blob: 0ae92fc87e1693b20b00071029cd728a4e104e64 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
#include "base/test/gtest_util.h"
#include "base/test/scoped_feature_list.h"
#include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
namespace {
// Helper class which expects a check to fire with a certain location and
// message before the end of the current scope.
class ScopedCheckExpectation {
ScopedCheckExpectation(const char* file, int line, std::string msg)
: file_(file),
fired_(false) {}
~ScopedCheckExpectation() {
EXPECT_TRUE(fired_) << "CHECK at " << file_ << ":" << line_
<< " never fired!";
void Check(const char* file,
int line,
const base::StringPiece msg,
const base::StringPiece stack) {
fired_ = true;
EXPECT_EQ(file, file_);
EXPECT_EQ(line, line_);
if (msg_.find("=~") == 0) {
EXPECT_THAT(std::string(msg), testing::MatchesRegex(msg_.substr(2)));
} else {
EXPECT_EQ(std::string(msg), msg_);
std::string file_;
int line_;
std::string msg_;
logging::ScopedLogAssertHandler assert_handler_;
bool fired_;
// Macro which expects a CHECK to fire with a certain message. If msg starts
// with "=~", it's interpreted as a regular expression.
// Example: EXPECT_CHECK("Check failed: false.", CHECK(false));
#if defined(OFFICIAL_BUILD) && defined(NDEBUG)
#define EXPECT_CHECK(msg, check_expr) \
do { \
EXPECT_CHECK_DEATH(check_expr); \
} while (0)
#define EXPECT_CHECK(msg, check_expr) \
do { \
ScopedCheckExpectation check_exp(__FILE__, __LINE__, msg); \
check_expr; \
} while (0)
// Macro which expects a DCHECK to fire if DCHECKs are enabled.
#define EXPECT_DCHECK(msg, check_expr) \
do { \
if (DCHECK_IS_ON() && logging::LOG_DCHECK == logging::LOG_FATAL) { \
ScopedCheckExpectation check_exp(__FILE__, __LINE__, msg); \
check_expr; \
} else { \
check_expr; \
} \
} while (0)
class CheckTest : public testing::Test {};
TEST_F(CheckTest, Basics) {
EXPECT_CHECK("Check failed: false. ", CHECK(false));
EXPECT_CHECK("Check failed: false. foo", CHECK(false) << "foo");
double a = 2, b = 1;
EXPECT_CHECK("Check failed: a < b (2.000000 vs. 1.000000)", CHECK_LT(a, b));
EXPECT_CHECK("Check failed: a < b (2.000000 vs. 1.000000)foo",
CHECK_LT(a, b) << "foo");
TEST_F(CheckTest, PCheck) {
const char file[] = "/nonexistentfile123";
ignore_result(fopen(file, "r"));
std::string err =
"Check failed: fopen(file, \"r\") != nullptr."
" : " +
PCHECK(fopen(file, "r") != nullptr));
"Check failed: fopen(file, \"r\") != nullptr."
" foo: " +
PCHECK(fopen(file, "r") != nullptr) << "foo");
"Check failed: fopen(file, \"r\") != nullptr."
" : " +
DPCHECK(fopen(file, "r") != nullptr));
"Check failed: fopen(file, \"r\") != nullptr."
" foo: " +
DPCHECK(fopen(file, "r") != nullptr) << "foo");
TEST_F(CheckTest, CheckOp) {
int a = 1, b = 2;
// clang-format off
EXPECT_CHECK("Check failed: a == b (1 vs. 2)", CHECK_EQ(a, b));
EXPECT_CHECK("Check failed: a != a (1 vs. 1)", CHECK_NE(a, a));
EXPECT_CHECK("Check failed: b <= a (2 vs. 1)", CHECK_LE(b, a));
EXPECT_CHECK("Check failed: b < a (2 vs. 1)", CHECK_LT(b, a));
EXPECT_CHECK("Check failed: a >= b (1 vs. 2)", CHECK_GE(a, b));
EXPECT_CHECK("Check failed: a > b (1 vs. 2)", CHECK_GT(a, b));
EXPECT_DCHECK("Check failed: a == b (1 vs. 2)", DCHECK_EQ(a, b));
EXPECT_DCHECK("Check failed: a != a (1 vs. 1)", DCHECK_NE(a, a));
EXPECT_DCHECK("Check failed: b <= a (2 vs. 1)", DCHECK_LE(b, a));
EXPECT_DCHECK("Check failed: b < a (2 vs. 1)", DCHECK_LT(b, a));
EXPECT_DCHECK("Check failed: a >= b (1 vs. 2)", DCHECK_GE(a, b));
EXPECT_DCHECK("Check failed: a > b (1 vs. 2)", DCHECK_GT(a, b));
// clang-format on
TEST_F(CheckTest, CheckStreamsAreLazy) {
int called_count = 0;
int not_called_count = 0;
auto Called = [&]() {
return 42;
auto NotCalled = [&]() {
return 42;
CHECK(Called()) << NotCalled();
CHECK_EQ(Called(), Called()) << NotCalled();
PCHECK(Called()) << NotCalled();
DCHECK(Called()) << NotCalled();
DCHECK_EQ(Called(), Called()) << NotCalled();
DPCHECK(Called()) << NotCalled();
EXPECT_EQ(not_called_count, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(called_count, 8);
EXPECT_EQ(called_count, 4);
void DcheckEmptyFunction1() {
// Provide a body so that Release builds do not cause the compiler to
// optimize DcheckEmptyFunction1 and DcheckEmptyFunction2 as a single
// function, which breaks the Dcheck tests below.
LOG(INFO) << "DcheckEmptyFunction1";
void DcheckEmptyFunction2() {}
class ScopedDcheckSeverity {
ScopedDcheckSeverity(logging::LogSeverity new_severity)
: old_severity_(logging::LOG_DCHECK) {
logging::LOG_DCHECK = new_severity;
~ScopedDcheckSeverity() { logging::LOG_DCHECK = old_severity_; }
logging::LogSeverity old_severity_;
#endif // defined(DCHECK_IS_CONFIGURABLE)
// tracks test flakiness on iOS.
#if defined(OS_IOS)
#define MAYBE_Dcheck DISABLED_Dcheck
#define MAYBE_Dcheck Dcheck
TEST_F(CheckTest, MAYBE_Dcheck) {
// DCHECKs are enabled, and LOG_DCHECK is mutable, but defaults to non-fatal.
// Set it to LOG_FATAL to get the expected behavior from the rest of this
// test.
ScopedDcheckSeverity dcheck_severity(logging::LOG_FATAL);
#endif // defined(DCHECK_IS_CONFIGURABLE)
#if defined(NDEBUG) && !defined(DCHECK_ALWAYS_ON)
// Release build.
#elif defined(NDEBUG) && defined(DCHECK_ALWAYS_ON)
// Release build with real DCHECKS.
// Debug build.
EXPECT_DCHECK("Check failed: false. ", DCHECK(false));
std::string err =
EXPECT_DCHECK("Check failed: false. : " + err, DPCHECK(false));
EXPECT_DCHECK("Check failed: 0 == 1 (0 vs. 1)", DCHECK_EQ(0, 1));
// Test DCHECK on std::nullptr_t
const void* p_null = nullptr;
const void* p_not_null = &p_null;
DCHECK_EQ(p_null, nullptr);
DCHECK_EQ(nullptr, p_null);
DCHECK_NE(p_not_null, nullptr);
DCHECK_NE(nullptr, p_not_null);
// Test DCHECK on a scoped enum.
enum class Animal { DOG, CAT };
DCHECK_EQ(Animal::DOG, Animal::DOG);
EXPECT_DCHECK("Check failed: Animal::DOG == Animal::CAT (0 vs. 1)",
DCHECK_EQ(Animal::DOG, Animal::CAT));
// Test DCHECK on functions and function pointers.
struct MemberFunctions {
void MemberFunction1() {
// See the comment in DcheckEmptyFunction1().
LOG(INFO) << "Do not merge with MemberFunction2.";
void MemberFunction2() {}
void (MemberFunctions::*mp1)() = &MemberFunctions::MemberFunction1;
void (MemberFunctions::*mp2)() = &MemberFunctions::MemberFunction2;
void (*fp1)() = DcheckEmptyFunction1;
void (*fp2)() = DcheckEmptyFunction2;
void (*fp3)() = DcheckEmptyFunction1;
DCHECK_EQ(fp1, fp3);
DCHECK_EQ(mp1, &MemberFunctions::MemberFunction1);
DCHECK_EQ(mp2, &MemberFunctions::MemberFunction2);
EXPECT_DCHECK("=~Check failed: fp1 == fp2 \\(\\w+ vs. \\w+\\)",
DCHECK_EQ(fp1, fp2));
"Check failed: mp2 == &MemberFunctions::MemberFunction1 (1 vs. 1)",
DCHECK_EQ(mp2, &MemberFunctions::MemberFunction1));
TEST_F(CheckTest, DcheckReleaseBehavior) {
int var1 = 1;
int var2 = 2;
int var3 = 3;
int var4 = 4;
// No warnings about unused variables even though no check fires and DCHECK
// may or may not be enabled.
DCHECK(var1) << var2;
DPCHECK(var1) << var3;
DCHECK_EQ(var1, 1) << var4;
TEST_F(CheckTest, DCheckEqStatements) {
bool reached = false;
if (false)
DCHECK_EQ(false, true); // Unreached.
DCHECK_EQ(true, reached = true); // Reached, passed.
ASSERT_EQ(DCHECK_IS_ON() ? true : false, reached);
if (false)
DCHECK_EQ(false, true); // Unreached.
TEST_F(CheckTest, CheckEqStatements) {
bool reached = false;
if (false)
CHECK_EQ(false, true); // Unreached.
CHECK_EQ(true, reached = true); // Reached, passed.
if (false)
CHECK_EQ(false, true); // Unreached.
TEST_F(CheckTest, ConfigurableDCheck) {
// Verify that DCHECKs default to non-fatal in configurable-DCHECK builds.
// Note that we require only that DCHECK is non-fatal by default, rather
// than requiring that it be exactly INFO, ERROR, etc level.
EXPECT_LT(logging::LOG_DCHECK, logging::LOG_FATAL);
// Verify that DCHECK* aren't hard-wired to crash on failure.
logging::LOG_DCHECK = logging::LOG_INFO;
DCHECK_EQ(1, 2);
// Verify that DCHECK does crash if LOG_DCHECK is set to LOG_FATAL.
logging::LOG_DCHECK = logging::LOG_FATAL;
EXPECT_CHECK("Check failed: false. ", DCHECK(false));
EXPECT_CHECK("Check failed: 1 == 2 (1 vs. 2)", DCHECK_EQ(1, 2));
TEST_F(CheckTest, ConfigurableDCheckFeature) {
// Initialize FeatureList with and without DcheckIsFatal, and verify the
// value of LOG_DCHECK. Note that we don't require that DCHECK take a
// specific value when the feature is off, only that it is non-fatal.
base::test::ScopedFeatureList feature_list;
feature_list.InitFromCommandLine("DcheckIsFatal", "");
EXPECT_EQ(logging::LOG_DCHECK, logging::LOG_FATAL);
base::test::ScopedFeatureList feature_list;
feature_list.InitFromCommandLine("", "DcheckIsFatal");
EXPECT_LT(logging::LOG_DCHECK, logging::LOG_FATAL);
// The default case is last, so we leave LOG_DCHECK in the default state.
base::test::ScopedFeatureList feature_list;
feature_list.InitFromCommandLine("", "");
EXPECT_LT(logging::LOG_DCHECK, logging::LOG_FATAL);
#endif // defined(DCHECK_IS_CONFIGURABLE)
struct StructWithOstream {
bool operator==(const StructWithOstream& o) const { return &o == this; }
#if !(defined(OFFICIAL_BUILD) && defined(NDEBUG))
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const StructWithOstream&) {
return out << "ostream";
struct StructWithToString {
bool operator==(const StructWithToString& o) const { return &o == this; }
std::string ToString() const { return "ToString"; }
struct StructWithToStringAndOstream {
bool operator==(const StructWithToStringAndOstream& o) const {
return &o == this;
std::string ToString() const { return "ToString"; }
#if !(defined(OFFICIAL_BUILD) && defined(NDEBUG))
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out,
const StructWithToStringAndOstream&) {
return out << "ostream";
struct StructWithToStringNotStdString {
struct PseudoString {};
bool operator==(const StructWithToStringNotStdString& o) const {
return &o == this;
PseudoString ToString() const { return PseudoString(); }
#if !(defined(OFFICIAL_BUILD) && defined(NDEBUG))
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out,
const StructWithToStringNotStdString::PseudoString&) {
return out << "ToString+ostream";
TEST_F(CheckTest, OstreamVsToString) {
StructWithOstream a, b;
EXPECT_CHECK("Check failed: a == b (ostream vs. ostream)", CHECK_EQ(a, b));
StructWithToString c, d;
EXPECT_CHECK("Check failed: c == d (ToString vs. ToString)", CHECK_EQ(c, d));
StructWithToStringAndOstream e, f;
EXPECT_CHECK("Check failed: e == f (ostream vs. ostream)", CHECK_EQ(e, f));
StructWithToStringNotStdString g, h;
EXPECT_CHECK("Check failed: g == h (ToString+ostream vs. ToString+ostream)",
CHECK_EQ(g, h));
#define EXPECT_LOG_ERROR(msg, expr, expected_line) \
do { \
static bool got_log_message = false; \
ASSERT_EQ(logging::GetLogMessageHandler(), nullptr); \
logging::SetLogMessageHandler([](int severity, const char* file, int line, \
size_t message_start, \
const std::string& str) { \
EXPECT_FALSE(got_log_message); \
got_log_message = true; \
EXPECT_EQ(severity, logging::LOG_ERROR); \
EXPECT_EQ(str.substr(message_start), (msg)); \
EXPECT_STREQ(__FILE__, file); \
EXPECT_EQ(expected_line, line); \
return true; \
}); \
expr; \
EXPECT_TRUE(got_log_message); \
logging::SetLogMessageHandler(nullptr); \
} while (0)
#define EXPECT_NO_LOG(expr) \
do { \
ASSERT_EQ(logging::GetLogMessageHandler(), nullptr); \
logging::SetLogMessageHandler([](int severity, const char* file, int line, \
size_t message_start, \
const std::string& str) { \
EXPECT_TRUE(false) << "Unexpected log: " << str; \
return true; \
}); \
expr; \
logging::SetLogMessageHandler(nullptr); \
} while (0)
TEST_F(CheckTest, NotReached) {
// Expect LOG(ERROR) without the streamed params.
// Expect a DCHECK with streamed params intact.
EXPECT_DCHECK("Check failed: false. foo", NOTREACHED() << "foo");
TEST_F(CheckTest, NotImplemented) {
static const std::string expected_msg =
std::string("Not implemented reached in ") + __PRETTY_FUNCTION__;
// Expect LOG(ERROR) with streamed params intact.
EXPECT_LOG_ERROR(expected_msg + "foo\n", NOTIMPLEMENTED() << "foo", __LINE__);
// Expect nothing.
void NiLogOnce() {
// Note: The stream param is not logged.
TEST_F(CheckTest, NotImplementedLogOnce) {
static const std::string expected_msg =
"Not implemented reached in void (anonymous namespace)::NiLogOnce()\n";
EXPECT_LOG_ERROR(expected_msg, NiLogOnce(), __LINE__ - 8);
} // namespace