blob: 8c60a3f7ba7cd3caec127028422be32024ff586b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include "base/containers/flat_map.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "cc/paint/paint_canvas.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkColor.h"
#include "ui/base/models/menu_separator_types.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/size.h"
#include "ui/gfx/native_widget_types.h"
#include "ui/native_theme/caption_style.h"
#include "ui/native_theme/native_theme_color_id.h"
#include "ui/native_theme/native_theme_export.h"
#include "ui/native_theme/native_theme_observer.h"
namespace gfx {
class Rect;
class Size;
namespace ui {
// This class supports drawing UI controls (like buttons, text fields, lists,
// comboboxes, etc) that look like the native UI controls of the underlying
// platform, such as Windows or Linux. It also supplies default colors for
// dialog box backgrounds, etc., which are obtained from the system theme where
// possible.
// The supported control types are listed in the Part enum. These parts can be
// in any state given by the State enum, where the actual definition of the
// state is part-specific. The supported colors are listed in the ColorId enum.
// Some parts require more information than simply the state in order to be
// drawn correctly, and this information is given to the Paint() method via the
// ExtraParams union. Each part that requires more information has its own
// field in the union.
// NativeTheme also supports getting the default size of a given part with
// the GetPartSize() method.
class NATIVE_THEME_EXPORT NativeTheme {
// The part to be painted / sized.
enum Part {
#if defined(OS_LINUX) && !defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
#if defined(OS_WIN)
// The order of the arrow enums is important, do not change without also
// changing the code in platform implementations.
// The corner is drawn when there is both a horizontal and vertical
// scrollbar.
// The state of the part.
enum State {
// IDs defined as specific values for use in arrays.
kDisabled = 0,
kHovered = 1,
kNormal = 2,
kPressed = 3,
kNumStates = kPressed + 1,
// OS-level preferred color scheme. (Ex. high contrast or dark mode color
// preference.)
enum PreferredColorScheme {
kMaxValue = kLight,
// This enum is reporting in metrics. Do not reorder; add additional values at
// the end.
// This represents the OS-level high contrast theme. kNone if high contrast is
// not enabled.
enum class HighContrastColorScheme {
kNone = 0,
kDark = 1,
kLight = 2,
kCustom = 3,
kMaxValue = kCustom,
// The color scheme used for painting the native controls.
enum class ColorScheme {
kPlatformHighContrast, // When the platform is providing HC colors (eg.
// Win)
// Each structure below holds extra information needed when painting a given
// part.
struct ButtonExtraParams {
bool checked;
bool indeterminate; // Whether the button state is indeterminate.
bool is_default; // Whether the button is default button.
bool is_focused;
bool has_border;
int classic_state; // Used on Windows when uxtheme is not available.
SkColor background_color;
float zoom;
struct FrameTopAreaExtraParams {
// Distinguishes between active (foreground) and inactive
// (background) window frame styles.
bool is_active;
bool incognito;
// True when Chromium renders the titlebar. False when the window
// manager renders the titlebar.
bool use_custom_frame;
// If the NativeTheme will paint a solid color, it should use
// |default_background_color|.
SkColor default_background_color;
struct InnerSpinButtonExtraParams {
bool spin_up;
bool read_only;
int classic_state; // Used on Windows when uxtheme is not available.
struct MenuArrowExtraParams {
bool pointing_right;
// Used for the disabled state to indicate if the item is both disabled and
// selected.
bool is_selected;
struct MenuCheckExtraParams {
bool is_radio;
// Used for the disabled state to indicate if the item is both disabled and
// selected.
bool is_selected;
struct MenuSeparatorExtraParams {
const gfx::Rect* paint_rect;
MenuSeparatorType type;
struct MenuItemExtraParams {
bool is_selected;
int corner_radius;
struct MenuListExtraParams {
bool has_border;
bool has_border_radius;
int arrow_x;
int arrow_y;
int arrow_size;
SkColor arrow_color;
SkColor background_color;
int classic_state; // Used on Windows when uxtheme is not available.
struct MenuBackgroundExtraParams {
int corner_radius;
struct ProgressBarExtraParams {
double animated_seconds;
bool determinate;
int value_rect_x;
int value_rect_y;
int value_rect_width;
int value_rect_height;
struct ScrollbarArrowExtraParams {
bool is_hovering;
float zoom;
bool right_to_left;
struct ScrollbarTrackExtraParams {
bool is_upper;
int track_x;
int track_y;
int track_width;
int track_height;
int classic_state; // Used on Windows when uxtheme is not available.
enum ScrollbarOverlayColorTheme {
struct ScrollbarThumbExtraParams {
bool is_hovering;
ScrollbarOverlayColorTheme scrollbar_theme;
struct SliderExtraParams {
bool vertical;
bool in_drag;
int thumb_x;
int thumb_y;
float zoom;
struct TextFieldExtraParams {
bool is_text_area;
bool is_listbox;
SkColor background_color;
bool is_read_only;
bool is_focused;
bool fill_content_area;
bool draw_edges;
int classic_state; // Used on Windows when uxtheme is not available.
bool has_border;
bool auto_complete_active;
struct TrackbarExtraParams {
bool vertical;
int classic_state; // Used on Windows when uxtheme is not available.
union NATIVE_THEME_EXPORT ExtraParams {
ExtraParams(const ExtraParams& other);
ButtonExtraParams button;
FrameTopAreaExtraParams frame_top_area;
InnerSpinButtonExtraParams inner_spin;
MenuArrowExtraParams menu_arrow;
MenuCheckExtraParams menu_check;
MenuItemExtraParams menu_item;
MenuSeparatorExtraParams menu_separator;
MenuListExtraParams menu_list;
MenuBackgroundExtraParams menu_background;
ProgressBarExtraParams progress_bar;
ScrollbarArrowExtraParams scrollbar_arrow;
ScrollbarTrackExtraParams scrollbar_track;
ScrollbarThumbExtraParams scrollbar_thumb;
SliderExtraParams slider;
TextFieldExtraParams text_field;
TrackbarExtraParams trackbar;
// Return the size of the part.
virtual gfx::Size GetPartSize(Part part,
State state,
const ExtraParams& extra) const = 0;
virtual float GetBorderRadiusForPart(Part part,
float width,
float height,
float zoom) const;
// Paint the part to the canvas.
virtual void Paint(
cc::PaintCanvas* canvas,
Part part,
State state,
const gfx::Rect& rect,
const ExtraParams& extra,
ColorScheme color_scheme = ColorScheme::kDefault) const = 0;
// Paint part during state transition, used for overlay scrollbar state
// transition animation.
virtual void PaintStateTransition(cc::PaintCanvas* canvas,
Part part,
State startState,
State endState,
double progress,
const gfx::Rect& rect,
ScrollbarOverlayColorTheme theme) const {}
// Returns whether the theme uses a nine-patch resource for the given part.
// If true, calling code should always paint into a canvas the size of which
// can be gotten from GetNinePatchCanvasSize.
virtual bool SupportsNinePatch(Part part) const = 0;
// If the part paints into a nine-patch resource, the size of the canvas
// which should be painted into.
virtual gfx::Size GetNinePatchCanvasSize(Part part) const = 0;
// If the part paints into a nine-patch resource, the rect in the canvas
// which defines the center tile. This is the tile that should be resized out
// when the part is resized.
virtual gfx::Rect GetNinePatchAperture(Part part) const = 0;
// Colors for GetSystemColor().
enum ColorId {
#define OP(enum_name) enum_name
#undef OP
enum class SystemThemeColor {
kMaxValue = kWindowText,
// Return a color from the system theme.
virtual SkColor GetSystemColor(
ColorId color_id,
ColorScheme color_scheme = ColorScheme::kDefault) const;
// Returns a shared instance of the native theme that should be used for web
// rendering. Do not use it in a normal application context (i.e. browser).
// The returned object should not be deleted by the caller. This function is
// not thread safe and should only be called from the UI thread. Each port of
// NativeTheme should provide its own implementation of this function,
// returning the port's subclass.
static NativeTheme* GetInstanceForWeb();
// Returns a shared instance of the default native theme for native UI.
static NativeTheme* GetInstanceForNativeUi();
// Returns a shared instance of the native theme for incognito UI.
static NativeTheme* GetInstanceForDarkUI();
// Whether OS-level dark mode is available in the current OS.
static bool SystemDarkModeSupported();
// Add or remove observers to be notified when the native theme changes.
void AddObserver(NativeThemeObserver* observer);
void RemoveObserver(NativeThemeObserver* observer);
// Notify observers of native theme changes.
void NotifyObservers();
// Returns whether this NativeTheme uses higher-contrast colors, controlled by
// system accessibility settings and the system theme.
virtual bool UsesHighContrastColors() const;
// Returns the HighContrastColorScheme used by the OS. Returns kNone if high
// contrast is not enabled.
HighContrastColorScheme GetHighContrastColorScheme() const;
// Returns true when the NativeTheme uses a light-on-dark color scheme. If
// you're considering using this function to choose between two hard-coded
// colors, you probably shouldn't. Instead, use GetSystemColor().
virtual bool ShouldUseDarkColors() const;
// Returns the OS-level user preferred color scheme. See the comment for
// CalculatePreferredColorScheme() for details on how preferred color scheme
// is calculated.
virtual PreferredColorScheme GetPreferredColorScheme() const;
// Returns the system's caption style.
virtual base::Optional<CaptionStyle> GetSystemCaptionStyle() const;
virtual ColorScheme GetDefaultSystemColorScheme() const;
virtual const std::map<SystemThemeColor, SkColor>& GetSystemColors() const;
base::Optional<SkColor> GetSystemThemeColor(
SystemThemeColor theme_color) const;
bool HasDifferentSystemColors(
const std::map<SystemThemeColor, SkColor>& colors) const;
void set_use_dark_colors(bool should_use_dark_colors) {
should_use_dark_colors_ = should_use_dark_colors;
void set_high_contrast(bool is_high_contrast) {
is_high_contrast_ = is_high_contrast;
void set_preferred_color_scheme(PreferredColorScheme preferred_color_scheme) {
preferred_color_scheme_ = preferred_color_scheme;
void set_system_colors(const std::map<SystemThemeColor, SkColor>& colors);
// Updates the state of dark mode, high contrast, preferred color scheme,
// and the map of system colors. Returns true if NativeTheme was updated
// as a result, or false if the state of NativeTheme was untouched.
bool UpdateSystemColorInfo(
bool is_dark_mode,
bool is_high_contrast,
const base::flat_map<SystemThemeColor, uint32_t>& colors);
explicit NativeTheme(bool should_only_use_dark_colors);
virtual ~NativeTheme();
// Whether high contrast is forced via command-line flag.
bool IsForcedHighContrast() const;
// Whether dark mode is forced via command-line flag.
bool IsForcedDarkMode() const;
// Calculates and returns the current user preferred color scheme. The
// base behavior is to set preferred color scheme to light or dark depending
// on the state of dark mode.
// Some platforms override this behavior. On Windows, for example, we also
// look at the high contrast setting. If high contrast is enabled, the
// preferred color scheme calculation will ignore the state of dark mode.
// Instead, preferred color scheme will be light, dark, or no-preference
// depending on the OS high contrast theme. If high contrast is off, the
// preferred color scheme calculation will follow the default behavior.
// Note, if the preferred color scheme is based on dark mode, it will never
// be set to no-preference.
virtual PreferredColorScheme CalculatePreferredColorScheme() const;
// A function to be called by native theme instances that need to set state
// or listeners with the webinstance in order to provide correct native
// platform behaviors.
virtual void ConfigureWebInstance() {}
// Allows one native theme to observe changes in another. For example, the
// web native theme for Windows observes the corresponding ui native theme in
// order to receive changes regarding the state of dark mode, high contrast,
// and preferred color scheme.
class NATIVE_THEME_EXPORT ColorSchemeNativeThemeObserver
: public NativeThemeObserver {
ColorSchemeNativeThemeObserver(NativeTheme* theme_to_update);
~ColorSchemeNativeThemeObserver() override;
// ui::NativeThemeObserver:
void OnNativeThemeUpdated(ui::NativeTheme* observed_theme) override;
// The theme that gets updated when OnNativeThemeUpdated() is called.
NativeTheme* const theme_to_update_;
mutable std::map<SystemThemeColor, SkColor> system_colors_;
// Observers to notify when the native theme changes.
base::ObserverList<NativeThemeObserver>::Unchecked native_theme_observers_;
bool should_use_dark_colors_ = false;
bool is_high_contrast_ = false;
PreferredColorScheme preferred_color_scheme_ =
} // namespace ui