blob: fe6de291b8c124c052884b6e0ecfea64127dfff8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <limits>
#include <memory>
#include "ash/accessibility/accessibility_observer.h"
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "ash/public/cpp/tablet_mode_observer.h"
#include "ash/shell_observer.h"
#include "ash/wm/overview/overview_observer.h"
#include "ash/wm/tablet_mode/tablet_mode_controller.h"
#include "ash/wm/window_state_observer.h"
#include "base/containers/flat_map.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "ui/aura/window_observer.h"
#include "ui/display/display.h"
#include "ui/display/display_observer.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/point.h"
#include "ui/wm/public/activation_change_observer.h"
namespace ui {
class Layer;
} // namespace ui
namespace ash {
class PresentationTimeRecorder;
class OverviewSession;
class SplitViewControllerTest;
class SplitViewDivider;
class SplitViewObserver;
class SplitViewOverviewSessionTest;
// The controller for the split view. It snaps a window to left/right side of
// the screen. It also observes the two snapped windows and decides when to exit
// the split view mode.
// TODO(xdai): Make it work for multi-display non mirror environment.
class ASH_EXPORT SplitViewController : public aura::WindowObserver,
public WindowStateObserver,
public wm::ActivationChangeObserver,
public ShellObserver,
public OverviewObserver,
public display::DisplayObserver,
public TabletModeObserver,
public AccessibilityObserver {
// "LEFT" and "RIGHT" are the snap positions corresponding to "primary
// landscape" screen orientation. In other screen orientation, we still use
// "LEFT" and "RIGHT" but it doesn't literally mean left side of the screen or
// right side of the screen. For example, if the screen orientation is
// "portait primary", snapping a window to LEFT means snapping it to the
// top of the screen.
enum SnapPosition { NONE, LEFT, RIGHT };
// Why splitview was ended.
enum class EndReason {
kNormal = 0,
// TODO(edcourtney): Consider not ending Split-View on PIP expand.
// See
// Splitview is being ended due to a change in Virtual Desks, such as
// switching desks or removing a desk.
// The behaviors of split view are very different when in tablet mode and in
// clamshell mode. In tablet mode, split view mode will stay active until the
// user explicitly ends it (e.g., by pressing home launcher, or long pressing
// the overview button, or sliding the divider bar to the edge, etc). However,
// in clamshell mode, there is no divider bar, and split view mode only stays
// active during overview snapping, i.e., it's only possible that split view
// is active when overview is active. Once the user has selected two windows
// to snap to both side of the screen, split view mode is no longer active.
enum class SplitViewType {
kTabletType = 0,
enum class State {
// For now, there is only one |SplitViewController|, regardless of whether the
// |ash::features::kMultiDisplayOverviewAndSplitView| feature flag is enabled.
// TODO( When the feature flag is enabled, there shall be a
// |SplitViewController| for each root window. Instead of Get, this function
// shall be ForWindow, similar to |RootWindowController::ForWindow|.
static SplitViewController* Get();
~SplitViewController() override;
// Returns true if split view mode is active. Please see SplitViewType above
// to see the difference between tablet mode and clamshell mode splitview
// mode.
bool InSplitViewMode() const;
bool InClamshellSplitViewMode() const;
bool InTabletSplitViewMode() const;
// Snaps window to left/right. It will try to remove |window| from the
// overview window grid first before snapping it if |window| is currently
// showing in the overview window grid. If split view mode is not already
// active, and if |window| is not minimized, |use_divider_spawn_animation|
// causes the divider to show up with an animation that adds a finishing touch
// to the snap animation of |window|. Use true when |window| is snapped by
// dragging, except for tab dragging.
void SnapWindow(aura::Window* window,
SnapPosition snap_position,
bool use_divider_spawn_animation = false);
// Swaps the left and right windows. This will do nothing if one of the
// windows is not snapped.
void SwapWindows();
// Returns the default snapped window. It's the window that remains open until
// the split mode ends. It's decided by |default_snap_position_|. E.g., If
// |default_snap_position_| equals LEFT, then the default snapped window is
// |left_window_|. All the other window will open on the right side.
aura::Window* GetDefaultSnappedWindow();
// Gets the window bounds according to the snap state |snap_state| and the
// divider position |divider_position_|. The returned snapped window bounds
// are adjusted to its minimum size if the desired bounds are smaller than
// its minumum bounds. Note: the snapped window bounds can't be pushed
// outside of the workspace area.
// TODO(xdai): Investigate if we need to pass in |window| as splitview windows
// should always be parented to the primary root window.
gfx::Rect GetSnappedWindowBoundsInParent(aura::Window* window,
SnapPosition snap_position);
gfx::Rect GetSnappedWindowBoundsInScreen(aura::Window* window,
SnapPosition snap_position);
// Gets the desired snapped window bounds accoridng to the snap state
// |snap_state| and the divider pistion |divider_position_|.
gfx::Rect GetSnappedWindowBoundsInScreenUnadjusted(aura::Window* window,
SnapPosition snap_postion);
// Gets the default value of |divider_position_|.
int GetDefaultDividerPosition(aura::Window* window) const;
// Returns true during the divider snap animation.
bool IsDividerAnimating() const;
void StartResize(const gfx::Point& location_in_screen);
void Resize(const gfx::Point& location_in_screen);
void EndResize(const gfx::Point& location_in_screen);
// Ends the split view mode.
void EndSplitView(EndReason end_reason = EndReason::kNormal);
// Returns true if |window| is a snapped window in splitview.
bool IsWindowInSplitView(const aura::Window* window) const;
// This function is only supposed to be called during clamshell <-> tablet
// transition or multi-user transition, when we need to carry over one/two
// snapped windows into splitview, we calculate the divider position based on
// the one or two to-be-snapped windows' bounds so that we can keep the
// snapped windows' bounds after transition (instead of putting them always
// on the middle split position).
void InitDividerPositionForTransition(int divider_position);
// Called when a window (either it's browser window or an app window) start/
// end being dragged.
void OnWindowDragStarted(aura::Window* dragged_window);
void OnWindowDragEnded(aura::Window* dragged_window,
SnapPosition desired_snap_position,
const gfx::Point& last_location_in_screen);
void OnWindowBoundsChanged(aura::Window* window,
const gfx::Rect& old_bounds,
const gfx::Rect& new_bounds,
ui::PropertyChangeReason reason) override;
void OnResizeLoopStarted(aura::Window* window) override;
void OnResizeLoopEnded(aura::Window* window) override;
void AddObserver(SplitViewObserver* observer);
void RemoveObserver(SplitViewObserver* observer);
// aura::WindowObserver:
void OnWindowDestroyed(aura::Window* window) override;
void OnWindowPropertyChanged(aura::Window* window,
const void* key,
intptr_t old) override;
// WindowStateObserver:
void OnPostWindowStateTypeChange(ash::WindowState* window_state,
ash::WindowStateType old_type) override;
// wm::ActivationChangeObserver:
void OnWindowActivated(ActivationReason reason,
aura::Window* gained_active,
aura::Window* lost_active) override;
// ShellObserver:
void OnPinnedStateChanged(aura::Window* pinned_window) override;
// OverviewObserver:
void OnOverviewModeStarting() override;
void OnOverviewModeEnding(OverviewSession* overview_session) override;
// display::DisplayObserver:
void OnDisplayMetricsChanged(const display::Display& display,
uint32_t metrics) override;
// TabletModeObserver:
void OnTabletModeStarting() override;
void OnTabletModeStarted() override;
void OnTabletModeEnding() override;
void OnTabletControllerDestroyed() override;
// AccessibilityObserver:
void OnAccessibilityStatusChanged() override;
void OnAccessibilityControllerShutdown() override;
aura::Window* left_window() { return left_window_; }
aura::Window* right_window() { return right_window_; }
int divider_position() const { return divider_position_; }
State state() const { return state_; }
SnapPosition default_snap_position() const { return default_snap_position_; }
SplitViewDivider* split_view_divider() { return split_view_divider_.get(); }
bool is_resizing() const { return is_resizing_; }
EndReason end_reason() const { return end_reason_; }
friend class SplitViewControllerTest;
friend class SplitViewOverviewSessionTest;
class TabDraggedWindowObserver;
class DividerSnapAnimation;
// These functions return |left_window_| and |right_window_|, swapped in
// nonprimary screen orientations. Note that they may return null.
aura::Window* GetPhysicalLeftOrTopWindow();
aura::Window* GetPhysicalRightOrBottomWindow();
// Start observing |window|.
void StartObserving(aura::Window* window);
// Stop observing the window at associated with |snap_position|. Also updates
// shadows and sets |left_window_| or |right_window_| to nullptr.
void StopObserving(SnapPosition snap_position);
// Update split view state and notify its observer about the change.
void UpdateStateAndNotifyObservers();
// Notifies observers that the split view divider position has been changed.
void NotifyDividerPositionChanged();
// Updates the black scrim layer's bounds and opacity while dragging the
// divider. The opacity increases as the split divider gets closer to the edge
// of the screen.
void UpdateBlackScrim(const gfx::Point& location_in_screen);
// Updates the bounds for the snapped windows and divider according to the
// current snap direction.
void UpdateSnappedWindowsAndDividerBounds();
// Gets the position where the black scrim should show.
SnapPosition GetBlackScrimPosition(const gfx::Point& location_in_screen);
// Updates |divider_position_| according to the current event location during
// resizing.
void UpdateDividerPosition(const gfx::Point& location_in_screen);
// Get the window bounds for left_or_top and right_or_bottom snapped windows.
// Note the bounds returned by this function doesn't take the snapped windows
// minimum sizes into account.
void GetSnappedWindowBoundsInScreenInternal(aura::Window* window,
gfx::Rect* left_or_top_rect,
gfx::Rect* right_or_bottom_rect);
// Splits the |work_area_rect| by |divider_rect| and outputs the two halves.
// |left_or_top_rect|, |divider_rect| and |right_or_bottom_rect| should align
// vertically or horizontally depending on |is_split_vertically|.
void SplitRect(const gfx::Rect& work_area_rect,
const gfx::Rect& divider_rect,
const bool is_split_vertically,
gfx::Rect* left_or_top_rect,
gfx::Rect* right_or_bottom_rect);
// Returns the closest fix location for |divider_position_|.
int GetClosestFixedDividerPosition();
// While the divider is animating to somewhere, stop it and shove it there.
void StopAndShoveAnimatedDivider();
// Returns true if we should end split view mode after resizing, i.e., the
// split view divider is near to the edge of the screen.
bool ShouldEndSplitViewAfterResizing();
// Ends split view if ShouldEndSplitViewAfterResizing() returns true. Handles
// extra details associated with dragging the divider off the screen.
void EndSplitViewAfterResizingIfAppropriate();
// After resizing, if we should end split view mode, returns the window that
// needs to be activated. Returns nullptr if there is no such window.
aura::Window* GetActiveWindowAfterResizingUponExit();
// Returns the maximum value of the |divider_position_|. It is the width of
// the current display's work area bounds in landscape orientation, or height
// of the current display's work area bounds in portrait orientation.
int GetDividerEndPosition();
// Called after a to-be-snapped window |window| got snapped. It updates the
// split view states and notifies observers about the change. It also restore
// the snapped window's transform if it's not identity and activate it.
void OnWindowSnapped(aura::Window* window);
// If there are two snapped windows, closing/minimizing/tab-dragging one of
// them will open overview window grid on the closed/minimized/tab-dragged
// window side of the screen. If there is only one snapped windows, closing/
// minimizing/tab-dragging the sanpped window will end split view mode and
// adjust the overview window grid bounds if the overview mode is active at
// that moment. |window_drag| is true if the window was detached as a result
// of dragging.
void OnSnappedWindowDetached(aura::Window* window, bool window_drag);
// If the desired bounds of the snapped windows bounds |left_or_top_rect| and
// |right_or_bottom_rect| are smaller than the minimum bounds of the snapped
// windows, adjust the desired bounds to the minimum bounds. Note the snapped
// windows can't be pushed out of the work area display area.
void AdjustSnappedWindowBounds(gfx::Rect* left_or_top_rect,
gfx::Rect* right_or_bottom_rect);
// Returns the closest position ratio based on |distance| and |length|.
float FindClosestPositionRatio(float distance, float length);
// Gets the divider optional position ratios. The divider can always be
// moved to the positions in |kFixedPositionRatios|. Whether the divider can
// be moved to |kOneThirdPositionRatio| or |kTwoThirdPositionRatio| depends
// on the minimum size of current snapped windows.
void GetDividerOptionalPositionRatios(
std::vector<float>* out_position_ratios);
// Gets the expected window component depending on current screen orientation
// for resizing purpose.
int GetWindowComponentForResize(aura::Window* window);
// Gets the expected end drag position for |window| depending on current
// screen orientation and split divider position.
gfx::Point GetEndDragLocationInScreen(aura::Window* window,
const gfx::Point& location_in_screen);
// Restores |window| transform to identity transform if applicable.
void RestoreTransformIfApplicable(aura::Window* window);
// Called after |newly_snapped| gets snapped. Updates window stacking.
void UpdateWindowStackingAfterSnap(aura::Window* newly_snapped);
// During resizing, it's possible that the resizing bounds of the snapped
// window is smaller than its minimum bounds, in this case we apply a
// translation to the snapped window to make it visually be placed outside of
// the workspace area.
void SetWindowsTransformDuringResizing();
// Restore the snapped windows transform to identity transform after resizing.
void RestoreWindowsTransformAfterResizing();
// Animates to |target_transform| for |window| and its transient descendants.
// |window| will be applied |start_transform| first and then animate to
// |target_transform|. Note |start_transform| and |end_transform| are for
// |window| and need to be adjusted for its transient child windows.
void SetTransformWithAnimation(aura::Window* window,
const gfx::Transform& start_transform,
const gfx::Transform& target_transform);
// Removes the window item that contains |window| from the overview window
// grid if |window| is currently showing in overview window grid. It should be
// called before trying to snap the window.
void RemoveWindowFromOverviewIfApplicable(aura::Window* window);
// Updates the |snapping_window_transformed_bounds_map_| on |window|. It
// should be called before trying to snap the window.
void UpdateSnappingWindowTransformedBounds(aura::Window* window);
// Inserts |window| into overview window grid if overview mode is active. Do
// nothing if overview mode is inactive at the moment.
void InsertWindowToOverview(aura::Window* window, bool animate = true);
// Finalizes and cleans up after stopping dragging the divider bar to resize
// snapped windows.
void FinishWindowResizing(aura::Window* window);
// Finalizes and cleans up divider dragging/animating. Called when the divider
// snapping animation completes or is interrupted or totally skipped.
void EndResizeImpl();
// Called by OnWindowDragEnded to do the actual work of finishing the window
// dragging. If |is_being_destroyed| equals true, the dragged window is to be
// destroyed, and SplitViewController should not try to put it in splitview.
void EndWindowDragImpl(aura::Window* window,
bool is_being_destroyed,
SnapPosition desired_snap_position,
const gfx::Point& last_location_in_screen);
// Gets the snap position of |window| according to last mouse/gesture event
// location on |window|. Used when |desired_snap_position_| was NONE but
// SplitViewController needs to snap the |window| after dragging.
SplitViewController::SnapPosition GetSnapPosition(
aura::Window* window,
const gfx::Point& last_location_in_screen);
// The current left/right snapped window.
aura::Window* left_window_ = nullptr;
aura::Window* right_window_ = nullptr;
// Split view divider widget. Only exist in tablet splitview mode. It's a
// black bar stretching from one edge of the screen to the other, containing a
// small white drag bar in the middle. As the user presses on it and drag it
// to left or right, the left and right window will be resized accordingly.
std::unique_ptr<SplitViewDivider> split_view_divider_;
// A black scrim layer that fades in over a window when its width drops under
// 1/3 of the width of the screen, increasing in opacity as the divider gets
// closer to the edge of the screen.
std::unique_ptr<ui::Layer> black_scrim_layer_;
// The window observer that obseves the tab-dragged window in tablet mode.
std::unique_ptr<TabDraggedWindowObserver> dragged_window_observer_;
// The distance between the origin of the divider and the origin of the
// current display's work area in screen coordinates.
// |<--- divider_position_ --->|
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// | | | |
// | left_window_ | | right_window_ |
// | | | |
// ----------------------------------------------------------
int divider_position_ = -1;
// The closest position ratio of divider among kFixedPositionRatios,
// kOneThirdPositionRatio and kTwoThirdPositionRatio based on current
// |divider_position_|. Used to update |divider_position_| on work area
// changes.
float divider_closest_ratio_ = std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN();
// The location of the previous mouse/gesture event in screen coordinates.
gfx::Point previous_event_location_;
// The animation that animates the divider to a fixed position after resizing.
std::unique_ptr<DividerSnapAnimation> divider_snap_animation_;
// Current snap state.
State state_ = State::kNoSnap;
// The default snap position. It's decided by the first snapped window. If the
// first window was snapped left, then |default_snap_position_| equals LEFT,
// i.e., all the other windows will open snapped on the right side - and vice
// versa.
SnapPosition default_snap_position_ = NONE;
// Whether the previous screen orientation is a primary orientation.
bool is_previous_screen_orientation_primary_ = true;
// True when the divider is being dragged (not during its snap animation).
bool is_resizing_ = false;
// Stores the reason which cause splitview to end.
EndReason end_reason_ = EndReason::kNormal;
// The split view type. See SplitViewType for the differences between tablet
// split view and clamshell split view.
SplitViewType split_view_type_ = SplitViewType::kTabletType;
// The time when splitview starts. Used for metric collection purpose.
base::Time splitview_start_time_;
// The map from a to-be-snapped window to its transformed bounds.
base::flat_map<aura::Window*, gfx::Rect>
base::ObserverList<SplitViewObserver>::Unchecked observers_;
ScopedObserver<TabletModeController, TabletModeObserver>
// Records the presentation time of resize operation in split view mode.
std::unique_ptr<PresentationTimeRecorder> presentation_time_recorder_;
} // namespace ash