy downloaded from the server is invalid.
<message name="IDS_DEMO_SETUP_LOCK_TIMEOUT_ERROR" desc="Error message shown on demo setup screen when the initialization of the lockbox is taking too long.">
The initialization of the installation-time attributes has timed out.
<message name="IDS_DEMO_SETUP_LOCK_ERROR" desc="Error message shown on demo setup screen upon failure to lock the device mode.">
The system failed to establish the device installation-time attributes lock.
<message name="IDS_DEMO_SETUP_ALREADY_LOCKED_ERROR" desc="Error message shown on demo setup screen when device is already locked with different domain or mode.">
This device was locked to different domain or mode.
<message name="IDS_DEMO_SETUP_ONLINE_STORE_ERROR" desc="Error message shown on demo setup screen when the installation of the policy on the device failed.">
Failed to install policy on the device.
<message name="IDS_DEMO_SETUP_NO_MACHINE_IDENTIFICATION_ERROR" desc="Error message shown on demo setup screen when the system failed to determine the device model or serial number.">
The system failed to determine device model or serial number.
<message name="IDS_DEMO_SETUP_DM_TOKEN_STORE_ERROR" desc="Error message shown on demo setup screen when the system failed to save some part of the device configuration. e.g. token from the device management server.">
The system failed to save device configuration.
<message name="IDS_DEMO_SETUP_UNEXPECTED_ERROR" desc="Error message to show shown on demo setup screen when there is an fatal/unexpected error.">
Oops! Something went wrong while setting up demo mode.
<message name="IDS_DEMO_SETUP_INVALID_REQUEST_ERROR" desc="Error message to show on demo setup screen when request issued to DMServer was invalid.">
A problem with demo registration request occurred.
<message name="IDS_DEMO_SETUP_NETWORK_ERROR" desc="Error message to show on demo setup screen when network error occurred.">
Network error occurred.
<message name="IDS_DEMO_SETUP_TEMPORARY_ERROR" desc="Error message to show on demo setup screen when temporary error occurred.">
Temporary server error occurred.
<message name="IDS_DEMO_SETUP_RESPONSE_ERROR" desc="Error message to show on demo setup screen when management service sent an abnormal HTTP code.">
Management service sent HTTP error.
<message name="IDS_DEMO_SETUP_RESPONSE_DECODING_ERROR" desc="Error message to show on demo setup screen when decoding management server response failed.">
A problem occurred when decoding server response.
<message name="IDS_DEMO_SETUP_ACCOUNT_ERROR" desc="Error message to show on demo setup screen when there is a problem with the demo mode account.">
A problem with demo mode account occurred.
<message name="IDS_DEMO_SETUP_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND_ERROR" desc="Error message to show on demo setup screen when management service could not find the device.">
Missing device record.
<message name="IDS_DEMO_SETUP_INVALID_DM_TOKEN_ERROR" desc="Error message to show on demo setup screen when device management token is invalid.">
Device management token is invalid.
<message name="IDS_DEMO_SETUP_INVALID_SERIAL_NUMBER_ERROR" desc="Error message to show on demo setup screen when provided serial number is invalid.">
Device serial number is invalid.
<message name="IDS_DEMO_SETUP_DEVICE_ID_ERROR" desc="Error message to show on demo setup screen in case of conflicting device id.">
Conflicting device identifier.
<message name="IDS_DEMO_SETUP_LICENSE_ERROR" desc="Error message to show on demo setup screen when the demo domain has expired or exhausted licenses.">
A problem with demo mode device licenses occurred.
<message name="IDS_DEMO_SETUP_DEPROVISIONED_ERROR" desc="Error message to show on demo setup screen when enrollment fails because device has been deprovisioned on the server side.">
This demo device has been placed into a deprovisioned state.
<message name="IDS_DEMO_SETUP_DOMAIN_MISMATCH_ERROR" desc="Error message shown on demo setup screen when the device belongs to the domain different than demo mode.">
This device is marked for management by a different domain. Deprovision it from that domain before setting up demo mode.
<message name="IDS_DEMO_SETUP_SIGNING_ERROR" desc="Error message shown on demo setup screen when failure to sign request occurred.">
Request could not be signed.
<message name="IDS_DEMO_SETUP_POLICY_NOT_FOUND_ERROR" desc="Error message shown on demo setup screen when management server failed to find the policy to be applied to the device.">
Policy not found.
<message name="IDS_DEMO_SETUP_ARC_ERROR" desc="Error message shown when ARC is disabled.">
A problem with ARC++ occurred.
<!-- Demo setup error recovery suggestions -->
<message name="IDS_DEMO_SETUP_RECOVERY_RETRY" desc="Error recovery recommendation to retry demo setup. Shown on demo setup screen.">
Please try again.
<message name="IDS_DEMO_SETUP_RECOVERY_REBOOT" desc="Error recovery recommendation to reboot and retry demo setup. Shown on demo setup screen.">
Please reboot the device and try again.
<message name="IDS_DEMO_SETUP_RECOVERY_POWERWASH" desc="Error recovery recommendation to powerwash and retry demo setup. Shown on demo setup screen.">
Please powerwash the device and try again.
<message name="IDS_DEMO_SETUP_RECOVERY_CHECK_NETWORK" desc="Error recovery recommendation to check network and retry demo setup. Shown on demo setup screen.">
Please check your network connection and try again.
<message name="IDS_DEMO_SETUP_RECOVERY_OFFLINE_FATAL" desc="Error recovery recommendation to contact support. Shown on demo setup screen.">
This device might be only eligible for online demo mode. Please contact your support representative for more details.
<message name="IDS_DEMO_SETUP_RECOVERY_FATAL" desc="Error recovery recommendation to contact support. Shown on demo setup screen.">
Please retry. If you see this error again please contact your support representative.
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_SYNC_CONSENT_SCREEN_TITLE" desc="The title of the dialog that welcomes the user on the first log in, and explains Chrome Sync and privacy options.">
You're signed in!
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_SYNC_CONSENT_SCREEN_OS_SYNC_NAME" desc="Title of the 'Settings sync' section of the sync confirmation dialog that is displayed on the first user log in.">
Settings sync
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_SYNC_CONSENT_SCREEN_OS_SYNC_DESCRIPTION" desc="Description of 'Settings sync' section of the sync confirmation dialog that is displayed on the first user log in.">
Your apps, settings, and other customizations will sync across all Chrome OS devices signed in with your Google Account.
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_SYNC_CONSENT_SCREEN_CHROME_SYNC_NAME" desc="Title of the 'Chrome sync' section of the sync confirmation dialog that is displayed on the first user log in.">
Chrome sync
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_SYNC_CONSENT_SCREEN_CHROME_SYNC_DESCRIPTION" desc="The description of 'Chrome sync' section of the sync confirmation dialog that is displayed on the first user log in.">
Your bookmarks, history, passwords, and other settings will be synced to your Google Account so you can use them on all your devices.
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_SYNC_CONSENT_SCREEN_PERSONALIZE_GOOGLE_SERVICES_NAME" desc="Title of the personalize services section of the sync confirmation dialog that is displayed on the first user log in.">
Personalize Google services
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_SYNC_CONSENT_SCREEN_PERSONALIZE_GOOGLE_SERVICES_DESCRIPTION" desc="The description of how services personalization works and a URL to configure personalization settings in Google user profile.">
Google may use your browsing history to personalize Search, ads, and other Google services. You can change this anytime at
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_SYNC_CONSENT_SCREEN_REVIEW_SYNC_OPTIONS_LATER" desc="The label to the checkbox explaining that when checked, it will trigger user settings screen opened after session start.">
Review sync options following setup
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_SYNC_CONSENT_SCREEN_REVIEW_BROWSER_SYNC_OPTIONS" desc="Label for the checkbox that will open browser sync settings after session start.">
Review browser sync options following setup
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_SYNC_CONSENT_SCREEN_ACCEPT_AND_CONTINUE" desc="The label on the button that closes dialog while accepting the selected settings.">
Accept and continue
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_OS_SYNC_CONSENT_TITLE" desc="OS sync consent screen dialog title/header">
Sync for a personalized experience across devices
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_OS_SYNC_CONSENT_TOGGLE_NAME" desc="Label for the toggle button that enables OS sync">
Sync my <ph name="DEVICE_TYPE">$1<ex>Chromebook</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_OS_SYNC_CONSENT_TOGGLE_DESCRIPTION" desc="Description for the toggle button that enables OS sync">
Your apps, settings, and Wi-Fi preferences will be synced. To make changes, go to Settings at any time after setup.
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_OS_SYNC_CONSENT_CONTINUE" desc="Button label for OS sync consent screen.">
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_RECOMMEND_APPS_SCREEN_TITLE" desc="The title of the dialog that recommend apps which user has installed in other devices">
Install apps from your other devices
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_RECOMMEND_APPS_SCREEN_DESCRIPTION" desc="The description of the 'Recommend Apps' section">
We found <ph name="NUMBER_OF_APPS">$1<ex>10</ex></ph> apps from your account that can be used on this device.
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_RECOMMEND_APPS_SKIP" desc="The label on the button that skips installing any recommended apps">
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_RECOMMEND_APPS_INSTALL" desc="The label on the button that installs the user selected apps">
Install &#38; continue
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_RECOMMEND_APPS_SCREEN_LOADING" desc="Message shown while the recommended app list is being downloaded.">
Please wait...
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_APP_DOWNLOADING_SCREEN_TITLE_SINGULAR" desc="The title of the dialog that tells the user the selected Android App is downloading.">
We'll install that app for you
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_APP_DOWNLOADING_SCREEN_TITLE_PLURAL" desc="The title of the dialog that tells the user the selected Android Apps are downloading.">
We'll install those <ph name="NUMBER_OF_APPS">$1<ex>10</ex></ph> apps for you
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_APP_DOWNLOADING_SCREEN_DESCRIPTION" desc="The description of the 'App Downloading' section">
You can find more apps for your device in the Play Store.
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_APP_DOWNLOADING_CONTINUE_SETUP" desc="The label on the button that continues the setup flow.">
Continue setup
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_MARKETING_OPT_IN_SCREEN_TITLE" desc="The title of the last dialog in the set of screens that are always displayed to the user on the first login to the Chrome OS device.">
All set!
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_MARKETING_OPT_IN_SCREEN_SUBTITLE" desc="The sub-title of the dialog that allows user to opt-in into several Google marketing options.">
Get <ph name="DEVICE_TYPE">$1<ex>Chromebook</ex></ph> tips, offers, and updates, and share feedback
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_MARKETING_OPT_IN_SCREEN_SUBTITLE_WITH_DEVICE_NAME" desc="The sub-title of the marketing opt in screen which will also include the name of the user's device.">
You are ready to start using your <ph name="DEVICE_TYPE">$1<ex>Chromebook</ex></ph>.
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_MARKETING_OPT_IN_SCREEN_GET_CHROMEBOOK_UPDATES" desc="A lablel next to the checkbox that controls user subscription to marketing updates and useful information about the user's Chrome device.">
Tips and updates on <ph name="DEVICE_TYPE">$1<ex>Chromebook</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_MARKETING_OPT_IN_SCREEN_GET_CHROMEBOOK_UPDATES_SIGN_ME_UP" desc="A lablel next to the checkbox that controls user subscription to marketing updates and useful information about the user's Chrome device.">
Sign me up
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_MARKETING_OPT_IN_SCREEN_ALL_SET" desc="A label on the button that closes the initial setup dialog, which suggests to the user that initial device setup is complete.">
Get started
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_MARKETING_OPT_IN_SCREEN_SWIPE_FROM_SHELF_LABEL" desc="The label shown in Chrome OS system shelf above a drag handle UI on the last dialog in the set of screens displayed to the user on the first login to the Chrome OS device. The label informs the user that swiping up from the shelf will start the session.">
Swipe up to get started
<message name="IDS_MARKETING_OPT_IN_ACCESSIBILITY_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="The label of the button which appears at the bottom left of the last OOBE dialog shown to the user on the first login. Clicking the button will show a screen that allows the user to change certain accessibility settings.">
<message name="IDS_MARKETING_OPT_IN_ACCESSIBILITY_TITLE" desc="The title of the accessibility page that is part of the the marketing opt in dialog screen, the last OOBE screen shown to the user on their first login to the Chrome OS device. The accessibility page will allow the user to change certain accessibility settings.">
Accessibility settings
<message name="IDS_MARKETING_OPT_IN_ACCESSIBILITY_NAV_BUTTON_SETTING_TITLE" desc="The title of the of the accessibility option that forces shelf navigation buttons (button to go home, back, or the active apps overview) to be always shown. These buttons are hidden by default when the device is in tablet mode.">
Show navigation buttons
<message name="IDS_MARKETING_OPT_IN_ACCESSIBILITY_NAV_BUTTON_SETTING_DESCRIPTION" desc="The descripton of the accessibility option that forces shelf navigation buttons (button to go home, back, or the active apps overview) to be always shown. These buttons are hidden by default when the device is in tablet mode.">
Navigate home, back, and switch apps with buttons in tablet mode.
<message name="IDS_MARKETING_OPT_IN_ACCESSIBILITY_DONE_BUTTON" desc="The label for the button on the accessibility page that is part of the the marketing opt in dialog screen, the last OOBE screen shown to the user on their first login to the Chrome OS device. The button closes the screen, and ends the OOBE (which will start the user session).">
<message name="IDS_DISABLED_ADD_USER_TOOLTIP" desc="Tooltip over disabled Add user button">
The owner of this device has disabled new users from being added
<message name="IDS_DISABLED_ADD_USER_TOOLTIP_ENTERPRISE" desc="Tooltip over disabled Add user button">
The administrator of this device has disabled new users from being added
<message name="IDS_DISCOVER_WELCOME_TITLE" desc="A title of the dialog that starts initial device setup process.">
Welcome to your <ph name="DEVICE_TYPE">$1<ex>Chromebook</ex></ph>!
<message name="IDS_DISCOVER_WELCOME_SUBTITLE" desc="A subtitle title of the dialog that starts initial device setup process, explaining the benefits of going through this process.">
Set up your <ph name="DEVICE_TYPE">$1<ex>Chromebook</ex></ph> just as you want it and discover all the amazing capabilities at your fingertips.
<message name="IDS_DISCOVER_REDEEM_YOUR_OFFERS" desc="A label on the button that leads to the new web page where happy owner of the new device can redeem exclusive Google offers.">
Redeem your offers
<message name="IDS_DISCOVER_SYNC_MY_FILES" desc="A label on the button that leads to the new web page where owner of the new device can sync their data with other devices.">
Sync my files
<message name="IDS_DISCOVER_SET_WALLPAPER" desc="A label on the button that leads to the new web page where owner of the new device can set their desktop wallpaper.">
Set Wallpaper
<message name="IDS_DISCOVER_GET_HELP" desc="A label on the button that opens Help App.">
Get Help
<message name="IDS_DISCOVER_PIN_SETUP_TITLE1" desc="A title of the dialog that starts 'PIN-unlock' setup process, and asks user to type their pin.">
Choose your PIN
<message name="IDS_DISCOVER_PIN_SETUP_SUBTITLE1" desc="A sub-title of the dialog that starts 'PIN-unlock' setup process. Subtitle explains to the user how this feature can be configured.">
Use a number (PIN) instead of a password to unlock your device. To set your PIN later, go to Settings.
<message name="IDS_DISCOVER_PIN_SETUP_SKIP" desc="A label on the button that interrupts current setup flow.">
<message name="IDS_DISCOVER_PIN_SETUP_TITLE2" desc="A title of the dialog that continues 'PIN-unlock' setup process, and asks user to type their pin again for verification.">
Type your PIN again
<message name="IDS_DISCOVER_PIN_SETUP_TITLE3" desc="A title of the dialog that finishes 'PIN-unlock' setup process suggesting that it was successful.">
Your PIN is added
<message name="IDS_DISCOVER_PIN_SETUP_SUBTITLE3_NO_LOGIN" desc="A sub-title of the dialog that finishes 'PIN-unlock' setup process successfully suggesting how user can use the PIN that they have just set up.">
You can use your PIN to unlock your device.
<message name="IDS_DISCOVER_PIN_SETUP_SUBTITLE3_WITH_LOGIN" desc="A sub-title of the dialog that finishes 'PIN-unlock' setup process successfully suggesting how user can use the PIN that they have just set up.">
You can use your PIN to sign in to or unlock your device.
<message name="IDS_DISCOVER_PIN_SETUP" desc="A label on the button that leads to Pin Unlock feature set up.">
Pin setup
<message name="IDS_DISCOVER_PIN_SETUP_PASSWORD_TITLE" desc="A title of the dialog that starts 'PIN-unlock' setup process, and asks user to type their password first.">
Confirm your password
<message name="IDS_DISCOVER_PIN_SETUP_PASSWORD_SUBTITLE" desc="A sub-title of the dialog that starts 'PIN-unlock' setup process, and asks user to type their password first.">
Enter your password to configure security and sign-in
<message name="IDS_DISCOVER_PIN_SETUP_DONE" desc="Label for the done button on the success screen in 'PIN-unlock' setup dialog.">
<message name="IDS_APP_START_PREPARING_PROFILE_MESSAGE" desc="Message displayed while preparing profile in which the app will be run.">
Preparing app profile...
<message name="IDS_APP_START_NETWORK_WAIT_MESSAGE" desc="Message displayed while installing and/or launching web application in kiosk mode.">
Waiting for network connection...
<message name="IDS_APP_START_APP_WAIT_MESSAGE" desc="Message displayed while installing and/or launching web application in kiosk mode.">
Initializing application...
<message name="IDS_APP_START_WAIT_FOR_APP_WINDOW_MESSAGE" desc="Message displayed while waiting for the application to create its window in kiosk mode.">
Waiting for application window...
<message name="IDS_APP_START_WAIT_FOR_APP_WINDOW_INSTALL_FAILED_MESSAGE" desc="Message displayed when kiosk app meta-data obtention fails, but we try to run the app anyway without it.">
Failed to obtain app data, trying to run the app anyway...
<message name="IDS_APP_START_CONFIGURE_NETWORK" desc="Text displayed for configure network button while installing and/or launching web application in kiosk mode.">
Configure network
<message name="IDS_APP_START_NETWORK_WAIT_TIMEOUT_MESSAGE" desc="Message displayed while the network wait is timed out during app launching.">
Internet disconnected. Please check your internet connection.
<message name="IDS_APP_START_SHOWING_NETWORK_CONFIGURE_UI_MESSAGE" desc="Message displayed while waiting for the requested network configure UI to show up in kiosk mode.">
Network configure UI requested, please wait...
<message name="IDS_APP_START_BAILOUT_SHORTCUT_FORMAT" desc="Message displayed at the bottom of app launch splash screen to show user the shortcut key to bailout the launch.">
Press Ctrl + Alt + S to switch to <ph name="IDS_SHORT_PRODUCT_OS_NAME">$1<ex>Chrome OS</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_PASSWORD_CHANGED_OLD_PASSWORD_HINT" desc="Old password field hint on the password changed dialog.">
Enter old password
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_PASSWORD_CHANGED_INCORRECT_OLD_PASSWORD" desc="Error that is shown when incorrect old password was supplied for user cryptohome migration.">
Incorrect password
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_PASSWORD_CHANGED_PROCEED_ANYWAY_BUTTON" desc="Button to proceed without providing old password on the password changed dialog.">
Proceed anyway
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_PASSWORD_CHANGED_TITLE" desc="Title for the password changed dialog box">
To unlock and restore your local data, please enter your old <ph name="DEVICE_TYPE">$1<ex>Chromebook</ex></ph> password.
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_PASSWORD_CHANGED_FORGOT_PASSWORD" desc="Text of the link that lets user skip old password input on the password changed dialog in the GAIA flow">
Forgot your old password?
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_PASSWORD_CHANGED_PROCEED_ANYWAY" desc="Button to proceed without providing old password on the password changed dialog in the GAIA flow">
You may proceed, but only your synced data and settings will be restored. All local data will be lost.
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_PASSWORD_CHANGED_TRY_AGAIN" desc="Label for the retry button on the proceed anyway step in the the GAIA password changed flow">
Try again
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_SAML_NOTICE" desc="Text message displayed above SAML portal to early indicate that the user is being redirected to another sign-in provider. This is the version of the string used in the GAIA flow.">
This sign-in service is hosted by <ph name="SAML_DOMAIN">$1<ex></ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_SAML_PASSWORD_CHANGE_NOTICE" desc="Text message displayed in the system dialog title. The dialog shows a web-page where the user can change their SAML password while staying in the session">
This authentication service is hosted by <ph name="SAML_DOMAIN">$1<ex></ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_SAML_NOTICE_WITH_VIDEO" desc="Text message displayed above SAML portal to early indicate that the user is being redirected to another sign-in provider which has requested video media access.">
This sign-in service, hosted by <ph name="SAML_DOMAIN">$1<ex></ex></ph>, is accessing your camera.
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_CONFIRM_PASSWORD_TITLE" desc="Title for the confirm password dialog.">
Please re-enter your password to update your <ph name="DEVICE_TYPE">$1<ex>Chromebook</ex></ph> profile.
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_MANUAL_PASSWORD_TITLE" desc="Title for the manual password setting dialog.">
Please create a password to protect your local data.
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_MANUAL_PASSWORD_INPUT_LABEL" desc="Label for the password input when setting the password manually.">
Enter your password
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_MANUAL_PASSWORD_MISMATCH" desc="Error shown when passwords don't match when setting the password manually.">
Passwords don't match
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_CONFIRM_PASSWORD_LABEL" desc="Label for the password field on the confirm password dialog.">
Confirm your password
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_CONFIRM_PASSWORD_INCORRECT_PASSWORD" desc="Error that is shown when incorrect password was supplied.">
Incorrect password
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_ACCOUNT_SETUP_CANCEL_DIALOG_TITLE" desc="Text to show in confirmation cancel dialog.">
Cancel account setup?
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_ACCOUNT_SETUP_CANCEL_DIALOG_NO" desc="Text to show on button to decline cancelation.">
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_ACCOUNT_SETUP_CANCEL_DIALOG_YES" desc="Text to show on button to accept cancelation.">
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_DEVICE_MANAGED_BY_NOTICE" desc="Text for notifications showing that this is managed device.">
Managed by <ph name="DOMAIN">$1<ex></ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_FATAL_ERROR_NO_ACCOUNT_DETAILS" desc="Message to show when the authentication could not be completed because the user's account details could not be retrieved.">
Sign-in failed because your account details could not be retrieved. Please contact your administrator or try again.
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_FATAL_ERROR_NO_PASSWORD" desc="Message to show when the authentication could not be completed because the user's password could not be retrieved.">
failed. Please contact your administrator or try again.
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_FATAL_ERROR_PASSWORD_VERIFICATION" desc="Message to show when the authentication could not be completed because two attempts to verify the user's password failed.">
Sign-in failed because your password could not be verified. Please contact your administrator or try again.
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_FATAL_ERROR_TEXT_INSECURE_URL" desc="Message to show when the authentication could not be completed because a redirect to an insecure URL was detected and blocked.">
Sign-in failed because it was configured to use a non-secure URL (<ph name="BLOCKED_URL">$1<ex></ex></ph>). Please contact your administrator.
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_FATAL_ERROR_TRY_AGAIN_BUTTON" desc="Label for a button which starts sign-in from the beginning after fatal error.">
Try again
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_FATAL_ERROR_NO_AUTH_TOKEN" desc="Message to show when the authentication could not be completed because the user's auth token retrieved.">
Sign-in failed because your access token could not be retrieved. Please check your network connection and try again.
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_SAML_INTERSTITIAL_MESSAGE" desc="Message to show on the SAML interstitial page to tell the user to continue signing in using their enterprise account.">
This device is managed by <ph name="DOMAIN">$1<ex></ex></ph> and requires you to sign in every time.
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_SAML_INTERSTITIAL_CHANGE_ACCOUNT_LINK_TEXT" desc="Text of the link that allows the user to change the login account.">
Sign in with a different account
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_SAML_INTERSTITIAL_NEXT_BUTTON_TEXT" desc="Text shown on the Next button.">
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_WELCOME_MESSAGE" desc="Message shown at the header of the login screens.">
Sign in to your <ph name="DEVICE_TYPE">$1<ex>Chromebook</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_OFFLINE_LOGIN_EMAIL" desc="Email field text on the offline login screen. Note: should be the same as the one used on the Gaia sign-in page.">
Enter your email
<message name="IDS_OFFLINE_LOGIN_PASSWORD" desc="Password field text on the offline login screen. Note: should be the same as the one used on the Gaia sign-in page.">
Enter your password
<message name="IDS_OFFLINE_LOGIN_INVALID_EMAIL" desc="Alert message about invalid email on the offline login screen. Note: should be the same as the one used on the Gaia sign-in page.">
Please enter a valid email address
<message name="IDS_OFFLINE_LOGIN_INVALID_PASSWORD" desc="Alert message about mismatching email and password on the device">
The email and password you entered don't match
<message name="IDS_OFFLINE_LOGIN_NEXT_BUTTON_TEXT" desc="Text shown on next button during offline signin flow dialog. Note: should be the same as the one used on the Gaia sign-in page.">
<message name="IDS_OFFLINE_LOGIN_FORGOT_PASSWORD_BUTTON_TEXT" desc="Text shown on forgot password button during offline signin flow. Note: should be the same as the one used on the Gaia sign-in page.">
Forgot password?
<message name="IDS_OFFLINE_LOGIN_FORGOT_PASSWORD_DIALOG_TEXT" desc="Text shown on forgot password dialog during offline signin flow.">
To recover your account information, go to:
<message name="IDS_OFFLINE_LOGIN_CLOSE_BUTTON_TEXT" desc="Text shown on forgot password dialog close button during offline signin flow.">
<message name="IDS_WHITELIST_ERROR_TRY_AGAIN_BUTTON" desc="The text of the try again button on the whitelist error UI.">
Try again
<message name="IDS_BROWSE_WITHOUT_SIGNING_IN_HTML" desc="Text shown on side of Google sign-in UI.">
You may also skip signing in and <ph name="LINK_START">$1<ex>&gt;a&lt;</ex></ph>browse as Guest<ph name="LINK_END">$2<ex>&gt;/a&lt;</ex></ph>.
<message name="IDS_SUPERVISED_USER_EXPIRED_TOKEN_WARNING" desc="Warning text that is shown on login screen trying to sign in as a supervised user that has expired token">
This supervised user may have been deleted or disabled by the manager. Please contact the manager if you would like to continue signing in as this user.
<!-- Supervised users deprecation notifications -->
<message name="IDS_SUPERVISED_USER_EXPIRING_NOTIFICATION_TITLE" desc="Title of notification displayed on supervised user login indicating that the feature is expiring soon.">
This supervised account will be removed soon
<message name="IDS_SUPERVISED_USER_EXPIRING_NOTIFICATION_BODY" desc="Body of notification displayed on supervised user login indicating that the feature is expiring soon.">
Please save your files and create a new account now.
<message name="IDS_MANAGER_SUPERVISED_USER_EXPIRING_NOTIFICATION_TITLE" desc="Title of notification displayed on manager login indicating that the supervised user feature is expiring soon.">
The account you manage will be removed soon
<message name="IDS_MANAGER_SUPERVISED_USER_EXPIRING_NOTIFICATION_BODY" desc="Body of notification displayed on manager user login indicating that the supervised user feature is expiring soon.">
Please create a new account for your supervised user now.
<message name="IDS_SUPERVISED_USER_EXPIRING_NOTIFICATION_LEARN_MORE" desc="Learn more text for button on Supervised User expiration notification.">
Learn more
<message name="IDS_WILCO_NOTIFICATION_BATTERY_AUTH_TITLE" desc="The title of the notification shown to inform the user that an unauthorized battery is connected to a Chromebook.">
Battery isn't charging
<message name="IDS_WILCO_NOTIFICATION_BATTERY_AUTH_MESSAGE" desc="The message of the notification shown to inform the user that an unauthorized battery is connected to a Chromebook.">
To charge this Chromebook, use a compatible Dell battery.
<message name="IDS_WILCO_NOTIFICATION_NON_WILCO_CHARGER_TITLE" desc="The title of the notification shown to inform the user that charger is unauthorized and battery will not charge.">
Power adapter issue
<message name="IDS_WILCO_NOTIFICATION_NON_WILCO_CHARGER_MESSAGE" desc="The message of the notification shown to inform the user that charger is unauthorized and battery will not charge.">
To avoid charging and performance issues, use a compatible Dell or USB Type-C power adapter.
<message name="IDS_WILCO_NOTIFICATION_INCOMPATIBLE_DOCK_TITLE" desc="The title of the notification shown to inform the user that attached dock is incompatible.">
Dock isn't fully compatible
<message name="IDS_WILCO_NOTIFICATION_INCOMPATIBLE_DOCK_MESSAGE" desc="The message of the notification shown to inform the user that attached dock is incompatible.">
To get additional features, use a Dell docking station designed to work with this Chromebook.
<message name="IDS_WILCO_NOTIFICATION_DOCK_ERROR_TITLE" desc="The title of the notification shown to inform the user that attached dock presents hardware failures.">
Dock fan needs service
<message name="IDS_WILCO_NOTIFICATION_DOCK_ERROR_MESSAGE" desc="The message of the notification shown to inform the user that attached dock presents hardware failures.">
Contact Dell for service. The dock will shut down if the fan isn't working.
<message name="IDS_WILCO_NOTIFICATION_DOCK_DISPLAY_TITLE" desc="The title of the notification shown to inform the user that HDMI and USB Type-C cannot be used for displays at the same time with the attached dock.">
Dock video-port issue
<message name="IDS_WILCO_NOTIFICATION_DOCK_DISPLAY_MESSAGE" desc="The message of the notification shown to inform the user that HDMI and USB Type-C cannot be used for displays at the same time with the attached dock.">
HDMI and USB Type-C ports can't be used for video at the same time. Use a different video port.
<message name="IDS_WILCO_NOTIFICATION_DOCK_THUNDERBOLT_TITLE" desc="The title of the notification shown to inform the user that attached dock will operate in USB Type-C compatible mode.">
Thunderbolt is not supported
<message name="IDS_WILCO_NOTIFICATION_DOCK_THUNDERBOLT_MESSAGE" desc="The message of the notification shown to inform the user that attached dock will operate in USB Type-C compatible mode.">
Your docking station will operate in USB Type-C compatible mode.
<message name="IDS_WILCO_LOW_POWER_CHARGER_TITLE" desc="The title of a notification indicating that a low-power USB charger has been connected.">
Low-power charger connected
<message name="IDS_WILCO_LOW_POWER_CHARGER_MESSAGE" desc="The message body of a notification indicating that a low-power USB charger has been connected, short version.">
Your Chromebook may not charge while it is turned on.
<message name="IDS_WILCO_NOTIFICATION_LEARN_MORE" desc="Label on button in various Wilco notification.">
Learn More
<message name="IDS_MULTI_PROFILES_RESTRICTED_POLICY_TITLE" desc="Text that is shown on the title of the bubble shown for user pod which is not allowed in multi-profiles session.">
Can't set up multiple sign-in
<message name="IDS_MULTI_PROFILES_NOT_ALLOWED_POLICY_MSG" desc="Text that is shown on the bubble shown for user pod which is not allowed in multi-profiles session because of not-allowed policy or because of usage policy-pushed certificates.">
The administrator for this account has disallowed multiple sign-in.
<message name="IDS_MULTI_PROFILES_PRIMARY_ONLY_POLICY_MSG" desc="Text that is shown on the bubble shown for user pod which is not allowed in multi-profiles session because of primary-only policy.">
The administrator for this account requires this account to be the first signed-in account in a multiple sign-in session.
<message name="IDS_MULTI_PROFILES_OWNER_PRIMARY_ONLY_MSG" desc="Text that is shown on the bubble shown for owner user pod which is not allowed in multi-profiles session because it has to be primary user in the session.">
This owner account has to be the first signed-in account in a multiple sign-in session.
<message name="IDS_LOCAL_STATE_ERROR_TEXT_0" desc="Text for notification that Local State file is corrupted and powerwash is required.">
Unfortunately, <ph name="SHORT_PRODUCT_NAME">$1<ex>Chrome</ex></ph> is unable to recover your settings. To fix the error, <ph name="SHORT_PRODUCT_NAME">$1<ex>Chrome</ex></ph> must reset your device with Powerwash.
<message name="IDS_LOCAL_STATE_ERROR_TEXT_1" desc="Text for notification that all local files will be deleted while Google account and any synced data won't be affected.">
Resetting your device will not affect your Google accounts or any data synced to these accounts. However, all files saved locally on your device will be deleted.
<message name="IDS_LOCAL_STATE_ERROR_POWERWASH_BUTTON" desc="Button label to restart and powerwash the device.">
Restart and Powerwash
<message name="IDS_DIAGNOSE_BUTTON" desc="The label for the button that launches the connectivity diagnostics app from the network error page">
<message name="IDS_MANAGE_CERTIFICATES" desc="The label for the button that launches the certificate manager from the network error page">
Manage certificates
<message name="IDS_OFFLINE_LOGIN_HTML" desc="Text which suggests enter as an existing user when valid network isn't presented.">
If you've already registered on this device, you can <ph name="LINK2_START">$1<ex>&gt;a&lt;</ex></ph>sign in as an existing user<ph name="LINK2_END">$2<ex>&gt;/a&lt;</ex></ph>.
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_USER_ADDING_BANNER" desc="Text shown on a banner in user adding screen.">
Add an account to multiple sign-in. All signed-in accounts can be accessed without a password, so this feature should only be used with trusted accounts.
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_OOBE_HELP_DIALOG_TITLE" desc="Default title for help dialogs during OOBE/login">
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_NEEDS_DIRCRYPTO_MIGRATION_BANNER" desc="Banner text for users that need to migrate their data to use dircrypto.">
A critical update is ready to install. Sign in to get started.
<!-- Network error strings -->
<message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_NETWORK_ERROR_UNKNOWN" desc="Network error details in notifications: UNKNOWN">
Unknown network error
<message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_NETWORK_ERROR_OUT_OF_RANGE" desc="Network error details in notifications: OUT_OF_RANGE">
Out of range
<message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_NETWORK_ERROR_PIN_MISSING" desc="Network error details in notifications: PIN_MISSING">
PIN missing
<message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_NETWORK_ERROR_DHCP_FAILED" desc="Network error details in notifications: DHCP_FAILED">
DHCP lookup failed
<message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_NETWORK_ERROR_CONNECT_FAILED" desc="Network error details in notifications: CONNECT_FAILED">
Connect failed
<message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_NETWORK_ERROR_BAD_PASSPHRASE" desc="Network error details in notifications: BAD_PASSPHRASE. Error when a bad wifi password/passphrase is entered.">
Bad password
<message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_NETWORK_ERROR_BAD_WEPKEY" desc="Network error details in notifications: BAD_WEPKEY">
Bad WEP key
<message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_NETWORK_ERROR_ACTIVATION_FAILED" desc="Network error details in notifications: ACTIVATION_FAILED">
Activation failed
<message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_NETWORK_ERROR_NEED_EVDO" desc="Network error details in notifications: NEED_EVDO">
<message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_NETWORK_ERROR_NEED_HOME_NETWORK" desc="Network error details in notifications: NEED_HOME_NETWORK">
Need home network
<message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_NETWORK_ERROR_OTASP_FAILED" desc="Network error details in notifications: OTASP_FAILED">
OTASP failed
<message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_NETWORK_ERROR_AAA_FAILED" desc="Network error details in notifications: AAA_FAILED">
AAA check failed
<message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_NETWORK_ERROR_INTERNAL" desc="Network error details in notifications: INTERNAL">
Internal error
<message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_NETWORK_ERROR_DNS_LOOKUP_FAILED" desc="Network error details in notifications: DNS_LOOKUP_FAILED">
DNS lookup failed
<message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_NETWORK_ERROR_HTTP_GET_FAILED" desc="Network error details in notifications: HTTP_GET_FAILED">
HTTP get failed
<message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_NETWORK_ERROR_IPSEC_PSK_AUTH_FAILED" desc="Network error details in notifications: IPSEC_PSK_AUTH_FAILED">
Incorrect password
<message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_NETWORK_ERROR_CERT_AUTH_FAILED" desc="Network error details in notifications: IPSEC_CERT_AUTH_FAILED">
Authentication certificate rejected by network
<message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_NETWORK_ERROR_EAP_LOCAL_TLS_FAILED" desc="Network error details in notifications: EAP_LOCAL_TLS_FAILED">
Authentication certificate rejected locally
<message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_NETWORK_ERROR_EAP_REMOTE_TLS_FAILED" desc="Network error details in notifications: EAP_REMOTE_TLS_FAILED">
Authentication certificate rejected remotely
<message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_NETWORK_ERROR_EAP_AUTH_FAILED" desc="Network error details in notifications: IPSEC_CERT_AUTH_FAILED">
Username/password incorrect or EAP-auth failed
<message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_NETWORK_ERROR_PPP_AUTH_FAILED" desc="Network error details in notifications: PPP_AUTH_FAILED">
PPP authentication failed due to an incorrect username or password
<message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_NETWORK_ERROR_CONFIGURE_FAILED" desc="Network error details in notifications: Configuration error">
Failed to configure network
<message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_NETWORK_ERROR_CERTIFICATES_NOT_LOADED" desc="Network error details in notifications: Certificates not loaded">
Certificates not loaded
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_ERROR_CANNOT_CHANGE_SHARED_CONFIG" desc="Network error message shown when attempting to change a shared network configuration if the operation is not allowed">
Changing shared network configurations is not allowed
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_ERROR_NO_USER_CERT" desc="In the network connect dialog, when creating a VPN or enterprise Wi-Fi connection, error message to display when no user certificates are installed.">
Please install a user certificate.
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_ERROR_POLICY_CONTROLLED" desc="Network error message shown when attempting to remove or illegally modify a policy controlled network">
Network is policy controlled
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_ERROR_PASSPHRASE_REQUIRED" desc="Network error message shown when a passphrase is required to connect to a network but was not supplied.">
Passphrase required
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_ERROR_UNKNOWN" desc="Network error message shown for an unknown or unexpected network configuration error">
Error configuring network
<!-- Sync/sign-in error messages -->
<message name="IDS_SIGNIN_ERROR_SECONDARY_ACCOUNT_BUBBLE_VIEW_TITLE" desc="Title in the sign-in error bubble view/notification for Chrome OS Secondary Accounts.">
<message name="IDS_SIGNIN_ERROR_SECONDARY_ACCOUNT_BUBBLE_VIEW_MESSAGE" desc="Message in the sign-in error bubble view for Chrome OS Secondary Accounts.">
Your Google Account(s) need attention
<message name="IDS_SIGNIN_ERROR_SECONDARY_ACCOUNT_MIGRATION_BUBBLE_VIEW_TITLE" desc="Title in the sign-in error bubble view/notification for Chrome OS Secondary Accounts that have not been migrated to Chrome OS Account Manager.">
has changed
<message name="IDS_SIGNIN_ERROR_SECONDARY_ACCOUNT_MIGRATION_BUBBLE_VIEW_MESSAGE" desc="Message in the sign-in error bubble view for Chrome OS Secondary Accounts that have not been migrated to Chrome OS Account Manager.">
Account update required
<message name="IDS_CHALLENGE_RESPONSE_AUTH_MULTIPLE_CLIENT_CERTS_ERROR" desc="Error message shown when multiple client certificates were used during the challenge-response based authentication.">
Multiple client certificates are not supported
<message name="IDS_CHALLENGE_RESPONSE_AUTH_INVALID_CLIENT_CERT_ERROR" desc="Error message shown when client certificate attributes extraction failed during the challenge-response based authentication.">
Invalid client certificate
<!-- Strings used in <network-list>, used in Settings and OOBE -->
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_LIST_INITIALIZING" desc="Text in the network list element when a Cellular network is initiailizing.">
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_LIST_NOT_AVAILABLE" desc="Text in the network list element when a network is not available to be selected but is still present in the list (e.g., if cellular activation is not allowed in the current context, this message is displayed next to unactivated cellular networks).">
Not available
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_LIST_SIM_CARD_LOCKED" desc="Text in the network list element when a Cellular network's SIM card is locked.">
SIM card is locked
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_LIST_NOT_CONNECTED" desc="Text in the network list element when there is a network for the type, but it is not connected or connecting.">
Not connected
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_LIST_NO_NETWORK" desc="Text in the network list element when there is no network for the type.">
No network
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_LIST_CONNECTING_TO" desc="Text in a network summary element when the default network for a type (e.g. WiFi) is connecting.">
Connecting to <ph name="NAME">$1<ex>GoogleGuest</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_LIST_THIRD_PARTY_VPN_NAME_TEMPLATE" desc="Template for constructing the name of a VPN network that is handled by a third-party VPN provider from the provider name and the network name.">
<ph name="PROVIDER_NAME">$1<ex>OpenVPN</ex></ph>: <ph name="NETWORK_NAME">$2<ex>Work Network</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_LIST_ITEM_SUBPAGE_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="A11y label for a button which links to details about a network, shown in settings.">
<ph name="NETWORK_NAME">$1<ex>GuestNetwork</ex></ph>, Details
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_LIST_ITEM_LABEL" desc="A11y label for a network shown in a list in settings and oobe. Clicking the network starts a connection attempt.">
Network <ph name="NETWORK_INDEX">$1<ex>1</ex></ph> of <ph name="NETWORK_COUNT">$2<ex>10</ex></ph>, <ph name="NETWORK_NAME">$3<ex>Ethernet</ex></ph>, Connect
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_LIST_ITEM_LABEL_ETHERNET_MANAGED" desc="A11y label for an enterprise managed ethernet network shown in a list in settings and oobe. Clicking the network starts a connection attempt.">
Network <ph name="NETWORK_INDEX">$1<ex>1</ex></ph> of <ph name="NETWORK_COUNT">$2<ex>10</ex></ph>, <ph name="NETWORK_NAME">$3<ex>Ethernet</ex></ph>, Managed by your Administrator, Connect
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_LIST_ITEM_LABEL_ETHERNET_WITH_CONNECTION_STATUS" desc="A11y label for an enterprise managed ethernet network with connection status shown in a list in settings and oobe. Clicking the network navigates to the details page.">
Network <ph name="NETWORK_INDEX">$1<ex>1</ex></ph> of <ph name="NETWORK_COUNT">$2<ex>10</ex></ph>, <ph name="NETWORK_NAME">$3<ex>Ethernet</ex></ph>, <ph name="CONNECTION_STATUS">$4<ex>Connected</ex></ph>, Details
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_LIST_ITEM_LABEL_ETHERNET_MANAGED_WITH_CONNECTION_STATUS" desc="A11y label for an enterprise managed ethernet network in a list in settings and oobe. Includes connection status. Clicking the network navigates to the details page.">
Network <ph name="NETWORK_INDEX">$1<ex>1</ex></ph> of <ph name="NETWORK_COUNT">$2<ex>10</ex></ph>, <ph name="NETWORK_NAME">$3<ex>Ethernet</ex></ph>, <ph name="CONNECTION_STATUS">$4<ex>Connected</ex></ph>, Managed by your Administrator, Details
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_LIST_ITEM_LABEL_WIFI" desc="A11y label for a Wi-Fi network in a list in settings and oobe. Clicking the network starts a connection attempt.">
Network <ph name="NETWORK_INDEX">$1<ex>1</ex></ph> of <ph name="NETWORK_COUNT">$2<ex>10</ex></ph>, <ph name="NETWORK_NAME">$3<ex>GuestNetwork</ex></ph>, <ph name="SECURITY_STATUS">$4<ex>Unsecured</ex></ph>, Signal Strength <ph name="SIGNAL_STRENGTH">$5<ex>80</ex></ph>%, Connect
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_LIST_ITEM_LABEL_WIFI_MANAGED" desc="A11y label for an enterprise managed Wi-Fi network in a list in settings and oobe. Clicking the network starts a connection attempt.">
Network <ph name="NETWORK_INDEX">$1<ex>1</ex></ph> of <ph name="NETWORK_COUNT">$2<ex>10</ex></ph>, <ph name="NETWORK_NAME">$3<ex>GuestNetwork</ex></ph>, <ph name="SECURITY_STATUS">$4<ex>Unsecured</ex></ph>, Signal Strength <ph name="SIGNAL_STRENGTH">$5<ex>80</ex></ph>%, Managed by your Administrator, Connect
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_LIST_ITEM_LABEL_WIFI_WITH_CONNECTION_STATUS" desc="A11y label for a Wi-Fi network in a list in settings and oobe. Includes connection status. Clicking the network navigates to the details page.">
Network <ph name="NETWORK_INDEX">$1<ex>1</ex></ph> of <ph name="NETWORK_COUNT">$2<ex>10</ex></ph>, <ph name="NETWORK_NAME">$3<ex>GuestNetwork</ex></ph>, <ph name="SECURITY_STATUS">$4<ex>Unsecured</ex></ph>, <ph name="CONNECTION_STATUS">$5<ex>Connecting</ex></ph>, Signal Strength <ph name="SIGNAL_STRENGTH">$6<ex>80</ex></ph>%, Details
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_LIST_ITEM_LABEL_WIFI_MANAGED_WITH_CONNECTION_STATUS" desc="A11y label for an enterprise managed Wi-Fi network in a list in settings and oobe. Includes connection status. Clicking the network navigates to the details page.">
Network <ph name="NETWORK_INDEX">$1<ex>1</ex></ph> of <ph name="NETWORK_COUNT">$2<ex>10</ex></ph>, <ph name="NETWORK_NAME">$3<ex>GuestNetwork</ex></ph>, <ph name="SECURITY_STATUS">$4<ex>Unsecured</ex></ph>, <ph name="CONNECTION_STATUS">$5<ex>Connecting</ex></ph>, Signal Strength <ph name="SIGNAL_STRENGTH">$6<ex>80</ex></ph>%, Managed by your Administrator, Details
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_LIST_ITEM_LABEL_CELLULAR" desc="A11y label for a cellular network in a list in settings and oobe. Clicking the network starts a connection attempt.">
Network <ph name="NETWORK_INDEX">$1<ex>1</ex></ph> of <ph name="NETWORK_COUNT">$2<ex>10</ex></ph>, <ph name="NETWORK_NAME">$3<ex>Verizon Wireless</ex></ph>, Signal Strength <ph name="SIGNAL_STRENGTH">$4<ex>80</ex></ph>%, Connect
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_LIST_ITEM_LABEL_CELLULAR_MANAGED" desc="A11y label for an enterprise managed cellular network in a list in settings and oobe. Clicking the network starts a connection attempt. Clicking the network navigates to the details page.">
Network <ph name="NETWORK_INDEX">$1<ex>1</ex></ph> of <ph name="NETWORK_COUNT">$2<ex>10</ex></ph>, <ph name="NETWORK_NAME">$3<ex>Verizon Wireless</ex></ph>, Signal Strength <ph name="SIGNAL_STRENGTH">$4<ex>80</ex></ph>%, Managed by your Administrator, Connect
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_LIST_ITEM_LABEL_CELLULAR_WITH_CONNECTION_STATUS" desc="A11y label for a cellular network in a list in settings and oobe . Includes connection status. Clicking the network navigates to the details page.">
Network <ph name="NETWORK_INDEX">$1<ex>1</ex></ph> of <ph name="NETWORK_COUNT">$2<ex>10</ex></ph>, <ph name="NETWORK_NAME">$3<ex>Verizon Wireless</ex></ph>, <ph name="CONNECTION_STATUS">$4<ex>Connecting...</ex></ph>, Signal Strength <ph name="SIGNAL_STRENGTH">$5<ex>80</ex></ph>%, Details
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_LIST_ITEM_LABEL_CELLULAR_MANAGED_WITH_CONNECTION_STATUS" desc="A11y label for an enterprise managed cellular network in a list in settings and oobe. Includes connection status. Clicking the network navigates to the details page.">
Network <ph name="NETWORK_INDEX">$1<ex>1</ex></ph> of <ph name="NETWORK_COUNT">$2<ex>10</ex></ph>, <ph name="NETWORK_NAME">$3<ex>Verizon Wireless</ex></ph>, <ph name="CONNECTION_STATUS">$4<ex>Connecting...</ex></ph>, Signal Strength <ph name="SIGNAL_STRENGTH">$5<ex>80</ex></ph>%, Managed by your Administrator, Details
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_LIST_ITEM_LABEL_TETHER" desc="A11y label for a phone tether network in a list in settings and oobe. Clicking the network navigates to the details page.">
Network <ph name="NETWORK_INDEX">$1<ex>1</ex></ph> of <ph name="NETWORK_COUNT">$2<ex>10</ex></ph>, <ph name="PHONE_NAME">$3<ex>Pixel 4</ex></ph>, Signal Strength <ph name="SIGNAL_STRENGTH">$4<ex>80</ex></ph>%, Phone Battery <ph name="BATTERY_STATUS">$5<ex>80</ex></ph>%, Connect
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_LIST_ITEM_LABEL_TETHER_WITH_CONNECTION_STATUS" desc="A11y label for a phone tether network in a list in settings and oobe. Includes connection status. Clicking the network navigates to the details page.">
Network <ph name="NETWORK_INDEX">$1<ex>1</ex></ph> of <ph name="NETWORK_COUNT">$2<ex>10</ex></ph>, <ph name="PHONE_NAME">$3<ex>Pixel 4</ex></ph>, <ph name="CONNECTION_STATUS">$4<ex>Connecting...</ex></ph>, Signal Strength <ph name="SIGNAL_STRENGTH">$5<ex>80</ex></ph>%, Phone Battery <ph name="BATTERY_STATUS">$6<ex>80</ex></ph>%, Details
<message name="IDS_WIFI_NETWORK_STATUS_SECURED" desc="a11y label used when a Wi-Fi network is secured.">
<message name="IDS_WIFI_NETWORK_STATUS_UNSECURED" desc="a11y label used when a Wi-Fi network connection is not secured.">
<!-- Other Network UI strings -->
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_CONNECTION_ERROR_TITLE" desc="Title for network connection error notification">
Network connection error
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_CONNECTION_ERROR_MESSAGE" desc="Message for network connection error notification">
Failed to connect to network '<ph name="name">$1<ex>GoogleGuest</ex></ph>': <ph name="details">$2<ex>Unrecognized error</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_CONNECTION_ERROR_MESSAGE_WITH_SERVER_MESSAGE" desc="Message for network connection error notification with details and a server message">
Failed to connect to '<ph name="name">$1<ex>GoogleGuest</ex></ph>': <ph name="details">$2<ex>Unrecognized error</ex></ph>
Server message: <ph name="server_msg">$3<ex>Incorrect password</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_CONNECTION_ERROR_MESSAGE_NO_NAME" desc="Message for network connection error where the network name is unavailable">
Failed to connect to network: <ph name="details">$1<ex>Unrecognized error</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_VPN_CONNECTION_LOST_TITLE" desc="Title for network notification when VPN connection is lost">
VPN disconnected
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_VPN_CONNECTION_LOST_BODY" desc="Message for network notification when VPN connection is lost">
Connection to <ph name="name">$1<ex>Google VPN</ex></ph> has been lost
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_OUT_OF_CREDITS_TITLE" desc="Title for network out of data error notification">
Couldn't connect
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_OUT_OF_CREDITS_BODY" desc="Message body for network out of data error notification">
You may have used up your mobile data allowance. Visit the <ph name="name">$1<ex>GoogleGuest</ex></ph> activation portal to buy more data
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_UNRECOGNIZED_ERROR" desc="Unrecognized Network error text">
Unrecognized error: <ph name="desc">$1<ex>ShillErrorString</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_CELLULAR_ACTIVATED_TITLE" desc="Title for cellular activated notification">
Mobile data activated
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_CELLULAR_ACTIVATED" desc="Text of the cellular activated notification">
Your '<ph name="name">$1<ex>Generic Wireless</ex></ph>' data service is ready to use
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_ACTIVATION_ERROR_TITLE" desc="Title for network activation error notification">
Couldn't connect
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_ACTIVATION_NEEDS_CONNECTION" desc="Message when attempting to activate a mobile network that requires a connection">
To activate '<ph name="name">$1<ex>Generic Wireless</ex></ph>' data, first connect to a Wi-Fi network
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_IP_ADDRESS_NA" desc="IP address value to be shown in network configuration section in network details page when the IP address is not available.">
Not available
<!-- Open Network (ONC)-->
<message name="IDS_ONC_IPV4_ADDRESS" desc="ONC Property label for ipv4-IPAddress">
IP address
<message name="IDS_ONC_IPV4_GATEWAY" desc="ONC Property label for ipv4-Gateway">
<message name="IDS_ONC_IPV4_ROUTING_PREFIX" desc="ONC Property label for ipv4-RoutingPrefix">
Routing prefix
<message name="IDS_ONC_IPV6_ADDRESS" desc="ONC Property label for ipv6-Address">
IPv6 address
<message name="IDS_ONC_CELLULAR_ACTIVATION_STATE" desc="ONC Property label for Cellular.ActivationState">
Activation status
<message name="IDS_ONC_CELLULAR_ACTIVATION_STATE_ACTIVATED" desc="ONC Property value when Cellular.ActivationState = Activated">
<message name="IDS_ONC_CELLULAR_ACTIVATION_STATE_ACTIVATING" desc="ONC Property value when Cellular.ActivationState = Activating">
<message name="IDS_ONC_CELLULAR_ACTIVATION_STATE_NOT_ACTIVATED" desc="ONC Property value when Cellular.ActivationStat = NotActivated">
Not activated
<message name="IDS_ONC_CELLULAR_ACTIVATION_STATE_PARTIALLY_ACTIVATED" desc="ONC Property value when Cellular.ActivationState = PartiallyActivated">
Partially activated
<message name="IDS_ONC_CELLULAR_ACTIVATION_STATE_NO_SERVICE" desc="ONC Property value when Cellular.ActivationState = NoService">
No service
<message name="IDS_ONC_CELLULAR_APN_ACCESS_POINT_NAME" desc="ONC Property label for APN-AccessPointName">
Access point name
<message name="IDS_ONC_CELLULAR_APN_ACCESS_POINT_NAME_NONE" desc="ONC Property label for APN-AccessPointName = none (or empty)">
<message name="IDS_ONC_CELLULAR_APN_USERNAME" desc="ONC Property label for APN-Username">
<message name="IDS_ONC_CELLULAR_APN_PASSWORD" desc="ONC Property label for APN-Password">
<message name="IDS_ONC_CELLULAR_APN_AUTHENTICATION" desc="ONC Property label for APN-Authentication">
<message name="IDS_ONC_CELLULAR_FAMILY" desc="ONC Property label for Cellular.Family">
<message name="IDS_ONC_CELLULAR_FIRMWARE_REVISION" desc="ONC Property label for Cellular.FirmwareRevision">
Firmware revision
<message name="IDS_ONC_CELLULAR_HARDWARE_REVISION" desc="ONC Property label for Cellular.HardwareRevision">
Hardware revision
<message name="IDS_ONC_CELLULAR_HOME_PROVIDER_CODE" desc="ONC Property label for Cellular.HomeProvider.Code">
Home provider code
<message name="IDS_ONC_CELLULAR_HOME_PROVIDER_COUNTRY" desc="ONC Property label for Cellular.HomeProvider.Country">
Home provider country
<message name="IDS_ONC_CELLULAR_HOME_PROVIDER_NAME" desc="ONC Property label for Cellular.HomeProvider.Name">
Home provider name
<message name="IDS_ONC_CELLULAR_MANUFACTURER" desc="ONC Property label for Cellular.Manufacturer">
<message name="IDS_ONC_CELLULAR_MODEL_ID" desc="ONC Property label for Cellular.ModelID">
Model ID
<message name="IDS_ONC_CELLULAR_NETWORK_TECHNOLOGY" desc="ONC Property label for Cellular.NetworkTechnology">
<message name="IDS_ONC_CELLULAR_ROAMING_STATE" desc="ONC Property label for Cellular.RoamingState">
Roaming status
<message name="IDS_ONC_CELLULAR_ROAMING_STATE_HOME" desc="ONC Property value when OncCellular.RoamingState = Home">
Home network, not roaming
<message name="IDS_ONC_CELLULAR_ROAMING_STATE_ROAMING" desc="ONC Property value when OncCellular.RoamingState = Roaming">
<message name="IDS_ONC_CELLULAR_SERVING_OPERATOR_CODE" desc="ONC Property label for Cellular.ServingOperator.Code">
Operator code
<message name="IDS_ONC_CELLULAR_SERVING_OPERATOR_NAME" desc="ONC Property label for Cellular.ServingOperator.Name">
<message name="IDS_ONC_CONNECTED" desc="Settings > Internet, text in network summary when a network is connected.">
<message name="IDS_ONC_CONNECTING" desc="Settings > Internet, text in network summary when a network is connecting.">
<message name="IDS_ONC_EAP_ANONYMOUS_IDENTITY" desc="ONC Property label for EAP.AnonymousIdentity">
Anonymous Identity
<message name="IDS_ONC_EAP_IDENTITY" desc="ONC Property label for EAP.Identity">
<message name="IDS_ONC_EAP_INNER" desc="ONC Property label for EAP.Inner (Phase 2 authentication)">
EAP Phase 2 authentication
<message name="IDS_ONC_EAP_INNER_AUTOMATIC" desc="ONC Property value for EAP.Inner = Automatic">
<message name="IDS_ONC_EAP_INNER_MD5" desc="ONC Property value for EAP.Inner = MD5">
<message name="IDS_ONC_EAP_INNER_MSCHAP" desc="ONC Property value for EAP.Inner = MSCHAP">
<message name="IDS_ONC_EAP_INNER_MSCHAPV2" desc="ONC Property value for EAP.Inner = MSCHAPv2">
<message name="IDS_ONC_EAP_INNER_PAP" desc="ONC Property value for EAP.Inner = PAP">
<message name="IDS_ONC_EAP_INNER_CHAP" desc="ONC Property value for EAP.Inner = CHAP">
<message name="IDS_ONC_EAP_INNER_GTC" desc="ONC Property value for EAP.Inner = GTC">
<message name="IDS_ONC_EAP_OUTER" desc="ONC Property label for EAP.Outer (Method)">
EAP method
<message name="IDS_ONC_EAP_OUTER_LEAP" desc="ONC Property value for EAP.Outer = LEAP">
<message name="IDS_ONC_EAP_OUTER_PEAP" desc="ONC Property value for EAP.Outer = PEAP">
<message name="IDS_ONC_EAP_OUTER_TLS" desc="ONC Property value for EAP.Outer = TLS">
<message name="IDS_ONC_EAP_OUTER_TTLS" desc="ONC Property value for EAP.Outer = TTLS">
<message name="IDS_ONC_EAP_SERVER_CA" desc="ONC Property label for EAP Server CA Certificate">
Server CA certificate
<message name="IDS_ONC_EAP_SUBJECT_MATCH" desc="ONC Property label for EAP.SubjectMatch">
Subject match
<message name="IDS_ONC_EAP_USER_CERT" desc="ONC Property label for EAP User Certs">
User certificate
<message name="IDS_ONC_NOT_CONNECTED" desc="Settings > Internet, text in network summary when a network is not connecting or connected.">
Not Connected
<message name="IDS_ONC_MAC_ADDRESS" desc="ONC Property label for MacAddress">
MAC address
<message name="IDS_ONC_NAME" desc="ONC Property label for the network Name (displayed when configuring a VPN service name)">
Service name
<message name="IDS_ONC_RESTRICTED_CONNECTIVITY" desc="ONC Property label for RestrictedConnectivity">
Restricted IP
<message name="IDS_ONC_TETHER_BATTERY_PERCENTAGE" desc="Settings > Internet > Title of section which displays the battery percentage of another device which provides a tether hotspot for the current device to connect to.">
<message name="IDS_ONC_TETHER_BATTERY_PERCENTAGE_VALUE" desc="Settings > Internet > Text contents of section which displays the battery percentage of another device which provides a tether hotspot for the current device to connect to.">
<ph name="BATTERY_PERCENTAGE">$1<ex>100</ex></ph>%
<message name="IDS_ONC_TETHER_SIGNAL_STRENGTH" desc="Settings > Internet > Title of section which displays the cellular signal strength of another device which provides a tether hotspot for the current device to connect to. The signal strength is displayed as a string (e.g., Strong)">
Signal strength
<message name="IDS_ONC_TETHER_SIGNAL_STRENGTH_WEAK" desc="Settings > Internet > Label used to describe the signal strength of a device's cellular connection when the signal is weak. The strength value is 1 on a scale from 1 (min) to 5 (max).">
<message name="IDS_ONC_TETHER_SIGNAL_STRENGTH_OKAY" desc="Settings > Internet > Label used to describe the signal strength of a device's cellular connection when the signal is okay. The strength value is 2 on a scale from 1 (min) to 5 (max).">
<message name="IDS_ONC_TETHER_SIGNAL_STRENGTH_GOOD" desc="Settings > Internet > Label used to describe the signal strength of a device's cellular connection when the signal is good. The strength value is 3 on a scale from 1 (min) to 5 (max).">
<message name="IDS_ONC_TETHER_SIGNAL_STRENGTH_STRONG" desc="Settings > Internet > Label used to describe the signal strength of a device's cellular connection when the signal is strong. The strength value is 4 on a scale from 1 (min) to 5 (max).">
<message name="IDS_ONC_TETHER_SIGNAL_STRENGTH_VERY_STRONG" desc="Settings > Internet > Label used to describe the signal strength of a device's cellular connection when the signal is very strong. The strength value is 5 on a scale from 1 (min) to 5 (max).">
Very strong
<message name="IDS_ONC_TETHER_CARRIER" desc="Settings > Internet > Title of section which displays the name of the cellular provider (e.g., Verizon) of another device which provides a tether hotspot for the current device to connect to. To be clear, the current device does not have cellular service; instead, another device has it and can provide data to the current device via a Wi-Fi hotspot.">
Cellular provider
<message name="IDS_ONC_TETHER_CARRIER_UNKNOWN" desc="Settings > Internet > Text displayed in the settings UI in place of a cellular provider when the actual name of the provider is unknown. In this context, the cellular provider refers to the carrier which provides mobile data service to another device which can start a tether hotspot to provide a data connection to the current device.">
Unknown carrier
<message name="IDS_ONC_VPN_HOST" desc="ONC Property label for VPN.Host">
Server hostname
<message name="IDS_ONC_VPN_IPSEC_GROUP" desc="ONC Property label for VPN.IPSec.Group">
Group name
<message name="IDS_ONC_VPN_IPSEC_PSK" desc="ONC Property label for VPN.IPSec.PSK">
Pre-shared key
<message name="IDS_ONC_VPN_OPENVPN_EXTRA_HOSTS" desc="ONC Property label for VPN.OpenVPN.ExtraHosts">
Extra hosts
<message name="IDS_ONC_VPN_OPENVPN_OTP" desc="ONC Property label for VPN.OpenVPN.OTP">
<message name="IDS_ONC_VPN_PASSWORD" desc="ONC Property label for VPN.OpenVPN.Password or VPN.L2TP.Password">
<message name="IDS_ONC_VPN_USERNAME" desc="ONC Property label for VPN.OpenVPN.Username or VPN.L2TP.Username">
<message name="IDS_ONC_VPN_THIRD_PARTY_VPN_PROVIDER_NAME" desc="ONC Property label for VPN.ThirdPartyVPN.ProviderName">
Provider name
<message name="IDS_ONC_VPN_TYPE" desc="ONC Property label for VPN.Type">
Provider type
<message name="IDS_ONC_VPN_TYPE_L2TP_IPSEC" desc="ONC Property label for VPN.Type.L2TP-IPSec">
<message name="IDS_ONC_VPN_TYPE_L2TP_IPSEC_PSK" desc="ONC Property label for configuring VPN.Type.L2TP-IPSec with AuthenticationType = PSK">
L2TP/IPsec + pre-shared key
<message name="IDS_ONC_VPN_TYPE_L2TP_IPSEC_CERT" desc="ONC Property label for configuring VPN.Type.L2TP-IPSec with AuthenticationType = Cert">
L2TP/IPsec + user certificate
<message name="IDS_ONC_VPN_TYPE_OPENVPN" desc="ONC Property label for VPN.Type.OpenVPN">
Open VPN
<message name="IDS_ONC_VPN_TYPE_ARCVPN" desc="ONC Property label for VPN.Type.ARCVPN">
Android VPN
<message name="IDS_ONC_WIFI_FREQUENCY" desc="ONC Property label for WiFi.Frequency">
<message name="IDS_ONC_WIFI_PASSWORD" desc="ONC Property label for WiFi.Password">
<message name="IDS_ONC_WIFI_SECURITY" desc="ONC Property label for WiFi.Security">
<message name="IDS_ONC_WIFI_SECURITY_NONE" desc="In settings > Internet, a string specifying security type = none.">
<message name="IDS_ONC_WIFI_SECURITY_WEP" desc="In settings > Internet, a string specifying security type = WEP.">
<message name="IDS_ONC_WIFI_SECURITY_PSK" desc="In settings > Internet, a string specifying security type = PSK (either WPA-PSK or RSN-PSK).">
<message name="IDS_ONC_WIFI_SECURITY_EAP" desc="In settings > Internet, a string specifying security type = EAP (802.1X).">
<message name="IDS_ONC_WIFI_SIGNAL_STRENGTH" desc="ONC Property label for WiFi.SignalStrength">
Signal strength
<message name="IDS_ONC_WIFI_SSID" desc="ONC Property label for WiFi.SSID">
<!-- Settings Internet Page-->
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_CONFIG" desc="Title for the network configuration dialog.">
Configure network
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_CONFIG_SHARE" desc="Settings > Internet > Network config: Label for setting allowing other device users to use the network configuration.">
Allow other users of this device to use this network
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_HIDDEN_NETWORK_WARNING" desc="Settings > Internet > Network config: Text shown when auto connect to the WiFi network is enabled, warning about the dangers of auto-connecting to hidden networks.">
Automatically connecting to a hidden network allows others to see your device and some network settings, and is not recommended.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_CONFIG_SAVE_CREDENTIALS" desc="Settings > Internet > Network config: Label for the setting to save identity and password.">
Save identity and password
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_NETWORK_CA_USE_DEFAULT" desc="Settings > Internet > Network config: Label for selecting the default Certificate Authority for an EAP network.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_NETWORK_CA_DO_NOT_CHECK" desc="Settings > Internet > Network config: Label for selecting that no Certificate Authority should be used for an EAP network.">
Do not check
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_NETWORK_NO_USER_CERT" desc="Settings > Internet > Network config: Label for selecting that no User Certificate should be used when connected to an OpenVPN network.">
No user certificate
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_NETWORK_CERTIFICATE_NAME" desc="Settings > Internet > Network config: Formatting string for network certificate names.">
<ph name="ISSUED_BY">$1<ex>Google Inc</ex></ph> [<ph name="ISSUED_TO">$2<ex>John Doe</ex></ph>]
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_NETWORK_CERTIFICATE_NAME_HARDWARE_BACKED" desc="Settings > Internet > Network configuration: Formatting string for network certificate names that are hardware backed.">
<ph name="ISSUED_BY">$1<ex>Google Inc</ex></ph> [<ph name="ISSUED_TO">$2<ex>John Doe</ex></ph>] (hardware-backed)
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_NETWORK_CERTIFICATE_NONE_INSTALLED" desc="Settings > Internet > Network configuration: Label when no certificates are installed.">
None installed
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_NETWORK_REQUIRE_HARDWARE_BACKED" desc="In the network connect dialog, when creating a VPN or enterprise Wi-Fi connection, error message to display when a non hardware-backed user certificate is selected.">
User certificate must be hardware-backed.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_NETWORK_ACCESS_POINT" desc="Settings > Internet > Network details: Access Point section label.">
Access Point
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_NETWORK_NAMESERVERS" desc="Settings > Network: Name servers label.">
Name servers
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_NETWORK_NAMESERVERS_AUTOMATIC" desc="Settings > Internet > Network details: Label for setting automatic name servers.">
Automatic name servers
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_NETWORK_NAMESERVERS_CUSTOM" desc="Settings > Internet > Network details: Label for setting custom name servers.">
Custom name servers
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_NETWORK_NAMESERVERS_GOOGLE" desc="Settings > Internet > Network details: Label for setting Google name servers.">
Google name servers
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_NETWORK_NAMESERVERS_INPUT_ACCESSIBILITY_LABEL" desc="Settings > Internet > Network details: Accessibility only label for custom nameserver input box.">
Custom nameserver <ph name="INPUT_INDEX">$1<ex>1</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_NETWORK_PROXY_WPAD" desc="Settings > Internet > Network details: Web Proxy Auto Discovery (WPAD) label.">
Web Proxy Auto Discovery URL:
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_NETWORK_PROXY_WPAD_NONE" desc="Settings > Internet > Network details: Value for Web Proxy Auto Discovery when no URL is provided.">
Not provided
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_NETWORK_CHOOSE_MOBILE" desc="Settings > Internet > Network details: Label for control to choose a mobile data network.">
Mobile data network
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_NETWORK_CELLULAR_SCAN" desc="Settings > Internet > Network details: Label for button to start a Cellular scan.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_NETWORK_CELLULAR_SCAN_COMPLETED" desc="Settings > Internet > Network details: Status text when a scan has completed.">
Scan completed
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_NETWORK_CELLULAR_SCAN_CONNECTED_HELP" desc="Settings > Internet > Network details: Help message for scan button when network is connected.">
Disconnect to enable scanning
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_NETWORK_CELLULAR_SCANNING" desc="Settings > Internet > Network details: Status text when a scan is in progress.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_NETWORK_CELLULAR_NO_NETWORKS" desc="Settings > Internet > Network details: Dropdown text when no cellular networks were found after a scan.">
No networks
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_NETWORK_PROXY_ENFORCED_POLICY" desc="Settings > Internet > Network details: Text to show when a network proxy is policy enforced.">
This proxy is enforced by your administrator
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_NETWORK_PROXY_ALLOW_SHARED" desc="Settings > Internet > Network details: Text next to the checkbox for allowing proxy settings for shared networks.">
Allow proxies for shared networks
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_NETWORK_PROXY_ALLOW_SHARED_ENABLE_WARNING_TITLE" desc="Settings > Internet > Network details: Title for warning dialog when changing the allow shared proxies setting is enabled.">
Allow proxies for shared networks
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_NETWORK_PROXY_ALLOW_SHARED_DISABLE_WARNING_TITLE" desc="Settings > Internet > Network details: Title for warning dialog when changing the allow shared proxies setting is disabled.">
Disallow proxies for shared networks
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_NETWORK_PROXY_ALLOW_SHARED_WARNING_MESSAGE" desc="Settings > Internet > Network details: Warning message when changing the allow shared proxies setting.">
Changing this setting will affect all shared networks
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_NETWORK_PROXY_TYPE_DIRECT" desc="Radio used to tell it to just connect directly, not use a proxy.">
Direct Internet connection
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_NETWORK_PROXY_TYPE_MANUAL" desc="Radio used to tell it to configure manually.">
Manual proxy configuration
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_NETWORK_PROXY_TYPE_PAC" desc="Radio to select configuring from a URL.">
Automatic proxy configuration
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_NETWORK_PROXY_TYPE_WPAD" desc="Label for the checkbox that controls whether to use an autoconfiguration URL.">
Web proxy autodiscovery
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_NETWORK_PROXY_USE_SAME" desc="Settings > Internet > Network details: Label for checkbox indicating that a network proxy uses the same value for all protocols.">
Use the same proxy for all protocols
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_NETWORK_PROXY_EXCEPTION_INPUT_ACCESSIBILITY_LABEL" desc="Settings > Internet > Accessibility only label for input field to add proxy exceptions.">
Host or domain to exclude
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_NETWORK_PROXY_EXCEPTION_LIST" desc="Settings > Internet > Network details: Label for list of network proxy exceptions.">
Do not use the proxy settings for these hosts and domains:
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_NETWORK_PROXY_EXCEPT_REMOVE_ACCESSIBILITY_LABEL" desc="Settings > Internet > Network details: Accessibility only label for button to remove proxy exception.">
Remove exception for <ph name="HOST_NAME">$1<ex></ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_NETWORK_PROXY_ADD_EXCEPTION" desc="Settings > Internet > Network details: Label for button to add a network proxy exception.">
Add exception
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_NETWORK_PROXY_CONNECTION_TYPE" desc="Settings > Internet > Network details: Label for proxy connection type dropdown.">
Connection type
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_NETWORK_PROXY_CONNECTION_TYPE_DIALOG" desc="Label for proxy connection type dropdown in the network details dialog used in the login screen.">
Proxy connection type
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_NETWORK_PROXY_AUTO_CONFIG" desc="Settings > Internet > Network details: Label for proxy autoconfiguration URL input.">
Autoconfiguration URL:
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_NETWORK_PROXY_PROXY" desc="Settings > Internet > Network details: Label for all proxies.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_NETWORK_PROXY_HOST_INPUT_ACCESSIBILITY_LABEL" desc="Settings > Internet > Network details: Accessibility only label for proxy host input field.">
<ph name="INPUT_LABEL">$1<ex>HTTP Proxy</ex></ph> - Host
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_NETWORK_PROXY_HTTP_PROXY" desc="Settings > Internet > Network details: Label for HTTP proxy.">
HTTP Proxy
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_NETWORK_PROXY_SHTTP_PROXY" desc="Settings > Internet > Network details: Label for SHTTP proxy.">
Secure HTTP Proxy
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_NETWORK_PROXY_FTP_PROXY" desc="Settings > Internet > Network details: Label for FTP proxy.">
FTP Proxy
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_NETWORK_PROXY_SOCKS_HOST" desc="Settings > Internet > Network details: Label for SOCKS host proxy.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_NETWORK_PROXY_PORT" desc="Settings > Internet > Network details: Label for proxy port input.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_NETWORK_PROXY_PORT_INPUT_ACCESSIBILITY_LABEL" desc="Settings > Internet > Network details: Accessibility only label for proxy port number input field.">
<ph name="INPUT_LABEL">$1<ex>HTTP Proxy</ex></ph> - Port
<!-- Settings > Internet > SIM lock/unlock dialog -->
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_NETWORK_SIM_CHANGE_PIN" desc="Settings > Internet > Network details > Lock/unlock SIM card: Label for buton to change the PIN.">
Change PIN
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_NETWORK_SIM_CARD_MISSING" desc="Settings > Internet > Network details > Lock/unlock SIM card: Message when SIM card is missing.">
Missing SIM card
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_NETWORK_SIM_CARD_LOCKED" desc="Settings > Internet > Network details > Lock/unlock SIM card: Message when SIM card is locked.">
SIM card is locked
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_NETWORK_SIM_LOCK_ENABLE" desc="Settings > Internet > Network details > Lock/unlock SIM card: Label for checkbox to enable SIM card locking.">
Enable SIM card locking (require PIN to use mobile data)
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_NETWORK_SIM_BUTTON_CHANGE" desc="Settings > Internet > Network details > Lock/unlock SIM card: Label for dialog button to change a PIN.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_NETWORK_SIM_BUTTON_ENTER" desc="Settings > Internet > Network details > Lock/unlock SIM card: Label for dialog button to enter a PIN; note that in this context, 'Enter' refers to the act of entering a PIN, not the name of a key on the keyboard." meaning="Enter a PIN into the device. [Verb]">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_NETWORK_SIM_BUTTON_UNLOCK" desc="Settings > Internet > Network details > Lock/unlock SIM card: Label for button to unlock the SIM card.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_NETWORK_SIM_ENTER_PIN_TITLE" desc="Settings > Internet > Network details > Lock/unlock SIM card: Title for enter PIN dialog.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_NETWORK_SIM_CHANGE_PIN_TITLE" desc="Settings > Internet > Network details > Lock/unlock SIM card: Title for change PIN dialog.">
Change SIM PIN
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_NETWORK_SIM_LOCKED_TITLE" desc="Settings > Internet > Network details > Lock/unlock SIM card: Title for SIM locked dialog.">
SIM Card is locked
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_NETWORK_SIM_LOCKED_WARNING" desc="Settings > Internet > Network details > Lock/unlock SIM card: Warning for SIM locked dialog when PUK is required.">
Your SIM card will be permanently disabled if you cannot enter the correct PIN Unlock Key.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_NETWORK_SIM_ENTER_PIN" desc="Settings > Internet > Network details > Lock/unlock SIM card: Label for entering a PIN.">
Enter PIN
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_NETWORK_SIM_ENTER_OLD_PIN" desc="Settings > Internet > Network details > Lock/unlock SIM card: Label for entering an old (current) PIN.">
Enter old PIN
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_NETWORK_SIM_ENTER_NEW_PIN" desc="Settings > Internet > Network details > Lock/unlock SIM card: Label for entering a new PIN.">
Enter new PIN
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_NETWORK_SIM_RE_ENTER_NEW_PIN" desc="Settings > Internet > Network details > Lock/unlock SIM card: Label for re-entering a new PIN.">
Re-enter new PIN
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_NETWORK_SIM_ENTER_PUK" desc="Settings > Internet > Network details > Lock/unlock SIM card: Label for entering a PUK.">
Enter PIN Unlock Key
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_NETWORK_SIM_ERROR_INCORRECT_PIN" desc="Settings > Internet > Network details > Lock/unlock SIM card: Message when an incorrect PIN was entered.">
Incorrect PIN. Retries left: <ph name="RETRIES">$1<ex>3</ex></ph>.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_NETWORK_SIM_ERROR_INCORRECT_PUK" desc="Settings > Internet > Network details > Lock/unlock SIM card: Message when an incorrect PUK was entered.">
Incorrect PUK. Retries left: <ph name="RETRIES">$1<ex>3</ex></ph>.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_NETWORK_SIM_ERROR_INVALID_PIN" desc="Settings > Internet > Network details > Lock/unlock SIM card: Message when an invalid PIN was entered.">
Invalid PIN. Retries left: <ph name="RETRIES">$1<ex>3</ex></ph>.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_NETWORK_SIM_ERROR_INVALID_PUK" desc="Settings > Internet > Network details > Lock/unlock SIM card: Message when an invalid PUK was entered.">
Invalid PUK. Retries left: <ph name="RETRIES">$1<ex>3</ex></ph>.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INTERNET_NETWORK_SIM_ERROR_PIN_MISMATCH" desc="Settings > Internet > Network details > Lock/unlock SIM card: Message when PIN values do not match.">
PIN values do not match.
<!-- Strings shown within Tether notifications -->
<message name="IDS_TETHER_NOTIFICATION_CONNECTION_FAILED_TITLE" desc="Title of the notification shown to the user when an attempt to tether to another device has failed.">
Instant Tethering connection failed
<message name="IDS_TETHER_NOTIFICATION_CONNECTION_FAILED_MESSAGE" desc="Message shown as part of the notification shown to the user when an attempt to tether to another device has failed which gives the user instructions about how to configure tethering.">
Tap to configure
<message name="IDS_TETHER_NOTIFICATION_WIFI_AVAILABLE_ONE_DEVICE_TITLE" desc="Title of the notification shown to the user when a tether hotspot is available via one nearby device.">
Wi-Fi available via phone
<message name="IDS_TETHER_NOTIFICATION_WIFI_AVAILABLE_ONE_DEVICE_MESSAGE" desc="Message shown as part of the notification shown to the user when a tether hotspot is available via one nearby device.">
Data connection available from your <ph name="PHONE_NAME">$1<ex>Google Pixel XL</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_TETHER_NOTIFICATION_WIFI_AVAILABLE_ONE_DEVICE_CONNECT" desc="Text of the button shown to the user when a tether hotspot is available via one nearby device. When the button is clicked, a connection starts.">
<message name="IDS_TETHER_NOTIFICATION_WIFI_AVAILABLE_MULTIPLE_DEVICES_TITLE" desc="Title of the notification shown to the user when multiple tether hotspots are available via multiple nearby devices.">
Wi-Fi available via multiple devices
<message name="IDS_TETHER_NOTIFICATION_WIFI_AVAILABLE_MULTIPLE_DEVICES_MESSAGE" desc="Message shown as part of the notification shown to the user when multiple tether hotspots are available via multiple nearby devices.">
Data connection available
<message name="IDS_TETHER_NOTIFICATION_SETUP_REQUIRED_TITLE" desc="Title of the notification shown to the user when set up is needed on another device to start tethering.">
Set up connection on your <ph name="PHONE_NAME">$1<ex>Google Pixel XL</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_TETHER_NOTIFICATION_SETUP_REQUIRED_MESSAGE" desc="Message shown as part of the notification shown to the user when set up is needed on another device to start tethering.">
Tap the notification on your <ph name="PHONE_NAME">$1<ex>Google Pixel XL</ex></ph> to set up the mobile hotspot that can be used by this device.
<!-- Misc settings related strings -->
<message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_TIMEZONE_DISPLAY_TEMPLATE" desc="In the settings tab, the display template of a timezone in the pull-down list of timezones">
(<ph name="UTCOffset">$1<ex>UTC-8:00</ex></ph>) <ph name="LongTZName">$2<ex>Pacific Standard Time</ex></ph> (<ph name="ExemplarCity">$3<ex>Los Angeles</ex></ph>)
<message name="IDS_OPTIONS_SETTINGS_TIMEZONE_DISPLAY_NAME_UTC" desc="This is the display name of UTC/GMT timezone for timezone option in user settings.">
Coordinated Universal Time (UTC/GMT)
<message name="IDS_TEXT_TO_SPEECH_SETTINGS_NO_LANGUAGE" desc="A label for text-to-speech voices which do not have a language specified. For example, some voices may speak in US English, or Spain-Spanish. This labels voices with no language.">
No language
<!-- OOBE supervised user Change picture UI -->
<message name="IDS_OPTIONS_CHANGE_PICTURE_TAKE_PHOTO" desc="The text on the button to take photo of the current user.">
Take photo
<message name="IDS_OPTIONS_CHANGE_PICTURE_CAPTURE_VIDEO" desc="The text on the button to capture video of the current user.">
Capture video
<message name="IDS_OPTIONS_CHANGE_PICTURE_PHOTO_FROM_CAMERA" desc="The accessible text on the icon in the user image grid for a camera photo, when a photo has been captured.">
Photo from internal camera
<message name="IDS_OPTIONS_CHANGE_PICTURE_DISCARD_PHOTO" desc="The text on the button to discard the captured photo or video of the current user.">
Discard photo or video
<message name="IDS_OPTIONS_PHOTO_CAPTURE_ACCESSIBLE_TEXT" desc="The accessible message to speak to announce that a photo was captured.">
Photo was captured
<message name="IDS_OPTIONS_PHOTO_DISCARD_ACCESSIBLE_TEXT" desc="The accessible message to speak to announce that a photo was discarded.">
Photo was discarded
<message name="IDS_OPTIONS_CHANGE_PICTURE_SWITCH_MODE_TO_CAMERA" desc="The text on the button to switch the mode of the camera to photo.">
Switch to camera mode
<message name="IDS_OPTIONS_CHANGE_PICTURE_SWITCH_MODE_TO_VIDEO" desc="The text on the button to switch the mode of the camera to video.">
Switch to video recorder
<message name="IDS_IMAGE_SCREEN_PROFILE_PHOTO" desc="The title of the Google profile photo of the user on image selection screen. Please keep in sync with IDS_OPTIONS_CHANGE_PICTURE_PROFILE_PHOTO.">
Google Profile photo
<message name="IDS_IMAGE_SCREEN_PROFILE_LOADING_PHOTO" desc="The title of the loading stub for Google profile image on image selection screen. Please keep in sync with IDS_OPTIONS_CHANGE_PICTURE_PROFILE_LOADING_PHOTO.">
Google Profile photo (loading)
<message name="IDS_IMAGE_SCREEN_SYNCING_PREFERENCES" desc="The message displayed on the image screen of the GAIA flow while user preferences are syncing.">
Syncing your preferences...
<!-- Slow UI -->
<message name="IDS_SLOW_DISABLE" desc="The text of the button that disables performance collection for feedback reports">
Disable performance data collection
<message name="IDS_SLOW_ENABLE" desc="The text of the button that enables performance collection for feedback reports">
Enable performance data collection
<message name="IDS_SLOW_DESCRIPTION" desc="The description of the performance tracing feature for feedback reports.">
Enabling collection of performance data will help Google improve the system over time. No data is sent until you file a feedback report (Alt-Shift-I) and include performance data. You can return to this screen to disable collection at any time.
<message name="IDS_SLOW_WARNING" desc="The warning that informs users that enabling this can have a negative effect on their performance">
<ph name="BEGIN_BOLD">&lt;strong&gt;</ph>Note:<ph name="END_BOLD">&lt;/strong&gt;</ph> Only enable if you know what you are doing or if you have been asked to do so, as collection of data may reduce performance.
<!-- EULA -->
<message name="IDS_EULA_BACK_BUTTON" desc="Back button shown on EULA/OOBE screens.">
<message name="IDS_EULA_NEXT_BUTTON" desc="Next button shown on EULA/OOBE screens.">
<message name="IDS_EULA_ACCEPT_AND_CONTINUE_BUTTON" desc="Accept button text below EULA terms of service">
Accept and continue
<message name="IDS_EULA_SYSTEM_SECURITY_SETTING" desc="Link from the EULA wizard screen and title of the TPM info dialog">
System security setting
<message name="IDS_EULA_TPM_DESCRIPTION" desc="Dialog box text">
Your computer contains a Trusted Platform Module (TPM) security device, which is used to implement many critical security features in Chrome OS. Visit the Chromebook Help Center to learn more:
<message name="IDS_EULA_TPM_KEY_DESCRIPTION" desc="Dialog box text">
Below is the randomly generated TPM password that has been assigned to your computer:
<message name="IDS_EULA_TPM_KEY_DESCRIPTION_POWERWASH" desc="Dialog box text in case TPM is already in owned state">
The randomly generated TPM password is not available. This is normal after a Powerwash.
<message name="IDS_EULA_RLZ_DESCRIPTION" desc="Dialog box text">
Your computer also comes with <ph name="SHORT_PRODUCT_NAME">$1<ex>Chrome</ex></ph>'s RLZ library built in. RLZ assigns a non-unique, non-personally identifiable tag to measure the searches and <ph name="SHORT_PRODUCT_NAME">$1<ex>Chrome</ex></ph> usage driven by a particular promotional campaign. These labels sometimes appear in Google Search queries in <ph name="PRODUCT_NAME">$2<ex>Google Chrome</ex></ph>.
<message name="IDS_EULA_RLZ_ENABLE" desc="Check box text for enabling RLZ tracking on TPM/RLZ info dialog.">
Enable RLZ tracking on <ph name="SHORT_PRODUCT_OS_NAME">$1<ex>Chrome OS</ex></ph>.
<message name="IDS_EULA_TPM_BUSY" desc="Message bubble text">
TPM is being prepared, please wait (this may take a few minutes)...
<message name="IDS_EULA_SECURE_MODULE_DESCRIPTION" desc="Description of what a secure module does in the eula page.">
Your computer contains a secure module, which is used to implement many critical security features in Chrome OS. Visit the Chromebook Help Center to learn more:
<message name="IDS_EULA_SECURE_MODULE_KEY_DESCRIPTION" desc="Description of the generated secure module password in the eula page.">
Below is the randomly generated secure module password that has been assigned to your computer:
<message name="IDS_EULA_SECURE_MODULE_KEY_DESCRIPTION_POWERWASH" desc="Notifies users that a secure module password is unavailabe after a powerwash.">
The randomly generated secure module password is not available. This is normal after a Powerwash.
<message name="IDS_EULA_SECURE_MODULE_BUSY" desc="Message that is shown to users on the eula page while the secure module is being prepared.">
Secure module is being prepared, please wait (this may take a few minutes)...
<message name="IDS_ENABLE_DEBUGGING_SCREEN_TITLE" desc="Title of the enable debugging features screen">
Enable debugging features
<message name="IDS_ENABLE_DEBUGGING_SCREEN_WARNING_MSG" desc="Warning text shown on enable debugging features screen above the exclamation icon.">
Enable debugging features on this <ph name="IDS_SHORT_PRODUCT_NAME">$1<ex>Chrome</ex></ph> device
<message name="IDS_ENABLE_DEBUGGING_SCREEN_ROOTFS_REMOVE_MSG" desc="Text shown on enable debugging features screen below warning messages if device needs extra restart before powerwash.">
A removal of rootfs protection and restart is required before enabling other debugging features.
<message name="IDS_ENABLE_DEBUGGING_LEARN_MORE" desc="Learn more link text in the enable debugging features dialog.">
Learn more.
<message name="IDS_ENABLE_DEBUGGING_REMOVE_ROOTFS_BUTTON" desc="Button for rootfs protection removal shown on enable debugging dialog.">
<message name="IDS_ENABLE_DEBUGGING_ENABLE_BUTTON" desc="Button for enabling debugging features shown on enable debugging dialog.">
<message name="IDS_ENABLE_DEBUGGING_SETUP_MESSAGE" desc="Setup message in dialog for enabling debugging features.">
You are enabling Chrome OS debugging features which will set up sshd daemon and enable booting from USB drives.
<message name="IDS_ENABLE_DEBUGGING_DONE_MESSAGE" desc="Completion message in dialog for enabling debugging features.">
You have successfully enabled debugging features on this <ph name="IDS_SHORT_PRODUCT_NAME">$1<ex>Chrome</ex></ph> device.
<message name="IDS_ENABLE_DEBUGGING_ERROR_TITLE" desc="Title message when enabling of debugging features fails.">
Something went wrong
<message name="IDS_ENABLE_DEBUGGING_ERROR_MESSAGE" desc="Error message when enabling of debugging features fails.">
Debugging features were not completely enabled on this <ph name="IDS_SHORT_PRODUCT_NAME">$1<ex>Chrome</ex></ph> device.
<message name="IDS_ENABLE_DEBUGGING_ROOT_PASSWORD_LABEL" desc="Text for root password entry field label from enable debugging features dialog.">
root password
<message name="IDS_ENABLE_DEBUGGING_CONFIRM_PASSWORD_LABEL" desc="Text for root password entry field label from enable debugging features dialog.">
confirm password
<message name="IDS_ENABLE_DEBUGGING_WAIT_MESSAGE" desc="Confirmation message in dialog for enabling debugging features.">
Please wait...
<message name="IDS_ENABLE_DEBUGGING_EMPTY_ROOT_PASSWORD_LABEL" desc="Text for root password entry field label from enable debugging features dialog.">
leave empty if you want to set the root password to the default test image value
<message name="IDS_ENABLE_DEBUGGING_HELP" desc="Help content of the enable debugging features dialog.">
<ph name="BEGIN_H3">&lt;h3&gt;</ph>Debugging Features<ph name="END_H3">&lt;/h3&gt;</ph>
<ph name="BR">&lt;br&gt;</ph>
You can enable the debugging features on your Chrome OS Device in order to install and test custom code on your device. This will allow you to:<ph name="BR">&lt;br&gt;</ph>
<ph name="BEGIN_LIST">&lt;ul&gt;</ph>
<ph name="LIST_ITEM">&lt;li&gt;</ph>Remove rootfs verification so you can modify OS files
<ph name="LIST_ITEM">&lt;li&gt;</ph>Enable SSH access to the device using the standard test keys so you can use tools such as <ph name="BEGIN_CODE">&lt;span style=&quot;color:grey;font-family:monospace&quot;&gt;</ph>&apos;cros flash&apos;<ph name="END_CODE">&lt;/span&gt;</ph> to access the device
<ph name="LIST_ITEM">&lt;li&gt;</ph>Enable booting from USB so you can install an OS image from a USB drive
<ph name="LIST_ITEM">&lt;li&gt;</ph>Set both the dev and the system root login password to a custom value so you can manually SSH into the device
<ph name="END_LIST">&lt;/ul&gt;</ph>
<ph name="BR">&lt;br&gt;</ph>
Once enabled, most of the debugging features will remain enabled even after performing a powerwash or wiping the data on an enterprise managed device. To fully disable all debugging features, complete the Chrome OS recovery process (
<ph name="BR">&lt;br&gt;</ph>
<ph name="BR">&lt;br&gt;</ph>
For more information about the debugging features see:<ph name="BR">&lt;br&gt;</ph>
<ph name="BR">&lt;br&gt;</ph>
<ph name="BR">&lt;br&gt;</ph>
<ph name="BEGIN_BOLD">&lt;b&gt;</ph>Note:<ph name="END_BOLD">&lt;/b&gt;</ph> The system will reboot during the process.
<message name="IDS_ENABLE_ARC_ADB_SIDELOADING_SETUP_TITLE" desc="Title of the enable ARC ADB Sideloading screen upon reboot">
Enable ADB debugging?
<message name="IDS_ENABLE_ARC_ADB_SIDELOADING_SETUP_MESSAGE" desc="Setup message in dialog for enabling ARC ADB Sideloading.">
Continuing will enable ADB debugging for creating and testing Android apps. Note that this action allows installation of Android apps that haven't been verified by Google, and requires a factory reset to disable.
<message name="IDS_ENABLE_ARC_ADB_SIDELOADING_SETUP_ILLUSTRATION_TITLE" desc="Accessible title of ARC ADB sideloading illustration depicting the setup screen.">
Enabling adb to create apps illustration
<message name="IDS_ENABLE_ARC_ADB_SIDELOADING_ERROR_TITLE" desc="Title message when enabling of ARC ADB Sideloading fails.">
Something went wrong
<message name="IDS_ENABLE_ARC_ADB_SIDELOADING_ERROR_MESSAGE" desc="Error message when enabling of ARC ADB Sideloading fails.">
Couldn't enable ADB debugging. Go to Settings and try again.
<message name="IDS_ENABLE_ARC_ADB_SIDELOADING_ERROR_ILLUSTRATION_TITLE" desc="Accessible title of ARC ADB sideloading illustration depicting the error screen.">
Failed to enable ADB illustration
<message name="IDS_ENABLE_ARC_ADB_SIDELOADING_LEARN_MORE" desc="Learn more link text in the enable ARC ADB Sideloading dialog.">
Learn more
<message name="IDS_ENABLE_ARC_ADB_SIDELOADING_CONFIRM_BUTTON" desc="Button for confirming an action in a dialog for ARC ADB Sideloading.">
<message name="IDS_ENABLE_ARC_ADB_SIDELOADING_CANCEL_BUTTON" desc="Button for canceling an action in a dialog for ARC ADB Sideloading.">
<message name="IDS_ENABLE_ARC_ADB_SIDELOADING_OK_BUTTON" desc="Button for acknowledging in a dialog for ARC ADB Sideloading.">
<message name="IDS_RESET_SCREEN_WARNING_MSG" desc="Warning text shown on reset screen above the exclamation icon.">
Reset this <ph name="IDS_SHORT_PRODUCT_NAME">$1<ex>Chrome</ex></ph> device
<message name="IDS_RESET_SCREEN_WARNING_POWERWASH_MSG" desc="Warning text shown on reset screen below the exclamation icon.">
Powerwash to reset your <ph name="IDS_SHORT_PRODUCT_NAME">$1<ex>Chrome</ex></ph> device to be just like new.
<message name="IDS_RESET_SCREEN_WARNING_POWERWASH_AND_ROLLBACK_MSG" desc="Warning text shown on reset screen below the exclamation icon.">
Powerwash your <ph name="IDS_SHORT_PRODUCT_NAME">$1<ex>Chrome</ex></ph> device and return to the previous version.
<message name="IDS_RESET_SCREEN_WARNING_DETAILS_DATA" desc="Additional warning text shown on reset screen below the main warning.">
All user accounts and local data will be removed.
<message name="IDS_RESET_SCREEN_RESTART_MSG" desc="Text shown on reset screen below warning messages if device needs extra restart before powerwash.">
A restart is required to begin the Powerwash process. After restart you will be asked to confirm that you want to proceed.
<message name="IDS_RESET_SCREEN_TPM_FIRMWARE_UPDATE_OPTION" desc="Checkbox label for the TPM firmware update option of the powerwash process, shown on the device reset screen.">
Update firmware for added security.
<message name="IDS_RESET_SCREEN_POWERWASH" desc="Powerwash button text">
<message name="IDS_RESET_SCREEN_POWERWASH_AND_REVERT" desc="Powerwash+rollback button text">
Powerwash and Revert
<message name="IDS_RESET_SCREEN_PREPARING_REVERT_PROMISE" desc="Message shown on reset screen after user initiates powerwash with version revert while revert is prepared until reboot.">
<ph name="IDS_SHORT_PRODUCT_NAME">$1<ex>Chrome</ex></ph> will restart and reset momentarily
<message name="IDS_RESET_SCREEN_PREPARING_REVERT_SPINNER_MESSAGE" desc="Spinner message shown on reset screen after user initiates powerwash with version revert while revert is prepared until reboot.">
Reverting to the previously installed version of <ph name="IDS_SHORT_PRODUCT_NAME">$1<ex>Chrome</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_RESET_SCREEN_REVERT_ERROR" desc="Error message shown when revert was initiated but unavailable to be performed." meaning="Device reset screen revert option context.">
Oops, something went wrong.
<message name="IDS_RESET_SCREEN_REVERT_ERROR_EXPLANATION" desc="Error description shown when revert was initiated but unavailable to be performed.">
<ph name="IDS_SHORT_PRODUCT_NAME">$1<ex>Chrome</ex></ph> is unable to revert to the previously installed version. Please try again to Powerwash your device.
<message name="IDS_RESET_SCREEN_POPUP_POWERWASH_TITLE" desc="Confirmational pop-up on top of reset device dialog. Pop-up title for powerwash.">
Confirm Powerwash
<message name="IDS_RESET_SCREEN_POPUP_ROLLBACK_TITLE" desc="Confirmational pop-up on top of reset device dialog. Pop-up title for rollback.">
Confirm Powerwash with return to previous version
<message name="IDS_RESET_SCREEN_POPUP_POWERWASH_TEXT" desc="Confirmational pop-up on top of reset device dialog. Pop-up text for powerwash.">
Your device will be reset and all user accounts and local data will be removed. This cannot be undone.
<message name="IDS_RESET_SCREEN_POPUP_ROLLBACK_TEXT" desc="Confirmational pop-up on top of reset device dialog. Pop-up text for rollback.">
Your device will be returned to the previously installed version of Chrome. All user accounts and local data will be removed. This cannot be undone.
<message name="IDS_RESET_SCREEN_POPUP_CONFIRM_BUTTON" desc="Confirmational pop-up on top of reset device dialog. Confirm button text.">
<message name="IDS_WRONG_HWID_SCREEN_HEADER" desc="Header of message shown on screen notifying about malformed hardware ID.">
A factory error has been detected
<message name="IDS_WRONG_HWID_SCREEN_MESSAGE_FIRST_PART" desc="Warning message shown on screen notifying about malformed hardware ID. First paragraph.">
Unfortunately, your computer is configured with a malformed hardware ID. This prevents Chrome OS from updating with the latest security fixes and your computer <ph name="BEGIN_BOLD">$1</ph>may be vulnerable to malicious attacks<ph name="END_BOLD">$2</ph>.
<message name="IDS_WRONG_HWID_SCREEN_MESSAGE_SECOND_PART" desc="Warning message shown on screen notifying about malformed hardware ID. Second paragraph.">
Please contact your hardware manufacturer immediately to send your computer to a repair facility.
<message name="IDS_WRONG_HWID_SCREEN_SKIP_LINK" desc="Text on link that skips warning about malformed hardware ID.">
Skip for now
<message name="IDS_AUTO_ENROLLMENT_CHECK_SCREEN_HEADER" desc="Header of message only used for accessibility label in the current design, notifying about pending auto-enrollment check completion.">
Determining device configuration.
<message name="IDS_AUTO_ENROLLMENT_CHECK_SCREEN_MESSAGE" desc="Warning message shown on screen notifying about pending auto-enrollment check completion.">
Determining device configuration...
<message name="IDS_TERMS_OF_SERVICE_SCREEN_HEADING" desc="Heading at the top of the Terms of Service screen.">
<ph name="DOMAIN">$1<ex></ex></ph> Terms of Service
<message name="IDS_TERMS_OF_SERVICE_SCREEN_CONTENT_HEADING" desc="Heading at the start of the the Terms of Service text.">
<ph name="DOMAIN">$1<ex></ex></ph> Terms
<message name="IDS_TERMS_OF_SERVICE_SCREEN_LOADING" desc="Message shown while the Terms of Service are being downloaded.">
<message name="IDS_TERMS_OF_SERVICE_SCREEN_ERROR" desc="Error message shown when the Terms of Service could not be loaded.">
Oops, something went wrong.
<message name="IDS_TERMS_OF_SERVICE_SCREEN_TRY_AGAIN" desc="Message telling the user to try again later. Shown beneath the error message when the Terms of Service could not be loaded.">
Please try again later.
<message name="IDS_TERMS_OF_SERVICE_SCREEN_BACK_BUTTON" desc="Text of the back button on Terms of Service screen.">
<message name="IDS_TERMS_OF_SERVICE_SCREEN_ACCEPT_BUTTON" desc="Text of the accept button on the Terms of Service screen.">
Accept and continue
<message name="IDS_CONTROLLED_SETTING_WITH_OWNER" desc="Text displayed in the controlled settings bubble when a setting's value can be edited only by the owner.">
This setting is managed by the device owner, <ph name="OWNER_EMAIL">$1<ex></ex></ph>.
<message name="IDS_CONTROLLED_SETTING_NO_OWNER" desc="Text displayed in the controlled settings bubble when a setting's value can be edited only by the owner.">
This setting is managed by the device owner.
<message name="IDS_CONTROLLED_SETTING_SHARED" desc="Text displayed in the controlled settings bubble when a setting's value belongs to the primary user but can be edited.">
This setting belongs to <ph name="OWNER_EMAIL">$1<ex></ex></ph>.
<message name="IDS_CONTROLLED_SETTING_DEMO_SESSION" desc="Text displayed in the controlled settings bubble when a setting's value is enforced by demo session.">
This setting can't be changed in a demo session.
<message name="IDS_CONTROLLED_SETTING_PARENT" desc="Text displayed in the controlled settings bubble when a setting's value is controlled by user's parent.">
This setting is managed by a parent.
<message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_DISABLE_SPOKEN_FEEDBACK" desc="The menu option to disable spoken feedback accessibility feature.">
Disable ChromeVox (spoken feedback)
<message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_NETWORK_DEVICE_ETHERNET" desc="Label for an ethernet network device.">
<message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_NETWORK_DEVICE_WIFI" desc="Label for a wifi network device.">
<message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_NETWORK_DEVICE_CELLULAR" desc="Label for a cellular network device.">
Mobile data
<!-- Network icon accessibility descriptions -->
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_ICON_LABEL_ETHERNET" desc="Network icon accessibility label for an Ethernet network.">
Ethernet network
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_ICON_LABEL_VPN" desc="Network icon accessibility label for a VPN network.">
VPN network
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_ICON_LABEL_NETWORK_OFF" desc="Network icon accessibility label for a network that is turned off.">
<ph name="NETWORK_TYPE">$1<ex>Instant Tethering</ex></ph> network, off
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_ICON_LABEL_NO_NETWORK" desc="Network icon accessibility label for a celluar or tether connection with no network available.">
<ph name="NETWORK_TYPE">$1<ex>Instant Tethering</ex></ph>, no network
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_ICON_LABEL_CONNECTING" desc="Network icon accessibility label for a network that is currently attempting to connect.">
<ph name="NETWORK_TYPE">$1<ex>Instant Tethering</ex></ph> network, connecting
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_ICON_LABEL_NOT_CONNECTED" desc="Network icon accessibility label for a network that is not connected.">
<ph name="NETWORK_TYPE">$1<ex>Instant Tethering</ex></ph> network, not connected
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_ICON_LABEL_SIGNAL_STRENGTH" desc="Network icon accessibility label for a network that is currently connected with signal strength percentage available.">
<ph name="NETWORK_TYPE">$1<ex>Instant Tethering</ex></ph> network, signal strength <ph name="SIGNAL_STRENGTH">$2<ex>80</ex></ph>%
<!-- Common Network type strings -->
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_TYPE_ETHERNET" desc="Label for Ethernet networks.">
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_TYPE_WIFI" desc="Label for WiFi networks.">
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_TYPE_METERED_WIFI" desc="Label for metered Wi-Fi networks (i.e., Wi-Fi networks which have resticted data usage such as a monthly limit).">
metered Wi-Fi
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_TYPE_BLUETOOTH" desc="Label for Bluetooth networks.">
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_TYPE_CELLULAR" desc="Label for Cellular networks.">
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_TYPE_TETHER" desc="Label for Instant Tethering networks.">
Instant Tethering
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_TYPE_MOBILE_DATA" desc="Label for category which includes both Cellular and Tether networks.">
Mobile data
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_TYPE_VPN" desc="Label for VPN networks.">
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_TYPE_VPN_BUILTIN" desc="The built-in VPN types (Open VPN and L2TP/IPSec).">
OpenVPN / L2TP
<!-- Status bar -->
<message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_NETWORK_DEVICE_CONNECTING" desc="The network device status connecting.">
<message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_NETWORK_DEVICE_CONNECTED" desc="The network device status connected.">
<message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_NETWORK_DEVICE_ENABLE" desc="Enable the network device.">
Enable <ph name="NETWORKDEVICE">$1<ex>Wifi</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_NETWORK_DEVICE_DISABLE" desc="Disable the network device.">
Disable <ph name="NETWORKDEVICE">$1<ex>Wifi</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_NETWORK_DEVICE_STATUS" desc="The status of the network device.">
<ph name="NETWORKDEVICE">$1<ex>Wifi</ex></ph>: <ph name="STATUS">$2<ex>Connecting</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_NETWORK_MENU_ITEM_INDENT" desc="A menu item label with an indentation. For left-to-right languages, we use 3 spaces on the left.">
''' <ph name="LABEL">$1<ex>Wifi SSID</ex></ph>'''
<message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_NETWORK_OPEN_PROXY_SETTINGS_DIALOG" desc="The menu item in the network menu button at login screen for opening the options dialog">
Proxy settings...
<message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_NETWORK_MORE" desc="Message for last link in the network menu requesting more technical and less common stuff (proxy settings, IP and hardware addresses)">
<message name="IDS_STATUSBAR_NO_NETWORKS_MESSAGE" desc="No networks are available">
No networks are available
<!-- Accessibility strings, to be spoken -->
<message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_ACC_LOGIN_SIGNING_IN" desc="Status when signing in.">
Signing in.
<message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_ACC_LOGIN_SIGNIN_OFFRECORD" desc="Status when signing in incognito.">
Entering as Guest.
<message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_ACC_LOGIN_SIGNIN_PUBLIC_ACCOUNT" desc="Status when signing in into a public account.">
Entering managed session.
<message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_ACC_LEARN_MORE" desc="Dialog button [?] linking to more information.">
Learn more.
<!-- Common strings used in OOBE -->
<message name="IDS_CHROMEOS_OOBE_CLOSE_DIALOG" desc="Message to shown on a button for closing a modal dialog in OOBE">
<!-- Auto launch managed guest sessions privacy notification -->
<message name="IDS_AUTO_LAUNCH_NOTIFICATION_TITLE" desc="Title of the notification which is shown when the managed guest session auto launched.">
Managed guest session
<message name="IDS_AUTO_LAUNCH_NOTIFICATION_BUTTON" desc="Text of the button.">
View details
<!-- Removable device notifications -->
<message name="IDS_REMOVABLE_DEVICE_DETECTION_TITLE" desc="Text of notification message which is shown when user inserts removable device (SD card, USB key...)">
Removable device detected
<message name="IDS_REMOVABLE_DEVICE_NAVIGATION_MESSAGE" desc="Text of notification message to navigate users to the Files app. If user clicks a button in the notification, the Files app opens.">
Explore the device’s content in the Files app.
<message name="IDS_REMOVABLE_DEVICE_ALLOW_PLAY_STORE_ACCESS_MESSAGE" desc="Text of notification message to navigate users to the ARC settings page. If user clicks a button in the notification, the page opens.">
For device preferences, go to Settings.
<message name="IDS_REMOVABLE_DEVICE_PLAY_STORE_APPS_HAVE_ACCESS_MESSAGE" desc="Text of notification message to navigate users to the ARC settings page. If user clicks a button in the notification, the page opens.">
Play Store applications have access to this device.
<message name="IDS_REMOVABLE_DEVICE_NAVIGATION_MESSAGE_READONLY_POLICY" desc="Text of notification message to navigate users to the Files app when attaching a removable media, but the administrator's poilcy forbids writing data to them. If user clicks a button in the notification, the Files app opens.">
Explore the device's content in the Files app. The content is restricted by an admin and can’t be modified.
<message name="IDS_REMOVABLE_DEVICE_NAVIGATION_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Text of a button label in a notification to navigate users to the Files app. If user clicks the button, the Files app opens.">
Open Files app
<message name="IDS_REMOVABLE_DEVICE_OPEN_SETTTINGS_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Text of a button label in a notification to navigate users to the ARC settings page. If user clicks the button, the page opens.">
Open settings
<message name="IDS_REMOVABLE_DEVICE_IMPORT_MESSAGE" desc="Text of notification message to start the media import flow. If user clicks a button in the notification, the import flow begins.">
Back up media from the device using the Files app.
<message name="IDS_REMOVABLE_DEVICE_IMPORT_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Text of a button label in a notification to start the import flow. If user clicks the button, the import flow begins.">
View/Backup media
<message name="IDS_DEVICE_UNSUPPORTED_MESSAGE" desc="Text of notification message which is shown when user inserts removable device (SD card, USB key...)">
Sorry, the device <ph name="DEVICE_LABEL">$1<ex>My SD card</ex></ph> is not supported at this time.
<message name="IDS_DEVICE_UNSUPPORTED_DEFAULT_MESSAGE" desc="Text of notification message which is shown when user inserts removable device (SD card, USB key...)">
Sorry, your external storage device is not supported at this time.
<message name="IDS_DEVICE_UNKNOWN_MESSAGE" desc="Text of notification message which is shown when user inserts removable device (SD card, USB key...)">
Sorry, the device <ph name="DEVICE_LABEL">$1<ex>My SD card</ex></ph> could not be recognized.
<message name="IDS_DEVICE_UNKNOWN_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Text of a button label in a notification to format the device. If user clicks the button, the Files app opens and focus on unknown the device.">
Format this device
<message name="IDS_DEVICE_UNKNOWN_DEFAULT_MESSAGE" desc="Text of notification message which is shown when user inserts removable device (SD card, USB key...)">
Sorry, your external storage device could not be recognized.
<message name="IDS_MULTIPART_DEVICE_UNSUPPORTED_MESSAGE" desc="Text of notification message which is shown when user inserts removable device (SD card, USB key...)">
Sorry, at least one partition on the device <ph name="DEVICE_LABEL">$1<ex>MySDcard</ex></ph> could not be mounted.
<message name="IDS_MULTIPART_DEVICE_UNSUPPORTED_DEFAULT_MESSAGE" desc="Text of notification message which is shown when user inserts removable device (SD card, USB key...)">
Sorry, at least one partition on your external storage device could not be mounted.
<message name="IDS_EXTERNAL_STORAGE_DISABLED_MESSAGE" desc="Text of notification message which is shown when user inserts removable device but external storage is disabled by policy">
Sorry, your administrator has disabled external storage on your account.
<message name="IDS_DEVICE_HARD_UNPLUGGED_TITLE" desc="Text of notification title which is shown when user manually removes external storage without clicking the eject icon">
Whoa, there. Be careful.
<message name="IDS_DEVICE_HARD_UNPLUGGED_MESSAGE" desc="Text of notification message which is shown when user manually removes external storage without clicking the eject icon">
In the future, be sure to eject your removable device in the Files app before unplugging it. Otherwise, you might lose data.
<!-- Formatting device notifications -->
<message name="IDS_FORMATTING_OF_DEVICE_PENDING_TITLE" desc="Title of notification message which is shown when formatting process of some device is in progress">
<message name="IDS_FORMATTING_OF_DEVICE_FINISHED_TITLE" desc="Title of notification message which is shown when formatting process finshes">
Formatting finished
<message name="IDS_FORMATTING_OF_DEVICE_FAILED_TITLE" desc="Title of notification message which is shown when formatting process fails">
Formatting failed
<message name="IDS_FORMATTING_OF_DEVICE_PENDING_MESSAGE" desc="Text of notification message which is shown when formatting process of some device is in progress">
The formatting process can take a couple of seconds. Please wait.
<message name="IDS_FORMATTING_FINISHED_SUCCESS_MESSAGE" desc="Text of notification message which is shown when formatting finishes without any errors.">
Formatting finished successfully!
<message name="IDS_FORMATTING_FINISHED_FAILURE_MESSAGE" desc="Text of notification message which is shown when there are some errors while formatting.">
Aw, Snap! There was an error during formatting.
<!-- Renaming device notifications -->
<message name="IDS_RENAMING_OF_DEVICE_FAILED_TITLE" desc="Title of notification message which is shown when renaming process fails">
Renaming failed
<message name="IDS_RENAMING_OF_DEVICE_FINISHED_FAILURE_MESSAGE" desc="Text of notification message which is shown when there are some errors while renaming.">
Aw, Snap! There was an error during renaming.
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_ERROR_WHITELIST" desc="Couldn't sign in because user is not whitelisted by the device owner.">
You are not authorized to use this device. Please contact the device owner for sign-in permission.
<message name="IDS_ENTERPRISE_LOGIN_ERROR_WHITELIST" desc="Couldn't sign in because user is not whitelisted by the administrator.">
You are not authorized to use this device. Please contact the administrator for sign-in permission.
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_ERROR_GOOGLE_ACCOUNT_NOT_ALLOWED" desc="Couldn't sign into Google account on the Active Directory managed device.">
Sorry, Google accounts are not allowed on this device.
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_ERROR_AUTHENTICATING_2ND_TIME" desc="Couldn't sign in because password is invalid for the 2nd time">
Sorry, your password still could not be verified. Note: if you changed your password recently, your new password will be applied once you sign out, please use the old password here.
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_ERROR_AUTHENTICATING_2ND_TIME_SUPERVISED" desc="Supervised user couldn't sign in because password is invalid for the 2nd time">
Sorry, your password could not be verified. The manager of this supervised user may have changed the password recently. If so, the new password will be applied the next time you sign in. Try using your old password.
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_ERROR_AUTHENTICATING_NEW" desc="Couldn't sign in because username or password invalid">
Sorry, your email or password could not be verified. Please try again.
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_ERROR_AUTHENTICATING_KIOSK" desc="Couldn't pass kiosk lock screen to configure network.">
Sorry, your password could not be verified. Please try again.
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_ERROR_OFFLINE_FAILED_NETWORK_NOT_CONNECTED" desc="Couldn't sign in because offline sign-in has failed and network is not connected">
Sorry, your email or password could not be verified. Try connecting to a network first.
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_ERROR_KEYBOARD_SWITCH_HINT" desc="A hint text for the login and lock screens about correct layout">
Check your keyboard layout and try again.
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_ERROR_CAPTIVE_PORTAL" desc="An error message shown when we suggest that user may be behind the captive portal.">
Before signing in, please enter as Guest to activate the network <ph name="NETWORK_ID">$1<ex>Public Wifi</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_ERROR_OWNER_REQUIRED" desc="Couldn't sign in because the machine is in policy safe mode and needs owner login">
Sign-in has been restricted to the owner account only. Please reboot and sign in with the owner account. The machine will auto reboot in 30 seconds.
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_ERROR_OWNER_KEY_LOST" desc="Couldn't sign in because the owner key has been lost, device settings corruption or incorrect local time.">
failed, please connect to the internet and try again.
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_ERROR_TPM_FAILURE_TITLE" desc="Title of the screen notifying user about TPM error.">
Something went wrong with signing in
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_ERROR_TPM_FAILURE_REBOOT" desc="Suggestion to restart device in case of the TPM error.">
Please restart your device to fix this error.
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_ERROR_TPM_FAILURE_REBOOT_BUTTON" desc="Label on button that restarts device.">
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_ERROR_TITLE" desc="A title of screen containing a message about login error, like proxy error or corruption of the local state.">
Oops, something went wrong with signing in
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_ERROR_DETACHABLE_BASE_CHANGED" desc="Text for error dialog shown on the login screen when a detachable base different than the base last used by the user is attached.">
A different keyboard has been connected since you last entered your password. It may be attempting to steal your keystrokes.
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_ERROR_TPM_UPDATE_REQUIRED" desc="Text for error dialog shown on the login screen when the Trusted Platform Module needs to be updated due to a vulnerability.">
An update for the Trusted Platform Module firmware needs to be installed. See <ph name="TPM_FIRMWARE_UPDATE_LINK"></ph>
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_PROXY_ERROR_MESSAGE" desc="An offline message shown when a proxy error has appeared.">
The sign-in page failed to load using the current proxy settings. Please <ph name="GAIA_RELOAD_LINK_START">$1<ex>&gt;a&lt;</ex></ph>try to sign in again<ph name="GAIA_RELOAD_LINK_END">$2<ex>&gt;/a&lt;</ex></ph>, or use different <ph name="PROXY_SETTINGS_LINK_START">$3<ex>&gt;a&lt;</ex></ph>proxy settings<ph name="PROXY_SETTINGS_LINK_END">$4<ex>&gt;/a&lt;</ex></ph>.
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_CAPTIVE_PORTAL_WINDOW_TITLE" desc="Title of the window which is opened to sign in to the captive portal.">
To use the network <ph name="NETWORK_ID">$1<ex>Adelaide Airport Wireless</ex></ph>, first complete your connection to the Internet below.
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_MAYBE_CAPTIVE_PORTAL_TITLE" desc="An offline message title shown when we suggest that user may be behind the captive portal.">
Network not available
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_MAYBE_CAPTIVE_PORTAL" desc="An offline message shown when we suggest that user may be behind the captive portal. Translation note: enter as Guest - could also be said enter as Guest user. Word user may be added to the translation if needed.">
To use <ph name="NETWORK_ID">$1<ex>&gt;b&lt;Public Wifi&gt;/b&lt;</ex></ph> you may first need to <ph name="LINK_START">$2<ex>&gt;a&lt;</ex></ph>visit the network's sign-in page<ph name="LINK_END">$3<ex>&gt;/a&lt;</ex></ph>, which will open automatically in a few seconds. If it doesn't happen, the network can't be used.
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_MAYBE_CAPTIVE_PORTAL_PROXY" desc="An offline mssage shown when we suggest that user should configure the proxy.">
If you are using a proxy server, check your proxy settings or
contact your network administrator to check that the proxy
server is working. If you don't believe you should be using a
proxy server, adjust your <ph name="LINK_START">$1<ex>&gt;a&lt;</ex></ph>proxy settings<ph name="LINK_END">$2<ex>&gt;/a&lt;</ex></ph>.
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_MAYBE_CAPTIVE_PORTAL_NETWORK_SELECT" desc="An offline message shown when we suggest that user may select other network.">
You may also select another network.
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_OFFLINE_MESSAGE" desc="An offline message that shows up in OOBE sign-in screen.">
Please connect to the Internet to sign in to your <ph name="DEVICE_TYPE">$1<ex>Chromebook</ex></ph>.
<message name="IDS_KIOSK_OFFLINE_MESSAGE" desc="An offline message that shows up when a kiosk app can't launch without network connectivity.">
Please connect to the Internet to launch your app in kiosk mode.
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_NETWORK_RESTORED_TITLE" desc="An message title shown when network connectivity is restored during kiosk app launch.">
Network connectivity restored
<message name="IDS_KIOSK_ONLINE_MESSAGE" desc="An message that shows up when a kiosk app is ready to launch after established network connectivity.">
Your network connectivity is restored. Please select a different network or press 'Continue' button below to launch your kiosk app.
<message name="IDS_UPDATE_OFFLINE_MESSAGE" desc="An offline message that shows up in the OOBE update screen.">
Please connect to the Internet to update your <ph name="DEVICE_TYPE">$1<ex>Chromebook</ex></ph>.
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_AUTO_ENROLLMENT_OFFLINE_MESSAGE" desc="An offline message that shows in the error screen when auto-enrollment state failed to be downloaded.">
Your <ph name="DEVICE_TYPE">$1<ex>Chromebook</ex></ph> is unable to connect to the Internet using <ph name="NETWORK_NAME">$2<ex>Ethernet</ex></ph>. Please choose another network. <ph name="LEARN_MORE_LINK_START">$3<ex>&gt;a&lt;</ex></ph>Learn more<ph name="LEARN_MORE_LINK_END">$4<ex>&gt;/a&lt;</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_UPDATE_PROXY_ERROR_MESSAGE" desc="An offline message that shows up when a proxy error has appeared in the OOBE update screen.">
The update check failed using the current proxy settings. Please adjust your <ph name="PROXY_SETTINGS_LINK_START">$1<ex>&gt;a&lt;</ex></ph>proxy settings<ph name="PROXY_SETTINGS_LINK_END">$2<ex>&gt;/a&lt;</ex></ph>.
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_POD_OWNER_USER" desc="Login screen user pod menu title for a user who owns the device.">
<ph name="USER_NAME">$1<ex>Ivan Arbuzov</ex></ph> (owner)
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_POD_REMOVE_USER" desc="Login screen user pod menu item text.">
Remove this person
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_VERSION_LABEL_FORMAT" desc="Login screen version text format.">
<ph name="PRODUCT_NAME">$1<ex>Google Chrome</ex></ph> <ph name="PRODUCT_VERSION">$2<ex></ex></ph> (Platform <ph name="PLATFORM_VERSION">$3<ex>900.0-11.09.01</ex></ph>) <ph name="DEVICE_SERIAL_NUMBER">$4<ex>SN:123456789ABC</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_API_KEYS_NOTICE" desc="Notice displayed on the login screen in case if API keys are missing.">
You will not be able to add users because Google API keys are missing. See <ph name="DETAILS_URL">$1<ex></ex></ph> for details.
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_PUBLIC_ACCOUNT_INFO_FORMAT" desc="Template for text shown in the public account user pod, informing the user that this is a public, managed account.">
Managed by <ph name="DOMAIN">$1<ex></ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_PUBLIC_ACCOUNT_SIGNOUT_REMINDER" desc="Text shown in the public account user pod, reminding the user to log out.">
Your information will be removed from the device when you sign out.
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_PUBLIC_SESSION_LANGUAGE_AND_INPUT" desc="Link in managed session pod that shows a section which allows the user to change the UI language and keyboard layout.">
Language and input
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_PUBLIC_ACCOUNT_ENTER" meaning="Label text for signing in." desc="Label text for the sign-in button in the public account user pod.">
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_PUBLIC_ACCOUNT_ENTER_ACCESSIBLE_NAME" desc="Text to be spoken when focus is set to the sign-in button in the public account user pod.">
Enter managed session
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_PUBLIC_ACCOUNT_MONITORING_WARNING" desc="Text shown in the public account user pod, warning the user about potential admin monitoring.">
The device admin may monitor your browsing activity.
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_PUBLIC_ACCOUNT_MONITORING_INFO" desc="Text shown in the warning dialog after user clicks on the learn more link, notifying the user of potential security and privacy implications of using the device">
The device admin may monitor the following:
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_PUBLIC_ACCOUNT_MONITORING_INFO_ITEM_1" desc="Text shown in the warning dialog after user clicks on the learn more link, notifying the user of potential security and privacy implications of using the device">
Access your browsing activity
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_PUBLIC_ACCOUNT_MONITORING_INFO_ITEM_2" desc="Text shown in the warning dialog after user clicks on the learn more link, notifying the user of potential security and privacy implications of using the device">
Manipulate settings that specify whether websites can use features such as geolocation, microphone, camera, etc.
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_PUBLIC_ACCOUNT_MONITORING_INFO_ITEM_3" desc="Text shown in the warning dialog after user clicks on the learn more link, notifying the user of potential security and privacy implications of using the device">
Manage your apps, extensions, and themes
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_PUBLIC_ACCOUNT_MONITORING_INFO_ITEM_4" desc="Text shown in the warning dialog after user clicks on the learn more link, notifying the user of potential security and privacy implications of using the device">
Manipulate privacy-related settings
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_CONFIRM_KIOSK_DIAGNOSTIC_FORMAT" desc="Text to be shown on a dialog to confirm launching kiosk app in diagnostic mode.">
Are you sure you want to launch "<ph name="APP_NAME">$1<ex>Kiosk App</ex></ph>" in diagnostic mode?
You may also try to <ph name="GUEST_SIGNIN_LINK_START">$1<ex>&gt;a&lt;</ex></ph>browse as guest<ph name="GUEST_SIGNIN_LINK_END">$2<ex>&gt;/a&lt;</ex></ph> to fix this network error.
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_CONNECTING_INDICATOR_TEXT" desc="A message to show telling the user that the device is attempting to re-connect to the network.">
Connecting and verifying<ph name="ANIMATED_ELLIPSIS">$1<ex>...</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_DEVICE_DISABLED_HEADING" desc="Heading of the message shown to the user when the device has been disabled by its owner.">
<message name="IDS_DEVICE_DISABLED_EXPLANATION_WITH_DOMAIN" desc="Explanation shown to the user when the device has been disabled by its owner. This version is used when the domain that owns the device is known.">
This device (SN: <ph name="SERIAL_NUMBER">$1<ex>1234</ex></ph>) was locked by the <ph name="SAML_DOMAIN">$2<ex></ex></ph> administrator.
<message name="IDS_DEVICE_DISABLED_EXPLANATION_WITHOUT_DOMAIN" desc="Explanation shown to the user when the device has been disabled by its owner. This version is used when the domain that owns the device is not known.">
This device (SN: <ph name="SERIAL_NUMBER">$1<ex>1234</ex></ph>) was locked by the owner.
<!-- Encryption migration dialog -->
<message name="IDS_ENCRYPTION_MIGRATION_READY_TITLE" desc="Title shown in encryption migration screen, which asks the user to install an OS update.">
Install critical update
<message name="IDS_ENCRYPTION_MIGRATION_READY_DESCRIPTION" desc="Description shown in encryption migration screen, which asks the user to install an OS update.">
To download and use Android apps, first you need to install this required update. While your <ph name="DEVICE_TYPE">$1<ex>Chromebook</ex></ph> is updating, you can’t use it. After installation completes, your <ph name="DEVICE_TYPE">$1<ex>Chromebook</ex></ph> will restart.
<message name="IDS_ENCRYPTION_MIGRATION_MIGRATING_TITLE" desc="Title shown in encryption migration screen when the migration is ongoing.">
Installing OS update
<message name="IDS_ENCRYPTION_MIGRATION_MIGRATING_DESCRIPTION" desc="Description shown in encryption migration screen when the migration is ongoing.">
Don’t turn off or close your <ph name="DEVICE_TYPE">$1<ex>Chromebook</ex></ph> until the update finishes. Your <ph name="DEVICE_TYPE">$1<ex>Chromebook</ex></ph> will restart after installation completes.
<message name="IDS_ENCRYPTION_MIGRATION_PROGRESS_LABEL" desc="Label to show the progress of the migration.">
<ph name="PROGRESS_PERCENT">$1<ex>90</ex></ph>% done
<message name="IDS_ENCRYPTION_MIGRATION_BATTERY_WARNING_LABEL" desc="Label to tell the user that the battery level is too low to start the migration.">
Battery too low for update (<ph name="BATTERY_PERCENT">$1<ex>10</ex></ph>%)
<message name="IDS_ENCRYPTION_MIGRATION_ASK_CHARGE_MESSAGE" desc="Label to ask the user to charge the device.">
Please plug your <ph name="DEVICE_TYPE">$1<ex>Chromebook</ex></ph> into a power source.
<message name="IDS_ENCRYPTION_MIGRATION_NECESSARY_BATTERY_LEVEL_MESSAGE" desc="Explanation about how to start migration when the battery level is low.">
Update will begin when battery reaches <ph name="BATTERY_LEVEL">$1<ex>30</ex></ph>%.
<message name="IDS_ENCRYPTION_MIGRATION_CHARGING_LABEL" desc="Label which is shown when the device is charging.">
<message name="IDS_ENCRYPTION_MIGRATION_FAILED_TITLE" desc="Title shown in encryption migration screen when the migration fails.">
Something went wrong
<message name="IDS_ENCRYPTION_MIGRATION_FAILED_SUBTITLE" desc="In encryption migration screen, explanation about the failure of migration.">
Sorry, some files were damaged and the update wasn’t successful. Your synced files are safe.
<message name="IDS_ENCRYPTION_MIGRATION_FAILED_MESSAGE" desc="In encryption migration screen, label to ask user to create the account again.">
Unfortunately, you'll need to add your account to this <ph name="DEVICE_TYPE">$1<ex>Chromebook</ex></ph> again.
<message name="IDS_ENCRYPTION_MIGRATION_NOSPACE_WARNING_LABEL" desc="Label to tell the user that migration can not start due to low storage space.">
Not enough storage for update
<message name="IDS_ENCRYPTION_MIGRATION_ASK_FREE_SPACE_MESSAGE" desc="In encryption migration screen, message to ask the user to free some space on the device.">
Please free up some space on your device.
<message name="IDS_ENCRYPTION_MIGRATION_AVAILABLE_SPACE_LABEL" desc="In encryption migration screen, label to tell the user how much space is available now.">
Available: <ph name="AVAILABLE_SPACE">$1<ex>5 MB</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_ENCRYPTION_MIGRATION_NECESSARY_SPACE_LABEL" desc="In encryption migration screen, label to tell the user how much space is necessary to start migration.">
Needed to update: <ph name="NECESSARY_SPACE">$1<ex>10 MB</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_ENCRYPTION_MIGRATION_BUTTON_UPDATE" desc="In encryption migration screen, button label to start migration (i.e. update the encryption of user data).">
<message name="IDS_ENCRYPTION_MIGRATION_BUTTON_SKIP" desc="In encryption migration screen, button label to skip the migration.">
<message name="IDS_ENCRYPTION_MIGRATION_BUTTON_RESTART" desc="In encryption migration screen, button label to restart the device.">
<message name="IDS_ENCRYPTION_MIGRATION_BUTTON_CONTINUE" desc="In encryption migration screen, button label to continue to sign in to the user's session.">
<message name="IDS_ENCRYPTION_MIGRATION_BUTTON_SIGNIN" desc="In encryption migration screen, button label to sign in to the user's session.">
Sign in
<!-- Idle warning dialog -->
<message name="IDS_IDLE_WARNING_TITLE" desc="Title of the warning dialog shown when the user becomes idle and is about to get logged out.">
You'll be signed out in <ph name="LOGOUT_TIME_LEFT">$1<ex>5 seconds</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_IDLE_WARNING_LOGOUT_WARNING" desc="Content of the warning dialog shown when the user becomes idle and is about to get logged out.">
For security, sign out when your computer isn't being used.
<message name="IDS_KIOSK_APP_FAILED_TO_LAUNCH" desc="Generic error message used when a kiosk app fails to launch.">
The kiosk application could not be launched.
<message name="IDS_KIOSK_APP_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_MOUNT" desc="Error message used when a kiosk app fails to launch due to cryptohome error.">
The cryptohome for the kiosk application could not be mounted.
<message name="IDS_KIOSK_APP_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_INSTALL" desc="Error message used when a kiosk app fails to launch due to install failure.">
Kiosk application could not be installed.
<message name="IDS_KIOSK_APP_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_DOWNLOAD" desc="Error message used when a kiosk app fails to launch due to crx file download failure.">
Kiosk application could not be downloaded.
<message name="IDS_KIOSK_APP_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_LAUNCH" desc="Error message used when a kiosk app fails to launch due to app launching failure.">
Kiosk application could not be launched.
<message name="IDS_KIOSK_APP_ERROR_USER_CANCEL" desc="Error message used when a kiosk app launch is canceled by user.">
Kiosk application launch canceled.
<message name="IDS_KIOSK_EXTERNAL_UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS" desc="Message shown on screen when the system is updating kiosk apps from usb stick.">
Please wait....Kiosk app is in the process of being updated. Do not remove the USB stick.
<message name="IDS_KIOSK_EXTERNAL_UPDATE_NO_UPDATES" desc="Error message for no external extensions to update.">
No Kiosk apps with newer version found. Nothing to update. Please remove the USB stick.
<message name="IDS_KIOSK_EXTERNAL_UPDATE_INVALID_MANIFEST" desc="Error message for invalid external update manifest file from usb stick.">
Invalid Kiosk external update manifest file found. Failed to update Kiosk app. Please remove the USB stick.
<message name="IDS_KIOSK_EXTERNAL_UPDATE_COMPLETE" desc="Message shown on screen when the system completes updating kiosk apps from usb stick.">
Kiosk app has been updated. Please remove the USB stick.
<message name="IDS_KIOSK_EXTERNAL_UPDATE_SUCCESSFUL_UPDATED_APPS" desc="Message shown for successfully updated kiosk apps.">
The following kiosk apps "<ph name="updated_apps">$1<ex>PrintApp</ex></ph>" have been updated. Please reboot the device to complete the update process.
<message name="IDS_KIOSK_EXTERNAL_UPDATE_FAILED_UPDATED_APPS" desc="Message shown for failed updated kiosk apps.">
The following kiosk apps have been failed for updating:
<message name="IDS_KIOSK_EXTERNAL_UPDATE_BAD_CRX" desc="Error message for crx file unpacking failure.">
Bad crx file, unpacking failed.
<message name="IDS_KIOSK_EXTERNAL_UPDATE_SAME_OR_LOWER_APP_VERSION" desc="Error message for external extension is the same or lower version comparing to the existing one.">
External extension is at the same or lower version comparing to the existing one.
<message name="IDS_KIOSK_EXTERNAL_UPDATE_REQUIRE_HIGHER_BROWSER_VERSION" desc="Error message for external extension requires higher version of chrome to be installed.">
The external extension requires chrome version <ph name="MINIMUM_CHROME_VERSION">$1<ex>1.0.0</ex></ph> or greater to be installed.
<message name="IDS_KIOSK_EXTERNAL_UPDATE_CANNOT_INSTALL_IN_LOCAL_CACHE" desc="Error message for not being able to install kiosk external crx file in local cache.">
Can't install <ph name="EXTERNAL_CRX_FILE">$1<ex>/media/usb/app_v2.crx</ex></ph> in local cache.
<message name="IDS_KIOSK_EXTERNAL_UPDATE_FAILED_COPY_CRX_TO_TEMP" desc="Error message for not being able to copy external crx file to a temp file.">
Can't copy external crx file to <ph name="TEMP_CRX_FILE">$1<ex>/tmp/kiosk_update/app.crx</ex></ph>.
<!-- About Chrome page -->
<message name="IDS_UPGRADE_OFFLINE" desc="Status label: Currently offline">
You are currently offline.
<message name="IDS_UPGRADE_DISALLOWED" desc="Status label: Shown when an upgrade is disallowed for the current network to alert the user to what the current network type is.">
You're connected to a <ph name="NETWORK_TYPE">$1<ex>mobile</ex></ph> network.
<message name="IDS_UPGRADE_NETWORK_LIST_CELLULAR_ALLOWED" desc="Status label: for updates you need to connect to an Ethernet, Wi-Fi or mobile data">
To check for updates, please use Ethernet, Wi-Fi or mobile data.
<message name="IDS_UPGRADE_NETWORK_LIST_CELLULAR_DISALLOWED" desc="Status label: for updates you need to connect to an Ethernet or Wi-Fi">
To check for updates, please use Ethernet or Wi-Fi.
<message name="IDS_UPGRADE_NETWORK_LIST_CELLULAR_ALLOWED_NOT_AUTOMATIC" desc="Status label: Shown when the user is connected to a network type that does not support automatic updates (e.g., could be a mobile network with limited data per month). In this case, users can still attempt an update manually.">
Automatic updates don't download on this network type, but you can check for updates manually.
<!-- About flags page -->
<message name="IDS_FLAGS_IGNORED_DUE_TO_CRASHY_CHROME" desc="Text on an info bar added when user flags are dropped when chrome crashed too many times in short time." translateable="false">
Flags are ignored because of too many consecutive startup crashes.
<!-- EOL Notification Strings -->
<message name="IDS_EOL_NOTIFICATION_TITLE" desc="Notification title shown to inform the user that this device is no longer supported.">
Final software update
<message name="IDS_EOL_NOTIFICATION_EOL" desc="Notification message shown to inform the user that this device will no longer receive latest software updates.">
This is the last automatic software and security update for this <ph name="DEVICE_TYPE">$1<ex>Chromebook</ex></ph>. To get future updates, upgrade to a newer model.
<message name="IDS_EOL_DISMISS_BUTTON" desc="A button label shown in the notification for eol status change to dismiss the notification.">
Don't remind me again
<message name="IDS_PENDING_EOL_NOTIFICATION_TITLE" desc="Notification title shown to inform the user that this device will no longer be supported after a certain period of time.">
Updates end <ph name="MONTH_AND_YEAR">$1<ex>June 2020</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_PENDING_EOL_NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE" desc="Notification message shown to inform the user that this device will no longer receive latest software updates after a certain period of time.">
You'll still be able to use this <ph name="DEVICE_TYPE">$1<ex>Chromebook</ex></ph> after that time, but it will no longer get automatic software and security updates
<!-- TPM Firmware Update Notification Strings -->
<message name="IDS_TPM_FIRMWARE_UPDATE_NOTIFICATION_TITLE" desc="Notification title shown to inform the user that there is a pending TPM firmware update for the device.">
Security upgrade available
<message name="IDS_TPM_FIRMWARE_UPDATE_NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE" desc="Notification shown to inform the user that there is a pending TPM firmware update for the device.">
Reset your <ph name="DEVICE_TYPE">$1<ex>Chromebook</ex></ph> to upgrade your security.
<!-- U2F Notification Strings -->
<message name="IDS_U2F_INSECURE_NOTIFICATION_TITLE" desc="Notification title shown to inform the user that the legacy U2F feature is insecure.">
Internal security key requires reset
<message name="IDS_U2F_INSECURE_NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE" desc="Notification shown to inform the user that the legacy U2F feature is insecure.">
Your internal security key is currently insecure. Please remove it from any services that you used it with. In order to resolve the issue, please reset the security key.
<message name="IDS_U2F_INSECURE_NOTIFICATION_RESET" desc="Label for the reset button in the notification shown to inform the user that the legacy U2F feature is insecure.">
<!-- Obsolete versions Notification strings-->
<message name="IDS_UPDATE_REQUIRED_SCREEN_TITLE" desc="The title of the update required dialog on the login screen to inform the user that policy prevents user sign in before OS version is is updated.">
Immediate update required
<message name="IDS_UPDATE_REQUIRED_SCREEN_MESSAGE" desc="The message of the update required dialog on the login screen to inform the user that policy prevents user sign in before OS version is is updated.">
<ph name="DOMAIN">$1<ex></ex></ph> requires you to update your <ph name="DEVICE_TYPE">$2<ex>Chromebook</ex></ph> immediately.
<message name="IDS_UPDATE_REQUIRED_SCREEN_START_UPDATE" desc="Label for the update button on the update required dialog on the login screen to start the update process.">
Update now
<message name="IDS_UPDATE_REQUIRED_SCREEN_EOL_TITLE" desc="The title on login screen to inform the user that policy prevents the device from being used as it has reached its end of life.">
Device has been blocked
<message name="IDS_UPDATE_REQUIRED_SCREEN_EOL_MESSAGE" desc="The message on login screen to inform the user that policy prevents the device from being used as it has reached its end of life.">
The deadline to return this device has passed.
<message name="IDS_UPDATE_REQUIRED_SCREEN_METERED_MESSAGE" desc="The message on the dialog shown to the user in Chrome OS before forced update is attempted if the Chrome OS device is connected to a cellular/metered network. The dialog warns the user that procceeding on a metered network can cause overage charges.">
<ph name="DOMAIN">$1<ex></ex></ph> requires you to connect to Wi-Fi now and download an update. Or, download from a metered connection (charges may apply).
<message name="IDS_UPDATE_REQUIRED_SCREEN_ALLOW_METERED" desc="Label for button to allow downloading update over a metered connection.">
Use metered connection
<message name="IDS_UPDATE_REQUIRED_SCREEN_NO_NETWORK_MESSAGE" desc="The message on the dialog shown to the user in Chrome OS before forced update is attempted if the Chrome OS device is not connected to a network.">
<ph name="DOMAIN">$1<ex></ex></ph> requires you to connect to Wi-Fi now and download an update. The update will download automatically when you connect to the internet.
<message name="IDS_UPDATE_REQUIRED_SCREEN_OPEN_NETWORK_SETTINGS" desc="Label for network configuration button on the update required dialog on the login screen to open network settings so that the user can connect to a network.">
Open network settings
<message name="IDS_UPDATE_REQUIRED_UPDATING_MESSAGE" desc="The message of the update required dialog on the login screen to inform the user that the device is updating and will restart after the update is complete.">
Device will restart when updates are complete.
<!-- Genius App -->
<message name="IDS_GENIUS_APP_NAME" desc="Name of the genius app in the app shelf">
Get Help
<message name="IDS_GENIUS_APP_DESCRIPTION" desc="Description of the genius app in the app shelf">
Get help with your <ph name="DEVICE_TYPE">$1<ex>Chromebook</ex></ph>.
<message name="IDS_FILEMANAGER_APP_NAME" desc="Name for the File Manager app.">
<message name="IDS_FILEMANAGER_APP_DESCRIPTION" desc="Description for the File Manager app.">
The Files app provides quick access to files that you've saved on Google Drive, external storage, or your Chrome OS device.
<!-- Platform verification UI -->
<message name="IDS_PLATFORM_VERIFICATION_DIALOG_HEADLINE" desc="The label to describe what the dialog wants to confirm.">
<ph name="DOMAIN">$1<ex></ex></ph> wants your device's identity to be verified, by Google, to determine eligibility for enhanced playback of protected content.
<!-- First-run tutorial -->
<message name="IDS_FIRST_RUN_GREETING_STEP_HEADER" desc="Greeting message shown as header of the first dialog of first-run tutorial.">
Howdy, <ph name="USER_GIVEN_NAME">$1<ex>John</ex></ph>.
<message name="IDS_FIRST_RUN_GREETING_STEP_HEADER_GENERAL" desc="Greeting message shown as header of the first dialog of first-run tutorial in case when we don't know user's given name.">
<message name="IDS_FIRST_RUN_GREETING_STEP_TEXT_1" desc="First part of message shown on the first dialog of firsr-run tutorial.">
Welcome to the <ph name="SHORT_PRODUCT_NAME">$1<ex>Chrome</ex></ph> family. This is no ordinary computer.
<message name="IDS_FIRST_RUN_GREETING_STEP_TEXT_2" desc="Second part of message shown on the first dialog of firsr-run tutorial.">
This <ph name="SHORT_PRODUCT_NAME">$1<ex>Chrome</ex></ph> device was designed to deliver the best experience of the web to you.
<message name="IDS_FIRST_RUN_GREETING_STEP_BUTTON" desc="Text on the button located on the first dialog of first-run tutorial.">
Take a tour
<message name="IDS_FIRST_RUN_APP_LIST_STEP_HEADER" desc="Header of the first-run bubble pointing to application list button.">
Get to your apps fast
<message name="IDS_FIRST_RUN_APP_LIST_STEP_TEXT_1" desc="First part of message on the first-run tutorial bubble pointing to application list button.">
Use the Launcher to quickly get to new apps and activities. To get here by keyboard, press Alt + Shift + L.
<message name="IDS_FIRST_RUN_APP_LIST_STEP_TEXT_2" desc="Second part of message on the first-run tutorial bubble pointing to application list button. Only shown if the device is Google Assistant capable.">
Just hold the Launcher icon to talk to your Google Assistant.
<message name="IDS_FIRST_RUN_TRAY_STEP_HEADER" desc="Header of the first-run tutorial bubble pointing to system tray bubble.">
Check your Chromebook status
<message name="IDS_FIRST_RUN_TRAY_STEP_TEXT" desc="Text on the first-run tutorial bubble pointing to system tray bubble.">
Manage connections, updates, and settings with the status tray. To get here by keyboard, press Alt + Shift + S.
<message name="IDS_FIRST_RUN_HELP_STEP_HEADER" desc="Header of the first-run tutorial bubble pointing to help button in system tray.">
Explore your Chromebook
<message name="IDS_FIRST_RUN_HELP_STEP_TEXT" desc="First part of text shown on the first-run tutorial bubble pointing to help button in system tray.">
Discover more features or get answers. Select “?” for help.
<message name="IDS_FIRST_RUN_HELP_STEP_KEEP_EXPLORING_BUTTON" desc="Text on the button located in the first-run tutorial bubble pointing to help button is system tray. After click on the button tutorial finishes and help app opens.">
Keep exploring
<message name="IDS_FIRST_RUN_HELP_STEP_FINISH_BUTTON" desc="Text on the button located in the first-run tutorial bubble pointing to help button is system tray. After click on the button tutorial finishes.">
<message name="IDS_FIRST_RUN_NEXT_BUTTON" desc="Text on the first-run tutorial button leading to next step of tutorial.">
<message name="IDS_FIRST_RUN_ACCESSIBLE_TITLE" desc="Accessible title of the first screen in the first run app.">
<message name="IDS_FIRST_RUN_STEP_ACCESSIBLE_TITLE" desc="Accessible title for all first run app screens except for the first screen.">
<!-- Network portal notification -->
<message name="IDS_PORTAL_DETECTION_NOTIFICATION_TITLE_WIRED" desc="Title for the system notification that current wired network is behind captive portal">
Connect to network
<message name="IDS_PORTAL_DETECTION_NOTIFICATION_TITLE_WIFI" desc="Title for the system notification that current Wi-Fi network is behind captive portal">
Connect to Wi-Fi network
<message name="IDS_PORTAL_DETECTION_NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE_WIRED" desc="Body of the system notification that current wired network is behind captive portal">
The network you are using (<ph name="NETWORK_ID">$1<ex>Public Network</ex></ph>) may require you to visit its login page.
<message name="IDS_PORTAL_DETECTION_NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE_WIFI" desc="Body of the system notification that current Wi-Fi network is behind captive portal">
The Wi-Fi network you are using (<ph name="NETWORK_ID">$1<ex>Public Network</ex></ph>) may require you to visit its login page.
<message name="IDS_PORTAL_DETECTION_NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE_ASK_WIFI" desc="Body of the system notification that asks a user whether to use an extension to authenticate to the network">
The Wi-Fi network you are using (<ph name="NETWORK_ID">$1<ex>Public Wifi</ex></ph>) may require authentication.
<message name="IDS_PORTAL_DETECTION_NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE_FAILED_WIFI" desc="Body of the system notification that authentication failed and current network is still behind captive portal">
Authentication failed. Click to visit the login page for the Wi-Fi network you are using (<ph name="NETWORK_ID">$1<ex>Public Wifi</ex></ph>).
<message name="IDS_PORTAL_DETECTION_NOTIFICATION_BUTTON_EXTENSION" desc="Button caption to connect using the authenticating extension">
Connect using <ph name="ExtensionName">$1<ex>WiFi Company Authenticator</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_PORTAL_DETECTION_NOTIFICATION_BUTTON_EXTENSION_RETRY" desc="Button caption to connect using the authenticating extension">
Retry using <ph name="ExtensionName">$1<ex>WiFi Company Authenticator</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_PORTAL_DETECTION_NOTIFICATION_BUTTON_PORTAL" desc="Button caption to open the captive portal login page.">
Visit captive portal login page
<!-- 3G data Notifications -->
<message name="IDS_MOBILE_DATA_NOTIFICATION_TITLE" desc="Title of notification telling that mobile data is enabled.">
Mobile data
<message name="IDS_3G_NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE" desc="Text of the 3G data notification telling that 3G data is enabled.">
Google Chrome will use mobile data if you're not connected to another network.
<message name="IDS_3G_DATASAVER_TITLE" desc="Title of the 3G data notification prompting user to install Data Saver.">
You are using mobile data
<message name="IDS_3G_DATASAVER_MESSAGE" desc="Text of the 3G data notification prompting user to install Data Saver.">
Save data and browse faster using Google Data Saver. Click to learn more.
<message name="IDS_3G_DATASAVER_MESSAGE_LITE_MODE" desc="Text of the 3G data notification prompting user to install Lite mode.">
Browse faster and use less data with Lite mode. Click to learn more.
<!-- chrome://mobilesetup strings -->
<message name="IDS_MOBILE_SETUP_TITLE" desc="ChromeOS mobile device activation page title">
Mobile data service management
<message name="IDS_MOBILE_CONNECTING_HEADER" desc="Mobile connection page header while connecting to the provider">
Connecting to <ph name="PROVIDER_NAME">$1<ex>Acme Mobile</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_MOBILE_ERROR_HEADER" desc="Mobile connection page header when connection error occur">
Connection error
<message name="IDS_MOBILE_ACTIVATING_HEADER" desc="Message header when data service is being activated">
Activating your mobile data service
<message name="IDS_MOBILE_COMPLETED_HEADER" desc="Message header when data service is completed">
Activation complete
<message name="IDS_MOBILE_PLEASE_WAIT" desc="Message user the header displayed while mobile plan is being activated">
(this might take a few minutes)
<message name="IDS_MOBILE_COMPLETED_TEXT" desc="Message when cellular data service activation or payment is completed">
Your mobile data service is activated and ready to use
<message name="IDS_MOBILE_CANCEL_ACTIVATION" desc="Message when user attempts to cancel cellular data service activation proces">
Are you sure you want to cancel mobile data service setup process?
<message name="IDS_MOBILE_NO_CONNECTION_HEADER" desc="Mobile page header when the network portal is not reachable due to no connection">
Connect to Wi-Fi to begin
<message name="IDS_MOBILE_INVALID_DEVICE_INFO_HEADER" desc="Mobile page header when the user tries to access mobile portal for a device with an invalid MDN">
Please come back later
<!-- About power UI display strings -->
<message name="IDS_ABOUT_POWER_TITLE" desc="Title of the about:power page">
<message name="IDS_ABOUT_POWER_SHOW_BUTTON" desc="Text on the 'Show' buttons of the about:power page">
<message name="IDS_ABOUT_POWER_HIDE_BUTTON" desc="Text on the 'Hide' buttons of the about:power page">
<message name="IDS_ABOUT_POWER_RELOAD_BUTTON" desc="Text on the 'Reload' buttons of the about:power page ">
<message name="IDS_ABOUT_POWER_BATTERY_CHARGE_SECTION_TITLE" desc="Title for the battery charge related plots on the about:power page">
Battery Charge
<message name="IDS_ABOUT_POWER_BATTERY_CHARGE_PERCENTAGE_HEADER" desc="Header of the battery charge plot on the about:power page">
Battery Charge Percentage
<message name="IDS_ABOUT_POWER_BATTERY_DISCHARGE_RATE_HEADER" desc="Header of the battery discharge rate plot on the about:power page">
Battery Discharge Rate in Watts (Negative value means battery is charging)
<message name="IDS_ABOUT_POWER_DISCHARGE_RATE_LEGEND_TEXT" desc="Text to be displayed for the discharge rate legend entry of the discharge rate plot on the about:power page">
Discharge Rate in Watts
<message name="IDS_ABOUT_POWER_MOVING_AVERAGE_LEGEND_TEXT" desc="Text to be displayed for the moving average legend entry of the plots on the about:power page">
Moving Average
<message name="IDS_ABOUT_POWER_BINNED_AVERAGE_LEGEND_TEXT" desc="Text to be displayed for the binned average legend entry of the plots on the about:power page">
Binned Average
<message name="IDS_ABOUT_POWER_AVERAGE_OVER_TEXT" desc="Pre text to be displayed in the label of the moving average sample count.">
Average Over
<message name="IDS_ABOUT_POWER_AVERAGE_SAMPLES_TEXT" desc="Post text to be displayed in the label of the moving average sample count.">
<message name="IDS_ABOUT_POWER_CPU_IDLE_SECTION_TITLE" desc="Title for the CPU idle state data section on the about:power page">
Idle State Data
<message name="IDS_ABOUT_POWER_CPU_IDLE_STATE_OCCUPANCY_PERCENTAGE" desc="Header for idle state plots on the about:power page">
Idle State Occupancy Percentage
<message name="IDS_ABOUT_POWER_CPU_FREQ_SECTION_TITLE" desc="Title for the CPU frequency state data section on the about:power page">
Frequency State Data
<message name="IDS_ABOUT_POWER_CPU_FREQ_STATE_OCCUPANCY_PERCENTAGE" desc="Header for frequency state plots on the about:power page">
Frequency State Occupancy Percentage
<message name="IDS_ABOUT_POWER_NOT_ENOUGH_DATA" desc="String to display on the plots of the about:power page when enough plot data is not available">
Not enough data available yet.
<message name="IDS_ABOUT_POWER_SYSTEM_SUSPENDED" desc="String to display on the plots of the about:power page for sleep duration">
<message name="IDS_ABOUT_POWER_INVALID" desc="String to display on the plots of the about:power page for invalid data">
<message name="IDS_ABOUT_POWER_OFFLINE" desc="String to display on the plots of the about:power page for offline CPUs">
<!-- Strings for the "Hangouts Meet" OOBE UI. -->
<message name="IDS_ENTERPRISE_DEVICE_REQUISITION_PROMPT_CANCEL" desc="Cancel button text in the device requisition poup.">
<message name="IDS_ENTERPRISE_DEVICE_REQUISITION_PROMPT_OK" desc="OK button text in the device requisition poup.">
<message name="IDS_ENTERPRISE_DEVICE_REQUISITION_PROMPT_TEXT" desc="Prompt shown in the device requisition prompt popup.">
Use this device requisition when enrolling the device for enterprise management:
<message name="IDS_ENTERPRISE_DEVICE_REQUISITION_REMORA_PROMPT_TEXT" desc="Prompt shown in the device requisition remora prompt popup.">
Are you sure you want to set up this device to run Hangouts Meet?
<message name="IDS_ENTERPRISE_DEVICE_REQUISITION_SHARK_PROMPT_TEXT" desc="Prompt shown in the device requisition shark prompt popup.">
Are you sure you want to set up this device as a "Shark"?
<message name="IDS_ENABLE_DEMO_MODE_DIALOG_TITLE" desc="Title of the enable demo mode dialog.">
Enable demo mode
<message name="IDS_ENABLE_DEMO_MODE_DIALOG_TEXT" desc="Prompt shown in the enable demo mode dialog.">
Are you sure you want to enable demo mode?
<message name="IDS_ENABLE_DEMO_MODE_DIALOG_CANCEL" desc="Cancel button text in the enable demo mode dialog.">
<message name="IDS_ENABLE_DEMO_MODE_DIALOG_CONFIRM" desc="Confirm button text in the enable demo mode dialog.">
<!-- Strings for the enterprise enrollment page -->
<message name="IDS_ENTERPRISE_ENROLLMENT_STATUS_REGISTRATION_FAILED" desc="Error message shown on the enrollment screen upon failed device registration.">
Error when registering the device with the server: <ph name="CLIENT_ERROR">$1<ex>Failed to connect to the server</ex></ph>.
<message name="IDS_ENTERPRISE_ENROLLMENT_STATUS_NO_STATE_KEYS" desc="Error message shown on the enrollment screen when the system failed to determine server-backed state keys.">
Oops! The system failed to determine device identifiers for this device.
<message name="IDS_ENTERPRISE_ENROLLMENT_STATUS_REGISTRATION_BAD_MODE" desc="Error message shown on the enrollment screen upon receiving a bad mode on device registration.">
The supplied enrollment mode is not supported by this version of the operating system. Please make sure you are running the newest version and try again.
<message name="IDS_ENTERPRISE_ENROLLMENT_STATUS_POLICY_FETCH_FAILED" desc="Error message shown on the enrollment screen upon a failed policy fetch.">
Error when fetching policy settings from the server: <ph name="CLIENT_ERROR">$1<ex>Failed to connect to the server</ex></ph>.
<message name="IDS_ENTERPRISE_ENROLLMENT_STATUS_VALIDATION_FAILED" desc="Error message shown on the enrollment screen upon a failure to validate downloaded policy.">
The policy downloaded from the server is invalid: <ph name="VALIDATION_ERROR">$1<ex>Invalid signature</ex></ph>.
<message name="IDS_ENTERPRISE_ENROLLMENT_ROBOT_AUTH_FETCH_FAILED" desc="Error message shown on the enrollment screen upon failure to fetch the OAuth2 authorization code for device-level API access.">
Oops! The system failed to authorize API access for this device.
<message name="IDS_ENTERPRISE_ENROLLMENT_ROBOT_REFRESH_FETCH_FAILED" desc="Error message shown on the enrollment screen upon failure to fetch the OAuth2 refresh token for device-level API access.">
Oops! The system failed to attain a long-term API access token for this device.
<message name="IDS_ENTERPRISE_ENROLLMENT_ROBOT_REFRESH_STORE_FAILED" desc="Error message shown on the enrollment screen upon failure to store the OAuth2 refresh token for device-level API access.">
Oops! The system failed to store the long-term API access token for this device.
<message name="IDS_ENTERPRISE_ENROLLMENT_STATUS_LOCK_ERROR" desc="Error message shown on the enrollment screen upon failure to lock the device mode.">
Oops! The system failed to establish the device installation-time attributes lock.
<message name="IDS_ENTERPRISE_ENROLLMENT_STATUS_LOCK_TIMEOUT" desc="Error message to show when the initialization of the lockbox is taking too long.">
Oops! The initialization of the installation-time attributes has timed out. Please contact your support representative.
<message name="IDS_ENTERPRISE_ENROLLMENT_STATUS_LOCK_WRONG_USER" desc="Error message to show when the user used to re-enroll the device does not belong to the domain that the device was originally enrolled into.">
This user account does not belong to the domain that the device is enrolled to. If you want to enroll to a different domain you need to go through device recovery first.
<message name="IDS_ENTERPRISE_ENROLLMENT_STATUS_LOCK_WRONG_MODE" desc="Error message to show upon attempting to re-enroll a device that is locked to a different operational mode.">
This device is locked in a mode that prevents enterprise enrollment. If you want to enroll the device you need to go through device recovery first.
<message name="IDS_ENTERPRISE_ENROLLMENT_STATUS_STORE_ERROR" desc="Error message shown on the enrollment screen when the installation of the policy on the device fails.">
Failed to install policy settings on the device: <ph name="VALIDATION_ERROR">$1<ex>Policy parsing failed</ex></ph>.
<message name="IDS_ENTERPRISE_ENROLLMENT_AUTH_FATAL_ERROR" desc="Error message to show when there is an unrecoverable error while authenticating with GAIA.">
Oops! Something went wrong when trying to authenticate you. Please double-check your sign-in credentials and try again.
<message name="IDS_ENTERPRISE_ENROLLMENT_AUTH_ACCOUNT_ERROR" desc="Error message to show when there is a problem with the user account.">
This user account is not eligible for the service.
<message name="IDS_ENTERPRISE_ENROLLMENT_AUTH_NETWORK_ERROR" desc="Error message to show when there is a network problem when authenticating for enrollment.">
Oops! A network communication problem occurred during authentication. Please check your network connection and try again.
<message name="IDS_ENTERPRISE_ENROLLMENT_AUTH_INSECURE_URL_ERROR" desc="Error message to show when a redirect to an insecure URL was detected and blocked when authenticating for enrollment.">
Oops! Authentication failed because it was configured to use a non-secure URL (<ph name="BLOCKED_URL">$1<ex></ex></ph>). Please contact your administrator.
<message name="IDS_ENTERPRISE_ENROLLMENT_FATAL_ENROLLMENT_ERROR" desc="Error message to show when there is an unrecoverable error while performing enrollment.">
Oops! Something went really wrong while enrolling this device. Please try again or contact your support representative.
<message name="IDS_ENTERPRISE_ENROLLMENT_ACCOUNT_ERROR" desc="Error message to show when there is a problem with the user account.">
This user account is not eligible for the service.
<message name="IDS_ENTERPRISE_ENROLLMENT_MISSING_LICENSES_ERROR" desc="Error message to show when the domain the device is trying to enroll into has expired or exhausted licenses.">
You do not have enough upgrades to enroll this device. Please contact sales to purchase more. If you believe you're seeing this message in error, please contact support.
<message name="IDS_ENTERPRISE_ENROLLMENT_DEPROVISIONED_ERROR" desc="Error message to show when enrollment fails because the administrator has deprovisioned the device on the server side.">
This device has been placed into a deprovisioned state by the administrator. To enable it for enrollment, please have your administrator place the device into a pending state.
<message name="IDS_ENTERPRISE_ENROLLMENT_DOMAIN_MISMATCH_ERROR" desc="Error message shown when the device doesn't belong to the domain the user tried to enroll it to.">
This device cannot be enrolled to the domain your account belongs to because the device is marked for management by a different domain.
<message name="IDS_ENTERPRISE_ENROLLMENT_CONSUMER_ACCOUNT_WITH_PACKAGED_LICENSE" desc="Error message to show when the user tries to enroll a device with a packaged license using a consumer account.">
Your device includes a Chrome Enterprise Upgrade, but your username is not associated with an enterprise account. Please create an enterprise account by visiting on a secondary device.
<message name="IDS_ENTERPRISE_ENROLLMENT_ATTRIBUTE_ERROR" desc="Error message shown when successfully enrolled, but the device attribute update has failed.">
Your <ph name="DEVICE_TYPE">$1<ex>Chromebook</ex></ph> has successfully been enrolled for enterprise management, but failed to send its asset and location information. Please manually enter this information from your Admin console for this device.
<message name="IDS_ENTERPRISE_ENROLLMENT_STATUS_REGISTRATION_CERT_FETCH_FAILED" desc="Error message shown when a registration certificate could not be obtained.">
A registration certificate could not be obtained.
<message name="IDS_ENTERPRISE_ENROLLMENT_STATUS_NO_MACHINE_IDENTIFICATION" desc="Error message shown on the enrollment screen when the system failed to determine the device model or serial number.">
Oops! The system failed to determine device model or serial number.
<message name="IDS_ENTERPRISE_ENROLLMENT_ERROR_ACTIVE_DIRECTORY_POLICY_FETCH" desc="Error message shown on the enrollment screen when the system failed to fetch device policy from the local server, e.g. Samba or Active Directory.">
Oops! The system failed to fetch policy for your device.
<message name="IDS_ENTERPRISE_ENROLLMENT_ERROR_SAVE_DEVICE_CONFIGURATION" desc="Error message shown on the enrollment screen when the system failed to save some part of the device configuration. E.g. token from the Device Management server.">
Oops! The system failed to save device configuration.
<message name="IDS_ENTERPRISE_ENROLLMENT_SCREEN_TITLE" desc="The title on the enterprise enrollment dialog.">
Enterprise enrollment
<message name="IDS_ENTERPRISE_ENROLLMENT_DEVICE_INFORMATION" desc="The subtitle on the device attribute prompt screen.">
Device information
<message name="IDS_ENTERPRISE_ENROLLMENT_ERROR_TITLE" desc="Title of the screen to be shown upon an error during enterprise enrollment.">
Enrollment Error
<message name="IDS_ENTERPRISE_ENROLLMENT_ERROR_ILLUSTRATION_TITLE" desc="Accessible title of the enterprise enrollment screen illustration depicting error during enrollment.">
Enrollment error illustration
<message name="IDS_ENTERPRISE_ENROLLMENT_RETRY" desc="Label for the retry button on the error step in the enterprise enrollment dialog.">
Try again
<message name="IDS_ENTERPRISE_ENROLLMENT_DONE" desc="Label for the done button on the success screen in the enterprise enrollment dialog.">
<message name="IDS_ENTERPRISE_ENROLLMENT_ENROLL_MANUALLY" desc="Label for the button on the error step in the enterprise enrollment dialog that allows to run manual enrollment (after an error during automated enrollment).">
Enroll manually
<message name="IDS_ENTERPRISE_ENROLLMENT_SKIP" desc="Label for the skip button on the device attribute prompt screen in the enterprise enrollment dialog.">
<message name="IDS_ENTERPRISE_ENROLLMENT_SUCCESS_TITLE" desc="Title of the screen to be shown once enterprise enrollment completes.">
Enterprise enrollment complete
<message name="IDS_ENTERPRISE_ENROLLMENT_SUCCESS" desc="Success message to be shown once enterprise enrollment completes.">
Your <ph name="DEVICE_TYPE">$1<ex>Chromebook</ex></ph> has successfully been enrolled for enterprise management.
<message name="IDS_ENTERPRISE_ENROLLMENT_SUCCESS_ILLUSTRATION_TITLE" desc="Accessible title of the enterprise enrollment screen illustration depicting successful enrollment.">
Successful enrollment illustration
<message name="IDS_ENTERPRISE_ENROLLMENT_SUCCESS_DOMAIN" desc="Success message to be shown once enterprise enrollment completes.">
This <ph name="DEVICE_TYPE">$1<ex>Chromebook</ex></ph> will be managed by <ph name="DOMAIN">$2<ex></ex></ph>.
<message name="IDS_ENTERPRISE_ENROLLMENT_SUCCESS_ABE_SUPPORT" desc="Recommendation to contact support. Shown once attestation-based enterprise enrollment completes.">
If this is unexpected, please contact support.
<message name="IDS_ENTERPRISE_ENROLLMENT_ASSET_ID_LABEL" desc="Label for asset id text box on the device naming screen in the enterprise enrollment dialog.">
Asset Identifier
<message name="IDS_ENTERPRISE_ENROLLMENT_LOCATION_LABEL" desc="Label for location tex box on the device naming screen in the enterprise enrollment dialog.">
Device Location
<!-- Administrator facing strings for Active Directory screens. -->
<message name="IDS_AD_DEVICE_NAME_INPUT_LABEL" desc="Admin-facing. Label for device name input field on the Active Directory domain join screen. User should tell us the name of their device.">
Chromebook device name
<message name="IDS_AD_DOMAIN_JOIN_WELCOME_MESSAGE" desc="Admin-facing. Welcome message on the Active Directory domain join screen.">
Join device to domain
<message name="IDS_AD_MORE_OPTIONS_BUTTON" desc="Admin-facing. Text on the 'More options' button on the Active Directory domain join screen.">
More options
<message name="IDS_AD_UNLOCK_TITLE_MESSAGE" desc="Admin-facing. Title on the configuration password step on the Active Directory domain join screen.">
Get configuration info
<message name="IDS_AD_UNLOCK_SUBTITLE_MESSAGE" desc="Admin-facing. Subtitle on the configuration password step on the Active Directory domain join screen.">
Enter admin-provided password to get configuration info
<message name="IDS_AD_UNLOCK_CONFIG_PASSWORD" desc="Admin-facing. Label for unlocking password input field on the Active Directory domain join screen.">
Enter admin-provided password
<message name="IDS_AD_UNLOCK_INCORRECT_PASSWORD" desc="Admin-facing. Error that is shown when incorrect unlocking password was entered.">
Wrong password, try again
<message name="IDS_AD_UNLOCK_PASSWORD_SKIP" desc="Admin-facing. Text on the button which skips entering unlocking password step.">
<message name="IDS_AD_ORG_UNIT_HINT" desc="Admin-facing. Hint for the Active Directory Organizational units input on the 'More options' dialog.">
Device OU (e.g. OU=Chromebooks,DC=example,DC=com)
<message name="IDS_AD_ENCRYPTION_SELECTION_SELECT" desc="Admin-facing. Title for kerberos encryption types selection.">
Select encryption types
<message name="IDS_AD_CONFIG_SELECTION_SELECT" desc="Admin-facing. Title for configuration selection.">
Select configuration
<message name="IDS_AD_CONFIG_SELECTION_CUSTOM" desc="Admin-facing. Title for a custom option of domain join config.">
<message name="IDS_AD_ENCRYPTION_STRONG_TITLE" desc="Admin-facing. Title for 'Strong' kerberos types option.">
<message name="IDS_AD_ENCRYPTION_STRONG_SUBTITLE" desc="Admin-facing. Subtitle describing 'Strong' option.">
Enforce AES encryption (recommended).
<message name="IDS_AD_ENCRYPTION_ALL_TITLE" desc="Admin-facing. Title for 'All' kerberos types option.">
All (insecure)
<message name="IDS_AD_ENCRYPTION_ALL_SUBTITLE" desc="Admin-facing. Subtitle describing 'All' option.">
Allow AES and RC4 encryption. Using this option increases your risk, as the RC4 ciphers are insecure.
<message name="IDS_AD_ENCRYPTION_LEGACY_TITLE" desc="Admin-facing. Title for 'Legacy' kerberos types option.">
Legacy (insecure)
<message name="IDS_AD_ENCRYPTION_LEGACY_SUBTITLE" desc="Admin-facing. Subtitle describing 'Legacy' option.">
Enforce RC4 encryption. Using this option increases your risk, as the RC4 ciphers are insecure.
<message name="IDS_AD_DOMAIN_JOIN_UNKNOWN_ERROR" desc="Admin-facing. Default error text on the Active Directory join screen">
Oops! Something went wrong when trying to join the domain. Please try again.
<message name="IDS_AD_DEVICE_NAME_INVALID" desc="Admin-facing alert message. Admin entered a bad device name.">
The device name is invalid. Enter a valid device name to try again.
<message name="IDS_AD_DEVICE_NAME_TOO_LONG" desc="Admin-facing alert message. Admin entered a device name that was too long.">
The device name is too long. Enter a shorter name to try again.
<message name="IDS_AD_DEVICE_NAME_INVALID_FORMAT" desc="Admin-facing. Alert message about device name does not match regular expression">
Incorrect format, please try again
<message name="IDS_AD_USER_DENIED_TO_JOIN_DEVICE" desc="Admin-facing alert message. Admin doesn’t have privileges to add devices to the domain. 'Devices' refers to Chromebook computers. 'Domain' is the Windows domain that accounts are registered to.">
Can't join the domain. Check your account to see if you have sufficient privileges to add devices.
<message name="IDS_AD_USER_HIT_JOIN_QUOTA" desc="Admin-facing alert message. Administrator has reached the limit of devices that can be added.">
Can't join the device to the domain. Make sure you haven’t exceeded the number of devices you can add.
<message name="IDS_AD_OU_DOES_NOT_EXIST" desc="Admin-facing alert message. Admin entered the name of the organizational unit incorrectly.">
Can’t find an organizational unit with that name. Please try again.
<message name="IDS_AD_OU_ACCESS_DENIED" desc="Admin-facing alert message. The admin is using an account that doesn’t have privileges to add devices to the organizational unit.">
Can't join the device to the domain. Check your account to make sure you have privileges to add devices.
<message name="IDS_AD_OU_SETTING_FAILED" desc="Admin-facing alert message. Settings for the organizational unit are incorrect.">
Can’t join the domain. Make sure the settings are correct for the organizational unit.
<message name="IDS_AD_NOT_SUPPORTED_ENCRYPTION" desc="Admin-facing. Alert message that user could not join the device to due to not supported encryption types.">
Can't join the device to the domain. The server does not support specified Kerberos encryption types. Check "More options" for encryption settings.
<message name="IDS_AD_BOARD_NOT_SUPPORTED" desc="Admin-facing. Alert message that the Chromebook model is not supported for Active Directory">
Chrome <ph name="MS_AD_NAME">Microsoft® Active Directory®</ph> integration is only supported on x86_64 platforms. Chromebooks built on top of an ARM or x86 platform do not support this functionality.
<!-- User facing strings for Active Directory screens. -->
<message name="IDS_AD_DOMAIN_AUTH_WELCOME_MESSAGE" desc="Welcome message on the Active Directory Authentication user screen. Include the domain (realm) the device joined to.">
Sign in to <ph name="REALM">$1<ex></ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_AD_AUTH_LOGIN_USER" desc="Label for userPrincipalName input field on the Active Directory authentication user screen.">
<message name="IDS_AD_LOGIN_PASSWORD" desc="Label for Password input field on both Active Directory domain join and Active Directory Authorization user screens.">
<message name="IDS_AD_PASSWORD_CHANGE_OLD_PASSWORD_HINT" desc="Old password field hint on the Active Directory password change dialog.">
Enter old password
<message name="IDS_AD_PASSWORD_CHANGE_NEW_PASSWORD_HINT" desc="New password field hint on the Active Directory password change dialog.">
Enter new password
<message name="IDS_AD_PASSWORD_CHANGE_REPEAT_NEW_PASSWORD_HINT" desc="Repeat of the new password field hint on the Active Directory password change dialog.">
Confirm new password
<message name="IDS_AD_PASSWORD_CHANGE_MESSAGE" desc="Message to the user that the Active Directory administrator requires the user to change their password.">
<ph name="USER_NAME">$1</ph>, your administrator requires you to change your password.
<message name="IDS_AD_PASSWORD_CHANGE_INVALID_PASSWORD_ERROR" desc="Error message for the old password field on the Active Directory password change dialog.">
The password you entered is incorrect.
<message name="IDS_AD_PASSWORD_CHANGE_NEW_PASSWORD_REJECTED_SHORT_ERROR" desc="Error message in case new password was rejected by the server. Shown under the password input.">
The password you entered was rejected by the server.
<message name="IDS_AD_PASSWORD_CHANGE_NEW_PASSWORD_REJECTED_LONG_ERROR" desc="Error message in case new password was rejected by the server. Shown in the separate popup.">
The password you entered was rejected by the server. Possible reasons include: The password is too short. The password must include numbers or symbols. The password must be different from previous passwords.
<message name="IDS_AD_PASSWORD_CHANGE_PASSWORDS_MISMATCH_ERROR" desc="Error message in case new password fields does not match on the Active Directory password change dialog.">
Passwords do not match.
<message name="IDS_AD_SAVE_BUTTON" desc="Text on the 'Save' button on the 'More options' dialog.">
<message name="IDS_AD_CANCEL_BUTTON" desc="Text on the 'Cancel' button on the 'More options' dialog.">
<message name="IDS_AD_INVALID_USERNAME" desc="Alert message about invalid username on the Active Directory domain join screen.">
Please enter a valid username
<message name="IDS_AD_INVALID_PASSWORD" desc="Alert message about mismatching username and password in the Active Directory">
The username and password you entered do not match
<message name="IDS_AD_PASSWORD_EXPIRED" desc="Alert message about expired password in the Active Directory">
Oops! Looks like your password expired. Please renew it on another device and try again.
<message name="IDS_AD_AUTH_NETWORK_ERROR" desc="Error message to show when there is a problem contacting the logon server when authenticating for Active Directory enrollment.">
Oops! There was a problem contacting the logon server. Please check your network connection and the domain name, then try again.
<message name="IDS_AD_JOIN_CONFIG_NOT_PARSED" desc="Alert message to say unlocked configuration could not be parsed.">
Can't parse the configuration to join domain. Please contact your administrator.
<message name="IDS_AD_AUTH_NOT_SUPPORTED_ENCRYPTION" desc="Alert message that user could not sign in due to not supported encryption types.">
Failed to login. The server does not support specified Kerberos encryption types. Please contact your administrator.
<message name="IDS_AD_AUTH_UNKNOWN_ERROR" desc="Error message to show that occurs something a user could not fix.">
Oops! An unknown error occurred. Please try again later or contact your administrator if the issue persists.
<message name="IDS_ENTERPRISE_ENROLLMENT_ATTRIBUTE_EXPLANATION" desc="Device attribute message to be shown on attribute update prompt screen.">
Optional — enter new or update existing information to be associated with this device.
<message name="IDS_ENTERPRISE_ENROLLMENT_EXPLAIN_ATTRIBUTE_LINK" desc="Text on the link to the device attribute update help article.">
Learn more.
<!-- About network UI (chrome://network) display strings (for developer
debugging) -->
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_UI_TITLE" desc="Title of the page">
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_UI_AUTO_REFRESH" desc="Instructions for how to auto-refresh the page">
Add a query param in URL to auto-refresh the page: chrome://network/?refresh=&lt;sec&gt;
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_UI_REFRESH" desc="Button label for refreshing networks">
Refresh Networks
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_UI_EXPAND" desc="Button label for expanding network properties">
Click '+' to get network properties
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_UI_PROPERTY_FORMAT" desc="Drowpdown label for network property format">
Property format:
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_UI_FORMAT_NORMAL" desc="Label in network property format dropdown for unmanaged ONC properties">
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_UI_FORMAT_MANAGED" desc="Label in network property format dropdown for managed ONC properties">
Managed ONC
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_UI_FORMAT_STATE" desc="Label in network property format dropdown for ONC State properties">
ONC State
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_UI_FORMAT_SHILL" desc="Label in network property format dropdown for Shill properties">
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_UI_GLOBAL_POLICY" desc="Label for global policy properties">
Global Policy:
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_UI_NETWORK_LISTS" desc="Label for network lists section">
Network (Service) and Device properties
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_UI_VISIBLE_NETWORKS" desc="Label for list of visible networks">
Visible Networks:
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_UI_FAVORITE_NETWORKS" desc="Label for list of favorite networks">
Favorite Networks:
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_UI_ETHERNET_EAP" desc="Label for section with the EthernetEAP network">
Ethernet EAP:
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_UI_DEVICES" desc="Label for list of network devices, e.g. wifi or cellular">
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_UI_NO_CELLULAR_ACTIVATION_LABEL" desc="Label for section dealing with activating a cellular network SIM card.">
Cellular Activation
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_UI_OPEN_CELLULAR_ACTIVATION_BUTTON_TEXT" desc="Text for button which, when pressed, opens the cellular activation UI.">
Open Cellular Activation UI
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_UI_NO_CELLULAR_ERROR_TEXT" desc="Text displayed when the cellular activation UI cannot be opened because no cellular network exists.">
No cellular network exists
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_UI_ADD_NEW_WIFI_LABEL" desc="Label for section dealing with showing the 'Add new Wi-Fi network' dialog.">
New Wi-Fi Network Dialog
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_UI_ADD_NEW_WIFI_BUTTON_TEXT" desc="Text for button which, when pressed, opens the 'Add new Wi-Fi network' dialog.">
Show 'Add new Wi-Fi' dialog
<message name="IDS_DEVICE_LOG_LINK_TEXT" desc="Message preceeding link to chrome://device-log">
For network logs, see: <ph name="DEVICE_LOG_LINK">&lt;a href="chrome://device-log"&gt;chrome://device-log&lt;/a&gt;</ph>
<!-- Set time/date UI display strings -->
<message name="IDS_SET_TIME_TITLE" desc="Title of the set time/date UI.">
Check your system time
<message name="IDS_SET_TIME_PROMPT" desc="Text prompting the user to check and set the system time.">
Chrome was unable to set the system time. Please check the time below and correct it if needed.
<message name="IDS_SET_TIME_DATE_LABEL" desc="Label for the set time dialog date input element.">
<message name="IDS_SET_TIME_TIME_LABEL" desc="Label for the set time dialog time input element.">
<message name="IDS_SET_TIME_TIMEZONE_LABEL" desc="Label for the set time dialog timezone select element.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_SYSTEM_REQUEST_FILE_SYSTEM_DIALOG_TITLE" desc="Title of a prompt dialog for granting permissions to a volume (eg. USB drive, SD card, MTP device) with the specified name. Only used for screen readers (a11y); not visible.">
Permission requested
<message name="IDS_FILE_SYSTEM_REQUEST_FILE_SYSTEM_DIALOG_MESSAGE" desc="Message in a prompt dialog for granting read-only permissions to a volume (eg. USB drive, SD card, MTP device) with the specified name to the extension.">
<ph name="APP_NAME">$1<ex>Super Kiosk app</ex></ph> wants to copy files from <ph name="VOLUME_NAME">$2<ex>FooBar 4GB</ex></ph>.
<message name="IDS_FILE_SYSTEM_REQUEST_FILE_SYSTEM_DIALOG_WRITABLE_MESSAGE" desc="Message in a prompt dialog for granting full permissions (read, write, delete, create files and directories) to a volume (eg. USB drive, SD card, MTP device) with the specified name to the extension.">
<ph name="APP_NAME">$1<ex>Super Kiosk app</ex></ph> wants to access <ph name="VOLUME_NAME">$2<ex>FooBar 4GB</ex></ph>. It may modify or delete your files.
<message name="IDS_FILE_SYSTEM_REQUEST_FILE_SYSTEM_DIALOG_ALLOW_BUTTON" desc="Label on the button to grant permissions.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_SYSTEM_REQUEST_FILE_SYSTEM_DIALOG_DENY_BUTTON" desc="Label on the button to reject permissions.">
<message name="IDS_FILE_SYSTEM_REQUEST_FILE_SYSTEM_NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE" desc="Message in a notification about granted read-only pemissions (read, write, delete, create files and directories) to a volume (eg. USB drive, SD card, MTP device) with the specified name to the extension.">
Read-only access to <ph name="VOLUME_NAME">$1<ex>FooBar 4GB</ex></ph> has been granted.
<message name="IDS_FILE_SYSTEM_REQUEST_FILE_SYSTEM_NOTIFICATION_WRITABLE_MESSAGE" desc="Message in a notification about granted full permissions (read, write, delete, create files and directories) to a volume (eg. USB drive, SD card, MTP device) with the specified name to the extension.">
Read and write access to <ph name="VOLUME_NAME">$1<ex>FooBar 4GB</ex></ph> has been granted.
<!-- Webstore widget -->
<message name="IDS_WEBSTORE_WIDGET_LOADING_SPINNER_ALT" desc="Alt text for spinner shown in Chrome Web Store Gallery widget while the widget contents is loading. This is the text that will be read by screen reader when the spinner is focused. The string should be translated as a verb.">
<message name="IDS_WEBSTORE_WIDGET_INSTALLING_SPINNER_ALT" desc="Alt text for spinner shown in Chrome Web Store Gallery widget while an app is being installed from the widget. This is the text that will be read by screen reader when the spinner has focus. The string should be translated as a verb.">
<!-- Android Apps -->
<message name="IDS_ARC_PLAYSTORE_ICON_TITLE_BETA" desc="The Play Store icon title with the beta label in the launcher.">
Play Store
<message name="IDS_ARC_NOTIFICATION_DISPLAY_SOURCE" desc="Context title of the first-run notification that enables Android apps.">
Google Play
<message name="IDS_ARC_PLAYSTORE_SETTING_UP_TITLE" desc="The text tile which is shown when Play Store is initializing.">
Setting up Google Play...
<message name="IDS_ARC_OPEN_PLAY_STORE_NOTIFICATION_BUTTON" desc="Label for the button in the first-run notification that enables Android apps.">
Open Play Store
<message name="IDS_ARC_CANCEL_NOTIFICATION_BUTTON" desc="Label for the button in the first-run notification that cancel running Android apps.">
No thanks
<message name="IDS_ARC_OPT_IN_DIALOG_BUTTON_AGREE" desc="Agree button of the opt-in dialog for Android apps.">
<message name="IDS_ARC_OPT_IN_DIALOG_BUTTON_CANCEL" desc="Cancel button of the opt-in dialog for Android apps.">
<message name="IDS_ARC_OPT_IN_DIALOG_BUTTON_NEXT" desc="Next button of the opt-in dialog for Android apps.">
<message name="IDS_ARC_OPT_IN_DIALOG_BUTTON_RETRY" desc="Retry button of the opt-in dialog for Android apps.">
Try again
<message name="IDS_ARC_OPT_IN_DIALOG_BUTTON_SEND_FEEDBACK" desc="Send feedback button of the opt-in dialog for Android apps.">
Send feedback
<message name="IDS_ARC_OPT_IN_DIALOG_PROGRESS_TERMS" desc="Name of Terms Of Services loading progress of the opt-in dialog for Android apps.">
Just a sec...
<message name="IDS_ARC_OPT_IN_DIALOG_PROGRESS_ANDROID" desc="Name of Android loading progress of the opt-in dialog for Android apps.">
This may take a minute or so.
<message name="IDS_ARC_OPT_IN_DIALOG_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED" desc="Error message shown when an auth code is not returned by server.">
Authorization failed
<message name="IDS_ARC_OPT_IN_DIALOG_TERMS_OF_SERVICE" desc="Terms of service caption in the opt-in dialog for Android apps.">
Terms of Service
<message name="IDS_ARC_OPT_IN_DIALOG_LEARN_MORE_LINK_TEXT" desc="Text for learn more link in opt-in dialog for Android apps.">
Learn More
<message name="IDS_ARC_OPT_IN_DIALOG_METRICS_MANAGED_ENABLED" desc="Message in the opt-in dialog for Android apps in case metrics are managed on the device and on.">
Send usage and diagnostic data. This device is currently automatically sending diagnostic, device, and app usage data to Google. This will help system and app stability and other improvements. Some aggregate data will also help Google apps and partners, such as Android developers. This <ph name="BEGIN_LINK1">&lt;a href="#" id="settings-link"&gt;</ph>setting<ph name="END_LINK1">&lt;/a&gt;<ex>&lt;/a&gt;</ex></ph> is enforced by the owner. If your additional Web &#38; App Activity setting is turned on, this data may be saved to your Google account. <ph name="BEGIN_LINK2">&lt;a href="#" id="learn-more-link-metrics"&gt;</ph>Learn More<ph name="END_LINK2">&lt;/a&gt;<ex>&lt;/a&gt;</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_ARC_OPT_IN_DIALOG_METRICS_MANAGED_ENABLED_CHILD" desc="Message in the opt-in dialog for Android apps in case metrics are managed on the device and on, and a child account is in use.">
Send usage and diagnostic data. This device is currently automatically sending diagnostic, device, and app usage data to Google. This won't be used to identify your child and will help system and app stability and other improvements. Some aggregate data will also help Google apps and partners, such as Android developers. This <ph name="BEGIN_LINK1">&lt;a href="#" id="settings-link"&gt;</ph>setting<ph name="END_LINK1">&lt;/a&gt;<ex>&lt;/a&gt;</ex></ph> is enforced by the owner. If additional Web &#38; App Activity setting is turned on for your child, this data may be saved to their Google account. <ph name="BEGIN_LINK2">&lt;a href="#" id="learn-more-link-metrics"&gt;</ph>Learn More<ph name="END_LINK2">&lt;/a&gt;<ex>&lt;/a&gt;</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_ARC_OPT_IN_DIALOG_METRICS_MANAGED_DISABLED" desc="Message in the opt-in dialog for Android apps in case metrics are managed on the device and off.">
Send usage and diagnostic data. Help improve your Android experience by automatically sending diagnostic, device, and app usage data to Google. This will help system and app stability and other improvements. Some aggregate data will also help Google apps and partners, such as Android developers. This <ph name="BEGIN_LINK1">&lt;a href="#" id="settings-link"&gt;</ph>setting<ph name="END_LINK1">&lt;/a&gt;<ex>&lt;/a&gt;</ex></ph> is enforced by the owner. The owner may choose to send diagnostic and usage data for this device to Google. If your additional Web &#38; App Activity setting is turned on, this data may be saved to your Google account. <ph name="BEGIN_LINK2">&lt;a href="#" id="learn-more-link-metrics"&gt;</ph>Learn More<ph name="END_LINK2">&lt;/a&gt;<ex>&lt;/a&gt;</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_ARC_OPT_IN_DIALOG_METRICS_MANAGED_DISABLED_CHILD" desc="Message in the opt-in dialog for Android apps in case metrics are managed on the device and off, and a child account is in use.">
Send usage and diagnostic data. Help improve your child's Android experience by automatically sending diagnostic, device, and app usage data to Google. This won't be used to identify your child and will help system and app stability and other improvements. Some aggregate data will also help Google apps and partners, such as Android developers. This <ph name="BEGIN_LINK1">&lt;a href="#" id="settings-link"&gt;</ph>setting<ph name="END_LINK1">&lt;/a&gt;<ex>&lt;/a&gt;</ex></ph> is enforced by the owner. The owner may choose to send diagnostic and usage data for this device to Google. If additional Web &#38; App Activity setting is turned on for your child, this data may be saved to their Google account. <ph name="BEGIN_LINK2">&lt;a href="#" id="learn-more-link-metrics"&gt;</ph>Learn More<ph name="END_LINK2">&lt;/a&gt;<ex>&lt;/a&gt;</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_ARC_OPT_IN_DIALOG_METRICS_ENABLED" desc="Message in the opt-in dialog for Android apps in case metrics are already enabled on the device. User has no way to deactivate them using opt-in dialog.">
Send usage and diagnostic data. This device is currently automatically sending diagnostic, device, and app usage data to Google. This will help system and app stability and other improvements. Some aggregate data will also help Google apps and partners, such as Android developers. If your additional Web &#38; App Activity setting is turned on, this data may be saved to your Google Account. <ph name="BEGIN_LINK2">&lt;a href="#" id="learn-more-link-metrics"&gt;</ph>Learn More<ph name="END_LINK2">&lt;/a&gt;<ex>&lt;/a&gt;</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_ARC_OPT_IN_DIALOG_METRICS_ENABLED_CHILD" desc="Message in the opt-in dialog for Android apps in case metrics are already enabled on the device, and a child account is in use. User has no way to deactivate them using opt-in dialog.">
Send usage and diagnostic data. This device is currently automatically sending diagnostic, device, and app usage data to Google. This won't be used to idenfity your child and will help system and app stability and other improvements. Some aggregate data will also help Google apps and partners, such as Android developers. If additional Web &#38; App Activity setting is turned on for your child, this data may be saved to their Google Account. <ph name="BEGIN_LINK2">&lt;a href="#" id="learn-more-link-metrics"&gt;</ph>Learn More<ph name="END_LINK2">&lt;/a&gt;<ex>&lt;/a&gt;</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_ARC_OPT_IN_DIALOG_METRICS_DISABLED" desc="Message in the opt-in dialog for Android apps in case metrics are disabled on the device. User has an option to active them using opt-in dialog">
Send usage and diagnostic data. Help improve your Android experience by automatically sending diagnostic, device, and app usage data to Google. This will help system and app stability and other improvements. Some aggregate data will also help Google apps and partners, such as Android developers. If your additional Web &#38; App Activity setting is turned on, this data may be saved to your Google account. <ph name="BEGIN_LINK1">&lt;a href="#" id="learn-more-link-metrics"&gt;</ph>Learn More<ph name="END_LINK1">&lt;/a&gt;<ex>&lt;/a&gt;</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_ARC_OPT_IN_DIALOG_METRICS_DISABLED_CHILD" desc="Message in the opt-in dialog for Android apps in case metrics are disabled on the device, and a child account is in use. User has an option to active them using opt-in dialog">
Send usage and diagnostic data. Help improve your child's Android experience by automatically sending diagnostic, device, and app usage data to Google. This won't be used to identify your child and will help system and app stability and other improvements. Some aggregate data will also help Google apps and partners, such as Android developers. If additional Web &#38; App Activity is turned on for you child, this data may be saved to their Google account. <ph name="BEGIN_LINK1">&lt;a href="#" id="learn-more-link-metrics"&gt;</ph>Learn More<ph name="END_LINK1">&lt;/a&gt;<ex>&lt;/a&gt;</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_ARC_OPT_IN_DIALOG_BACKUP_RESTORE" desc="Message in the opt-in dialog for users to enable Backup and Restore for Android apps.">
Back up to Google Drive. Easily restore your data or switch device at any time. Your backup includes app data. Your backups are uploaded to Google and encrypted using your Google Account password. <ph name="BEGIN_LINK1">&lt;a href="#" id="learn-more-link-backup-restore"&gt;</ph>Learn More<ph name="END_LINK1">&lt;/a&gt;<ex>&lt;/a&gt;</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_ARC_OPT_IN_DIALOG_BACKUP_RESTORE_CHILD" desc="Message in the opt-in dialog for users to enable Backup and Restore for Android apps, and a child account is in use.">
Back up to Google Drive. Easily restore data or switch device at any time. This backup includes app data. Backups are uploaded to Google and encrypted using your child's Google Account password. <ph name="BEGIN_LINK1">&lt;a href="#" id="learn-more-link-backup-restore"&gt;</ph>Learn More<ph name="END_LINK1">&lt;/a&gt;<ex>&lt;/a&gt;</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_ARC_OOBE_BACKUP_RESTORE" desc="Message in the opt-in dialog for users to enable Backup and Restore for Android apps.">
Back up to Google Drive. Easily restore your data or switch device at any time. Your backup includes app data. Your backups are uploaded to Google and encrypted using your Google Account password.
<message name="IDS_ARC_OOBE_BACKUP_RESTORE_CHILD" desc="Message in the opt-in dialog for users to enable Backup and Restore for Android apps, and a child account is in use.">
Back up to Google Drive. Easily restore data or switch device at any time. This backup includes app data. Backups are uploaded to Google and encrypted using your child's Google Account password.
<message name="IDS_ARC_OOBE_TERMS_DIALOG_METRICS_MANAGED_ENABLED" desc="Message in the Arc Terms OOBE dialog in case metrics are managed on the device and on.">
Send usage and diagnostic data. This device is currently automatically sending diagnostic, device, and app usage data to Google. This will help system and app stability and other improvements. Some aggregate data will also help Google apps and partners, such as Android developers. This setting is enforced by the owner. If your additional Web &#38; App Activity setting is turned on, this data may be saved to your Google Account.
<message name="IDS_ARC_OOBE_TERMS_DIALOG_METRICS_MANAGED_ENABLED_CHILD" desc="Message in the Arc Terms OOBE dialog in case metrics are managed on the device and on, and a child account is in use.">
Send usage and diagnostic data. This device is currently automatically sending diagnostic, device, and app usage data to Google. This won't be used to identify your child and will help system and app stability and other improvements. Some aggregate data will also help Google apps and partners, such as Android developers. This setting is enforced by the owner. If additional Web &#38; App Activity is turned on for your child, this data may be saved to their Google Account.
<message name="IDS_ARC_OOBE_TERMS_DIALOG_METRICS_MANAGED_DISABLED" desc="Message in the Arc Terms OOBE dialog in case metrics are managed on the device and off.">
Send usage and diagnostic data. Help improve your Android experience by automatically sending diagnostic, device, and app usage data to Google. This will help system and app stability and other improvements. Some aggregate data will also help Google apps and partners, such as Android developers. This setting is enforced by the owner. The owner may choose to send diagnostic and usage data for this device to Google. If your additional Web &#38; App Activity setting is turned on, this data may be saved to your Google Account.
<message name="IDS_ARC_OOBE_TERMS_DIALOG_METRICS_MANAGED_DISABLED_CHILD" desc="Message in the Arc Terms OOBE dialog in case metrics are managed on the device and off, and a child account is in use.">
Send usage and diagnostic data. Help improve your child's Android experience by automatically sending diagnostic, device, and app usage data to Google. This won't be used to identify your child and will help system and app stability and other improvements. Some aggregate data will also help Google apps and partners, such as Android developers. This setting is enforced by the owner. The owner may choose to send diagnostic and usage data for this device to Google. If additional Web &#38; App Activity setting is turned on for your child, this data may be saved to their Google Account.
<message name="IDS_ARC_OOBE_TERMS_DIALOG_METRICS_ENABLED" desc="Message in the Arc Terms OOBE dialog in case metrics are already enabled on the device.">
Send usage and diagnostic data. This device is currently automatically sending diagnostic, device, and app usage data to Google. This will help system and app stability and other improvements. Some aggregate data will also help Google apps and partners, such as Android developers. If your additional Web &#38; App Activity setting is turned on, this data may be saved to your Google Account.
<message name="IDS_ARC_OOBE_TERMS_DIALOG_METRICS_ENABLED_CHILD" desc="Message in the Arc Terms OOBE dialog in case metrics are already enabled on the device, and a child account is in use.">
Send usage and diagnostic data. This device is currently automatically sending diagnostic, device, and app usage data to Google. This won't be used to identify your child and will help system and app stability and other improvements. Some aggregate data will also help Google apps and partners, such as Android developers. If additional Web &#38; App Activity setting is turned on for your child, this data may be saved to their Google Account.
<message name="IDS_ARC_OOBE_TERMS_DIALOG_METRICS_DISABLED" desc="Message in the Arc Terms OOBE dialog in case metrics are disabled on the device.">
Send usage and diagnostic data. Help improve your Android experience by automatically sending diagnostic, device, and app usage data to Google. This will help system and app stability and other improvements. Some aggregate data will also help Google apps and partners, such as Android developers. If your additional Web &#38; App Activity setting is turned on, this data may be saved to your Google Account.
<message name="IDS_ARC_OOBE_TERMS_DIALOG_METRICS_DISABLED_CHILD" desc="Message in the Arc Terms OOBE dialog in case metrics disabled on the device, and a child account is in use.">
Send usage and diagnostic data. Help improve your child's Android experience by automatically sending diagnostic, device, and app usage data to Google. This won't be used to identify your child and will help system and app stability and other improvements. Some aggregate data will also help Google apps and partners, such as Android developers. If additional Web &#38; App Activity setting is turned on for your child, this data may be saved to their Google Account.
<message name="IDS_ARC_OOBE_TERMS_DIALOG_DEMO_APPS" desc="Addendum to the metrics disclaimer in the Arc Terms OOBE dialog during Demo Mode setup explaining that demo apps have their own policies for data collection.">
Note that Android, Play, and associated apps are governed by their own data collection and use policies.
<message name="IDS_ARC_OPT_IN_LOCATION_SETTING" desc="Message in the opt-in dialog for Android apps for the user to turn on Google location services.">
Use location. Allow apps and services with location permission to use your device’s location. Google may collect location data periodically and use this data in an anonymous way to improve location accuracy and location-based services. <ph name="BEGIN_LINK1">&lt;a href="#" id="learn-more-link-location-service"&gt;</ph>Learn More<ph name="END_LINK1">&lt;/a&gt;<ex>&lt;/a&gt;</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_ARC_OPT_IN_LOCATION_SETTING_CHILD" desc="Message in the opt-in dialog for Android apps for the user to turn on Google location services, and a child account is in use.">
Use location. Allow apps and services with location permission to use this device’s location. Google may collect location data periodically and use this data in an anonymous way to improve location accuracy and location-based services. <ph name="BEGIN_LINK1">&lt;a href="#" id="learn-more-link-location-service"&gt;</ph>Learn More<ph name="END_LINK1">&lt;/a&gt;<ex>&lt;/a&gt;</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_ARC_OOBE_LOCATION_SETTING" desc="Message in the opt-in dialog for Android apps for the user to turn on Google location services.">
Use location. Allow apps and services with location permission to use your device’s location. Google may collect location data periodically and use this data in an anonymous way to improve location accuracy and location-based services.
<message name="IDS_ARC_OOBE_LOCATION_SETTING_CHILD" desc="Message in the opt-in dialog for Android apps for the user to turn on Google location services, and a child account is in use.">
Use location. Allow apps and services with location permission to use this device’s location. Google may collect location data periodically and use this data in an anonymous way to improve location accuracy and location-based services.
<message name="IDS_ARC_OPT_IN_PAI" desc="Message in the opt-in dialog for Play auto install.">
Install updates &#38; apps. By continuing, you agree that this device may also automatically download and install updates and apps from Google, your carrier, and your device's manufacturer, possibly using cellular data. Some of these apps may offer in-app purchases. <ph name="BEGIN_LINK1">&lt;a href="#" id="learn-more-link-pai"&gt;</ph>Learn More<ph name="END_LINK1">&lt;/a&gt;<ex>&lt;/a&gt;</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_ARC_OOBE_PAI" desc="Message in the opt-in dialog for Play auto install.">
Install updates &#38; apps. By continuing, you agree that this device may also automatically download and install updates and apps from Google, your carrier, and your device's manufacturer, possibly using cellular data. Some of these apps may offer in-app purchases.
<message name="IDS_ARC_OPT_IN_GOOGLE_SERVICE_CONFIRMATION" desc="Message in the opt-in dialog for Accepting Google services.">
Tap “Accept” to confirm your selection of these Google services settings.
<message name="IDS_ARC_OPT_IN_ACCEPT_AND_CONTINUE_GOOGLE_SERVICE_CONFIRMATION" desc="Message in the opt-in dialog for accepting Google services and continuing the setup.">
By clicking the "Accept and continue" button, you agree to the processing described above for these Google services.
<message name="IDS_ARC_REVIEW_SETTINGS" desc="The label to the checkbox in the opt-in dialog explaining that when checked, it will trigger user settings screen opened after session start">
Review Google Play options following setup
<message name="IDS_ARC_OPT_IN_LEARN_MORE_CLOSE" desc="Text for close button in learn more dialog">
<message name="IDS_ARC_OPT_IN_LEARN_MORE_STATISTICS_TITLE" desc="Title for pop up overlay dialog when user clicks learn more UMA">
Usage and diagnostic data
<message name="IDS_ARC_OPT_IN_LEARN_MORE_STATISTICS" desc="Message shown in pop up overlay dialog when user clicks learn more UMA">
<ph name="BEGIN_PARAGRAPH1">&lt;p&gt;</ph>This is general information about your device and how you use it (such as battery level, system and app activity, and errors). The data will be used to improve Android, and some aggregated information will also help Google apps and partners, such as Android developers, make their apps and products better.<ph name="END_PARAGRAPH1">&lt;/p&gt;</ph>
<ph name="BEGIN_PARAGRAPH2">&lt;p&gt;</ph>Turning off this feature doesn't affect your device's ability to send the information needed for essential services such as system updates and security.<ph name="END_PARAGRAPH2">&lt;/p&gt;</ph>
<ph name="BEGIN_PARAGRAPH3">&lt;p&gt;</ph>The owner can control this feature from Settings &gt; Advanced &gt; Automatically send diagnostic and usage data to Google.<ph name="END_PARAGRAPH3">&lt;/p&gt;</ph>
<ph name="BEGIN_PARAGRAPH4">&lt;p&gt;</ph>If your additional Web &amp; App Activity setting is turned on, this data may be saved to your Google Account. You can see your data, delete it, and change your account settings at<ph name="END_PARAGRAPH4">&lt;/p&gt;</ph>
<message name="IDS_ARC_OPT_IN_LEARN_MORE_STATISTICS_P1" desc="First paragraph of message shown in pop up overlay dialog when user clicks learn more UMA">
This is general information about your device and how you use it (such as battery level, system and app activity, and errors). The data will be used to improve Android, and some aggregated information will also help Google apps and partners, such as Android developers, make their apps and products better.
<message name="IDS_ARC_OPT_IN_LEARN_MORE_STATISTICS_P2" desc="Second paragraph of message shown in pop up overlay dialog when user clicks learn more UMA">
Turning off this feature doesn't affect your device's ability to send the information needed for essential services such as system updates and security.
<message name="IDS_ARC_OPT_IN_LEARN_MORE_STATISTICS_P3" desc="Third paragraph of message shown in pop up overlay dialog when user clicks learn more UMA">
The owner can control this feature from Settings &gt; Advanced &gt; Automatically send diagnostic and usage data to Google.
<message name="IDS_ARC_OPT_IN_LEARN_MORE_STATISTICS_P4" desc="Fourth paragraph of message shown in pop up overlay dialog when user clicks learn more UMA">
If your additional Web &amp; App Activity setting is turned on, this data may be saved to your Google Account. You can see your data, delete it, and change your account settings at
<message name="IDS_ARC_OPT_IN_LEARN_MORE_STATISTICS_CHILD" desc="Message shown in pop up overlay dialog when user clicks learn more UMA, and a child account is in use">
<ph name="BEGIN_PARAGRAPH1">&lt;p&gt;</ph>This is general information about this device and how it's used (such as battery level, system and app activity, and errors). The data will be used to improve Android, and some aggregated information will also help Google apps and partners, such as Android developers, make their apps and products better.<ph name="END_PARAGRAPH1">&lt;/p&gt;</ph>
<ph name="BEGIN_PARAGRAPH2">&lt;p&gt;</ph>Turning off this feature doesn't affect this device's ability to send the information needed for essential services such as system updates and security.<ph name="END_PARAGRAPH2">&lt;/p&gt;</ph>
<ph name="BEGIN_PARAGRAPH3">&lt;p&gt;</ph>The owner can control this feature from Settings &gt; Advanced &gt; Automatically send diagnostic and usage data to Google.<ph name="END_PARAGRAPH3">&lt;/p&gt;</ph>
<ph name="BEGIN_PARAGRAPH4">&lt;p&gt;</ph>If additional Web &amp; App Activity setting is turned on for your child, this data may be saved to their Google Account. Learn more about these settings and how to adjust them at<ph name="END_PARAGRAPH4">&lt;/p&gt;</ph>
<message name="IDS_ARC_OPT_IN_LEARN_MORE_STATISTICS_CHILD_P1" desc="First paragraph of message shown in pop up overlay dialog when user clicks learn more UMA, and a child account is in use">
This is general information about this device and how it's used (such as battery level, system and app activity, and errors). The data will be used to improve Android, and some aggregated information will also help Google apps and partners, such as Android developers, make their apps and products better.
<message name="IDS_ARC_OPT_IN_LEARN_MORE_STATISTICS_CHILD_P2" desc="Second paragraph of message shown in pop up overlay dialog when user clicks learn more UMA, and a child account is in use">
Turning off this feature doesn't affect this device's ability to send the information needed for essential services such as system updates and security.
<message name="IDS_ARC_OPT_IN_LEARN_MORE_STATISTICS_CHILD_P3" desc="Third paragraph of message shown in pop up overlay dialog when user clicks learn more UMA, and a child account is in use">
The owner can control this feature from Settings &gt; Advanced &gt; Automatically send diagnostic and usage data to Google.
<message name="IDS_ARC_OPT_IN_LEARN_MORE_STATISTICS_CHILD_P4" desc="Fourth paragraph of message shown in pop up overlay dialog when user clicks learn more UMA, and a child account is in use">
If additional Web &amp; App Activity setting is turned on for your child, this data may be saved to their Google Account. Learn more about these settings and how to adjust them at
<message name="IDS_ARC_OPT_IN_LEARN_MORE_BACKUP_AND_RESTORE_TITLE" desc="Title for pop up overlay dialog when user clicks learn more backup and restore">
Back up to Google Drive
<message name="IDS_ARC_OPT_IN_LEARN_MORE_BACKUP_AND_RESTORE" desc="Message shown in pop up overlay dialog when user clicks learn more backup and restore">
<ph name="BEGIN_PARAGRAPH1">&lt;p&gt;</ph>Back up to Google Drive. Easily restore your data or switch device at any time. Your backup includes app data.<ph name="END_PARAGRAPH1">&lt;/p&gt;</ph>
<ph name="BEGIN_PARAGRAPH2">&lt;p&gt;</ph>Your backups are uploaded to Google and encrypted using your Google Account password.<ph name="END_PARAGRAPH2">&lt;/p&gt;</ph>
<ph name="BEGIN_PARAGRAPH3">&lt;p&gt;</ph>App data can be any data that an app has saved (based on developer settings), including data such as contacts, messages, and photos.<ph name="END_PARAGRAPH3">&lt;/p&gt;</ph>
<ph name="BEGIN_PARAGRAPH4">&lt;p&gt;</ph>Backup data will not count toward your Drive storage quota.<ph name="END_PARAGRAPH4">&lt;/p&gt;</ph>
<ph name="BEGIN_PARAGRAPH5">&lt;p&gt;</ph>You can turn this service off in Settings.<ph name="END_PARAGRAPH5">&lt;/p&gt;</ph>
<message name="IDS_ARC_OPT_IN_LEARN_MORE_BACKUP_AND_RESTORE_CHILD" desc="Message shown in pop up overlay dialog when user clicks learn more backup and restore, and a child account is in use">
<ph name="BEGIN_PARAGRAPH1">&lt;p&gt;</ph>App data can be any data that an app has saved (based on developer settings), including data such as contacts, messages, and photos.<ph name="END_PARAGRAPH1">&lt;/p&gt;</ph>
<ph name="BEGIN_PARAGRAPH2">&lt;p&gt;</ph>Backup data will not count toward your child's Drive storage quota.<ph name="END_PARAGRAPH2">&lt;/p&gt;</ph>
<ph name="BEGIN_PARAGRAPH3">&lt;p&gt;</ph>You can turn this service off in Settings.<ph name="END_PARAGRAPH3">&lt;/p&gt;</ph>
<message name="IDS_ARC_OPT_IN_LEARN_MORE_BACKUP_AND_RESTORE_P1" desc="First paragraph of message shown in pop up overlay dialog when user clicks learn more backup and restore">
Back up to Google Drive. Easily restore your data or switch device at any time. Your backup includes app data.
<message name="IDS_ARC_OPT_IN_LEARN_MORE_BACKUP_AND_RESTORE_P2" desc="Second paragraph of message shown in pop up overlay dialog when user clicks learn more backup and restore">
Your backups are uploaded to Google and encrypted using your Google Account password.
<message name="IDS_ARC_OPT_IN_LEARN_MORE_BACKUP_AND_RESTORE_P3" desc="Third paragraph of message shown in pop up overlay dialog when user clicks learn more backup and restore">
App data can be any data that an app has saved (based on developer settings), including data such as contacts, messages, and photos.
<message name="IDS_ARC_OPT_IN_LEARN_MORE_BACKUP_AND_RESTORE_P4" desc="Fourth paragraph of message shown in pop up overlay dialog when user clicks learn more backup and restore">
Backup data will not count toward your Drive storage quota.
<message name="IDS_ARC_OPT_IN_LEARN_MORE_BACKUP_AND_RESTORE_P5" desc="Fifth paragraph of message shown in pop up overlay dialog when user clicks learn more backup and restore">
You can turn this service off in Settings.
<message name="IDS_ARC_OPT_IN_LEARN_MORE_BACKUP_AND_RESTORE_CHILD_P1" desc="First paragraph of message shown in pop up overlay dialog when user clicks learn more backup and restore, and a child account is in use">
App data can be any data that an app has saved (based on developer settings), including data such as contacts, messages, and photos.
<message name="IDS_ARC_OPT_IN_LEARN_MORE_BACKUP_AND_RESTORE_CHILD_P2" desc="Second paragraph of message shown in pop up overlay dialog when user clicks learn more backup and restore, and a child account is in use">
Backup data will not count toward your child's Drive storage quota.
<message name="IDS_ARC_OPT_IN_LEARN_MORE_BACKUP_AND_RESTORE_CHILD_P3" desc="Third paragraph of message shown in pop up overlay dialog when user clicks learn more backup and restore, and a child account is in use">
You can turn this service off in Settings.
<message name="IDS_ARC_OPT_IN_LEARN_MORE_LOCATION_SERVICES_TITLE" desc="Title for pop up overlay dialog when user clicks learn more location services">
Location Services
<message name="IDS_ARC_OPT_IN_LEARN_MORE_LOCATION_SERVICES" desc="Message shown in pop up overlay dialog when user clicks learn more location services">
<ph name="BEGIN_PARAGRAPH1">&lt;p&gt;</ph>Google's location service uses sources like Wi-Fi, mobile networks, and sensors to help estimate your device’s location.<ph name="END_PARAGRAPH1">&lt;/p&gt;</ph>
<ph name="BEGIN_PARAGRAPH2">&lt;p&gt;</ph>You can turn off Location by turning off the main Location setting on your device. You can also turn off the use of Wi-Fi, mobile networks, and sensors for location in location settings.<ph name="END_PARAGRAPH2">&lt;/p&gt;</ph>
<message name="IDS_ARC_OPT_IN_LEARN_MORE_LOCATION_SERVICES_CHILD" desc="Message shown in pop up overlay dialog when user clicks learn more location services, and a child account is in use">
<ph name="BEGIN_PARAGRAPH1">&lt;p&gt;</ph>Google's location service uses sources like Wi-Fi, mobile networks, and sensors to help estimate this device’s location.<ph name="END_PARAGRAPH1">&lt;/p&gt;</ph>
<ph name="BEGIN_PARAGRAPH2">&lt;p&gt;</ph>You can turn off Location by turning off the main Location setting on this device. You can also turn off the use of Wi-Fi, mobile networks, and sensors for location in location settings.<ph name="END_PARAGRAPH2">&lt;/p&gt;</ph>
<message name="IDS_ARC_OPT_IN_LEARN_MORE_LOCATION_SERVICES_P1" desc="First paragraph of message shown in pop up overlay dialog when user clicks learn more location services">
Google's location service uses sources like Wi-Fi, mobile networks, and sensors to help estimate your device’s location.
<message name="IDS_ARC_OPT_IN_LEARN_MORE_LOCATION_SERVICES_P2" desc="Second paragraph of message shown in pop up overlay dialog when user clicks learn more location services">
You can turn off Location by turning off the main Location setting on your device. You can also turn off the use of Wi-Fi, mobile networks, and sensors for location in location settings.
<message name="IDS_ARC_OPT_IN_LEARN_MORE_LOCATION_SERVICES_CHILD_P1" desc="First paragragh of message shown in pop up overlay dialog when user clicks learn more location services, and a child account is in use">
Google's location service uses sources like Wi-Fi, mobile networks, and sensors to help estimate this device’s location.
<message name="IDS_ARC_OPT_IN_LEARN_MORE_LOCATION_SERVICES_CHILD_P2" desc="Second paragragh of message shown in pop up overlay dialog when user clicks learn more location services, and a child account is in use">
You can turn off Location by turning off the main Location setting on this device. You can also turn off the use of Wi-Fi, mobile networks, and sensors for location in location settings.
<message name="IDS_ARC_OPT_IN_LEARN_MORE_PAI_SERVICE_TITLE" desc="Title for pop up overlay dialog when user clicks learn more play auto install services">
Install Updates and Apps
<message name="IDS_ARC_OPT_IN_LEARN_MORE_PAI_SERVICE" desc="Message shown in pop up overlay dialog when user clicks learn more play auto install services.">
<ph name="BEGIN_PARAGRAPH1">&lt;p&gt;</ph>To remove apps, go to Settings &gt; Google Play Store &gt; Manage Android preferences &gt; Apps or Application manager. Then tap the app you want to uninstall (you may need to swipe right or left to find the app). Then tap Uninstall or Disable.<ph name="END_PARAGRAPH1">&lt;/p&gt;</ph>
<message name="IDS_ARC_OOBE_LEARN_MORE_PAI_SERVICE" desc="Message shown in pop up overlay dialog when user clicks learn more play auto install services.">
To remove apps, go to Settings &gt; Google Play Store &gt; Manage Android preferences &gt; Apps or Application manager. Then tap the app you want to uninstall (you may need to swipe right or left to find the app). Then tap Uninstall or Disable.
<message name="IDS_ARC_OPT_IN_CONTACT_ADMIN_TITLE" desc="Title of dialog shown when user tries to launch ARC app but ARC is diabled by admin">
This app requires access to the Play Store
<message name="IDS_ARC_OPT_IN_CONTACT_ADMIN_CONTEXT" desc="Text of dialog shown when user tries to launch ARC app but ARC is diabled by admin">
To ask for access, contact the administrator of this device.
<message name="IDS_ARC_OPT_IN_PRIVACY_POLICY_LINK" desc="Text of the Link to Goolge Privacy Policy in opt-in dialog">
Google privacy policy
<message name="IDS_ARC_OPT_IN_ACTIVE_DIRECTORY_AUTH_TITLE" desc="Title displayed in opt-in dialog to inform an Active Directory user that they may have to enter their credentials">
Google Play Store Account
<message name="IDS_ARC_OPT_IN_ACTIVE_DIRECTORY_AUTH_DESC" desc="Description displayed in opt-in dialog to inform an Active Directory user that they may have to enter their credentials">
To enable your account to access the Google Play Store, please authenticate with your Identity Provider.
<message name="IDS_ARC_OPT_OUT_TAB_TITLE" desc="Tab title when viewing opt-out setting dialog for android apps.">
Settings - Remove Android apps
<message name="IDS_ARC_SIGN_IN_NETWORK_ERROR" desc="Android sign-in error because of network error">
Network connection was lost. Please check your connection or try another Wi-Fi network.
<message name="IDS_ARC_SIGN_IN_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE_ERROR" desc="Android sign-in error because of service is unavailable">
Couldn't reach Google Play
<message name="IDS_ARC_SIGN_IN_BAD_AUTHENTICATION_ERROR" desc="Android sign-in error because of bad authentification">
Couldn’t verify your account. Please try again or restart your Chromebook.
<message name="IDS_ARC_SIGN_IN_GMS_NOT_AVAILABLE_ERROR" desc="Android sign-in error because of GMS services are unavailable">
Couldn’t connect with Google services
<message name="IDS_ARC_SIGN_IN_CLOUD_PROVISION_FLOW_FAIL_ERROR" desc="Android sign-in error because of cloud provision flow failed">
Provisioning flow was interrupted. Please try again or contact your device owner or administrator.
<message name="IDS_ARC_SIGN_IN_UNKNOWN_ERROR" desc="Android sign-in error because of unknown error">
Something went wrong
<message name="IDS_ARC_SERVER_COMMUNICATION_ERROR" desc="Android sign-in error because of server communication error">
Couldn’t connect with the server. Please check your network connection and try again. If the problem persists, restart your Chromebook.
<message name="IDS_ARC_ANDROID_MANAGEMENT_REQUIRED_ERROR" desc="Error message shown when Android management is required for an unmanaged Chrome OS user.">
Your organization has not enabled Google Play Store for your account. Contact your administrator for more information.
<message name="IDS_ARC_NETWORK_UNAVAILABLE_ERROR" desc="Error message shown when Android cannot set up network connection.">
Network connection cannot be established.
<message name="IDS_ARC_CRITICALLY_LOW_DISK_NOTIFICATION_TITLE" desc="Title of the notification warning users that they are critically low on disk space and Android apps can not be launched.">
Device disk space critically low
<message name="IDS_ARC_CRITICALLY_LOW_DISK_NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE" desc="Notification text warning users that they are critically low on disk space and Android apps can not be launched.">
Free up disk space to launch Android apps.
<message name="IDS_ARC_MANAGED_PROVISION_NOTIFICATION_TITLE" desc="Title of the notification shown to user during ARC provision when the ARC opt-in flow happens silently due to enterprise policies">
Google Play Store
<message name="IDS_ARC_MANAGED_PROVISION_NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE" desc="Notification shown to user during ARC provision when the ARC opt-in flow happens silently due to enterprise policies.">
Installing the Google Play Store on your <ph name="DEVICE_TYPE">$1<ex>Chromebook</ex></ph>. This could take a few minutes.
<message name="IDS_ARC_OOBE_TERMS_HEADING" desc="Heading of the Arc Terms OOBE dialog.">
Google Play apps and services
<message name="IDS_ARC_OOBE_TERMS_DESCRIPTION" desc="Description of the Arc Terms OOBE dialog.">
Use Google Play to install Android apps
<message name="IDS_ARC_OOBE_TERMS_LOADING" desc="Loading message of the Arc Terms OOBE dialog.">
<message name="IDS_ARC_OOBE_TERMS_LOAD_ERROR" desc="Load error message of the Arc Terms OOBE dialog.">
Google Play Terms of Service cannot be loaded. Please retry.
<message name="IDS_ARC_OOBE_TERMS_BUTTON_ACCEPT_AND_CONTINUE" desc="Accept and continue button of the Arc Terms OOBE dialog.">
Accept and continue
<message name="IDS_ARC_OOBE_TERMS_BUTTON_ACCEPT" desc="Accept button of the Arc Terms OOBE dialog.">
<message name="IDS_ARC_OOBE_TERMS_BUTTON_RETRY" desc="Retry button of the Arc Terms OOBE dialog that reloads Play Store terms.">
<message name="IDS_ARC_OOBE_TERMS_POPUP_HELP_CLOSE_BUTTON" desc="Close button of the popup local help of Arc Play Store Terms OOBE dialog.">
<message name="IDS_ARC_POPUP_HELP_LOADING" desc="Loading message of the Arc popup help.">
<message name="IDS_LOW_DISK_NOTIFICATION_TITLE" desc="Title of the notification warning users that they are low on disk space.">
Device is low on disk space
<message name="IDS_LOW_DISK_NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE" desc="Notification text warning users that they are low on disk space.">
Free up disk space or select data may be automatically deleted
<message name="IDS_CRITICALLY_LOW_DISK_NOTIFICATION_TITLE" desc="Title of the notification warning users that they are critically low on disk space.">
Device disk space critically low
<message name="IDS_CRITICALLY_LOW_DISK_NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE" desc="Notification text warning users that they are critically low on disk space.">
Free up disk space or device will become unresponsive.
<message name="IDS_LOW_DISK_NOTIFICATION_BUTTON" desc="Button on the low disk notification to open storage management.">
Manage storage
<message name="IDS_HATS_DONE_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Label used for the done button at the end of survey">
<message name="IDS_ARC_CHILD_TRANSITION_TITLE" desc="Title of the toast shown when the user tries to activate ARC app and transition from child to regular user or from regular to child user is not completed.">
Action not available
<message name="IDS_ARC_CHILD_TRANSITION_MESSAGE" desc="Message of the toast shown when the user tries to activate ARC app and transition from child to regular user or from regular to child user is not completed.">
Please try again in a few moments
<message name="IDS_ARC_DATA_REMOVAL_CONFIRMATION_HEADING" desc="Heading text in the content area of the confirmation for data removal in case ARC comes to wrong state.">
To use apps from Google Play, you must first restore your apps. Some data may have been lost.
<message name="IDS_ARC_DATA_REMOVAL_CONFIRMATION_OK_BUTTON" desc="Text for the OK button of the confirmation for data removal in case ARC comes to wrong state.">
Restore apps
<message name="IDS_ARC_DATA_REMOVAL_CONFIRMATION_TITLE" desc="Title of the confirmation for data removal in case in case ARC comes to wrong state.">
Something went wrong
<message name="IDS_ARC_MIGRATE_ENCRYPTION_NOTIFICATION_TITLE" desc="Title of the notification to navigate the user to first update the device encryption before running Android apps.">
Install critical update
<message name="IDS_ARC_MIGRATE_ENCRYPTION_NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE" desc="Main message of the notification to navigate the user to first update the device encryption before running Android apps.">
To use Android apps and keep your <ph name="DEVICE_TYPE">$1<ex>Chromebook</ex></ph> working properly, sign in again and update.
<message name="IDS_ARC_MIGRATE_ENCRYPTION_NOTIFICATION_LOW_BATTERY_MESSAGE" desc="Main message of the notification to navigate the user to first update the device encryption before running Android apps.">
To use Android apps, charge &amp; update your <ph name="DEVICE_TYPE">$1<ex>Chromebook</ex></ph>.
<message name="IDS_ARC_MIGRATE_ENCRYPTION_NOTIFICATION_RESTART_BUTTON" desc="Label for the button in the notification that navigates the user to sign-out for completing the encryption update step.">
Sign out &amp; sign back in
<message name="IDS_ARC_USB_PERMISSION_TITLE" desc="Titlebar of Android app USB permissions prompt window">
Confirm USB Permission
<message name="IDS_ARC_USB_SCAN_DEVICE_LIST_PERMISSION_HEADING" desc="Heading text in the content area of the Android app scan device list permission prompt. Tells the user the app will be able to scan attached USB device list if confirmed.">
Allow "<ph name="APP_NAME">$1<ex>Gmail Checker</ex></ph>" to get the list of your attached USB devices?
<message name="IDS_ARC_USB_ACCESS_PERMISSION_HEADING" desc="Heading text in the content area of the Android app USB device access permission prompt. Tells the user the app will be able to access the usb device if confirmed.">
Allow "<ph name="APP_NAME">$1<ex>Gmail Checker</ex></ph>" to access:
<message name="IDS_ASSISTANT_OPT_IN_LOADING" desc="Loading message of the Assistasnt opt-in flow dialog.">
Loading Google Assistant...
<message name="IDS_ASSISTANT_OPT_IN_LOAD_ERROR_TITLE" desc="Load error title of the Assistasnt opt-in flow dialog.">
Google Assistant
<message name="IDS_ASSISTANT_OPT_IN_LOAD_ERROR_MESSAGE" desc="Load error message of the Assistasnt opt-in flow dialog.">
Google Assistant was unable to load, please check your network connection and retry.
<message name="IDS_ASSISTANT_OPT_IN_SKIP_BUTTON" desc="Button label for skipping the Assistasnt opt-in flow upon error.">
<message name="IDS_ASSISTANT_OPT_IN_RETRY_BUTTON" desc="Button label for retry loading the Assistasnt opt-in flow.">
<message name="IDS_WAIT_FOR_CONTAINER_READY_INTRO_MESSAGE" desc="Introduction message for the wait for container ready OOBE screen">
Ask it questions. Tell it to do things. It's your personal Google, always ready to help.
<message name="IDS_ASSISTANT_LOGO" desc="Logo label for the Assistasnt.">
Google assistant logo
<message name="IDS_ASSISTANT_OOBE_USER_IMAGE" desc="Image label for the user image.">
User image
<message name="IDS_ASSISTANT_SCREEN_CONTEXT_TITLE" desc="Title for assistant screen context optin. This is also used as the title for a toggle that lets the assistant use whats on the screen in Assistant settings page.">
Related info
<message name="IDS_ASSISTANT_SCREEN_CONTEXT_DESC" desc="Description for assistant screen context optin. This is also used as the sub label for context-enable toggle in Assistant settings page.">
Let your Assistant show you info related to what's on your screen
<message name="IDS_ASSISTANT_READY_SCREEN_TITLE" desc="Title for assistant ready screen.">
Your Assistant is ready
<message name="IDS_ASSISTANT_READY_SCREEN_MESSAGE" desc="Message for Assistant ready screen.">
When your <ph name="DEVICE_TYPE">$1<ex>Chromebook</ex></ph> is set up, press the Assistant button or say "Ok Google" to get help anytime. Go to Assistant settings to make changes.
<message name="IDS_ASSISTANT_CONTINUE_BUTTON" desc="Continue button for asssitant optin flow.">
<message name="IDS_ASSISTANT_DONE_BUTTON" desc="Done button for asssitant optin flow.">
<message name="IDS_ASSISTANT_ACTIVITY_CONTROL_POPUP_LINK" desc="Link text for activity control details popup.">
Learn more
<message name="IDS_ASSISTANT_VOICE_MATCH_TITLE" desc="Title for assistant voice match screen.">
Access your Assistant with Voice Match
<message name="IDS_ASSISTANT_VOICE_MATCH_MESSAGE" desc="Message for Assistant voice match screen.">
Voice Match lets you access your Assistant directly by using your voice.
<ph name="BR">&lt;br&gt;</ph>
<ph name="BEGIN_BOLD">&lt;b&gt;</ph>Keep in mind:<ph name="END_BOLD">&lt;/b&gt;</ph> A similar voice or recording might be able to access your Assistant, too. You can remove Voice Match permission later by turning it off in Assistant Settings.
<message name="IDS_ASSISTANT_VOICE_MATCH_NO_DSP_MESSAGE" desc="Message without DSP support for Assistant voice match screen.">
To save battery, “Ok Google” is on only when your device is connected to a power source. To make changes, go to Settings.
<message name="IDS_ASSISTANT_VOICE_MATCH_RECORDING" desc="Title for recording in assistant voice match screen. This is also used as the sub label for the Assistant voice settings.">
Teach your Assistant to recognize your voice
<message name="IDS_ASSISTANT_VOICE_MATCH_COMPLETED" desc="Title for completed assistant voice match screen.">
Ok Google is all set
<message name="IDS_ASSISTANT_VOICE_MATCH_FOOTER" desc="Footer message for Assistant voice match screen.">
Your Assistant uses these recordings and your spoken requests to create and update your voice model, which is only stored on devices where you've turned on Voice Match. View or retrain voice activity in Assistant Settings.
<message name="IDS_ASSISTANT_VOICE_MATCH_INSTRUCTION0" desc="Instruction message for assistant voice match recording.">
Say "Ok Google"
<message name="IDS_ASSISTANT_VOICE_MATCH_INSTRUCTION1" desc="Instruction message for assistant voice match recording.">
Say "Ok Google" again
<message name="IDS_ASSISTANT_VOICE_MATCH_INSTRUCTION2" desc="Instruction message for assistant voice match recording.">
Now say "Hey Google"
<message name="IDS_ASSISTANT_VOICE_MATCH_INSTRUCTION3" desc="Instruction message for assistant voice match recording.">
Say "Hey Google" again
<message name="IDS_ASSISTANT_VOICE_MATCH_COMPLETE" desc="Complete message for assistant voice match recording.">
<message name="IDS_ASSISTANT_VOICE_MATCH_UPLOADING" desc="Uploading message for assistant voice match recording.">
<message name="IDS_ASSISTANT_VOICE_MATCH_ACCESSIBILITY_MESSAGE" desc="Instruction message for ChromeVox users while voice match recording.">
Please consider using headphones while training your voice
<message name="IDS_ASSISTANT_VOICE_MATCH_ALREADY_SETUP_TITLE" desc="Title for assistant voice match already setup.">
Your Assistant can already recognize your voice
<message name="IDS_ASSISTANT_VOICE_MATCH_ALREADY_SETUP_MESSAGE" desc="Message for assistant voice match already setup.">
It looks like you've already set up Voice Match with your Google Assistant on another device. These previous recordings can be used to make a voice model on this device. This should take less than a minute.
<message name="IDS_ASSISTANT_NO_THANKS_BUTTON" desc="No thanks button for asssitant optin flow.">
No thanks
<message name="IDS_ASSISTANT_LATER_BUTTON" desc="Do it later button for asssitant optin flow.">
Do it later
<message name="IDS_ASSISTANT_AGREE_BUTTON" desc="Agree button for asssitant optin flow.">
I agree
<message name="IDS_ASSISTANT_SAVE_BUTTON" desc="Save button for asssitant optin flow.">
<message name="IDS_ASSISTANT_WAIT_MESSAGE" desc="Wait message for asssitant optin flow.">
Please wait...
<message name="IDS_ASSISTANT_OOBE_POPUP_OVERLAY_LOADING" desc="Loading message shown while the content of popup overlay is being downloaded.">
<!-- Supervision transition OOBE screen. -->
<message name="IDS_REMOVING_SUPERVISION_TITLE" desc="Title of the supervision transition OOBE screen when stopping supervision.">
Stopping supervision...
<message name="IDS_ADDING_SUPERVISION_TITLE" desc="Title of the supervision transition OOBE screen when adding supervision.">
Setting up supervision
<message name="IDS_SUPERVISION_TRANSITION_MESSAGE" desc="Introduction message for the supervision transition OOBE screen.">
Keep device turned on
<message name="IDS_SUPERVISION_TRANSITION_ERROR_TITLE" desc="Title of the supervision transition OOBE error screen.">
Something went wrong
<message name="IDS_SUPERVISION_TRANSITION_ERROR_MESSAGE" desc="Introduction message for the supervision transition OOBE error screen.">
Data from some apps may be lost
<message name="IDS_SUPERVISION_TRANSITION_ERROR_BUTTON" desc="Button label for acknowledging that supervision transition failed.">
<!-- Print Job Notification -->
<message name="IDS_PRINT_JOB_NOTIFICATION_DISPLAY_SOURCE" desc="The context title of printing notification.">
<message name="IDS_PRINT_JOB_PRINTING_NOTIFICATION_TITLE" desc="Title of the printing-in-progress notification.">
<message name="IDS_PRINT_JOB_DONE_NOTIFICATION_TITLE" desc="Title of the successful printing notification.">
Printing complete
<message name="IDS_PRINT_JOB_ERROR_NOTIFICATION_TITLE" desc="Title of the error printing notification.">
Couldn't print. Check printer and try again.
<message name="IDS_PRINT_JOB_PAPER_JAM_NOTIFICATION_TITLE" desc="Title of the error printing notification.">
Paper is jammed
<message name="IDS_PRINT_JOB_OUT_OF_INK_NOTIFICATION_TITLE" desc="Title of the error printing notification.">
Out of ink
<message name="IDS_PRINT_JOB_OUT_OF_PAPER_NOTIFICATION_TITLE" desc="Title of the error printing notification.">
Out of paper
<message name="IDS_PRINT_JOB_DOOR_OPEN_NOTIFICATION_TITLE" desc="Title of the error printing notification.">
Printer door open
<message name="IDS_PRINT_JOB_PRINTER_UNREACHABLE_NOTIFICATION_TITLE" desc="Title of the error printing notification.">
Can’t connect to printer
<message name="IDS_PRINT_JOB_TRAY_MISSING_NOTIFICATION_TITLE" desc="Title of the error printing notification.">
A paper tray is missing
<message name="IDS_PRINT_JOB_OUTPUT_FULL_NOTIFICATION_TITLE" desc="Title of the error printing notification.">
Output tray is full
<message name="IDS_PRINT_JOB_STOPPED_NOTIFICATION_TITLE" desc="Title of the error printing notification.">
Printer has stopped
<message name="IDS_PRINT_JOB_NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE" desc="Message of the print job notification.">
<ph name="PAGE_NUMBER">$1<ex>5</ex></ph> pages to <ph name="PRINTER_NAME">$2<ex>printer</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_PRINT_JOB_NOTIFICATION_SINGLE_PAGE_MESSAGE" desc="Message of the print job notification for a single page.">
1 page to <ph name="PRINTER_NAME">$1<ex>printer</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_PRINT_JOB_NOTIFICATION_CANCEL_BUTTON" desc="Text on the button for the user to cancel the current print job.">
Cancel printing
<message name="IDS_PRINT_JOB_NOTIFICATION_GET_HELP_BUTTON" desc="Text on the button for the user to get help about the current print job.">
Get help
<!-- USB Printer Installation Notification -->
<message name="IDS_USB_PRINTER_NOTIFICATION_CONNECTED_TITLE" desc="Title of the USB printer connected successfully notification.">
USB printer connected
<message name="IDS_USB_PRINTER_NOTIFICATION_CONNECTED_MESSAGE" desc="Message displayed when the USB printer is connected successfully.">
<ph name="PRINTER_NAME">$1<ex> Google InkJet 1234</ex></ph> is connected and ready
<message name="IDS_USB_PRINTER_NOTIFICATION_CONFIGURATION_REQUIRED_TITLE" desc="Title of the USB printer needs configuration notification.">
USB printer needs configuration
<message name="IDS_USB_PRINTER_NOTIFICATION_CONFIGURATION_REQUIRED_MESSAGE" desc="Message displayed when the USB printer is connected but needs configuration.">
<ph name="PRINTER_NAME">$1<ex> Google InkJet 1234</ex></ph> is connected but needs configuration
<!-- RequestPin dialog messages -->
<message name="IDS_REQUEST_PIN_DIALOG_HEADER" desc="The text displayed in the certificate provider PIN request dialog.">
"<ph name="EXTENSION_NAME">$1<ex>My Extension</ex></ph>" is requesting your <ph name="CODE_TYPE">$2<ex>PIN</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_REQUEST_PIN_DIALOG_PROCESSING" desc="The text displayed while the certificate provider API is waiting for response from extension.">
Processing request...
<message name="IDS_REQUEST_PIN_DIALOG_PIN" desc="The Provider Identification Number abbreviation">
<message name="IDS_REQUEST_PIN_DIALOG_PUK" desc="The Personal Unlocking Key (as used in mobile phones) abbreviation">
<message name="IDS_USB_PRINTER_UNKNOWN_DISPLAY_NAME" desc="Display string used for USB printers where we have identified neither the correct manufactuer nor model strings. USB stands for Universal Serial Bus, it indicates how the printer is attached to the computer.">
Unknown Printer (USB)
<message name="IDS_USB_PRINTER_DISPLAY_NAME" desc="The display name assigned to USB printers which were automatically configured for the user. USB stands for Universal Serial Bus, it indicates how the printer is attached to the computer.">
<ph name="PRINTER_MANUFACTURER">$1<ex>Hewlett Packard</ex></ph> <ph name="PRINTER_MODEL">$2<ex>OfficeJet 8710</ex></ph> (USB)
<message name="IDS_USB_PRINTER_DISPLAY_NAME_MAKE_OR_MODEL" desc="The display name assigned to USB printers which were automatically configured for the user. This string is used when only one of manufacturer or model strings are present. USB stands for Universal Serial Bus, it indicates how the printer is attached to the computer.">
<ph name="PRINTER_MAKE_OR_MODEL">$1<ex>OfficeJet 8710</ex></ph> (USB)
<message name="IDS_NETWORK_SCANNING_MESSAGE" desc="Label for spinner whose purpose is to indicate to the user that the device is currently scanning for nearby networks (e.g. Wi-Fi).">
Searching for networks...
<!-- Screenshot notification -->
<message name="IDS_SCREENSHOT_NOTIFICATION_TITLE_SUCCESS" desc="The title of the notification when a screenshot was taken.">
Screenshot taken
<message name="IDS_SCREENSHOT_NOTIFICATION_TITLE_DISABLED" desc="The title of the notification when taking a screenshot failed because screenshots are disabled.">
Screenshots disabled
<message name="IDS_SCREENSHOT_NOTIFICATION_TITLE_FAIL" desc="The title of the notification when taking a screenshot failed.">
An error occurred
<message name="IDS_SCREENSHOT_NOTIFICATION_TEXT_SUCCESS" desc="The text of the notification when a screenshot was taken. If clicked, the screenshot file is displayed in the Files app.">
Show in folder
<message name="IDS_SCREENSHOT_NOTIFICATION_TEXT_DISABLED" desc="The text of the notification when taking a screenshot failed because screenshots are disabled by administrator policy.">
The ability to take screenshots has been disabled by your administrator.
<message name="IDS_SCREENSHOT_NOTIFICATION_TEXT_FAIL" desc="The text of the notification when taking a screenshot failed.">
Failed to save screenshot
<message name="IDS_SCREENSHOT_NOTIFICATION_NOTIFIER_NAME" desc="The name of screenshot notifier that is a system component">
<message name="IDS_SCREENSHOT_NOTIFICATION_BUTTON_COPY_TO_CLIPBOARD" desc="The button label for the screenshot notification which copies the screenshot image to clipboard on click.">
Copy to clipboard
<message name="IDS_SCREENSHOT_NOTIFICATION_BUTTON_ANNOTATE" desc="The label for the screenshot notification button that opens the note-taking app to annotate the screenshot.">
Annotate image
<!-- HaTS Strings -->
<message name="IDS_HATS_NOTIFICATION_TITLE" desc="The title of the notification for Happiness Tracking Survey.">
Help us improve Chromebooks
<message name="IDS_HATS_NOTIFICATION_BODY" desc="The body of the notification for Happiness Tracking Survey.">
Let us know how we’re doing.
<!-- Lock screen note app toast dialog -->
<message name="IDS_LOCK_SCREEN_NOTE_APP_TOAST_DIALOG_TITLE" desc="Title of the dialog shown to the user when they first launch note taking app from the lock screen - the title contains the launched app's name.">
Taking notes with <ph name="LOCK_SCREEN_APP_NAME">$1<ex>Lock Screen Enabled App</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_LOCK_SCREEN_NOTE_APP_TOAST_DIALOG_MESSAGE" desc="Message shown in the body of the dialog shown to the user when they launch note taking app from the lock screen for the first time - the message has a placeholder for the launched app's name.">
Lock screen notes are automatically saved to <ph name="LOCK_SCREEN_APP_NAME">$1<ex>Lock Screen Enabled App</ex></ph>. Your most recent note will remain on the lock screen.
<!-- Launcher Searchable Chrome OS internal apps -->
<message name="IDS_INTERNAL_APP_KEYBOARD_SHORTCUT_VIEWER" desc="The name of keyboard shortcut viewer app.">
<message name="IDS_LAUNCHER_SEARCHABLE_KEYBOARD_SHORTCUT_VIEWER" desc="The string can be used to search keyboard shortcut viewer app.">
Keyboard Shortcut Helper
<message name="IDS_INTERNAL_APP_SETTINGS" desc="The name of Settings.">
<message name="IDS_INTERNAL_APP_CONTINUOUS_READING" desc="The default title of Chrome browser to allow users to seamlessly continue reading a web page when they switch from phones or tablets to Chromebook.">
Continue reading in Chrome
<message name="IDS_INTERNAL_APP_DISCOVER" desc="Name for the Discover app in the app list.">
<!-- Launcher Settings shortcuts -->
<message name="IDS_LAUNCHER_SHORTCUTS_BLUETOOTH" desc="The name of bluetooth shortcut.">
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_TERMINAL_APP_NAME" desc="Name of the Terminal app, which provides access to a Linux virtual machine.">
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_TERMINAL_APP_SEARCH_TERMS" desc="Additional search terms for the 'Terminal' app, which provides access to a Linux virtual machine.">
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_INSTALLER_TITLE" desc="Title of the Crostini installer, a dialog for installing Linux.">
Set up Linux (Beta) on your <ph name="DEVICE_TYPE">$1<ex>Chromebook</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_INSTALLER_BODY" desc="Description for the Crostini installer, a dialog for installing Linux.">
Get tools for developing websites, Android apps, and more. Installing Linux will download <ph name="DOWNLOAD_SIZE">$1<ex>300MB</ex></ph> of data.
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_INSTALLER_NEXT_BUTTON" desc="Label for the button in the Crostini installer dialog to progress to the next page.">
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_INSTALLER_BACK_BUTTON" desc="Label for the button in the Crostini installer dialog to go back to the previous page.">
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_INSTALLER_INSTALL_BUTTON" desc="Label for the button in the Crostini installer dialog to begin installing Linux.">
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_INSTALLER_INSTALLING" desc="Text shown in the Crostini installer dialog while Linux is installing.">
Installing Linux...
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_INSTALLER_CANCELING_TITLE" desc="Title of the Crostini installer when the install is canceled.">
Cancelling Linux installation...
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_INSTALLER_CANCELING" desc="Text shown in the Crostini installer dialog when the install is canceled.">
This window will close after cancellation is complete.
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_INSTALLER_ERROR_TITLE" desc="Title of the Crostini installer when an error occurs.">
Error installing Linux
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_INSTALLER_LOAD_TERMINA_MESSAGE" desc="Text shown in the Crostini installer dialog when the VM component is loading">
This process may take a few minutes. Downloading the virtual machine.
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_INSTALLER_START_CONCIERGE_MESSAGE" desc="Text shown in the Crostini installer dialog when the VM service is starting">
This process may take a few minutes. Starting the virtual machine.
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_INSTALLER_CREATE_DISK_IMAGE_MESSAGE" desc="Text shown in the Crostini installer dialog when the disk image is being created">
This process may take a few minutes. Starting the virtual machine.
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_INSTALLER_START_TERMINA_VM_MESSAGE" desc="Text shown in the Crostini installer dialog when the VM itself is starting">
This process may take a few minutes. Starting the virtual machine.
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_INSTALLER_START_CONTAINER_MESSAGE" desc="Text shown in the Crostini installer dialog when the container inside the VM is starting">
This process may take a few minutes. Starting the Linux container.
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_INSTALLER_CONFIGURE_CONTAINER_MESSAGE" desc="Text shown in the Crostini installer dialog when the container inside the VM is being configured">
Configuring the Linux container. This might take up to 30 minutes.
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_INSTALLER_SETUP_CONTAINER_MESSAGE" desc="Text shown in the Crostini installer dialog when the container inside the VM is being set up">
This process may take a few minutes. Setting up the Linux container.
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_INSTALLER_FETCH_SSH_KEYS_MESSAGE" desc="Text shown in the Crostini installer dialog when fetching ssh keys">
This process may take a few minutes. Setting up the Linux container.
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_INSTALLER_MOUNT_CONTAINER_MESSAGE" desc="Text shown in the Crostini installer dialog when doing sshfs mount of container">
This process may take a few minutes. Setting up the Linux container.
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_INSTALLER_RETRY_BUTTON" desc="Retry button of the Crostini installer dialog that starts the install steps again.">
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_INSTALLER_OFFLINE_ERROR" desc="Text shown in the Crostini installer dialog when there is no internet connection">
<ph name="DEVICE_TYPE">$1<ex>Chromebook</ex></ph> is offline. Connect to the Internet and try again.
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_INSTALLER_INSUFFICIENT_DISK" desc="Text shown in the Crostini installer dialog when there is not enough free disk space to complete the installation">
Install failed due to lack of storage space. At least <ph name="INSTALL_SIZE">$1<ex>1.3GB</ex></ph> of free space is required. To free up space, delete files from device storage.
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_INSTALLER_LOAD_TERMINA_ERROR" desc="Text shown in the Crostini installer dialog when the VM component fails to load">
Error downloading the virtual machine. Please try again.
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_INSTALLER_START_CONCIERGE_ERROR" desc="Text shown in the Crostini installer dialog when the VM service fails to start">
Error starting the virtual machine service. Please try again.
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_INSTALLER_CREATE_DISK_IMAGE_ERROR" desc="Text shown in the Crostini installer dialog when the failing to create the disk image">
Error creating disk image. Please try again.
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_INSTALLER_START_TERMINA_VM_ERROR" desc="Text shown in the Crostini installer dialog when the VM itself fails to start">
Error starting the virtual machine. Please try again.
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_INSTALLER_START_CONTAINER_ERROR" desc="Text shown in the Crostini installer dialog when the container fails to start inside the VM">
The Linux container didn't start. Please try again.
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_INSTALLER_CONFIGURE_CONTAINER_ERROR" desc="Text shown in the Crostini installer dialog when the container fails to be configured inside the VM">
There was an error while configuring Linux. Contact your administrator.
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_INSTALLER_SETUP_CONTAINER_ERROR" desc="Text shown in the Crostini installer dialog when the container fails to be set up inside the VM">
The Linux container setup did not complete. Please try again.
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_INSTALLER_FETCH_SSH_KEYS_ERROR" desc="Text shown in the Crostini installer dialog when there is an error fetching ssh keys">
Error configuring Linux files. Please try again.
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_INSTALLER_MOUNT_CONTAINER_ERROR" desc="Text shown in the Crostini installer dialog when the container ssh mount fails">
Error mounting Linux files. Please try again.
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_INSTALLER_UNKNOWN_ERROR" desc="Text shown in the Crostini installer dialog when some unknown error happens">
Something went wrong. Please try again.
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_INSTALLER_CONFIGURE_MESSAGE" desc="Text shown in the Crostini installer dialog describing the purpose of the page for entering extra user-specified options">
Change how Linux apps will work.
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_INSTALLER_DISK_SIZE_MESSAGE" desc="Text shown in the Crostini installer dialog describing how and why to choose the initial size of the Crostini disk">
Disk space to reserve for Crostini (you can change this later).
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_INSTALLER_USERNAME_MESSAGE" desc="Text shown in the Crostini installer dialog prompting the user to pick their username">
Select a username
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_INSTALLER_USERNAME_INVALID_FIRST_CHARACTER_ERROR" desc="Text shown in the Crostini installer dialog when the user picks a username starting with an invalid character">
Must start with a lowercase character or underscore
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_INSTALLER_USERNAME_INVALID_CHARACTERS_ERROR" desc="Text shown in the Crostini installer dialog when the user picks a username containing an invalid character">
Lowercase characters, digits, underscores, or dashes only
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_INSTALLER_USERNAME_NOT_AVAILABLE_ERROR" desc="Text shown in the Crostini installer dialog when the user picks a username that is not available">
Username "<ph name="USERNAME">$1<ex>root</ex></ph>" is not available
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_UNINSTALLER_TITLE" desc="Title of the Crostini uninstaller, a dialog for uninstalling Linux, the associated VM and Linux files.">
Delete Linux (Beta)
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_UNINSTALLER_BODY" desc="Description for the Crostini uninstaller, a dialog for uninstalling Linux, the associated VM and Linux files.">
Delete all Linux applications and data in your Linux files folder from this <ph name="DEVICE_TYPE">$1<ex>Chromebook</ex></ph>?
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_UNINSTALLER_UNINSTALL_BUTTON" desc="Label for the button in the Crostini uninstaller dialog to uninstall Linux">
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_UNINSTALLER_UNINSTALLING_MESSAGE" desc="Text shown in the Crostini installer dialog when Linux uninstall is in progress.">
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_UNINSTALLER_ERROR" desc="Text shown in the Crostini uninstaller dialog when the Linux uninstall process fails.">
Error uninstalling Linux. Please try again.
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_UPGRADING_LABEL" desc="Label for upgrade dialog warning user of delay starting container due to running upgrades.">
Linux is upgrading
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_UPGRADING_SUBTEXT" desc="Description for upgrade dialog warning user of delay starting container due to running upgrades.">
Your app will open when the upgrade is finished. Upgrades can take a few minutes.
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_UPGRADER_TITLE" desc="Title of the Crostini upgrader, a dialog for upgrading Linux.">
Upgrade Linux (Beta)
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_UPGRADER_BODY" desc="Description for the Crostini upgrader, a dialog for upgrading Linux.">
We recommend you back up your current Linux container prior to upgrading.
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_UPGRADER_UPGRADE_BUTTON" desc="Label for the button in the Crostini upgrader dialog to begin upgrading Linux.">
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_UPGRADER_DONE_BUTTON" desc="Label for the button in the Crostini upgrader dialog to indicate upgrading Linux is complete.">
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_UPGRADER_RESTORE_BUTTON" desc="Label for the button in the Crostini upgrader dialog to restore a backup if there was an error upgrading Linux.">
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_UPGRADER_BACKING_UP_TITLE" desc="Title of the Crostini upgrader when the container backup is in progress.">
Backing up Linux apps and files
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_UPGRADER_BACKING_UP_MESSAGE" desc="Text shown by the Crostini upgrader when the container backup is in progress.">
This may take up to 30 minutes.
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_UPGRADER_BACKUP_SUCCEEDED_TITLE" desc="Title of the Crostini upgrader when the container backup completed successfully, prior to the main upgrade.">
Backing up complete
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_UPGRADER_BACKUP_SUCCEEDED_MESSAGE" desc="Text shown by the Crostini upgrader when the container backup completed successfully, prior to the main upgrade.">
Linux apps and files have been successfully backed up. Upgrade will begin shortly.
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_UPGRADER_PRECHECKS_FAILED_TITLE" desc="Title of the Crostini upgrader when the upgrade prechecks failed.">
Error starting upgrade
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_UPGRADER_PRECHECKS_FAILED_NETWORK" desc="Text shown by the Crostini upgrader when the upgrade did not start because there was no network connection.">
A network connection is required to upgrade Linux. Please connect to the internet and try again.
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_UPGRADER_PRECHECKS_FAILED_POWER" desc="Text shown by the Crostini upgrader when the upgrade did not start because there wasn't enough power.">
Upgrading Linux can drain your battery significantly. Please connect your device to a charger and try again.
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_UPGRADER_PRECHECKS_FAILED_SPACE" desc="Text shown by the Crostini upgrader when the upgrade did not start because there wasn't enough free disk space.">
At least <ph name="REQUIRED_SPACE">$1<ex>1GB</ex></ph> of free disk space is required to upgrade Linux. Please free some space on your device and try again.
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_UPGRADER_UPGRADING_TITLE" desc="Title of the Crostini upgrader when the upgrade is in progress.">
Upgrading Linux
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_UPGRADER_UPGRADING" desc="Text shown by the Crostini upgrader when the upgrade is in progress.">
This may take up to 30 minutes.
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_UPGRADER_SUCCEEDED_TITLE" desc="Title of the Crostini upgrader when the upgrade is finished successfully.">
Upgrade complete
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_UPGRADER_SUCCEEDED" desc="Text shown by the Crostini upgrader when the upgrade is finished successfully.">
Linux has been successfully upgraded.
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_UPGRADER_RESTORE_TITLE" desc="Title of the Crostini upgrader when the container upgrade fails and restore of a backup is in progress.">
Restoring Linux
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_UPGRADER_RESTORE_SUCCEEDED_TITLE" desc="Title of the Crostini upgrader when the upgrade failed but the restore of a backup completed successfully.">
Restore complete
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_UPGRADER_RESTORE_SUCCEEDED_MESSAGE" desc="Text shown by the Crostini upgrader when the upgrade failed but the restore of a backup completed successfully..">
Linux backup has been successfully restored.
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_UPGRADER_ERROR_TITLE" desc="Title of the Crostini upgrader when an error occurs.">
Error upgrading Linux
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_UPGRADER_CANCELING_TITLE" desc="Title of the Crostini upgrader when the upgrade is canceled.">
Cancelling Linux upgrade
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_UPGRADER_CANCELING" desc="Text shown in the Crostini upgrader dialog when the upgrade is canceled.">
This window will close after cancellation is complete.
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_UPGRADER_BACKUP_CHECKBOX_MESSAGE" desc="Text shown in the Crostini upgrader dialog next to the backup checkbox.">
Back up my apps and files to Downloads folder before upgrading Linux.
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_UPGRADER_BACKUP_CHANGE_LOCATION" desc="Text shown in the Crostini upgrader dialog next to the backup checkbox with a link enabling the user to change the location to which files are backed up.">
Change location
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_UPGRADER_OFFER_RESTORE_MESSAGE" desc="Text shown in the Crostini upgrader dialog when the upgrade has failed and the previous container backup can be restored.">
There was an error while upgrading Linux. We'll restore the container using your backup.
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_UPGRADER_RESTORE_MESSAGE" desc="Title of the Crostini upgrader when the container upgrade fails and restore of a backup is in progress.">
Linux files and apps are being restored to their backed up state.
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_ANSIBLE_SOFTWARE_CONFIG_LABEL" desc="Label for dialog warning user of unavailable Linux container until software configurations are applied.">
Configuring Linux
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_ANSIBLE_SOFTWARE_CONFIG_SUBTEXT" desc="Description for dialog warning user of unavailable Linux container until software configurations are applied.">
Linux is being configured by your administrator. Configuration will take a few minutes.
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_ANSIBLE_SOFTWARE_CONFIG_ERROR_LABEL" desc="Label for Crostini software config dialog when there is an error in Ansible playbook application or installation.">
Error configuring Linux
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_ANSIBLE_SOFTWARE_CONFIG_ERROR_SUBTEXT" desc="Text shown for Crostini software config dialog when there is an error in Ansible playbook application or installation.">
There was an error while configuring Linux. Please contact your administrator.
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_ANSIBLE_SOFTWARE_CONFIG_ERROR_OFFLINE_LABEL" desc="Label for dialog warning user of missing internet connection required for container configuration.">
<ph name="DEVICE_TYPE">$1<ex>Chromebook</ex></ph> is offline
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_ANSIBLE_SOFTWARE_CONFIG_ERROR_OFFLINE_SUBTEXT" desc="Text shown for Crostini software config dialog when there is an error in Ansible playbook application or installation due to missing internet connection.">
Could not configure Linux. Connect to the internet and try again.
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_ANSIBLE_SOFTWARE_CONFIG_RETRY_BUTTON" desc="Retry button of the Crostini software config dialog that starts the configuration steps again.">
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_SHUT_DOWN_LINUX_MENU_ITEM" desc="Text shown in the context menu for the Linux terminal app, allowing users to shut down the Linux virtual machine.">
Shut down Linux (Beta)
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_TERMINA_UPDATE_REQUIRED" desc="Text shown in the Crostini update dialog when the VM component needs updating.">
Linux (Beta) update required
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_TERMINA_UPDATE_OFFLINE" desc="Text shown in the Crostini update dialog when the VM component needs updating but the user is offline.">
Please connect to the internet and try again.
<!-- Linux install package messages -->
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_PACKAGE_INSTALL_NOTIFICATION_DISPLAY_SOURCE" desc="Source of the Notification for Linux package installation.">
Linux installer
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_PACKAGE_INSTALL_NOTIFICATION_QUEUED_TITLE" desc="Title of the Notification when an Linux application is queued waiting for other operations to finish.">
Install pending
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_PACKAGE_INSTALL_NOTIFICATION_IN_PROGRESS_TITLE" desc="Title of the Notification for an in-progress Linux package installation.">
Installation in progress
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_PACKAGE_INSTALL_NOTIFICATION_COMPLETED_TITLE" desc="Title of the Notification for Linux package installation once installation has completed successfully.">
Installation complete
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_PACKAGE_INSTALL_NOTIFICATION_COMPLETED_MESSAGE" desc="Message in the Notification for Linux package installation once installation has completed successfully.">
App is available in your terminal. There may also be an icon in your Launcher.
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_PACKAGE_INSTALL_NOTIFICATION_COMPLETED_BUTTON" desc="Button text in the Notification for Linux package installation once installation has completed successfully.">
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_PACKAGE_INSTALL_NOTIFICATION_ERROR_TITLE" desc="Title of the Notification for Linux package installation when there is an error during installation.">
Error while installing
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_PACKAGE_INSTALL_NOTIFICATION_ERROR_MESSAGE" desc="Message in the Notification for Linux package installation when there is an error during installation.">
An error occurred during installation of your Linux application. Click on the notification for details.
<!-- Linux package installation failure messages -->
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_PACKAGE_INSTALL_FAILURE_VIEW_TITLE" desc="Title of the crostini package-install-failure dialog, which shows detailed error messages when installing .deb packages.">
Error installing Linux application
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_PACKAGE_INSTALL_FAILURE_VIEW_MESSAGE" desc="Message displayed to the user in the package-install-failure dialog.">
An error occurred during installation of your Linux application.
<!-- Linux windows force closing messages -->
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_FORCE_CLOSE_TITLE_UNKNOWN" desc="Title of the crostini force-close dialog, which is used to destroy windows which are not responding. This version is used when we don't know which app is not responding.">
Application not responding.
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_FORCE_CLOSE_TITLE_KNOWN" desc="Title of the crostini force-close dialog, which is used to destroy windows which are not responding. This version is used when we know which app is not responding.">
<ph name="LINUX_APP_NAME">$1<ex>GIMP</ex></ph> not responding.
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_FORCE_CLOSE_BODY_UNKNOWN" desc="Description used by crostini's force-close dialog. This version is used when we don't know which app is not responding.">
The application is not responding. Select "Force close" to close the app.
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_FORCE_CLOSE_BODY_KNOWN" desc="Description used by crostini's force-close dialog. This version is used when we know which app is not responding.">
<ph name="LINUX_APP_NAME">$1<ex>GIMP</ex></ph> is not responding. Select "Force close" to close the app.
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_FORCE_CLOSE_ACCEPT_BUTTON" desc="Label for the button in the force-close dialog that closes the window.">
Force close
<!-- Linux application uninstaller messages -->
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_APPLICATION_UNINSTALL_CONFIRM_TITLE" desc="Title of the Crostini application uninstaller, a confirmation dialog for uninstalling a Linux application.">
Uninstall app?
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_APPLICATION_UNINSTALL_CONFIRM_BODY" desc="Description for the Crostini application uninstaller, a confirmation dialog for uninstalling a Linux application.">
Data associated with this app may be removed from this device.
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_APPLICATION_UNINSTALL_UNINSTALL_BUTTON" desc="Label for the button in the Linux application uninstaller dialog to uninstall the application">
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_APPLICATION_UNINSTALL_NOTIFICATION_DISPLAY_SOURCE" desc="Source of the Notification for Linux application uninstallation.">
Linux uninstaller
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_APPLICATION_UNINSTALL_NOTIFICATION_QUEUED_TITLE" desc="Title of the Notification when an Linux application is queued waiting for other operations to finish.">
<ph name="LINUX_APP_NAME">$1<ex>GIMP</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_APPLICATION_UNINSTALL_NOTIFICATION_QUEUED_MESSAGE" desc="Message of the Notification when an Linux application is queued waiting for other operations to finish.">
Uninstall pending
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_APPLICATION_UNINSTALL_NOTIFICATION_IN_PROGRESS_TITLE" desc="Title of the Notification for an in-progress Linux application uninstallation.">
Uninstalling <ph name="LINUX_APP_NAME">$1<ex>GIMP</ex></ph>...
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_APPLICATION_UNINSTALL_NOTIFICATION_COMPLETED_TITLE" desc="Title of the Notification for Linux application uninstallation once uninstallation has completed successfully.">
<ph name="LINUX_APP_NAME">$1<ex>GIMP</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_APPLICATION_UNINSTALL_NOTIFICATION_COMPLETED_MESSAGE" desc="Message of the Notification for Linux application uninstallation once uninstallation has completed successfully.">
Uninstall complete
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_APPLICATION_UNINSTALL_NOTIFICATION_ERROR_TITLE" desc="Title of the Notification for Linux application uninstallation when there is an error during uninstallation.">
<ph name="LINUX_APP_NAME">$1<ex>GIMP</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_APPLICATION_UNINSTALL_NOTIFICATION_ERROR_MESSAGE" desc="Message in the Notification for Linux application uninstallation when there is an error during uninstallation.">
An error occurred during uninstallation. Please uninstall through the Terminal.
<!-- Crostini Repository Search -->
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_REPOSITORY_SEARCH_RESULT_TITLE_PLACEHOLDER_TEXT" translateable="false" desc="Placeholder title text for surfaced Crostini Repository Search results in the app launcher">
Install <ph name="LINUX_APP_NAME">$1<ex>GIMP</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_REPOSITORY_SEARCH_RESULT_DETAILS_PLACEHOLDER_TEXT" translateable="false" desc="Placeholder description details for surfaced Crostini Repository Search results in the app launcher">
Linux Application
<!-- Crostini app install dialog messages-->
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_APP_INSTALL_DIALOG_INSTALL_BUTTON" desc="Label for the button in the Crostini app install dialog to begin installing a Linux app.">
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_APP_INSTALL_DIALOG_TITLE_TEXT" desc="Title text for the Crostini app install dialog">
Install <ph name="APP_NAME">$1<ex>GIMP</ex></ph> (Linux App)
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_APP_INSTALL_DIALOG_BODY_TEXT" desc="General body text for the Crostini app install dialog">
Are you sure you want to install <ph name="APP_NAME">$1<ex>GIMP</ex></ph>?
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_APP_INSTALL_DIALOG_PACKAGE_TEXT" desc="Body text for the package information in the Crostini app install dialog">
<ph name="LINUX_VERSION">$1<ex>0.8-1</ex></ph>
<ph name="LINUX_DESCRIPTION">$2<ex>GIMP is a really great text editor</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_APP_INSTALL_DIALOG_NO_DESCRIPTION_TEXT" desc="Body text for when their is no description to display in the Crostini app install dialog">
No description is available.
<!-- Crostini export and import notification -->
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_NOTIFICATION_OPERATION_STARTING" desc="Message to display in a notification when the operation is starting and we don't yet have an estimate for how long it will take">
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_EXPORT_IMPORT_NOTIFICATION_DISPLAY_SOURCE" desc="The name of the notification source, which is 'Linux'. Shown in the notification header">
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_EXPORT_NOTIFICATION_TITLE_RUNNING" desc="Title displayed in the notification while export (backup) of the Linux container is in progress.">
Backing up Linux apps &amp; files
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_EXPORT_NOTIFICATION_TITLE_CANCELLING" desc="Title displayed in the notification while export (backup) of the Linux container is being cancelled.">
Cancelling Linux backup
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_EXPORT_NOTIFICATION_TITLE_DONE" desc="Title displayed in the notification when export (backup) of the Linux container is complete.">
Backup complete
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_EXPORT_NOTIFICATION_TITLE_CANCELLED" desc="Title displayed in the notification when export (backup) of the Linux container has been cancelled.">
Linux backup cancelled
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_EXPORT_NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE_DONE" desc="Message displayed in the notification when export (backup) of the Linux container is complete.">
Linux apps &amp; files have been successfully backed up
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_EXPORT_NOTIFICATION_TITLE_FAILED" desc="Title displayed in the notification when export (backup) of the Linux container fails.">
Error while backing up Linux
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_EXPORT_NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE_FAILED" desc="Message displayed in the notification when export (backup) of the Linux container fails.">
Backup couldn't be completed due to an error
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_EXPORT_NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE_FAILED_IN_PROGRESS" desc="Message displayed in the notification when export (backup) of the Linux container fails due to another being in progress.">
Linux backup currently in progress
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_IMPORT_NOTIFICATION_TITLE_RUNNING" desc="Title displayed in the notification while import (restore) of the Linux container is in progress.">
Restoring Linux apps &amp; files
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_IMPORT_NOTIFICATION_TITLE_CANCELLING" desc="Title displayed in the notification while import (restore) of the Linux container is being cancelled.">
Cancelling Linux restore
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_IMPORT_NOTIFICATION_TITLE_DONE" desc="Title displayed in the notification when import (restore) of the Linux container is complete.">
Restore complete
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_IMPORT_NOTIFICATION_TITLE_CANCELLED" desc="Title displayed in the notification when import (restore) of the Linux container has been cancelled.">
Linux restore cancelled
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_IMPORT_NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE_DONE" desc="Message displayed in the notification when import (restore) of the Linux container is complete.">
Linux apps &amp; files have been successfully replaced
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_IMPORT_NOTIFICATION_TITLE_FAILED" desc="Title displayed in the notification when import (restore) of the Linux container fails.">
Error while restoring Linux
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_IMPORT_NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE_FAILED" desc="Message displayed in the notification when import (restore) of the Linux container fails.">
Restoring couldn't be completed due to an error
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_IMPORT_NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE_FAILED_IN_PROGRESS" desc="Message displayed in the notification when import (restore) of the Linux container fails due to another being in progress.">
Linux restore currently in progress
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_IMPORT_NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE_FAILED_ARCHITECTURE" desc="Message displayed in the notification when import (restore) of the Linux container fails due to architecture mismatch.">
Cannot import container architecture type <ph name="ARCHITECTURE_CONTAINER">$1<ex>arm64</ex></ph> with this device which is <ph name="ARCHITECTURE_DEVICE">$2<ex>x86_64</ex></ph>. You can try restoring this container into a different device, or you can access the files inside this container image by opening in Files app.
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_IMPORT_NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE_FAILED_SPACE" desc="Message displayed in the notification when import (restore) of the Linux container fails due to insufficient space.">
Cannot restore due to lack of storage space. Free up <ph name="SPACE_REQUIRED">$1<ex>10Gb</ex></ph> from the device and try again.
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_RECOVERY_TITLE" desc="Title displayed in the dialog when a Linux will be restarted after a Chrome crash.">
Restart Linux?
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_RECOVERY_MESSAGE" desc="Message displayed in the dialog when a Linux will be restarted after a Chrome crash.">
Your device didn't shut down properly. Restart Linux to use Linux apps.
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_RECOVERY_TERMINAL_BUTTON" desc="Label for the dialog button when Linux will not be restarted after a Chrome crash, and instead a Terminal will be shown.">
Open recovery terminal
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_RECOVERY_RESTART_BUTTON" desc="Label for the dialog button when Linux will be restarted after a Chrome crash.">
Restart Linux
<!-- Time limit notification -->
<message name="IDS_SCREEN_TIME_NOTIFICATION_TITLE" desc="The title of the notification when screen usage limit reaches before locking the device.">
Almost time for a break
<message name="IDS_BED_TIME_NOTIFICATION_TITLE" desc="The title of the notification when bedtime reaches before locking the device.">
Lights out soon
<message name="IDS_TIME_LIMIT_UPDATED_NOTIFICATION_TITLE" desc="The title of the notification displayed when parent updates bedtime or usage limit for kids device.">
Update from your parent
<message name="IDS_BEDTIME_UPDATED_NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE" desc="The message of the notification when parent updates bedtime limit for kids device.">
New bedtime set
<message name="IDS_SCREEN_TIME_UPDATED_NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE" desc="The message of the notification when parent updates usage limit for kids device.">
New screen time limit
<message name="IDS_OVERRIDE_WITH_DURATION_UPDATED_NOTIFICATION_TITLE" desc="The title of the notification when parent granted the child more time on this device.">
Bonus! You got more screen time
<message name="IDS_OVERRIDE_WITH_DURATION_UPDATED_NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE" desc="The message of the notification when parent granted the child more time on this device. Informs the child of the device's new lock time.">
Your device now locks at <ph name="UNLOCK_TIME">$1<ex>9:30 PM</ex></ph>.
<message name="IDS_TIME_LIMIT_NOTIFICATION_DISPLAY_SOURCE" desc="The string shown as the display source of the bedtime or screen time notifications.">
Family Link
<!-- Easy Unlock strings -->
<!-- Strings for notification shown when the Chromebook is added to Easy Unlock -->
<message name="IDS_EASY_UNLOCK_CHROMEBOOK_ADDED_NOTIFICATION_TITLE" desc="Title for notification shown when this Chromebook is added to Easy Unlock as an additional Easy Unlock device.">
Smart Lock is turned on
<message name="IDS_EASY_UNLOCK_CHROMEBOOK_ADDED_NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE" desc="Message for the notification shown when this Chromebook is added to Easy Unlock as an additional Easy Unlock device.">
Next time, your phone will unlock your <ph name="DEVICE_TYPE">$1<ex>Chromebook</ex></ph>. You can turn off Smart Lock in Settings.
<message name="IDS_EASY_UNLOCK_CHROMEBOOK_ADDED_NOTIFICATION_ABOUT_BUTTON" desc="Label of a button on the new chrome notification to bring user to smart lock settings.">
Change settings
<!-- Strings for the phone changed (aka old Chromebook setup) notification -->
<message name="IDS_EASY_UNLOCK_PAIRING_CHANGED_NOTIFICATION_TITLE" desc="Title for notification shown when the paired phone is changed.">
Smart Lock phone changed
<message name="IDS_EASY_UNLOCK_PAIRING_CHANGED_NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE" desc="Message for notification shown when the paired phone is changed.">
Next time, a new phone will unlock this <ph name="DEVICE_TYPE">$1<ex>Chromebook</ex></ph>. You can turn off Smart Lock in Settings.
<message name="IDS_EASY_UNLOCK_PAIRING_CHANGED_NOTIFICATION_UPDATE_BUTTON" desc="Label of a button on the notification shown when the paired phone is changed to update Smart lock now.">
Update now
<!-- Strings for the phone change applied notification -->
<message name="IDS_EASY_UNLOCK_PAIRING_CHANGE_APPLIED_NOTIFICATION_TITLE" desc="Title for notification shown when the pairing change is applied.">
Phone change updated
<message name="IDS_EASY_UNLOCK_PAIRING_CHANGE_APPLIED_NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE" desc="Message for notification shown when the pairing change is applied.">
Your <ph name="PHONE_NAME">$1<ex>Moto X</ex></ph> can now unlock this <ph name="DEVICE_TYPE">$2<ex>Chromebook</ex></ph> too.
<!-- Strings for the Easy Unlock setup dialog -->
<!-- Easy Unlock strings shown on the lock screen -->
<message name="IDS_EASY_UNLOCK_SCREENLOCK_TOOLTIP_NO_BLUETOOTH" desc="Tooltip for an icon on a user's lock screen pod shown by Easy Unlock when the Chromebook doesn't have Bluetooth enabled.">
Bluetooth is off on this <ph name="DEVICE_TYPE">$1<ex>Chromebook</ex></ph>. Enter your password, and turn on Bluetooth.
<message name="IDS_EASY_UNLOCK_SCREENLOCK_TOOLTIP_NO_PHONE" desc="Tooltip for an icon on a user's lock screen pod shown by Easy Unlock when a phone eligible to unlock the Chromebook cannot be found.">
Can’t connect. Make sure your phone’s Bluetooth is turned on.
<message name="IDS_EASY_UNLOCK_SCREENLOCK_TOOLTIP_PHONE_NOT_AUTHENTICATED" desc="Tooltip for an icon on a user's lock screen pod shown by Easy Unlock when no phones eligible to unlock the Chromebook can be authenticated.">
Unable to unlock. Enter your password.
<message name="IDS_EASY_UNLOCK_SCREENLOCK_TOOLTIP_PHONE_LOCKED" desc="Tooltip for an icon on a user's lock screen pod shown by Easy Unlock when a phone eligible to unlock the Chromebook is detected, but it's locked and thus not allowed to unlock the Chromebook.">
Your phone is locked. Unlock it to enter.
<message name="IDS_EASY_UNLOCK_SCREENLOCK_TOOLTIP_PHONE_UNLOCKABLE" desc="Tooltip for an icon on a user's lock screen pod shown by Easy Unlock when a phone eligible to unlock the Chromebook is detected, but it does not have lock screen enabled, in which case it is not allowed to unlock Chromebooks.">
To keep your <ph name="DEVICE_TYPE">$1<ex>Chromebook</ex></ph> safe, Smart Lock requires a screen lock on your phone.
<message name="IDS_EASY_UNLOCK_SCREENLOCK_TOOLTIP_RSSI_TOO_LOW" desc="Tooltip for an icon on a user's lock screen pod shown by Easy Unlock when a phone eligible to unlock the Chromebook is detected, but it's not in the Chromebook's proximity (> 30 feet away).">
Bring your phone closer to unlock your <ph name="DEVICE_TYPE">$1<ex>Chromebook</ex></ph>.
<message name="IDS_EASY_UNLOCK_SCREENLOCK_TOOLTIP_PHONE_LOCKED_AND_RSSI_TOO_LOW" desc="Tooltip for an icon on a user's lock screen pod shown by Easy Unlock when a phone eligible to unlock the Chromebook is detected, but it's both (a) locked and (b) not in the Chromebook's proximity (> 1 foot away).">
Unlock your phone and bring it closer to unlock your <ph name="DEVICE_TYPE">$1<ex>Chromebook</ex></ph>.
<message name="IDS_EASY_UNLOCK_SCREENLOCK_TOOLTIP_HARDLOCK_INSTRUCTIONS" desc="Tooltip for an icon on user's lock screen pod shown by Easy Unlock when a phone eligible to unlock the Chromebook is detected and authenticated. The tooltip shows instructions for hard-locking the Chromebook.">
If you click this icon, you will manually lock this <ph name="DEVICE_TYPE">$1<ex>Chromebook</ex></ph>. Next time, you’ll need to type your password to enter.
<message name="IDS_EASY_UNLOCK_SCREENLOCK_TOOLTIP_PASSWORD_REAUTH" desc="Tooltip for an icon on user's lock screen pod shown by EasyUnlock when the user must enter their password instead of using EasyUnlock, because too much time has passed since their last password entry.">
For added security, Smart Lock will ask you to enter your password after 20 hours.
<message name="IDS_EASY_UNLOCK_SCREENLOCK_TOOLTIP_HARDLOCK_USER" desc="Tooltip text shown on a user's lock screen pod when Easy Unlock feature is enabled for the user, but the user hard locked the device. Hard lock is done by clicking the Easy Unlock icon on the user's pod. When a device is hard locked by a user, the Easy Unlock cannot be used to unlock the device as that user. A password has to be entered to unlock the device.">
Your <ph name="DEVICE_TYPE">$1<ex>Chromebook</ex></ph> is locked for security. Manually enter your password to continue.
<message name="IDS_EASY_UNLOCK_SCREENLOCK_TOOLTIP_HARDLOCK_PAIRING_CHANGED" desc="Tooltip text shown on a user's lock screen pod when Easy Unlock feature is enabled for the user, but the pairing data is changed. A password has to be entered to unlock the device.">
Smart Lock phone changed. Enter your password to update Smart Lock. Next time, your phone will unlock your <ph name="DEVICE_TYPE">$1<ex>Chromebook</ex></ph>. You can turn off Smart Lock in Settings
<message name="IDS_EASY_UNLOCK_SCREENLOCK_TOOLTIP_HARDLOCK_PAIRING_ADDED" desc="Tooltip text shown on a user's lock screen pod when Easy Unlock pairing data is synced on a new Chromebook.">
Enter your password to enable Smart Lock. Next time, your phone will unlock your <ph name="DEVICE_TYPE">$1<ex>Chromebook</ex></ph>. You can turn off Smart Lock in Settings.
<message name="IDS_EASY_UNLOCK_SCREENLOCK_TOOLTIP_LOGIN_FAILURE" desc="Tooltip text shown on a user's sign-in screen when Smart Lock sign-in attempt fails.">
Smart Lock couldn’t verify your account. Type your password to enter.
<message name="IDS_EASY_UNLOCK_SCREENLOCK_TOOLTIP_LOGIN_DISABLED" desc="Tooltip for an icon on user's sign-in screen pod shown by EasyUnlock when the feature is only enabled for unlock, not sign-in.">
To use Smart Lock to sign in to your Google Account, go to Settings > Connected devices > Your phone > Smart Lock.
<message name="IDS_SMART_LOCK_SCREENLOCK_TOOLTIP_HARDLOCK_REAUTH_USER" desc="Tooltip text shown on a user's lock screen pod to reauthenticate the user before setting up Smart Lock. A password has to be entered to unlock the device.">
To set up Smart Lock for Chromebook, Google needs to make sure it’s you—type your password to get started.
<message name="IDS_EASY_UNLOCK_SCREENLOCK_TOOLTIP_PRIMARY_USER_ABSENT" desc="Tooltip for the icon on user's lock screen pod shown by Easy Unlock when a phone set up to unlock the Chromebook is detected, but the primary user profile is in the background on the phone or the user is a secondary user profile. The user is asked to switch to the primary user.">
To use Smart Lock, switch to the primary user profile on your phone
<message name="IDS_EASY_UNLOCK_SCREENLOCK_USER_POD_AUTH_VALUE" desc="Message on lock screen user pod shown in place of password field when Easy Unlock is enabled and a phone that can unlock the Chromebook is detected in proximity.">
Select your photo
<message name="IDS_SMART_LOCK_SPINNER_ACCESSIBILITY_LABEL" desc="Label for the spinner icon used for accessibility purposes. This label is needed because this state does not have a tooltip.">
Finding your phone
<message name="IDS_SMART_LOCK_SCREENLOCK_AUTHENTICATED_LABEL" desc="Label for the Smart Lock icon used for accessibility purposes. Describes when a phone eligible to unlock the Chromebook is detected and authenticated.">
Your device can be unlocked with Smart Lock. Press Enter to unlock.
<!-- User Image Selection Dialog -->
<message name="IDS_USER_IMAGE_SCREEN_TITLE" desc="String to be displayed in the title bar of the oobe/login user image selection dialog">
Set your profile picture
<message name="IDS_USER_IMAGE_SCREEN_DESCRIPTION" desc="Description text for the oobe/login user image selection dialog.">
Take a new photo or choose an existing photo or icon.
<ph name="LINE_BREAK">&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;</ph>
This picture will show up on the Chromebook sign in screen and lock screen.
<!-- Strings for Oobe fingerprint enrollment screen -->
<message name="IDS_OOBE_FINGERPINT_SETUP_SCREEN_TITLE" desc="The title of the dialog that allow users to register their fingerprint.">
Set up your fingerprint
<message name="IDS_OOBE_FINGERPINT_SETUP_SCREEN_SENSOR_LOCATION_TITLE" desc="The title of the dialog that shows where the fingerprint sensor is.">
Set up your fingerprint
<message name="IDS_OOBE_FINGERPINT_SETUP_SCREEN_SENSOR_POWER_BUTTON_DESCRIPTION" desc="The label that explains that the fingerprint sensor is in the power button.">
Touch the power button with your finger
<message name="IDS_OOBE_FINGERPINT_SETUP_SCREEN_SENSOR_GENERAL_DESCRIPTION" desc="The label that explains the location of the fingerprint sensor on the device.">
Touch the fingerprint sensor with your finger
<message name="IDS_OOBE_FINGERPINT_SETUP_SCREEN_ENROLLMENT_PROGRESS_TITLE" desc="The title of the dialog that shows where the fingerprint sensor is.">
Lift, then touch again
<message name="IDS_OOBE_FINGERPINT_SETUP_SCREEN_ENROLLMENT_SUCCESS_TITLE" desc="The title of the dialog that shows when fingerprint enrollment is successful.">
Fingerprint added
<message name="IDS_OOBE_FINGERPINT_SETUP_SCREEN_ENROLLMENT_SUCCESS_DESCRIPTION" desc="The label that shows when fingerprint enrollment is successful.">
When you see this icon, use your fingerprint for identification or to approve purchases.
<message name="IDS_OOBE_FINGERPINT_SETUP_SCREEN_BUTTON_SKIP" desc="In fingerprint setup screen, button label to skip the fingerrint setup.">
<message name="IDS_OOBE_FINGERPINT_SETUP_SCREEN_BUTTON_LATER" desc="In fingerprint setup screen, button label to skip the fingerrint setup.">
Do it later
<message name="IDS_OOBE_FINGERPINT_SETUP_SCREEN_BUTTON_NEXT" desc="In fingerprint setup screen, button label to proceed to the next step.">
<message name="IDS_OOBE_FINGERPINT_SETUP_SCREEN_BUTTON_DONE" desc="Fingerprint setup is done, button label to exit the setup.">
<message name="IDS_OOBE_FINGERPINT_SETUP_SCREEN_BUTTON_ADD_ANOTHER" desc="In fingerprint setup screen, button label to add another fingerprint.">
Add another
<message name="IDS_OOBE_FINGERPINT_SETUP_SCREEN_NEW_FINGERPRINT_DEFAULT_NAME_1" desc="The default name for first newly added fingerprint.">
Finger 1
<message name="IDS_OOBE_FINGERPINT_SETUP_SCREEN_NEW_FINGERPRINT_DEFAULT_NAME_2" desc="The default name for second newly added fingerprint.">
Finger 2
<message name="IDS_OOBE_FINGERPINT_SETUP_SCREEN_NEW_FINGERPRINT_DEFAULT_NAME_3" desc="The default name for third newly added fingerprint.">
Finger 3
<message name="IDS_OOBE_FINGERPINT_SETUP_SCREEN_INSTRUCTION_MOVE_FINGER" desc="Text in the fingerprint setup screen telling users what to move finger to capture the different parts of fingerprint.">
Move your finger slightly to add the different parts of your fingerprint.
<message name="IDS_OOBE_FINGERPINT_SETUP_SCREEN_INSTRUCTION_TRY_AGAIN" desc="Text in the fingerprint setup screen telling users what to scan their finger again.">
Try again.
<!-- Strings for Oobe gesture navigation education screen -->
<message name="IDS_OOBE_GESTURE_NAVIGATION_INTRO_TITLE" desc="The title in the gesture navigation education intro OOBE screen shown on the first user login.">
Introducing a new way to navigate with gestures
<message name="IDS_OOBE_GESTURE_NAVIGATION_INTRO_NEXT_BUTTON" desc="The label for the button which advances to the next page in the gesture navigation education intro OOBE screen shown on the first user login.">
Get started
<message name="IDS_OOBE_GESTURE_NAVIGATION_INTRO_GO_HOME" desc="The label for the home gesture item in the gesture list within the gesture navigation education intro OOBE screen shown on the first user login.">
Go home
<message name="IDS_OOBE_GESTURE_NAVIGATION_INTRO_SWITCH_APP" desc="The label for the switch app gesture item in the gesture list within the gesture navigation education intro OOBE screen shown on the first user login.">
Switch to another open app
<message name="IDS_OOBE_GESTURE_NAVIGATION_INTRO_GO_BACK" desc="The label for the go back gesture item in the gesture list within the gesture navigation education intro OOBE screen shown on the first user login.">
Go back
<message name="IDS_OOBE_GESTURE_NAVIGATION_HOME_TITLE" desc="The title in the gesture navigation education home OOBE screen shown on the first user login.">
Go Home
<message name="IDS_OOBE_GESTURE_NAVIGATION_HOME_DESCRIPTION" desc="The description for the gesture navigation education home OOBE screen shown on the first user login.">
To get to the Home screen at any time, swipe up from the bottom.
<message name="IDS_OOBE_GESTURE_NAVIGATION_BACK_TITLE" desc="The title in the gesture navigation education back OOBE screen shown on the first user login.">
Go Back
<message name="IDS_OOBE_GESTURE_NAVIGATION_BACK_DESCRIPTION" desc="The description for the gesture navigation education back OOBE screen shown on the first user login. This string should say to swipe from the right side in RTL languages.">
To return to the previous screen, swipe from the left side.
<message name="IDS_OOBE_GESTURE_NAVIGATION_OVERVIEW_TITLE" desc="The title in the gesture navigation education overview OOBE screen shown on the first user login.">
Switch to another open app
<message name="IDS_OOBE_GESTURE_NAVIGATION_OVERVIEW_DESCRIPTION" desc="The description for the gesture navigation education overview OOBE screen shown on the first user login.">
To see all open app windows, swipe up from the bottom and hold.
<!-- Mojo service names (displayed in task manager) -->
<message name="IDS_ASH_ASH_SERVICE_NAME" desc="Name of the internal software service that manages windows. Appears in the task manager.">
Window manager
<message name="IDS_ASH_SHORTCUT_VIEWER_APP_NAME" desc="Name of the app that shows the list of keyboard shortcuts. Appears in the task manager.">
Shortcut viewer
<message name="IDS_ASH_TAP_VISUALIZER_APP_NAME" desc="Name of the app that displays touch tap points on the screen. Appears in the task manager.">
Show taps
<message name="IDS_ASH_UI_SERVICE_NAME" desc="Name of the internal software service that manages the user interface (UI). Appears in the task manager.">
UI service
<message name="IDS_POWER_SOURCE_PORT_LEFT" desc="The text identifying an external device, when that device is connected to the USB Type-C port on the left side of this device.">
USB-C device (left port)
<message name="IDS_POWER_SOURCE_PORT_RIGHT" desc="The text identifying an external device, when that device is connected to the USB Type-C port on the right side of this device.">
USB-C device (right port)
<message name="IDS_POWER_SOURCE_PORT_BACK" desc="The text identifying an external device, when that device is connected to the USB Type-C port on the back of this device.">
USB-C device (rear port)
<message name="IDS_POWER_SOURCE_PORT_FRONT" desc="The text identifying an external device, when that device is connected to the USB Type-C port on the front of this device.">
USB-C device (front port)
<message name="IDS_POWER_SOURCE_PORT_LEFT_FRONT" desc="The text identifying an external device, when that device is connected to a USB Type-C port on the left side of this device. In this case there are two ports on that side, so this text should refer to the front one on that side.">
USB-C device (left side front port)
<message name="IDS_POWER_SOURCE_PORT_LEFT_BACK" desc="The text identifying an external device, when that device is connected to a USB Type-C port on the left side of this device. In this case there are two ports on that side, so this text should refer to the back one on that side.">
USB-C device (left side back port)
<message name="IDS_POWER_SOURCE_PORT_RIGHT_FRONT" desc="The text identifying an external device, when that device is connected to a USB Type-C port on the right side of this device. In this case there are two ports on that side, so this text should refer to the front one on that side.">
USB-C device (right side front port)
<message name="IDS_POWER_SOURCE_PORT_RIGHT_BACK" desc="The text identifying an external device, when that device is connected to a USB Type-C port on the right side of this device. In this case there are two ports on that side, so this text should refer to the back one on that side.">
USB-C device (right side back port)
<message name="IDS_POWER_SOURCE_PORT_BACK_LEFT" desc="The text identifying an external device, when that device is connected to a USB Type-C port on the back of this device. In this case there are two ports on the back, so this text should refer to the one on the left.">
USB-C device (left port in the back)
<message name="IDS_POWER_SOURCE_PORT_BACK_RIGHT" desc="The text identifying an external device, when that device is connected to a USB Type-C port on the back of this device. In this case there are two ports on the back, so this text should refer to the one on the right.">
USB-C device (right port in the back)
<message name="IDS_POWER_SOURCE_PORT_UNKNOWN" desc="The text referring to the device to charge from, when its port location cannot be determined.">
USB-C device
<message name="IDS_SMB_SHARES_ADD_SERVICE_MENU_OPTION" desc="The text displayed in the files app Add New Services menu for the option that allows users to mount a new SMB file share.">
SMB file share
<message name="IDS_SMB_SHARES_CREDENTIALS_DIALOG_TITLE" desc="The text displayed as the title of the dialog that prompts users to updated their username and passowrd for a mounted SMB file share.">
Update credentials for <ph name="SHARE_PATH">$1<ex>\\server\share</ex></ph>.
<message name="IDS_SMB_SHARES_CREDENTIALS_USERNAME" desc="Title for the input that lets users specify their username for an SMB share. This field is required.">
<message name="IDS_SMB_SHARES_CREDENTIALS_PASSWORD" desc="Title for the input that lets users specify their password for an SMB Share. This field is optional.">
Password (optional)
<!-- SMB File Shares -->
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_DOWNLOADS_ADD_SHARE_URL" desc="Title for the input that lets users specify the name of an SMB URL.">
File share URL
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_DOWNLOADS_ADD_SHARE_NAME" desc="Title for the input that lets users specify the display name of an SMB mount.">
Display name (optional)
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_DOWNLOADS_ADD_SHARE_USERNAME" desc="Title for the input that lets users specify their username for an SMB share.">
Username (optional)
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_DOWNLOADS_ADD_SHARE_PASSWORD" desc="Title for the input that lets users specify their password for an SMB Share.">
Password (optional)
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_DOWNLOADS_ADD_SHARE_SAVE_CREDENTIALS" desc="Label for the checkbox input that lets users have the username/password for an SMB share saved for the next login.">
Remember sign-in info
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_DOWNLOADS_ADD_SHARE_AUTHENTICATION_METHOD" desc="Title for the input that lets users specify their authentication method for an SMB Share.">
Authentication method
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_DOWNLOADS_ADD_SHARE_STANDARD_AUTHENTICATION" desc="Authentication method option indicating that fields for username and password should be shown to the user.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_DOWNLOADS_ADD_SHARE_KERBEROS_AUTHENTICATION" desc="Authentication method option to use a users Kerberos ticket to authenticate. Only availible for Active Directory users.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_DOWNLOADS_ADD_SHARE_DISCOVERY_MESSAGE" desc="The message shown next to the loading spinner shown when searching for SMB shares.">
Looking for file shares
<!-- Strings for Plugin VM -->
<message name="IDS_PLUGIN_VM_APP_NAME" desc="Name of the 'Plugin VM' app.">
Plugin VM
<message name="IDS_PLUGIN_VM_INSTALLER_ENVIRONMENT_SETTING_TITLE" desc="Title of the Plugin VM installer during installation.">
Setting up Plugin VM...
<message name="IDS_PLUGIN_VM_INSTALLER_FINISHED_TITLE" desc="Title of the Plugin VM installer after successful installation.">
Setup complete
<message name="IDS_PLUGIN_VM_INSTALLER_ERROR_TITLE" desc="Title of the Plugin VM installer if there was an error during installation.">
Setup couldn't complete
<message name="IDS_PLUGIN_VM_INSTALLER_NOT_ALLOWED_TITLE" desc="Title of the Plugin VM installer if Plugin VM is disallowed.">
Plugin VM needs permission to run
<message name="IDS_PLUGIN_VM_INSTALLER_LOW_DISK_SPACE_MESSAGE" desc="Text of the Plugin VM installer that warns them of low disk space.">
Your device is low on storage space. At least <ph name="RECOMMENDED_SPACE">$1<ex>32GB</ex></ph> of free space is recommended to use Plugin VM. To free up space, delete files from device storage.
<message name="IDS_PLUGIN_VM_INSTALLER_START_DOWNLOADING_MESSAGE" desc="Text of the Plugin VM installer that informs the user that setup may take a while.">
This may take awhile
<message name="IDS_PLUGIN_VM_INSTALLER_DOWNLOADING_MESSAGE" desc="Text of the Plugin VM installer while downloading the VM.">
Downloading the virtual machine
<message name="IDS_PLUGIN_VM_INSTALLER_IMPORTING_MESSAGE" desc="Text of the Plugin VM installer while configuring the VM.">
Configuring the virtual machine. This may take a few minutes.
<message name="IDS_PLUGIN_VM_INSTALLER_IMPORTED_MESSAGE" desc="Text of the Plugin VM installer after successful installation.">
Plugin VM is ready to use.
<message name="IDS_PLUGIN_VM_INSTALLER_CREATED_MESSAGE" desc="Text of the Plugin VM installer after new VM creation.">
Please launch Plugin VM to install the Guest Operating System.
<message name="IDS_PLUGIN_VM_INSTALLER_ERROR_MESSAGE_LOGIC_ERROR" desc="Text of the Plugin VM installer if the installation failed due to an internal error.">
Couldn't install Plugin VM. Please try again, or contact your organization's device administrator. Error code: <ph name="ERROR_CODE">$1<ex>7</ex></ph>.
<message name="IDS_PLUGIN_VM_INSTALLER_ERROR_MESSAGE_CONFIG_ERROR" desc="Text of the Plugin VM installer if the installation failed because there was an error in the configuration.">
Couldn't set up Plugin VM because of a configuration problem. Please contact your organization's device administrator. Error code: <ph name="ERROR_CODE">$1<ex>7</ex></ph>.
<message name="IDS_PLUGIN_VM_INSTALLER_ERROR_MESSAGE_DOWNLOAD_FAILED" desc="Text of the Plugin VM installer if the installation failed because something went wrong while downloading the virtual machine.">
Couldn't install the virtual machine because of a network error. Please try again, or contact your organization's device administrator. Error code: <ph name="ERROR_CODE">$1<ex>7</ex></ph>.
<message name="IDS_PLUGIN_VM_INSTALLER_ERROR_MESSAGE_INSTALLING_FAILED" desc="Text of the Plugin VM installer if the installation failed because downloaded Plugin VM could not be installed.">
Couldn't install the virtual machine. Please try again, or contact your organization's device administrator. Error code: <ph name="ERROR_CODE">$1<ex>7</ex></ph>.
<message name="IDS_PLUGIN_VM_INSTALLER_NOT_ALLOWED_MESSAGE" desc="Error message to be shown if a setup/launch is attempted although Plugin VM is disallowed.">
Plugin VM isn't allowed on this device. Contact your organization's device administrator. Error code: <ph name="ERROR_CODE">$1<ex>7</ex></ph>.
<message name="IDS_PLUGIN_VM_INSTALLER_DOWNLOAD_PROGRESS_MESSAGE" desc="Text of the Plugin VM installer during downloading Plugin VM image, showing download progress.">
<ph name="DOWNLOADED_SIZE">$1<ex>1.2</ex></ph>/<ph name="DOWNLOAD_SIZE">$2<ex>3.4 GB</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_PLUGIN_VM_INSTALLER_DOWNLOAD_PROGRESS_WITHOUT_DOWNLOAD_SIZE_MESSAGE" desc="Text of the Plugin VM installer while downloading Plugin VM image, showing download progress when the full download size is not known.">
<ph name="DOWNLOADED_SIZE">$1<ex>1.2 GB</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_PLUGIN_VM_INSTALLER_CONTINUE_BUTTON" desc="Label for the button in the Plugin VM installer to continue installation.">
<message name="IDS_PLUGIN_VM_INSTALLER_LAUNCH_BUTTON" desc="Label for the button in the Plugin VM installer to launch Plugin VM after successful installation.">
<message name="IDS_PLUGIN_VM_INSTALLER_RETRY_BUTTON" desc="Label for the button in the Plugin VM installer to retry installation on failure.">
<message name="IDS_PLUGIN_VM_SHUT_DOWN_MENU_ITEM" desc="Text shown in the launcher and shelf context menus for the Plugin VM app to shut it down.">
Shut down
<message name="IDS_PLUGIN_VM_INVALID_LICENSE_TITLE" desc="Title in the notification shown when launching the 'Plugin VM' app failed due to an invalid or missing license.">
Plugin VM requires a license
<message name="IDS_PLUGIN_VM_EXPIRED_LICENSE_TITLE" desc="Title in the notification shown when launching the 'Plugin VM' app failed due to an expired license.">
Plugin VM license has expired
<message name="IDS_PLUGIN_VM_INVALID_LICENSE_MESSAGE" desc="Message in the notification shown when launching the 'Plugin VM' app failed due to an invalid, missing, or expired license.">
Contact your organization's device administrator
<message name="IDS_PLUGIN_VM_START_VM_ERROR_TITLE" desc="Title in the notification shown when launching the 'Plugin VM' app failed due to a network or unknown error.">
Couldn't open Plugin VM
<message name="IDS_PLUGIN_VM_NETWORK_ERROR_MESSAGE" desc="Message in the notification shown when launching the 'Plugin VM' app failed due to a network error.">
Connect to the internet and try again
<message name="IDS_PLUGIN_VM_START_VM_ERROR_MESSAGE" desc="Message in the notificataion shown when launching the 'Plugin VM' app failed due to an unknown error.">
Something went wrong. Please try again.
<message name="IDS_PLUGIN_VM_REMOVING_NOTIFICATION_IN_PROGRESS_MESSAGE" desc="Message in the notification shown when removing the 'Plugin VM' app.">
Uninstalling Plugin VM...
<message name="IDS_PLUGIN_VM_REMOVING_NOTIFICATION_COMPLETE_MESSAGE" desc="Message in the notification shown when removing the 'Plugin VM' app has completed successfully.">
Plugin VM has been uninstalled
<message name="IDS_PLUGIN_VM_REMOVING_NOTIFICATION_FAILED_MESSAGE" desc="Message in the notification shown when removing the 'Plugin VM' app failed.">
Couldn't uninstall Plugin VM
<message name="IDS_PLUGIN_VM_DLC_INTERNAL_FAILED_MESSAGE" desc="Error message shown if Plugin VM installation fails because an internal error indicates the device needs to be updated.">
Your device needs to be updated before you can use Plugin VM.
<message name="IDS_PLUGIN_VM_DLC_BUSY_FAILED_MESSAGE" desc="Error message shown if Plugin VM installation fails because dlcservice and update_engine are busy.">
Something went wrong. Please wait a few minutes and run Plugin VM again.
<message name="IDS_PLUGIN_VM_DLC_NEED_REBOOT_FAILED_MESSAGE" desc="Error message shown if Plugin VM installation fails because a pending update requires the device to be restarted.">
Please restart your device to use Plugin VM.
<message name="IDS_PLUGIN_VM_INSUFFICIENT_DISK_SPACE_MESSAGE" desc="Error message shown if Plugin VM installation fails because there is not enough free space on the device.">
Your device is low on storage space. At least <ph name="MINIMUM_SPACE">$1<ex>16GB</ex></ph> of free space is required to use Plugin VM, and over <ph name="RECOMMENDED_SPACE">$2<ex>32GB</ex></ph> of free space is recommended. To free up space, delete files from device storage.
<!-- Strings for Account Manager error screen -->
<message name="IDS_ACCOUNT_MANAGER_SECONDARY_ACCOUNTS_DISABLED_TITLE" desc="Title for the Chrome OS Account Manager error screen when addition of secondary Google Accounts is disabled.">
Addition of more Google Accounts is disabled
<message name="IDS_ACCOUNT_MANAGER_SECONDARY_ACCOUNTS_DISABLED_TEXT" desc="Text body for the Chrome OS Account Manager error screen when addition of secondary Google Accounts is disabled.">
Your administrator has disabled the addition of more Google Accounts
<message name="IDS_ACCOUNT_MANAGER_CHILD_USER_ARC_DISABLED_TITLE" desc="Title for the Chrome OS Account Manager error screen when addition of accounts in ARC++ is disabled for child users.">
Can't add account
<message name="IDS_ACCOUNT_MANAGER_CHILD_USER_ARC_DISABLED_TEXT" desc="Text body for the Chrome OS Account Manager error screen when addition of accounts in ARC++ is disabled for child users.">
Adding G Suite for Education account in Android apps is not supported.
<!-- Strings for Account Manager welcome screen -->
<message name="IDS_ACCOUNT_MANAGER_WELCOME_TITLE" desc="Title for the Chrome OS Account Manager Welcome screen.">
has changed
<message name="IDS_ACCOUNT_MANAGER_WELCOME_TEXT" desc="Text body for the Chrome OS Account Manager Welcome screen.">
You can now manage all of your Google Accounts in one place. Access and permissions you've granted to apps, websites, and extensions in Chrome and Google Play may now apply to all of your signed-in accounts. <ph name="LINK_BEGIN">&lt;a target="_blank" href="$1<ex></ex>"&gt;</ph>Learn more<ph name="LINK_END">&lt;/a&gt;</ph>
<message name="IDS_ACCOUNT_MANAGER_WELCOME_BUTTON" desc="Label for the button to view accounts on the Chrome OS Account Manager Welcome screen.">
View accounts
<!-- Strings for per-account Migration welcome screen -->
<message name="IDS_ACCOUNT_MIGRATION_WELCOME_PAGE_TITLE" desc="Title for the Account Migration Welcome page.">
Sign in again
<message name="IDS_ACCOUNT_MIGRATION_WELCOME_TITLE" desc="Title for the Account Migration Welcome screen.">
Sign in again to update <ph name="USER_EMAIL">$1<ex></ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_ACCOUNT_MIGRATION_WELCOME_TEXT" desc="Text body for the Account Migration Welcome screen.">
Please sign in again to confirm that your account <ph name="USER_EMAIL">$1<ex></ex></ph> can be used with websites, apps, and extensions in Chrome and Google Play. You may also remove this account. <ph name="LINK_BEGIN">&lt;a target="_blank" href="$2<ex></ex>"&gt;</ph>Learn more<ph name="LINK_END">&lt;/a&gt;</ph>
<message name="IDS_ACCOUNT_MIGRATION_UPDATE_BUTTON" desc="Label for the button in Account Migration dialog to migrate the account.">
Update account
<!-- Strings for EDU login flow -->
<message name="IDS_EDU_LOGIN_BACK" desc="The name of the button that goes to the previous step in EDU login flow.">
<message name="IDS_EDU_LOGIN_NEXT" desc="The name of the button that goes to the next step in EDU login flow.">
<message name="IDS_EDU_LOGIN_WELCOME_TITLE" desc="Title for the welcome screen in EDU account addition flow.">
Get started with a school account
<message name="IDS_EDU_LOGIN_WELCOME_BODY" desc="Text on the welcome screen in EDU account addition flow informing user to ask their parent for permission to add the account.">
To add an account for access to educational resources, ask a parent to give you permission
<message name="IDS_EDU_LOGIN_WELCOME_REAUTH_TITLE" desc="Title for the reauthentication screen in EDU account addition flow.">
Sign in again with a school account
<message name="IDS_EDU_LOGIN_WELCOME_REAUTH_BODY" desc="Text on the reauthentication screen in EDU account addition flow informing user to ask their parent for permission to reauthenticate the account.">
To sign in again for access to educational resources, ask a parent to give you permission
<message name="IDS_EDU_LOGIN_PARENTS_LIST_TITLE" desc="Title for the parent sign-in screen asking the user to ask a parent to sign-in to approve EDU account addition.">
Parent sign-in
<message name="IDS_EDU_LOGIN_PARENTS_LIST_BODY" desc="Text on the parent sign-in screen asking the user to ask a parent to sign-in to approve EDU account addition.">
Ask a parent to sign in to grant permission to add a school account
<message name="IDS_EDU_LOGIN_PARENT_SIGNIN_TITLE" desc="Title for the parent sign-in screen asking parent to sign-in to approve EDU account addition.">
Hi <ph name="PARENT_NAME">$1<ex>Francis</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_EDU_LOGIN_PARENT_SIGNIN_BODY" desc="Text on the parent sign-in screen asking parent to sign-in to approve EDU account addition.">
Sign in to help <ph name="USER_NAME">$1<ex>Julie</ex></ph> add a school account
<message name="IDS_EDU_LOGIN_PARENT_SIGNIN_PASSWORD_LABEL" desc="Label for the password field on parent sign-in page in EDU account addition flow.">
Parent password
<message name="IDS_EDU_LOGIN_PARENT_SIGNIN_PASSWORD_ERROR_MESSAGE" desc="Error message that is shown when password is wrong in EDU login flow.">
Wrong password. Try again or click Forgot password to reset it.
<message name="IDS_EDU_LOGIN_PARENT_SIGNIN_ACCOUNT_RECOVERY_LINK_TEXT" desc="Text for the link that points to password recovery page.">
Forgot password?
<message name="IDS_EDU_LOGIN_PARENT_SIGNIN_PASSWORD_SHOW" desc="A tool tip on a button that reveals the saved password.">
Show password
<message name="IDS_EDU_LOGIN_PARENT_SIGNIN_PASSWORD_HIDE" desc="A tool tip on a button that hides the saved password that is being shown.">
Hide password
<message name="IDS_EDU_LOGIN_INFO_TITLE" desc="Title for the parent information screen in EDU account addition flow.">
School account info for parents
<message name="IDS_EDU_LOGIN_INFO_BODY" desc="Text informing parent that only EDU account may be added to the device.">
Your child wants to add another Google account to this device. Only G Suite for Education accounts may be added to Family Link managed devices.
<message name="IDS_EDU_LOGIN_INFO_PARENT_SETTINGS" desc="Text informing parent about Family Link parent settings.">
Your Family Link parent settings will still apply. If you've previously blocked an app or site, you won't have to do it again.
<message name="IDS_EDU_LOGIN_INFO_DATA_PROTECTION" desc="Text informing parent about their child's data protection.">
You child's data in Classroom will be protected. <ph name="LINK_BEGIN">&lt;a target="_blank" href="$1<ex></ex>"&gt;</ph>Learn more<ph name="LINK_END">&lt;/a&gt;</ph>
<message name="IDS_EDU_LOGIN_INFO_RESOURCES_AVAILABILITY" desc="Text informing parent some resources for schoolwork might not be available.">
Resources for schoolwork might not be available or automatically loaded
Your child might not have access to:
<ph name="BEGIN_LIST">&lt;ul&gt;</ph>
<ph name="LIST_ITEM">&lt;li&gt;</ph>Applications and extensions that were installed by the school
<ph name="LIST_ITEM">&lt;li&gt;</ph>Bookmarks from a school Chromebook
<ph name="LIST_ITEM">&lt;li&gt;</ph>Autofill passwords to educational sites
<ph name="END_LIST">&lt;/ul&gt;</ph>
To get the full school experience on this device, your child should:
<ph name="BEGIN_OLIST">&lt;ol&gt;</ph>
<ph name="OLIST_ITEM">&lt;li&gt;</ph>Sign out of their Family Link managed account
<ph name="OLIST_ITEM">&lt;li&gt;</ph>Sign in with their GSuite for Education account on the sign-in screen. Note, however, this will mean school policies including app and website access settings will take effect over your Family Link supervision features (for instance, school administrators may allow YouTube if it’s necessary for homework, screentime would not be enforced, etc.)
<ph name="END_OLIST">&lt;/ol&gt;</ph>
<!-- TPM firmware auto-update notifications -->
<message name="IDS_TPM_AUTO_UPDATE_PLANNED_NOTIFICATION_TITLE" desc="Title for the notification informing the user that local data will be deleted.">
Your local data will soon be deleted
<message name="IDS_TPM_AUTO_UPDATE_PLANNED_NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE" desc="Text for the notification informing the user that a TPM update is planned by the administrator which will result in local data being deleted.">
After 24 hours, your administrator will perform a one-time update that will delete your local data when you restart your device. Save any local data you need to cloud storage within 24 hours.
<message name="IDS_TPM_AUTO_UPDATE_REBOOT_NOTIFICATION_TITLE" desc="Title for the notification informing the user that local data will be deleted after reboot.">
Local data will be deleted when you restart
<message name="IDS_TPM_AUTO_UPDATE_REBOOT_NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE" desc="Text for the notification informing the user that a TPM update will be performed after reboot which will result in local data being deleted.">
The next time you restart your device, your administrator will perform a one-time update that will delete your local data.
<message name="IDS_RELEASE_NOTES_NOTIFICATION_TITLE" desc="Text for the notification title informing the user that the device has been updated and patch notes are available.">
See what's new on Chromebook
<message name="IDS_RELEASE_NOTES_NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE" desc="Text for the notification message informing the user that the device has been updated and patch notes are available.">
Get highlights from the latest update
<!-- Strings for Add Supervision screen -->
<message name="IDS_ADD_SUPERVISION_PAGE_TITLE" desc="Title for the Chrome OS Add Supervision screen. Since the title bar is not visible, this string is only used by screen readers.">
Set Up Parental Controls
<message name="IDS_ADD_SUPERVISION_NETWORK_DOWN_HEADING" desc="Heading string shown in the Add Supervision page when the network is not available.">
Can’t connect to the internet
<message name="IDS_ADD_SUPERVISION_NETWORK_DOWN_DESCRIPTION" desc="Description shown in the Add Supervision page when the network is not available.">
Check your internet connection
<message name="IDS_ADD_SUPERVISION_NETWORK_DOWN_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Label of the button shown on the Add Supervision page when the network is not available.">
<message name="IDS_ADD_SUPERVISION_EXIT_DIALOG_TITLE" desc="Title for the dialog shown when attempting to exit the Add Supervision screen.">
Are you sure you want to exit?
<message name="IDS_ADD_SUPERVISION_EXIT_DIALOG_BODY" desc="Body for the dialog shown when attempting to exit the Add Supervision screen.">
Supervision is set up for this Google Account. To set up more parental controls, select Continue.
Otherwise, sign out now so that the changes to this account will be reflected on this device.
You can manage this account’s settings by installing the Family Link app on your device. We sent you instructions in an email.
<message name="IDS_ADD_SUPERVISION_EXIT_DIALOG_CANCEL_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Label for the cancel button on the dialog shown when attempting to exit the Add Supervision screen. 'Continue' means to continue setting up supervision, rather than exiting the dialog">
<message name="IDS_ADD_SUPERVISION_EXIT_DIALOG_SIGNOUT_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Label for the signout button on the dialog shown when attempting to exit the Add Supervision screen.">
Sign out
<!-- Strings for gnubby U2FD authentication UI -->
<message name="IDS_GNUBBY_NOTIFICATION_TITLE" desc="Title for notification informing user to press power button for gnubby U2FD.">
A security key is being requested
<message name="IDS_GNUBBY_NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE" desc="Text for notifications informing user that Chrome is requestor for U2FD.">
Please tap your power button
<!-- Strings for login screen extension UI -->
<message name="IDS_LOGIN_EXTENSION_UI_DIALOG_TITLE" desc="Dialog title for windows opened from a login screen extension. These windows will be displayed over the login screen.">
provided by <ph name="EXTENSION_NAME">$1<ex>Identity Provider Name</ex></ph>
<!-- Strings for notifications about features which aren't supported in Crostini -->
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_UNSUPPORTED_VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD" desc="Text for notification message shown when a user tries to use a virtual keyboard or tablet mode in a Linux app.">
The on-screen keyboard doesn’t work in Linux apps yet
<message name="IDS_CROSTINI_UNSUPPORTED_IME" desc="Text for notification message shown when a user tries to use an unsupported Input Method Editor (IME) in a Linux app.">
<ph name="IME_NAME">$1<ex>German NEO 2 keyboard</ex></ph> doesn’t work in Linux apps yet
<!-- Strings for the security token PIN dialog shown during SAML user sign-in. -->
<message name="IDS_SAML_SECURITY_TOKEN_PIN_DIALOG_TITLE" desc="Title on the security token PIN input dialog during the SAML user sign-in.">
Enter your PIN
<message name="IDS_SAML_SECURITY_TOKEN_PIN_DIALOG_SUBTITLE" desc="Subtitle on the security token PIN input dialog during the SAML user sign-in.">
Provide the PIN that’s associated with your smart card.
<message name="IDS_SAML_SECURITY_TOKEN_PIN_DIALOG_TRY_AGAIN" desc="Message asking the user to try again in the security token PIN input dialog during the SAML sign-in.">
Please try again.
<!-- Powerwash request strings -->
<message name="IDS_POWERWASH_REQUEST_TITLE" desc="Title of a notification asking user to powerwash the device">
Update required
<message name="IDS_POWERWASH_REQUEST_MESSAGE_FOR_ARC" desc="Message of the notification for user trying to start ARC application">
To start Google Play, <ph name="ORGANIZATION_NAME">$1</ph> requires you to back up your data and reset this Chromebook to factory settings.
<message name="IDS_POWERWASH_REQUEST_MESSAGE_FOR_CROSTINI" desc="Message of the notification for user trying to start Crostini application">
To start Linux, <ph name="ORGANIZATION_NAME">$1</ph> requires you to back up your data and reset this Chromebook to factory settings.
<message name="IDS_POWERWASH_REQUEST_MESSAGE_BUTTON" desc="Name of the button appearing in the notification">
Learn more
<message name="IDS_POWERWASH_REQUEST_UNDEFINED_STATE_ERROR_TITLE" desc="Title of a notification asking user to try again because failed to determine powerwash status">
Error launching application
<message name="IDS_POWERWASH_REQUEST_UNDEFINED_STATE_ERROR_MESSAGE_FOR_ARC" desc="Message of the notification for user trying to start ARC application while powerwash state is not determined yet">
Please try to start Google Play again in a few moments.
<message name="IDS_POWERWASH_REQUEST_UNDEFINED_STATE_ERROR_MESSAGE_FOR_CROSTINI" desc="Message of the notification for user trying to start Crostini application while powerwash state is not determined yet">
Please try to start Linux again in a few moments.
<!-- PIN keyboard-->
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_PEOPLE_CONFIGURE_PIN_WEAK_PIN" desc="Message shown below the title that warns the user they have entered a PIN that is easy to guess.">
PIN may be easy to guess
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_PEOPLE_CONFIGURE_PIN_TOO_SHORT" desc="Message shown below the title that tells the user that the PIN they entered needs to be at least minimum digits long.">
PIN must be at least <ph name="MINIMUM">$1<ex>4</ex></ph> digits
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_PEOPLE_CONFIGURE_PIN_TOO_LONG" desc="Message shown below the title that tells the user that the PIN they entered needs to be less than maximum digits long.">
PIN must be less than <ph name="MAXIMUM">$1<ex>0</ex></ph> digits
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_PEOPLE_CONFIGURE_PIN_MISMATCHED" desc="Message shown below the title that tells the user they have entered two different PIN values.">
PINs do not match
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCOUNT_MANAGER_ACCOUNT_REMOVED_MESSAGE" desc="Notification message after account removal.">
<ph name="EMAIL">$1<ex></ex></ph> was removed from this device
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_PEOPLE_PASSWORD_PROMPT_PASSWORD_LABEL" desc="An input box label that tells the user to enter their password in that input box.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_PEOPLE_PASSWORD_PROMPT_INVALID_PASSWORD" desc="Text on a password field that tells the user the password is incorrect.">
Invalid password