blob: 811182265035b4fbf8af96729db0aebb191cc456 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "ash/system/message_center/message_center_scroll_bar.h"
#include "ash/system/message_center/unified_message_list_view.h"
#include "ui/gfx/animation/animation_delegate.h"
#include "ui/views/background.h"
#include "ui/views/controls/button/button.h"
#include "ui/views/controls/label.h"
#include "ui/views/focus/focus_manager.h"
#include "ui/views/view.h"
namespace gfx {
class LinearAnimation;
} // namespace gfx
namespace message_center {
class Notification;
} // namespace message_center
namespace views {
class ScrollView;
} // namespace views
namespace ash {
class MessageCenterScrollBar;
class StackedNotificationBar;
class UnifiedMessageCenterBubble;
class UnifiedSystemTrayModel;
class UnifiedSystemTrayView;
// Note: This enum represents the current animation state for
// UnifiedMessageCenterView. There is an equivalent animation state emum in
// the child UnifiedMessageListView. The animations for these two views can
// occur simultaneously or independently, so states for both views are tracked
// separately.
enum class UnifiedMessageCenterAnimationState {
// No animation is running.
// Animating hiding the stacking bar. Runs when the user dismisses the
// second to last notification and during the clear all animation.
// Animating collapsing the entire message center. Runs after the user
// dismisses the last notification and during the clear all animation.
// TODO(tengs): This animation is not yet implemented.
// Manages scrolling of notification list.
class ASH_EXPORT UnifiedMessageCenterView
: public views::View,
public MessageCenterScrollBar::Observer,
public views::FocusChangeListener,
public gfx::AnimationDelegate {
UnifiedMessageCenterView(UnifiedSystemTrayView* parent,
UnifiedSystemTrayModel* model,
UnifiedMessageCenterBubble* bubble);
~UnifiedMessageCenterView() override;
// Sets the maximum height that the view can take.
// TODO(tengs): The layout of this view is heavily dependant on this max
// height (equal to the height of the entire tray), but we should refactor and
// consolidate this function with SetAvailableHeight().
void SetMaxHeight(int max_height);
// Sets the height available to the message center view. This is the remaining
// height after counting the system menu, which may be expanded or collapsed.
void SetAvailableHeight(int available_height);
// Called from UnifiedMessageListView when the preferred size is changed.
void ListPreferredSizeChanged();
// Called from the UnifiedMessageListView after a notification is dismissed by
// the user and the slide animation is finished.
void OnNotificationSlidOut();
// Configures MessageView to forward scroll events. Called from
// UnifiedMessageListView.
void ConfigureMessageView(message_center::MessageView* message_view);
// Count number of notifications that are above visible area.
std::vector<message_center::Notification*> GetStackedNotifications() const;
// Relinquish focus and transfer it to the quick settings widget.
void FocusOut(bool reverse);
// Set the first child view to be focused when focus is acquired.
// This is the first visible child unless reverse is true, in which case
// it is the last visible child.
void FocusEntered(bool reverse);
// Expand message center to show all notifications and stacked notification
// bar if needed.
void SetExpanded();
// Collapse the message center to only show the stacked notification bar.
void SetCollapsed(bool animate);
// Called when user clicks the clear all button.
void ClearAllNotifications();
// Called when user clicks the see all notifications button.
void ExpandMessageCenter();
// Returns true if the notification bar is visible.
bool IsNotificationBarVisible();
// views::View:
void AddedToWidget() override;
void RemovedFromWidget() override;
void Layout() override;
gfx::Size CalculatePreferredSize() const override;
const char* GetClassName() const override;
// MessageCenterScrollBar::Observer:
void OnMessageCenterScrolled() override;
// views::FocusChangeListener:
void OnWillChangeFocus(views::View* before, views::View* now) override;
void OnDidChangeFocus(views::View* before, views::View* now) override;
// gfx::AnimationDelegate:
void AnimationEnded(const gfx::Animation* animation) override;
void AnimationProgressed(const gfx::Animation* animation) override;
void AnimationCanceled(const gfx::Animation* animation) override;
bool collapsed() { return collapsed_; }
friend class UnifiedMessageCenterViewTest;
friend class UnifiedMessageCenterBubbleTest;
// Starts the animation to hide the notification stacking bar.
void StartHideStackingBarAnimation();
// Starts the animation to collapse the message center.
void StartCollapseAnimation();
// Returns the current animation value after tweening.
double GetAnimationValue() const;
// Decides whether the message center should be shown or not based on
// current state.
void UpdateVisibility();
// Scroll the notification list to the target position.
void ScrollToTarget();
// Get first and last focusable child views. These functions are used to
// figure out if we need to focus out or to set the correct focused view
// when focus is acquired from another widget.
View* GetFirstFocusableChild();
View* GetLastFocusableChild();
UnifiedSystemTrayView* const parent_;
UnifiedSystemTrayModel* const model_;
UnifiedMessageCenterBubble* const message_center_bubble_;
StackedNotificationBar* const notification_bar_;
MessageCenterScrollBar* const scroll_bar_;
views::ScrollView* const scroller_;
UnifiedMessageListView* const message_list_view_;
// Position from the bottom of scroll contents in dip.
int last_scroll_position_from_bottom_;
// The height available to the message center view. This is the remaining
// height of the system tray excluding the system menu (which can be expanded
// or collapsed).
int available_height_ = 0;
// Current state of the message center view.
bool collapsed_ = false;
// Tracks the current animation state.
UnifiedMessageCenterAnimationState animation_state_ =
const std::unique_ptr<gfx::LinearAnimation> animation_;
const std::unique_ptr<views::FocusSearch> focus_search_;
views::FocusManager* focus_manager_ = nullptr;
} // namespace ash