blob: 6fa603908b8be7884f076793a352ceb767a46f24 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cstddef>
#include <vector>
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "ash/capture_mode/capture_mode_types.h"
#include "ui/views/widget/widget.h"
#include "ui/views/widget/widget_observer.h"
namespace views {
class FocusRing;
class HighlightPathGenerator;
class View;
class Widget;
} // namespace views
namespace ash {
class CaptureModeSession;
// CaptureModeSessionFocusCycler handles the special focus transitions which
// happen between the capture session UI items. These include the capture bar
// buttons, the selection region UI and the capture button.
// TODO( The selection region UI are drawn directly on a
// layer. We simulate focus by drawing focus rings on the same layer, but this
// is not compatible with accessibility. Investigate using AxVirtualView or
// making the dots actual Views.
class ASH_EXPORT CaptureModeSessionFocusCycler : public views::WidgetObserver {
// The different groups which can receive focus during a capture mode session.
// A group may have multiple items which can receive focus.
// TODO( Investigate removing the groups concept and having
// one flat list.
enum class FocusGroup {
kNone = 0,
// The buttons to select the capture type and source on the capture bar.
// In region mode, the UI to adjust a partial region.
// The button in the middle of a selection region to capture or record.
// In window mode, the group to tab through the available MRU windows.
// The buttons to open the settings menu and exit capture mode on the
// capture bar.
// A state where nothing is visibly focused. The next focus will advance to
// the settings menu. This is to match tab focusing on other menus such as
// quick settings.
// The buttons inside the settings menu.
// If a focusable capture session item is part of a views hierarchy, it needs
// to override this class, which manages a custom focus ring.
class HighlightableView {
// Get the view class associated with |this|.
virtual views::View* GetView() = 0;
// Subclasses can override this for a custom focus ring shape. Defaults to
// return nullptr, which means the focus ring will use the
// HighlightPathGenerator used for clipping ink drops.
virtual std::unique_ptr<views::HighlightPathGenerator>
// Shows the focus ring and triggers setting accessibility focus on the
// associated view.
void PseudoFocus();
// Hides the focus ring.
void PseudoBlur();
// Attempt to mimic a click on the associated view. Called by
// CaptureModeSession when it receives a space key event, as the button is
// not actuallly focused and will do nothing otherwise. Does nothing if the
// view is not a subclass of Button.
void ClickView();
// TODO( This can result in multiple of these objects
// thinking they have focus if CaptureModeSessionFocusCycler does not call
// PseudoFocus or PseudoBlur properly. Investigate if there is a better
// approach.
bool has_focus_ = false;
// A convenience pointer to the focus ring, which is owned by the views
// hierarchy.
views::FocusRing* focus_ring_ = nullptr;
explicit CaptureModeSessionFocusCycler(CaptureModeSession* session);
CaptureModeSessionFocusCycler(const CaptureModeSessionFocusCycler&) = delete;
CaptureModeSessionFocusCycler& operator=(
const CaptureModeSessionFocusCycler&) = delete;
~CaptureModeSessionFocusCycler() override;
// Advances the focus by simulating focus on a view, or updating the
// CaptureModeSession to draw focus on elements which are not associated with
// a view. The order is as follows:
// 1) Capture mode type and source: (Screenshot/recording) and
// (fullscreen/region/window) on the capture bar.
// 2) Region selection area: If visible.
// 3) Capture/record button: If visible.
// 4) Settings menu: If visible.
// 5) Settings and close button: On the capture bar.
// This should be called by CaptureModeSession when it receives a VKEY_TAB.
void AdvanceFocus(bool reverse);
// Removes focus. Called by CaptureModeSession when it receives a VKEY_ESC, or
// when the state has changed such that a currently focus item is invalid
// (i.e. switching from region mode to windowed mode makes a focused selection
// or capture button invalid).
void ClearFocus();
// Returns true if anything has focus.
bool HasFocus() const;
// Called when the CaptureModeSession receives a VKEY_SPACE event. Returns
// true if the focused view should take the event; when this happens the
// CaptureModeSession should not handle the event.
bool OnSpacePressed();
// Returns true if the current focus group is associated with the UI used for
// displaying a region.
bool RegionGroupFocused() const;
// Gets the current fine tune position for drawing the focus rects/rings on
// the session's layer. Returns FineTunePosition::kNone if focus is on another
// group.
FineTunePosition GetFocusedFineTunePosition() const;
// Called when the capture label widget is made visible or hidden, or changes
// states. If the label button is visible, it should be on the a11y annotation
// cycle, otherwise it should be removed from the a11y annotation cycle.
void OnCaptureLabelWidgetUpdated();
// Called when the settings menu is created. Starts observing the settings
// menu.
void OnSettingsMenuWidgetCreated();
// views::WidgetObserver:
void OnWidgetClosing(views::Widget* widget) override;
friend class CaptureModeSessionTestApi;
// Removes the focus ring from the current focused item if possible. Does not
// alter |current_focus_group_| or |focus_index_|.
void ClearCurrentVisibleFocus();
// Get the next group in the focus order.
FocusGroup GetNextGroup(bool reverse) const;
// Returns the number of elements in a particular group.
size_t GetGroupSize(FocusGroup group) const;
// Returns the items of a particular |group|. Returns an empty array for the
// kSelection group as the items in that group do not have associated views.
std::vector<HighlightableView*> GetGroupItems(FocusGroup group) const;
// Update the capture mode widgets so that accessibility features can traverse
// between our widgets.
void UpdateA11yAnnotation();
views::Widget* GetSettingsMenuWidget() const;
// The current focus group and focus index.
FocusGroup current_focus_group_ = FocusGroup::kNone;
size_t focus_index_ = 0u;
// The session that owns |this|. Guaranteed to be non null for the lifetime of
// |this|.
CaptureModeSession* session_;
base::ScopedObservation<views::Widget, views::WidgetObserver>
// True if the settings menu was opened via clicking space when the settings
// button had focus. In this case, advancing focus will focus into the
// settings menu. Otherwise, advancing focus with the settings menu open will
// close the settings menu.
bool settings_menu_opened_with_keyboard_nav_ = false;
} // namespace ash