blob: 541999fded4ed6f5285a39150962891e1827562b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include "base/i18n/base_i18n_export.h"
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
// The CharIterator classes iterate through the characters in UTF8 and
// UTF16 strings. Example usage:
// for (UTF8CharIterator iter(str); !iter.end(); iter.Advance()) {
// VLOG(1) << iter.get();
// }
namespace base {
namespace i18n {
class BASE_I18N_EXPORT UTF8CharIterator {
// Requires |str| to live as long as the UTF8CharIterator does.
explicit UTF8CharIterator(StringPiece str);
UTF8CharIterator(const UTF8CharIterator&) = delete;
UTF8CharIterator& operator=(const UTF8CharIterator&) = delete;
// Return the starting array index of the current character within the
// string.
size_t array_pos() const { return array_pos_; }
// Return the logical index of the current character, independent of the
// number of bytes each character takes.
size_t char_pos() const { return char_pos_; }
// Return the current char.
int32_t get() const { return char_; }
// Returns true if we're at the end of the string.
bool end() const { return array_pos_ == str_.length(); }
// Advance to the next actual character. Returns false if we're at the
// end of the string.
bool Advance();
// The string we're iterating over.
StringPiece str_;
// Array index.
size_t array_pos_;
// The next array index.
size_t next_pos_;
// Character index.
size_t char_pos_;
// The current character.
int32_t char_;
class BASE_I18N_EXPORT UTF16CharIterator {
// Requires |str| to live as long as the UTF16CharIterator does.
explicit UTF16CharIterator(StringPiece16 str);
UTF16CharIterator(UTF16CharIterator&& to_move);
UTF16CharIterator& operator=(UTF16CharIterator&& to_move);
UTF16CharIterator(const UTF16CharIterator&) = delete;
UTF16CharIterator operator=(const UTF16CharIterator&) = delete;
// Returns an iterator starting on the unicode character at offset
// |array_index| into the string, or the previous array offset if
// |array_index| is the second half of a surrogate pair.
static UTF16CharIterator LowerBound(StringPiece16 str, size_t array_index);
// Returns an iterator starting on the unicode character at offset
// |array_index| into the string, or the next offset if |array_index| is the
// second half of a surrogate pair.
static UTF16CharIterator UpperBound(StringPiece16 str, size_t array_index);
// Return the starting array index of the current character within the
// string.
size_t array_pos() const { return array_pos_; }
// Returns the offset in code points from the initial iterator position, which
// could be negative if Rewind() is called. The initial value is always zero,
// regardless of how the iterator is constructed.
int32_t char_offset() const { return char_offset_; }
// Returns the code point at the current position.
int32_t get() const { return char_; }
// Returns the code point (i.e. the full Unicode character, not half of a
// surrogate pair) following the current one. Should not be called if end() is
// true. If the current code point is the last one in the string, returns
// zero.
int32_t NextCodePoint() const;
// Returns the code point (i.e. the full Unicode character, not half of a
// surrogate pair) preceding the current one. Should not be called if start()
// is true.
int32_t PreviousCodePoint() const;
// Returns true if we're at the start of the string.
bool start() const { return array_pos_ == 0; }
// Returns true if we're at the end of the string.
bool end() const { return array_pos_ == str_.length(); }
// Advances to the next actual character. Returns false if we're at the
// end of the string.
bool Advance();
// Moves to the previous actual character. Returns false if we're at the start
// of the string.
bool Rewind();
UTF16CharIterator(base::StringPiece16 str, size_t initial_pos);
// Fills in the current character we found and advances to the next
// character, updating all flags as necessary.
void ReadChar();
// The string we're iterating over.
StringPiece16 str_;
// Array index.
size_t array_pos_;
// The next array index.
size_t next_pos_;
// Character offset from the initial position of the iterator.
int32_t char_offset_;
// The current character.
int32_t char_;
} // namespace i18n
} // namespace base