blob: 9dfd7d185ccd069fbabd2ff58ceb60d199c2bc9a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/allocator/allocator_shim.h"
#include "base/allocator/allocator_shim_internals.h"
#include "base/allocator/partition_allocator/partition_alloc.h"
#include "base/allocator/partition_allocator/partition_alloc_constants.h"
#include "base/allocator/partition_allocator/partition_alloc_features.h"
#include "base/bits.h"
#include "base/no_destructor.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#if defined(OS_POSIX)
#include <malloc.h>
namespace {
// We would usually make g_root a static local variable, as these are guaranteed
// to be thread-safe in C++11. However this does not work on Windows, as the
// initialization calls into the runtime, which is not prepared to handle it.
// To sidestep that, we implement our own equivalent to a local `static
// base::NoDestructor<base::ThreadSafePartitionRoot> root`.
// The ingredients are:
// - Placement new to avoid a static constructor, and a static destructor.
// - Double-checked locking to get the same guarantees as a static local
// variable.
// Lock for double-checked locking.
std::atomic<bool> g_initialization_lock;
std::atomic<base::ThreadSafePartitionRoot*> g_root_;
// Buffer for placement new.
uint8_t g_allocator_buffer[sizeof(base::ThreadSafePartitionRoot)];
base::ThreadSafePartitionRoot& Allocator() {
// Double-checked locking.
// The proper way to proceed is:
// auto* root = load_acquire(g_root);
// if (!root) {
// ScopedLock initialization_lock;
// root = load_relaxed(g_root);
// if (root)
// return root;
// new_root = Create new root.
// release_store(g_root, new_root);
// }
// We don't want to use a base::Lock here, so instead we use the
// compare-and-exchange on a lock variable, but this provides the same
// guarantees as a regular lock. The code could be made simpler as we have
// stricter requirements, but we stick to something close to a regular lock
// for ease of reading, as none of this is performance-critical anyway.
// If we boldly assume that initialization will always be single-threaded,
// then we could remove all these atomic operations, but this seems a bit too
// bold to try yet. Might be worth revisiting though, since this would remove
// a memory barrier at each load. We could probably guarantee single-threaded
// init by adding a static constructor which allocates (and hence triggers
// initialization before any other thread is created).
auto* root = g_root_.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
if (LIKELY(root))
return *root;
bool expected = false;
// Semantically equivalent to base::Lock::Acquire().
while (!g_initialization_lock.compare_exchange_strong(
expected, true, std::memory_order_acquire, std::memory_order_acquire)) {
expected = false;
root = g_root_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
// Someone beat us.
if (root) {
// Semantically equivalent to base::Lock::Release()., std::memory_order_release);
return *root;
auto* new_root = new (g_allocator_buffer) base::ThreadSafePartitionRoot(
base::PartitionOptions::PCScan::kDisabledByDefault});, std::memory_order_release);
// Semantically equivalent to base::Lock::Release()., std::memory_order_release);
return *new_root;
using base::allocator::AllocatorDispatch;
void* PartitionMalloc(const AllocatorDispatch*, size_t size, void* context) {
return Allocator().AllocFlagsNoHooks(0, size);
void* PartitionMallocUnchecked(const AllocatorDispatch*,
size_t size,
void* context) {
return Allocator().AllocFlagsNoHooks(base::PartitionAllocReturnNull, size);
void* PartitionCalloc(const AllocatorDispatch*,
size_t n,
size_t size,
void* context) {
return Allocator().AllocFlagsNoHooks(base::PartitionAllocZeroFill, n * size);
base::ThreadSafePartitionRoot* AlignedAllocator() {
// Since the general-purpose allocator uses the thread cache, this one cannot.
static base::NoDestructor<base::ThreadSafePartitionRoot> aligned_allocator(
return aligned_allocator.get();
void* PartitionMemalign(const AllocatorDispatch*,
size_t alignment,
size_t size,
void* context) {
return AlignedAllocator()->AlignedAllocFlags(base::PartitionAllocNoHooks,
alignment, size);
void* PartitionAlignedAlloc(const AllocatorDispatch* dispatch,
size_t size,
size_t alignment,
void* context) {
return AlignedAllocator()->AlignedAllocFlags(base::PartitionAllocNoHooks,
alignment, size);
// aligned_realloc documentation is
// TODO(tasak): Expand the given memory block to the given size if possible.
// This realloc always free the original memory block and allocates a new memory
// block.
// TODO(tasak): Implement PartitionRoot<thread_safe>::AlignedReallocFlags and
// use it.
void* PartitionAlignedRealloc(const AllocatorDispatch* dispatch,
void* address,
size_t size,
size_t alignment,
void* context) {
void* new_ptr = nullptr;
if (size > 0) {
new_ptr = AlignedAllocator()->AlignedAllocFlags(base::PartitionAllocNoHooks,
alignment, size);
} else {
// size == 0 and address != null means just "free(address)".
if (address)
// The original memory block (specified by address) is unchanged if ENOMEM.
if (!new_ptr)
return nullptr;
// TODO(tasak): Need to compare the new alignment with the address' alignment.
// If the two alignments are not the same, need to return nullptr with EINVAL.
if (address) {
size_t usage = base::ThreadSafePartitionRoot::GetUsableSize(address);
size_t copy_size = usage > size ? size : usage;
memcpy(new_ptr, address, copy_size);
return new_ptr;
void* PartitionRealloc(const AllocatorDispatch*,
void* address,
size_t size,
void* context) {
return Allocator().ReallocFlags(base::PartitionAllocNoHooks, address, size,
void PartitionFree(const AllocatorDispatch*, void* address, void* context) {
size_t PartitionGetSizeEstimate(const AllocatorDispatch*,
void* address,
void* context) {
// TODO(lizeb): Returns incorrect values for aligned allocations.
return base::ThreadSafePartitionRoot::GetUsableSize(address);
class PartitionStatsDumperImpl : public base::PartitionStatsDumper {
PartitionStatsDumperImpl() = default;
void PartitionDumpTotals(
const char* partition_name,
const base::PartitionMemoryStats* memory_stats) override {
stats_ = *memory_stats;
void PartitionsDumpBucketStats(
const char* partition_name,
const base::PartitionBucketMemoryStats*) override {}
const base::PartitionMemoryStats& stats() const { return stats_; }
base::PartitionMemoryStats stats_;
} // namespace
namespace base {
namespace allocator {
void EnablePCScanIfNeeded() {
if (!features::IsPartitionAllocPCScanEnabled())
} // namespace allocator
} // namespace base
constexpr AllocatorDispatch AllocatorDispatch::default_dispatch = {
&PartitionMalloc, /* alloc_function */
&PartitionMallocUnchecked, /* alloc_unchecked_function */
&PartitionCalloc, /* alloc_zero_initialized_function */
&PartitionMemalign, /* alloc_aligned_function */
&PartitionRealloc, /* realloc_function */
&PartitionFree, /* free_function */
&PartitionGetSizeEstimate, /* get_size_estimate_function */
nullptr, /* batch_malloc_function */
nullptr, /* batch_free_function */
nullptr, /* free_definite_size_function */
&PartitionAlignedAlloc, /* aligned_malloc_function */
&PartitionAlignedRealloc, /* aligned_realloc_function */
&PartitionFree, /* aligned_free_function */
nullptr, /* next */
// Intercept diagnostics symbols as well, even though they are not part of the
// unified shim layer.
// TODO(lizeb): Implement the ones that doable.
extern "C" {
#if !defined(OS_APPLE)
SHIM_ALWAYS_EXPORT void malloc_stats(void) __THROW {}
SHIM_ALWAYS_EXPORT int mallopt(int cmd, int value) __THROW {
return 0;
#endif // !defined(OS_APPLE)
#if defined(OS_POSIX)
SHIM_ALWAYS_EXPORT struct mallinfo mallinfo(void) __THROW {
PartitionStatsDumperImpl allocator_dumper;
Allocator().DumpStats("malloc", true, &allocator_dumper);
PartitionStatsDumperImpl aligned_allocator_dumper;
AlignedAllocator()->DumpStats("posix_memalign", true,
struct mallinfo info = {0};
info.arena = 0; // Memory *not* allocated with mmap().
// Memory allocated with mmap(), aka virtual size.
info.hblks = allocator_dumper.stats().total_mmapped_bytes +
// Resident bytes.
info.hblkhd = allocator_dumper.stats().total_resident_bytes +
// Allocated bytes.
info.uordblks = allocator_dumper.stats().total_active_bytes +
return info;
#endif // defined(OS_POSIX)
} // extern "C"