blob: 0656992a640005950815e511548084986a75801f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module viz.mojom;
import "media/capture/mojom/video_capture_buffer.mojom";
import "media/capture/mojom/video_capture_types.mojom";
import "media/mojo/mojom/media_types.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/time.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/shared_memory.mojom";
import "services/viz/public/mojom/compositing/frame_sink_id.mojom";
import "services/viz/public/mojom/compositing/subtree_capture_id.mojom";
import "skia/public/mojom/bitmap.mojom";
import "ui/gfx/geometry/mojom/geometry.mojom";
import "ui/gfx/mojom/color_space.mojom";
// Provided with each call to FrameSinkVideoConsumer::OnFrameCaptured() so that
// the consumer can notify the capturer the instant it is done consuming the
// frame, and then later (optionally) provide utilization feedback.
interface FrameSinkVideoConsumerFrameCallbacks {
// Informs the capturer that the consumer is done reading the content of the
// video frame.
// |feedback| contains consumer feedback like resource utilization,
// maximum requested frame-rate and resolution.
ProvideFeedback(media.mojom.VideoCaptureFeedback feedback);
// Interface for a consumer that receives frames and notifications related to
// capture of the source content. An instance that implements this interface is
// provided to FrameSinkVideoCapturer.Start().
interface FrameSinkVideoConsumer {
// Called to deliver each frame to the consumer. |data| contains the video
// frame's image data, and is valid for reading until the consumer notifies
// the service that it is Done(). |info| is used to interpret the
// format/layout of the data, and also contains the frame timestamps and other
// metadata (the following media::VideoFrameMetadata keys are set:
// |content_rect| is the region of the frame that contains the captured
// content, with the rest of the frame having been letterboxed to adhere to
// resolution constraints.
OnFrameCaptured(mojo_base.mojom.ReadOnlySharedMemoryRegion data,
media.mojom.VideoFrameInfo info,
gfx.mojom.Rect content_rect,
// Indicates that OnFrameCaptured() will not be called again, an end-of-stream
// signal.
// Called to deliver a log message to the consumer.
// Currently used to populate WebRTC native logs.
OnLog(string message);
// Interface to an implementation that captures the frames of a
// CompositorFrameSink's surface as a video stream. During operation, the
// "target" frame sink can be changed, as needed, to continue capturing the
// desired content (e.g., a new web page in the same browser tab).
// The SetXYZ() methods set or change the video capture parameters and
// constraints. They may be called any time before and/or after a Start() call.
// Note that the consumer must not assume any changes have taken effect until
// this is reflected in some later delivered frame.
// General usage: A capturer is created, its SetXYZ() methods are called,
// followed by ChangeTarget() and then Start(). Then, later, when video capture
// should suspend, Stop() is called. After that point, Start() can be called
// again to resume capture; or the mojo binding can be dropped to auto-terminate
// the capturer.
interface FrameSinkVideoCapturer {
// Specifies the pixel format and color space to use.
// Default, if never called: PIXEL_FORMAT_I420, COLOR_SPACE_HD_REC709
SetFormat(media.mojom.VideoPixelFormat format,
gfx.mojom.ColorSpace color_space);
// Specifies the maximum rate of capture in terms of a minimum time period
// (min_period = 1/max_frame_rate).
// Default, if never called: a very conservative 1/5 second (for 5 FPS
// max). Usually 30-60 FPS is desired for frame sinks that may contain video
// content.
SetMinCapturePeriod(mojo_base.mojom.TimeDelta min_period);
// Specifies the minimum amount of time that must elapse between changing the
// size of video frames. This can be set to zero to disable resize throttling,
// which means each video frame could have a different size. Note that
// setting this period too low can result in erratic frame sizing behaviour;
// consider disabling auto-throttling in such cases.
// Default, if never called: 3 seconds.
SetMinSizeChangePeriod(mojo_base.mojom.TimeDelta min_period);
// Specifies the range (if any) of acceptable capture resolutions and whether
// a fixed aspect ratio is required. When |min_size| is equal to |max_size|,
// capture resolution will be held constant. Otherwise, capture resolution
// will dynamically adapt over time as the source content size and system
// resource utilization change. If a fixed aspect ratio is required, the
// aspect ratio of |max_size| is used and the implementation will letterbox
// around the captured content when needed.
// Default, if never called: Fixed at 640x360 (standard definition, 16:9).
// Usually, 320x180↔3840x2160 (auto-adapt, 16:9) is desired when the consumer
// can handle variable frame resolutions.
SetResolutionConstraints(gfx.mojom.Size min_size, gfx.mojom.Size max_size,
bool use_fixed_aspect_ratio);
// Specifies whether capture resolution should be automatically adjusted
// within the bounds provided to SetReslutionConstraints in response to
// utilization feedback from the consumer and the buffer pool. When set to
// false, the capturer will always use the highest resolution within
// constraints that doesn't exceed the source size.
// Default, if never called: true.
SetAutoThrottlingEnabled(bool enabled);
// Targets a different compositor frame sink. This may be called anytime,
// before or after Start(). If |frame_sink_id| is null, capture will suspend
// until a new frame sink target is set. If the given |subtree_capture_id| is
// valid, the capturer will capture a render pass associated with a layer
// subtree under the target frame sink, which is identifiable by that
// |subtree_capture_id|. Otherwise, the capturer captures the root render pass
// of the target frame sink.
ChangeTarget(FrameSinkId? frame_sink_id, SubtreeCaptureId subtree_capture_id);
// Starts emitting video frames to the given |consumer|.
Start(pending_remote<FrameSinkVideoConsumer> consumer);
// Stops capturing "soon." Meaning, no new frame captures will be started, but
// there may already be some in-flight for delivery. Wait for the "end of
// stream" signal provided by FrameSinkVideoConsumer.OnStopped().
// Requests the capturer send a duplicate of the last frame. This is used to
// resolve occasional "picture loss" issues consumer-side.
// Creates an overlay to be renderered within each captured video frame. The
// |stacking_index| is an arbitrary value that determines whether to render
// this overlay before/after other overlays. Greater values mean "after" and
// "on top of" those with lesser values. Specifying the same index as an
// existing overlay will cause the existing one to be dropped and replaced
// with a new one.
CreateOverlay(int32 stacking_index,
pending_receiver<FrameSinkVideoCaptureOverlay> receiver);
// Control interface for a small image to be composited on top of each captured
// video frame. This allows clients to, for example, have the capturer render
// mouse cursors or debug info boxes on top of the captured content.
interface FrameSinkVideoCaptureOverlay {
// Sets/Changes the overlay |image| and its position and size, relative to the
// source content. |bounds| consists of coordinates where the range [0.0,1.0)
// indicates the relative position+size within the bounds of the source
// content (e.g., 0.0 refers to the top or left edge; 1.0 to just after the
// bottom or right edge). Pass empty |bounds| to temporarily hide the overlay
// until a later call to SetBounds().
SetImageAndBounds(skia.mojom.BitmapN32 image,
gfx.mojom.RectF bounds);
// Changes the bounds of the previously-set image, showing the overlay if
// non-empty bounds are provided, and hiding the overlay otherwise. |bounds|
// has the same semantics as described in ShowImageAt().
SetBounds(gfx.mojom.RectF bounds);