blob: 6e359984afc97bd8cd312b3b98ad6d49875bbf1e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "sql/recover_module/parsing.h"
#include <cstddef>
#include <ostream>
#include <tuple>
#include <utility>
#include "base/check.h"
#include "base/notreached.h"
#include "base/strings/strcat.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
#include "sql/recover_module/record.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
namespace sql {
namespace recover {
namespace {
// This module defines whitespace as space (0x20).
constexpr bool IsWhiteSpace(char character) {
return (character == ' ');
// Splits a token out of a SQL string representing a column type.
// Tokens are separated by space (0x20) characters.
// The SQL must not start with a space character.
// Returns the token and the rest of the SQL string. Consumes the space after
// the returned token -- the rest of the SQL string will not start with space.
std::pair<base::StringPiece, base::StringPiece> SplitToken(
base::StringPiece sql) {
DCHECK(sql.empty() || !IsWhiteSpace(sql[0]));
size_t token_end = 0;
while (token_end < sql.length() && !IsWhiteSpace(sql[token_end]))
size_t split = token_end;
while (split < sql.length() && IsWhiteSpace(sql[split]))
return {sql.substr(0, token_end), sql.substr(split)};
// Column types.
constexpr base::StringPiece kIntegerSql("INTEGER");
constexpr base::StringPiece kFloatSql("FLOAT");
constexpr base::StringPiece kTextSql("TEXT");
constexpr base::StringPiece kBlobSql("BLOB");
constexpr base::StringPiece kNumericSql("NUMERIC");
constexpr base::StringPiece kRowidSql("ROWID");
constexpr base::StringPiece kAnySql("ANY");
// SQL keywords recognized by the recovery module.
constexpr base::StringPiece kStrictSql("STRICT");
constexpr base::StringPiece kNonNullSql1("NOT");
constexpr base::StringPiece kNonNullSql2("NULL");
absl::optional<ModuleColumnType> ParseColumnType(
base::StringPiece column_type_sql) {
if (column_type_sql == kIntegerSql)
return ModuleColumnType::kInteger;
if (column_type_sql == kFloatSql)
return ModuleColumnType::kFloat;
if (column_type_sql == kTextSql)
return ModuleColumnType::kText;
if (column_type_sql == kBlobSql)
return ModuleColumnType::kBlob;
if (column_type_sql == kNumericSql)
return ModuleColumnType::kNumeric;
if (column_type_sql == kRowidSql)
return ModuleColumnType::kRowId;
if (column_type_sql == kAnySql)
return ModuleColumnType::kAny;
return absl::nullopt;
// Returns a view into a SQL string representing the column type.
// The backing string is guaranteed to live for as long as the process runs.
base::StringPiece ColumnTypeToSql(ModuleColumnType column_type) {
switch (column_type) {
case ModuleColumnType::kInteger:
return kIntegerSql;
case ModuleColumnType::kFloat:
return kFloatSql;
case ModuleColumnType::kText:
return kTextSql;
case ModuleColumnType::kBlob:
return kBlobSql;
case ModuleColumnType::kNumeric:
return kNumericSql;
case ModuleColumnType::kRowId:
return kIntegerSql; // rowids are ints.
case ModuleColumnType::kAny:
return base::StringPiece();
} // namespace
std::string RecoveredColumnSpec::ToCreateTableSql() const {
base::StringPiece not_null_sql = (is_non_null) ? " NOT NULL" : "";
return base::StrCat(
{this->name, " ", ColumnTypeToSql(this->type), not_null_sql});
bool RecoveredColumnSpec::IsAcceptableValue(ValueType value_type) const {
if (value_type == ValueType::kNull)
return !is_non_null || type == ModuleColumnType::kRowId;
if (type == ModuleColumnType::kAny)
return true;
if (value_type == ValueType::kInteger) {
return type == ModuleColumnType::kInteger ||
(!is_strict && type == ModuleColumnType::kFloat);
if (value_type == ValueType::kFloat) {
return type == ModuleColumnType::kFloat ||
(!is_strict && type == ModuleColumnType::kFloat);
if (value_type == ValueType::kText)
return type == ModuleColumnType::kText;
if (value_type == ValueType::kBlob) {
return type == ModuleColumnType::kBlob ||
(!is_strict && type == ModuleColumnType::kText);
NOTREACHED() << "Unimplemented value type";
return false;
RecoveredColumnSpec ParseColumnSpec(const char* sqlite_arg) {
// The result is invalid until its |name| member is set.
RecoveredColumnSpec result;
base::StringPiece sql(sqlite_arg);
base::StringPiece column_name;
std::tie(column_name, sql) = SplitToken(sql);
if (column_name.empty()) {
// Empty column names are invalid.
return result;
base::StringPiece column_type_sql;
std::tie(column_type_sql, sql) = SplitToken(sql);
absl::optional<ModuleColumnType> column_type =
if (!column_type.has_value()) {
// Invalid column type.
return result;
result.type = column_type.value();
// Consume keywords.
result.is_non_null = result.type == ModuleColumnType::kRowId;
while (!sql.empty()) {
base::StringPiece token;
std::tie(token, sql) = SplitToken(sql);
if (token == kStrictSql) {
if (result.type == ModuleColumnType::kAny) {
// STRICT is incompatible with ANY.
return result;
result.is_strict = true;
if (token != kNonNullSql1) {
// Invalid SQL keyword.
return result;
std::tie(token, sql) = SplitToken(sql);
if (token != kNonNullSql2) {
// Invalid SQL keyword.
return result;
result.is_non_null = true;
} = std::string(column_name);
return result;
TargetTableSpec ParseTableSpec(const char* sqlite_arg) {
base::StringPiece sql(sqlite_arg);
size_t separator_pos = sql.find('.');
if (separator_pos == base::StringPiece::npos) {
// The default attachment point name is "main".
return TargetTableSpec{"main", sqlite_arg};
if (separator_pos == 0) {
// Empty attachment point names are invalid.
return TargetTableSpec();
base::StringPiece db_name = sql.substr(0, separator_pos);
base::StringPiece table_name = sql.substr(separator_pos + 1);
return TargetTableSpec{std::string(db_name), std::string(table_name)};
} // namespace recover
} // namespace sql