blob: 7769b3964e7bb6e9544aebfe072c37db7e8586cd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
namespace ash {
// These enum values represent buttons on the Projector toolbar and log to UMA.
// Entries should not be renumbered and numeric values should never be reused.
// Please keep in sync with "ProjectorToolbar" in
// src/tools/metrics/histograms/enums.xml.
enum class ProjectorToolbar {
kToolbarOpened = 0,
kToolbarClosed = 1,
kKeyIdea = 2,
kLaserPointer = 3,
kMarkerTool = 4,
kExpandMarkerTools = 5,
kCollapseMarkerTools = 6,
kClearAllMarkers = 7,
kStartMagnifier = 8,
kStopMagnifier = 9,
kStartSelfieCamera = 10,
kStopSelfieCamera = 11,
kStartClosedCaptions = 12,
kStopClosedCaptions = 13,
kToolbarLocationBottomLeft = 14,
kToolbarLocationTopLeft = 15,
kToolbarLocationTopRight = 16,
kToolbarLocationBottomRight = 17,
kUndo = 18,
kToolbarLocationTopCenter = 19,
kToolbarLocationBottomCenter = 20,
// Add future entries above this comment, in sync with
// "ProjectorToolbar" in src/tools/metrics/histograms/enums.xml.
// Update kMaxValue to the last value.
kMaxValue = kToolbarLocationBottomCenter
// These enum values represent marker colors on the Projector toolbar and log to
// UMA. Entries should not be renumbered and numeric values should never be
// reused. Please keep in sync with "ProjectorMarkerColor" in
// src/tools/metrics/histograms/enums.xml.
enum class ProjectorMarkerColor {
kBlack = 0,
kWhite = 1,
kBlue = 2,
// Add future entries above this comment, in sync with
// "ProjectorMarkerColor" in src/tools/metrics/histograms/enums.xml.
// Update kMaxValue to the last value.
kMaxValue = kBlue
// Records the buttons the user presses on the Projector toolbar.
void RecordToolbarMetrics(ProjectorToolbar button);
// Records the marker colors the user chooses to use. Only records if the user
// switches from the default color.
void RecordMarkerColorMetrics(ProjectorMarkerColor color);
} // namespace ash