Publish DEPS for 85.0.4183.52
diff --git a/DEPS b/DEPS
index ab2de1fd..b249c50 100644
--- a/DEPS
+++ b/DEPS
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@
 vars = {
+  "buildspec_platforms": "ios",
   # Variable that can be used to support multiple build scenarios, like having
   # Chromium specific targets in a client project's GN file or sync dependencies
   # conditionally etc.
@@ -188,11 +189,11 @@
   # Three lines of non-changing comments so that
   # the commit queue can handle CLs rolling Skia
   # and whatever else without interference from each other.
-  'skia_revision': 'refs/heads/chrome/m85',
+  'skia_revision': 'b603284ae76e9320baaf3272b90b9f1cc493d8b6',
   # Three lines of non-changing comments so that
   # the commit queue can handle CLs rolling V8
   # and whatever else without interference from each other.
-  'v8_revision': 'refs/heads/8.5-lkgr',
+  'v8_revision': '3c5567e6d255b8017637a2d080deee3542796502',
   # Three lines of non-changing comments so that
   # the commit queue can handle CLs rolling swarming_client
   # and whatever else without interference from each other.
@@ -200,7 +201,7 @@
   # Three lines of non-changing comments so that
   # the commit queue can handle CLs rolling ANGLE
   # and whatever else without interference from each other.
-  'angle_revision': 'refs/heads/chromium/4183',
+  'angle_revision': '034a8b3f3c5c8e7e1629b8ac88cadb72ea68cf23',
   # Three lines of non-changing comments so that
   # the commit queue can handle CLs rolling SwiftShader
   # and whatever else without interference from each other.
@@ -208,7 +209,7 @@
   # Three lines of non-changing comments so that
   # the commit queue can handle CLs rolling PDFium
   # and whatever else without interference from each other.
-  'pdfium_revision': 'refs/heads/chromium/4183',
+  'pdfium_revision': '6069b8345ecb67c0ef78c1533cb321f5b3dd9244',
   # Three lines of non-changing comments so that
   # the commit queue can handle CLs rolling BoringSSL
   # and whatever else without interference from each other.
@@ -259,7 +260,7 @@
   # Three lines of non-changing comments so that
   # the commit queue can handle CLs rolling devtools-frontend
   # and whatever else without interference from each other.
-  'devtools_frontend_revision': 'refs/heads/chromium/4183',
+  'devtools_frontend_revision': 'dfc6f57691a40899b3d162561c25aeec4bc774cd',
   # Three lines of non-changing comments so that
   # the commit queue can handle CLs rolling libprotobuf-mutator
   # and whatever else without interference from each other.
@@ -1458,7 +1459,7 @@
-    Var('webrtc_git') + '/src.git' + '@' + 'refs/branch-heads/4183',
+    Var('webrtc_git') + '/src.git' + '@' + '2bcd4837dd5eeed98523344d437eb0b7e4f441ba',
      Var('skia_git') + '/libgifcodec' + '@'+  Var('libgifcodec_revision'),
@@ -1530,7 +1531,7 @@
     Var('chromium_git') + '/v8/v8.git' + '@' +  Var('v8_revision'),
   'src-internal': {
-    'url': '',
+    'url': '',
     'condition': 'checkout_src_internal',