blob: 796c6ea3d3e3c347e5520a5a511d548454c52ac2 [file] [log] [blame]
Name: MalDocA source for extracting and analyzing features from Office documents.
Short Name: maldoca
Version: 0
Revision: 3d2b660fe61f97ec4bf9ae6f561b4e016b75db79
License: Apache 2.0
License File: src/LICENSE
Security Critical: yes
CPEPrefix: unknown
This library is used to extract macros from Office documents that have been
downloaded by user to check their Safe Browsing reputation. It is only used
by Chromium for desktop.
Local Modifications:
- Path changes were made to utilize the versions of libraries in Chromium's
- Utilizing features available via protobuf lite
- Using static variables over ABSL_FLAG