blob: c00f0ccd3b5a8bf8973b359cfc7880355292be03 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "base/threading/thread_checker.h"
#include "net/base/auth.h"
#include "net/base/completion_once_callback.h"
#include "net/base/net_export.h"
#include "net/cookies/canonical_cookie.h"
#include "net/cookies/site_for_cookies.h"
#include "net/proxy_resolution/proxy_retry_info.h"
class GURL;
namespace url {
class Origin;
namespace net {
// NOTE: Layering violations!
// We decided to accept these violations (depending
// on other net/ submodules from net/base/), because otherwise NetworkDelegate
// would have to be broken up into too many smaller interfaces targeted to each
// submodule. Also, since the lower levels in net/ may callback into higher
// levels, we may encounter dangerous casting issues.
// NOTE: It is not okay to add any compile-time dependencies on symbols outside
// of net/base here, because we have a net_base library. Forward declarations
// are ok.
class CookieOptions;
class HttpRequestHeaders;
class HttpResponseHeaders;
class IPEndPoint;
class URLRequest;
class NET_EXPORT NetworkDelegate {
virtual ~NetworkDelegate();
// Notification interface called by the network stack. Note that these
// functions mostly forward to the private virtuals. They also add some sanity
// checking on parameters. See the corresponding virtuals for explanations of
// the methods and their arguments.
int NotifyBeforeURLRequest(URLRequest* request,
CompletionOnceCallback callback,
GURL* new_url);
int NotifyBeforeStartTransaction(URLRequest* request,
CompletionOnceCallback callback,
HttpRequestHeaders* headers);
int NotifyHeadersReceived(
URLRequest* request,
CompletionOnceCallback callback,
const HttpResponseHeaders* original_response_headers,
scoped_refptr<HttpResponseHeaders>* override_response_headers,
const IPEndPoint& remote_endpoint,
base::Optional<GURL>* preserve_fragment_on_redirect_url);
void NotifyBeforeRedirect(URLRequest* request,
const GURL& new_location);
void NotifyResponseStarted(URLRequest* request, int net_error);
void NotifyCompleted(URLRequest* request, bool started, int net_error);
void NotifyURLRequestDestroyed(URLRequest* request);
void NotifyPACScriptError(int line_number, const base::string16& error);
bool CanGetCookies(const URLRequest& request,
bool allowed_from_caller);
bool CanSetCookie(const URLRequest& request,
const net::CanonicalCookie& cookie,
CookieOptions* options,
bool allowed_from_caller);
bool ForcePrivacyMode(
const GURL& url,
const SiteForCookies& site_for_cookies,
const base::Optional<url::Origin>& top_frame_origin) const;
bool CancelURLRequestWithPolicyViolatingReferrerHeader(
const URLRequest& request,
const GURL& target_url,
const GURL& referrer_url) const;
bool CanQueueReportingReport(const url::Origin& origin) const;
void CanSendReportingReports(
std::set<url::Origin> origins,
base::OnceCallback<void(std::set<url::Origin>)> result_callback) const;
bool CanSetReportingClient(const url::Origin& origin,
const GURL& endpoint) const;
bool CanUseReportingClient(const url::Origin& origin,
const GURL& endpoint) const;
// This is the interface for subclasses of NetworkDelegate to implement. These
// member functions will be called by the respective public notification
// member function, which will perform basic sanity checking.
// Note that these member functions refer to URLRequests which may be canceled
// or destroyed at any time. Implementations which return ERR_IO_PENDING must
// also implement OnURLRequestDestroyed and OnCompleted to handle cancelation.
// See below for details.
// (NetworkDelegateImpl has default implementations of these member functions.
// NetworkDelegate implementations should consider subclassing
// NetworkDelegateImpl.)
// Called before a request is sent. Allows the delegate to rewrite the URL
// being fetched by modifying |new_url|. If set, the URL must be valid. The
// reference fragment from the original URL is not automatically appended to
// |new_url|; callers are responsible for copying the reference fragment if
// desired.
// Returns OK to continue with the request, ERR_IO_PENDING if the result is
// not ready yet, and any other status code to cancel the request. If
// returning ERR_IO_PENDING, call |callback| when the result is ready. Note,
// however, that a pending operation may be cancelled by
// OnURLRequestDestroyed. Once cancelled, |request| and |new_url| become
// invalid and |callback| may not be called.
// The default implementation returns OK (continue with request).
virtual int OnBeforeURLRequest(URLRequest* request,
CompletionOnceCallback callback,
GURL* new_url) = 0;
// Called right before the network transaction starts. Allows the delegate to
// read/write |headers| before they get sent out.
// Returns OK to continue with the request, ERR_IO_PENDING if the result is
// not ready yet, and any other status code to cancel the request. If
// returning ERR_IO_PENDING, call |callback| when the result is ready. Note,
// however, that a pending operation may be cancelled by OnURLRequestDestroyed
// or OnCompleted. Once cancelled, |request| and |headers| become invalid and
// |callback| may not be called.
// The default implementation returns OK (continue with request) without
// modifying |headers|.
virtual int OnBeforeStartTransaction(URLRequest* request,
CompletionOnceCallback callback,
HttpRequestHeaders* headers) = 0;
// Called for HTTP requests when the headers have been received.
// |original_response_headers| contains the headers as received over the
// network, these must not be modified. |override_response_headers| can be set
// to new values, that should be considered as overriding
// |original_response_headers|.
// If the response is a redirect, and the Location response header value is
// identical to |preserve_fragment_on_redirect_url|, then the redirect is
// never blocked and the reference fragment is not copied from the original
// URL to the redirection target.
// Returns OK to continue with the request, ERR_IO_PENDING if the result is
// not ready yet, and any other status code to cancel the request. If
// returning ERR_IO_PENDING, call |callback| when the result is ready. Note,
// however, that a pending operation may be cancelled by
// OnURLRequestDestroyed. Once cancelled, |request|,
// |original_response_headers|, |override_response_headers|, and
// |preserve_fragment_on_redirect_url| become invalid and |callback| may not
// be called.
virtual int OnHeadersReceived(
URLRequest* request,
CompletionOnceCallback callback,
const HttpResponseHeaders* original_response_headers,
scoped_refptr<HttpResponseHeaders>* override_response_headers,
const IPEndPoint& remote_endpoint,
base::Optional<GURL>* preserve_fragment_on_redirect_url) = 0;
// Called right after a redirect response code was received. |new_location| is
// only valid for the duration of the call.
virtual void OnBeforeRedirect(URLRequest* request,
const GURL& new_location) = 0;
// This corresponds to URLRequestDelegate::OnResponseStarted.
virtual void OnResponseStarted(URLRequest* request, int net_error) = 0;
// Indicates that the URL request has been completed or failed.
// |started| indicates whether the request has been started. If false,
// some information like the socket address is not available.
virtual void OnCompleted(URLRequest* request,
bool started,
int net_error) = 0;
// Called when an URLRequest is being destroyed. Note that the request is
// being deleted, so it's not safe to call any methods that may result in
// a virtual method call.
virtual void OnURLRequestDestroyed(URLRequest* request) = 0;
// Corresponds to ProxyResolverJSBindings::OnError.
virtual void OnPACScriptError(int line_number,
const base::string16& error) = 0;
// Called when reading cookies to allow the network delegate to block access
// to the cookie. This method will never be invoked when
// LOAD_DO_NOT_SEND_COOKIES is specified.
// The |allowed_from_caller| param is used to pass whether this operation is
// allowed from any higher level delegates (for example, in a
// LayeredNetworkDelegate). Any custom logic should be ANDed with this bool.
virtual bool OnCanGetCookies(const URLRequest& request,
bool allowed_from_caller) = 0;
// Called when a cookie is set to allow the network delegate to block access
// to the cookie. This method will never be invoked when
// LOAD_DO_NOT_SAVE_COOKIES is specified.
// The |allowed_from_caller| param is used to pass whether this operation is
// allowed from any higher level delegates (for example, in a
// LayeredNetworkDelegate). Any custom logic should be ANDed with this bool.
virtual bool OnCanSetCookie(const URLRequest& request,
const CanonicalCookie& cookie,
CookieOptions* options,
bool allowed_from_caller) = 0;
// Returns true if the given |url| has to be requested over connection that
// is not tracked by the server. Usually is false, unless user privacy
// settings block cookies from being get or set.
virtual bool OnForcePrivacyMode(
const GURL& url,
const SiteForCookies& site_for_cookies,
const base::Optional<url::Origin>& top_frame_origin) const = 0;
// Called when the |referrer_url| for requesting |target_url| during handling
// of the |request| is does not comply with the referrer policy (e.g. a
// secure referrer for an insecure initial target).
// Returns true if the request should be cancelled. Otherwise, the referrer
// header is stripped from the request.
virtual bool OnCancelURLRequestWithPolicyViolatingReferrerHeader(
const URLRequest& request,
const GURL& target_url,
const GURL& referrer_url) const = 0;
virtual bool OnCanQueueReportingReport(const url::Origin& origin) const = 0;
virtual void OnCanSendReportingReports(
std::set<url::Origin> origins,
base::OnceCallback<void(std::set<url::Origin>)> result_callback)
const = 0;
virtual bool OnCanSetReportingClient(const url::Origin& origin,
const GURL& endpoint) const = 0;
virtual bool OnCanUseReportingClient(const url::Origin& origin,
const GURL& endpoint) const = 0;
} // namespace net