blob: 882c05abdf194abc28ec5bcc9a219b2d3729c8bc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/browser/unexpire_flags.h"
#include "base/containers/contains.h"
#include "base/containers/flat_map.h"
#include "base/no_destructor.h"
#include "chrome/browser/expired_flags_list.h"
#include "chrome/browser/unexpire_flags_gen.h"
#include "chrome/common/chrome_version.h"
#include "components/flags_ui/flags_storage.h"
namespace flags {
namespace {
using FlagNameToExpirationMap = base::flat_map<std::string, int>;
static FlagNameToExpirationMap* GetFlagExpirationOverrideMap() {
static base::NoDestructor<FlagNameToExpirationMap> map;
return map.get();
int ExpirationMilestoneForFlag(const char* flag) {
if (base::Contains(*GetFlagExpirationOverrideMap(), flag))
return GetFlagExpirationOverrideMap()->at(flag);
for (int i = 0; kExpiredFlags[i].name; ++i) {
const ExpiredFlag* f = &kExpiredFlags[i];
if (strcmp(f->name, flag))
// To keep the size of the expired flags list down,
// //tools/flags/ doesn't emit flags with expiry
// mstone -1; it makes no sense for these flags to be in the expiry list
// anyway. However, if a bug did cause that to happen, and this function
// didn't handle that case, all flags with expiration -1 would immediately
// expire, which would be very bad. As such there's an extra error-check
// here: a DCHECK to catch bugs in the script, and a regular if to ensure we
// never expire flags that should never expire.
DCHECK_NE(f->mstone, -1);
return f->mstone;
return -1;
// This function is a nasty hack - normally, the logic to turn flags into
// feature names happens inside flags_ui::FlagsState, but this function is used
// from the setup code of FlagsState, so it can't rely on FlagsState having been
// set up. As such, we look into the backing FlagsStorage and hardcode how
// enabled flags look inside that storage.
std::set<int> UnexpiredMilestonesFromStorage(
const flags_ui::FlagsStorage* storage) {
std::set<int> unexpired;
for (const auto& f : storage->GetFlags()) {
int mstone;
if (sscanf(f.c_str(), "temporary-unexpire-flags-m%d@1", &mstone) == 1)
return unexpired;
} // namespace
bool IsFlagExpired(const flags_ui::FlagsStorage* storage,
const char* internal_name) {
constexpr int kChromeVersion[] = {CHROME_VERSION};
constexpr int kChromeVersionMajor = kChromeVersion[0];
int mstone = ExpirationMilestoneForFlag(internal_name);
if (mstone == -1)
return false;
// This is extremely horrible:
// In order to know if a flag is expired or not, normally this function
// queries the state of base::FeatureList to check whether the unexpire
// feature for that milestone is enabled. However, when *creating* the initial
// base::FeatureList instance, these features won't be initialized yet, which
// leads to this issue:
// * Assume a flag "foo-bar" for feature FooBar that expires in M83.
// * Also, assume that temporary-unexpire-flags-m83 is enabled.
// If both of those are true, then if IsFlagExpired("foo-bar") is called
// *during* initial feature list setup, it will return true rather than false,
// which will cause FooBar to be set to its default rather than the
// non-default value that the flag may be to. This happens because the
// TemporaryUnexpireFlagsM83 feature hasn't been initialized yet, so it gets
// treated as its default state (disabled).
// To deal with that and make this function behave more correctly during
// FeatureList initialization, also consult the backing FlagsStorage from the
// FlagsState and look at the temporary-unexpire-flags-m$M flags directly, as
// well as looking at their features.
// This still has a problem: during browser startup, if the unexpire feature
// will be configured by some other mechanism (group policy, etc), that
// feature's value won't apply in time here and the bug described will happen.
// TODO(ellyjones): Figure out how to fix that.
std::set<int> unexpired_milestones = UnexpiredMilestonesFromStorage(storage);
if (base::Contains(unexpired_milestones, mstone))
return false;
const base::Feature* expiry_feature = GetUnexpireFeatureForMilestone(mstone);
// If there's an unexpiry feature, and the unexpiry feature is *disabled*,
// then the flag is expired. The double-negative is very unfortunate.
if (expiry_feature)
return !base::FeatureList::IsEnabled(*expiry_feature);
return mstone < kChromeVersionMajor;
namespace testing {
void SetFlagExpiration(const std::string& name, int mstone) {
GetFlagExpirationOverrideMap()->insert_or_assign(name, mstone);
} // namespace testing
} // namespace flags