blob: 96154f4ac511d57a6de64c44b745f977d5d885d2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
namespace remoting {
// The name of the Remoting Host service that is registered with launchd.
extern const char kServiceName[];
// Use a single configuration file, instead of separate "auth" and "host" files.
// This is because the SetConfigAndStart() API only provides a single
// dictionary, and splitting this into two dictionaries would require
// knowledge of which keys belong in which files.
extern const char kHostConfigFileName[];
extern const char kHostConfigFilePath[];
// File that stores lightweight host settings as key-value pairs. See
// HostSettings for more info.
extern const char kHostSettingsFilePath[];
// This helper script is executed as root to enable/disable/configure the host
// service.
// It is also used (as non-root) to provide version information for the
// installed host components.
extern const char kHostServiceBinaryPath[];
// Path to the old host helper script, which is still used after user updates
// their host on macOS 10.14.*.
extern const char kOldHostHelperScriptPath[];
// Path to the service binary (.app).
extern const char kHostBinaryPath[];
// Path to the legacy service binary (.bundle).
extern const char kHostLegacyBinaryPath[];
// If this file exists, it means that the host is enabled for sharing.
extern const char kHostEnabledPath[];
// The .plist file for the Chromoting service.
extern const char kServicePlistPath[];
// Path to the host log file
extern const char kLogFilePath[];
// Path to the log config file
extern const char kLogFileConfigPath[];
// Paths to the native messaging host manifests
extern const char* kNativeMessagingManifestPaths[4];
// The branded and unbranded names for the uninstaller.
// This is the only file that changes names based on branding. We define both
// because we want local dev builds to be able to clean up both files.
extern const char kBrandedUninstallerPath[];
extern const char kUnbrandedUninstallerPath[];
} // namespace remoting