blob: eaa087a5c52bed92897bc572e35e72a28466db9f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cstdint>
#include <ostream>
#include "base/check.h"
#include "base/sequence_checker.h"
namespace sql {
namespace recover {
class DatabasePageReader;
// Streaming decoder for inner pages in SQLite table B-trees.
// The decoder outputs the page IDs of the inner page's children pages.
// An instance can only be used to decode a single page. Instances are not
// thread-safe.
class InnerPageDecoder {
// Creates a decoder for a DatabasePageReader's last read page.
// |db_reader| must have been used to read an inner page of a table B-tree.
// |db_reader| must outlive this instance.
explicit InnerPageDecoder(DatabasePageReader* db_reader) noexcept;
~InnerPageDecoder() noexcept = default;
InnerPageDecoder(const InnerPageDecoder&) = delete;
InnerPageDecoder& operator=(const InnerPageDecoder&) = delete;
// The ID of the database page decoded by this instance.
int page_id() const {
return page_id_;
// Returns true iff TryAdvance() may be called.
bool CanAdvance() const {
// The <= below is not a typo. Inner nodes store the right-most child
// pointer in their headers, so their child count is (cell_count + 1).
return next_read_index_ <= cell_count_;
// Advances the reader and returns the last read value.
// May return an invalid page ID if database was corrupted or the read failed.
// The caller must use DatabasePageReader::IsValidPageId() to verify the
// returned page ID. The caller should continue attempting to read as long as
// CanAdvance() returns true.
int TryAdvance();
// True if the given reader may point to an inner page in a table B-tree.
// The last ReadPage() call on |db_reader| must have succeeded.
static bool IsOnValidPage(DatabasePageReader* db_reader);
// Returns the number of cells in the B-tree page.
// Checks for database corruption. The caller can assume that the cell pointer
// array with the returned size will not extend past the page buffer.
static int ComputeCellCount(DatabasePageReader* db_reader);
// The number of the B-tree page this reader is reading.
const int page_id_;
// Used to read the tree page.
// Raw pointer usage is acceptable because this instance's owner is expected
// to ensure that the DatabasePageReader outlives this.
DatabasePageReader* const db_reader_;
// Caches the ComputeCellCount() value for this reader's page.
const int cell_count_ = ComputeCellCount(db_reader_);
// The reader's cursor state.
// Each B-tree page has a header and many cells. In an inner B-tree page, each
// cell points to a child page, and the header points to the last child page.
// So, an inner page with N cells has N+1 children, and |next_read_index_|
// takes values between 0 and |cell_count_| + 1.
int next_read_index_ = 0;
// Streaming decoder for leaf pages in SQLite table B-trees.
// Conceptually, the decoder outputs (rowid, record size, record offset) tuples
// for all the values stored in the leaf page. The tuple members can be accessed
// via last_record_{rowid, size, offset}() methods.
// An instance can only be used to decode a single page. Instances are not
// thread-safe.
class LeafPageDecoder {
// Creates a decoder for a DatabasePageReader's last read page.
// |db_reader| must have been used to read an inner page of a table B-tree.
// |db_reader| must outlive this instance.
explicit LeafPageDecoder(DatabasePageReader* db_reader) noexcept;
~LeafPageDecoder() noexcept = default;
LeafPageDecoder(const LeafPageDecoder&) = delete;
LeafPageDecoder& operator=(const LeafPageDecoder&) = delete;
// The rowid of the most recent record read by TryAdvance().
// Must only be called after a successful call to TryAdvance().
int64_t last_record_rowid() const {
DCHECK(last_record_size_ != 0)
<< "TryAdvance() not called / did not succeed";
return last_record_rowid_;
// The size of the most recent record read by TryAdvance().
// Must only be called after a successful call to TryAdvance().
int64_t last_record_size() const {
DCHECK(last_record_size_ != 0)
<< "TryAdvance() not called / did not succeed";
return last_record_size_;
// The page offset of the most recent record read by TryAdvance().
// Must only be called after a successful call to TryAdvance().
int64_t last_record_offset() const {
DCHECK(last_record_size_ != 0)
<< "TryAdvance() not called / did not succeed";
return last_record_offset_;
// Returns true iff TryAdvance() may be called.
bool CanAdvance() const {
return next_read_index_ < cell_count_;
// Advances the reader and returns the last read value.
// Returns false if the read fails. The caller should continue attempting to
// read as long as CanAdvance() returns true.
bool TryAdvance();
// True if the given reader may point to an inner page in a table B-tree.
// The last ReadPage() call on |db_reader| must have succeeded.
static bool IsOnValidPage(DatabasePageReader* db_reader);
// Returns the number of cells in the B-tree page.
// Checks for database corruption. The caller can assume that the cell pointer
// array with the returned size will not extend past the page buffer.
static int ComputeCellCount(DatabasePageReader* db_reader);
// The number of the B-tree page this reader is reading.
const int64_t page_id_;
// Used to read the tree page.
// Raw pointer usage is acceptable because this instance's owner is expected
// to ensure that the DatabasePageReader outlives this.
DatabasePageReader* const db_reader_;
// Caches the ComputeCellCount() value for this reader's page.
const int cell_count_ = ComputeCellCount(db_reader_);
// The reader's cursor state.
// Each B-tree cell contains a value. So, this member takes values in
// [0, cell_count_).
int next_read_index_ = 0;
int64_t last_record_size_ = 0;
int64_t last_record_rowid_ = 0;
int last_record_offset_ = 0;
} // namespace recover
} // namespace sql