blob: f941d17cb7c58c3b3aad5187eb119c922740fd34 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <limits>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/containers/flat_map.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "components/url_matcher/string_pattern.h"
#include "components/url_matcher/url_matcher_export.h"
namespace url_matcher {
// Class that store a set of string patterns and can find for a string S,
// which string patterns occur in S.
class URL_MATCHER_EXPORT SubstringSetMatcher {
// Registers all |patterns|. Each pattern needs to have a unique ID and all
// pattern strings must be unique.
// Complexity:
// Let n = number of patterns.
// Let S = sum of pattern lengths.
// Let k = range of char. Generally 256.
// Complexity = O(nlogn + S * logk)
// nlogn comes from sorting the patterns.
// log(k) comes from our usage of std::map to store edges.
SubstringSetMatcher(const std::vector<StringPattern>& patterns);
SubstringSetMatcher(std::vector<const StringPattern*> patterns);
// Matches |text| against all registered StringPatterns. Stores the IDs
// of matching patterns in |matches|. |matches| is not cleared before adding
// to it.
// Complexity:
// Let t = length of |text|.
// Let k = range of char. Generally 256.
// Let z = number of matches returned.
// Complexity = O(t * logk + zlogz)
bool Match(const std::string& text,
std::set<StringPattern::ID>* matches) const;
// Returns true if this object retains no allocated data.
bool IsEmpty() const { return is_empty_; }
// Returns the dynamically allocated memory usage in bytes. See
// base/trace_event/memory_usage_estimator.h for details.
size_t EstimateMemoryUsage() const;
// Represents the index of the node within |tree_|. It is specifically
// uint32_t so that we can be sure it takes up 4 bytes. If the computed size
// of |tree_| is larger than what can be stored within an uint32_t, there will
// be a CHECK failure.
using NodeID = uint32_t;
// This is the maximum possible size of |tree_| and hence can't be a valid ID.
static constexpr NodeID kInvalidNodeID = std::numeric_limits<NodeID>::max();
static constexpr NodeID kRootID = 0;
// A node of an Aho Corasick Tree. See
// to understand the algorithm.
// The algorithm is based on the idea of building a trie of all registered
// patterns. Each node of the tree is annotated with a set of pattern
// IDs that are used to report matches.
// The root of the trie represents an empty match. If we were looking whether
// any registered pattern matches a text at the beginning of the text (i.e.
// whether any pattern is a prefix of the text), we could just follow
// nodes in the trie according to the matching characters in the text.
// E.g., if text == "foobar", we would follow the trie from the root node
// to its child labeled 'f', from there to child 'o', etc. In this process we
// would report all pattern IDs associated with the trie nodes as matches.
// As we are not looking for all prefix matches but all substring matches,
// this algorithm would need to compare text.substr(0), text.substr(1), ...
// against the trie, which is in O(|text|^2).
// The Aho Corasick algorithm improves this runtime by using failure edges.
// In case we have found a partial match of length k in the text
// (text[i, ..., i + k - 1]) in the trie starting at the root and ending at
// a node at depth k, but cannot find a match in the trie for character
// text[i + k] at depth k + 1, we follow a failure edge. This edge
// corresponds to the longest proper suffix of text[i, ..., i + k - 1] that
// is a prefix of any registered pattern.
// If your brain thinks "Forget it, let's go shopping.", don't worry.
// Take a nap and read an introductory text on the Aho Corasick algorithm.
// It will make sense. Eventually.
class AhoCorasickNode {
// Map from edge label to NodeID.
using Edges = base::flat_map<char, NodeID>;
AhoCorasickNode(AhoCorasickNode&& other);
AhoCorasickNode& operator=(AhoCorasickNode&& other);
NodeID GetEdge(char c) const;
void SetEdge(char c, NodeID node);
const Edges& edges() const { return edges_; }
void ShrinkEdges() { edges_.shrink_to_fit(); }
NodeID failure() const { return failure_; }
void SetFailure(NodeID failure);
void SetMatchID(StringPattern::ID id) {
match_id_ = id;
// Returns true if this node corresponds to a pattern.
bool IsEndOfPattern() const {
return match_id_ != StringPattern::kInvalidId;
// Must only be called if |IsEndOfPattern| returns true for this node.
StringPattern::ID GetMatchID() const {
return match_id_;
void SetOutputLink(NodeID node) { output_link_ = node; }
NodeID output_link() const { return output_link_; }
size_t EstimateMemoryUsage() const;
// Outgoing edges of current node.
Edges edges_;
// Node index that failure edge leads to. The failure node corresponds to
// the node which represents the longest proper suffix (include empty
// string) of the string represented by this node. Must be valid, equal to
// kInvalidNodeID when uninitialized.
NodeID failure_ = kInvalidNodeID;
// If valid, this node represents the end of a pattern. It stores the ID of
// the corresponding pattern.
StringPattern::ID match_id_ = StringPattern::kInvalidId;
// Node index that corresponds to the longest proper suffix (including empty
// suffix) of this node and which also represents the end of a pattern. Can
// be invalid.
NodeID output_link_ = kInvalidNodeID;
using SubstringPatternVector = std::vector<const StringPattern*>;
// Given the set of patterns, compute how many nodes will the corresponding
// Aho-Corasick tree have. Note that |patterns| need to be sorted.
NodeID GetTreeSize(const std::vector<const StringPattern*>& patterns) const;
void BuildAhoCorasickTree(const SubstringPatternVector& patterns);
// Inserts a path for |pattern->pattern()| into the tree and adds
// |pattern->id()| to the set of matches.
void InsertPatternIntoAhoCorasickTree(const StringPattern* pattern);
void CreateFailureAndOutputEdges();
// Adds all pattern IDs to |matches| which are a suffix of the string
// represented by |node|.
void AccumulateMatchesForNode(const AhoCorasickNode* node,
std::set<StringPattern::ID>* matches) const;
// The nodes of a Aho-Corasick tree.
std::vector<AhoCorasickNode> tree_;
bool is_empty_ = true;
} // namespace url_matcher