blob: 9e60dd09391aca7f7c27611c5b094c32f8c8889c [file] [log] [blame]
Name: FreeType-Testing
Version: VER-7688934d5
Revision: fe2eddae6176f75e2101289eeda22a5ff3d808ca
License: GPL
License File: NOT_SHIPPED
Security Critical: no
License Android Compatible: yes
This package tracks the freetype-testing repository which is a collection of
fuzzer harnesses that provide coverage for freetype for oss-fuzz. We want to run
some of the fuzzing harness as part of Chromium's own fuzzing. This is the
reason for this repository to be included.
How to update:
1. Update the revision in this file, and the freetype-testing revision in the
top level Chromium DEPS file.
2. Update to reflect changes if needed.