blob: b15195278632921d75cc7da07289190474c1b760 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/browser/android/vr/arcore_device/fake_arcore.h"
#include "base/android/android_hardware_buffer_compat.h"
#include "base/numerics/math_constants.h"
#include "base/single_thread_task_runner.h"
#include "ui/display/display.h"
#include "ui/gfx/buffer_types.h"
#include "ui/gl/gl_image_ahardwarebuffer.h"
namespace {}
namespace device {
: gl_thread_task_runner_(base::ThreadTaskRunnerHandle::Get()) {}
FakeArCore::~FakeArCore() = default;
bool FakeArCore::Initialize(
base::android::ScopedJavaLocalRef<jobject> application_context) {
return true;
void FakeArCore::SetDisplayGeometry(
const gfx::Size& frame_size,
display::Display::Rotation display_rotation) {
display_rotation_ = display_rotation;
frame_size_ = frame_size;
void FakeArCore::SetCameraTexture(GLuint texture) {
// This is a no-op for the FakeArCore implementation. We might want to
// store the textureid for use in unit tests, but currently ArCoreDeviceTest
// is using mocked image transport so the actual texture doesn't have to
// be set. Current approach won't work for tests that rely on the texture.
DVLOG(2) << __FUNCTION__ << ": camera texture=" << texture;
std::vector<float> FakeArCore::TransformDisplayUvCoords(
const base::span<const float> uvs) {
// Try to match ArCore's transfore values.
// Sample ArCore input: width=1080, height=1795, rotation=0,
// vecs = (0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (1, 1)
// Sample ArCore output:
// (0.0325544, 1,
// 0.967446, 1,
// 0.0325543, 0,
// 0.967446, 1.19209e-07)
// FakeArCoreDriver test_arcore;
// test_arcore.SetCameraAspect(16.f / 9.f);
// test_arcore.SetDisplayGeometry(0, 1080, 1795);
// float in[8] = {0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1};
// float out[8];
// test_arcore.TransformDisplayUvCoords(8, &in[0], &out[0]);
// Fake driver result:
// TransformDisplayUvCoords: too wide. v0=0.0325521 vrange=0.934896
// uv[0]=(0.0325521, 1)
// uv[2]=(0.967448, 1)
// uv[4]=(0.0325521, 0)
// uv[6]=(0.967448, 0)
// TODO(klausw): move this to a unittest.
// SetDisplayGeometry should have been called first.
// Do clipping calculations in orientation ROTATE_0. screen U is left=0,
// right=1. Screen V is bottom=0, top=1. We'll apply screen rotation later.
float display_aspect =
static_cast<float>(frame_size_.width()) / frame_size_.height();
float target_aspect = camera_aspect_;
// Simulate that the fake camera is rotated by 90 degrees from the usual
// convention to match the Pixel camera. If the screen is in portrait mode
// (ROTATION_0), the camera's UV origin is around the bottom right of the
// screen, with camera +u going left and camera +v going up on the screen. So
// use the original camera aspect in landscape/seascape, and the inverse
// for portrait/upside-down orientation.
if (display_rotation_ == display::Display::Rotation::ROTATE_0 ||
display_rotation_ == display::Display::Rotation::ROTATE_180) {
target_aspect = 1.0f / target_aspect;
DVLOG(3) << __FUNCTION__ << ": rotation=" << display_rotation_
<< " frame_size_.width=" << frame_size_.width()
<< " frame_size_.height=" << frame_size_.height()
<< " display_aspect=" << display_aspect
<< " target_aspect=" << target_aspect;
float u0 = 0;
float v0 = 0;
float urange = 1;
float vrange = 1;
if (display_aspect > target_aspect) {
// Display too wide. Fill width, crop V evenly at top/bottom.
vrange = target_aspect / display_aspect;
v0 = (1.f - vrange) / 2;
DVLOG(3) << ": too wide. v0=" << v0 << " vrange=" << vrange;
} else {
// Display too narrow. Fill height, crop U evenly at sides.
urange = display_aspect / target_aspect;
u0 = (1.f - urange) / 2;
DVLOG(3) << ": too narrow. u0=" << u0 << " urange=" << urange;
size_t num_elements = uvs.size();
DCHECK(num_elements % 2 == 0);
std::vector<float> uvs_out;
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_elements; i += 2) {
float x = uvs[i];
float y = uvs[i + 1];
float u, v;
switch (display_rotation_) {
case display::Display::Rotation::ROTATE_90:
u = u0 + x * urange;
v = v0 + y * vrange;
case display::Display::Rotation::ROTATE_180:
u = 1.f - (v0 + y * vrange);
v = u0 + x * urange;
case display::Display::Rotation::ROTATE_270:
u = 1.f - (u0 + x * urange);
v = 1.f - (v0 + y * vrange);
case display::Display::Rotation::ROTATE_0:
u = v0 + y * vrange;
v = 1.f - (u0 + x * urange);
DVLOG(2) << __FUNCTION__ << ": uv[" << i << "]=(" << u << ", " << v << ")";
return uvs_out;
gfx::Transform FakeArCore::GetProjectionMatrix(float near, float far) {
// Get a projection matrix matching the current screen orientation and
// aspect. Currently, this uses a hardcoded FOV angle for the smaller screen
// dimension, and adjusts the other angle to preserve the aspect. A better
// simulation of ArCore should apply cropping to the underlying fixed-aspect
// simulated camera image.
constexpr float fov_half_angle_degrees = 30.f;
float base_tan = tanf(fov_half_angle_degrees * base::kPiFloat / 180.f);
float right_tan;
float up_tan;
if (display_rotation_ == display::Display::Rotation::ROTATE_0 ||
display_rotation_ == display::Display::Rotation::ROTATE_180) {
// portrait aspect
right_tan = base_tan;
up_tan = base_tan * frame_size_.height() / frame_size_.width();
} else {
// landscape aspect
up_tan = base_tan;
right_tan = base_tan * frame_size_.width() / frame_size_.height();
// Calculate a perspective matrix based on the FOV values.
gfx::Transform result;
result.matrix().set(0, 0, 1.f / right_tan);
result.matrix().set(1, 1, 1.f / up_tan);
result.matrix().set(2, 2, (near + far) / (near - far));
result.matrix().set(3, 2, -1.0f);
result.matrix().set(2, 3, (2.0f * far * near) / (near - far));
result.matrix().set(3, 3, 0.0f);
return result;
mojom::VRPosePtr FakeArCore::Update(bool* camera_updated) {
*camera_updated = true;
// 1m up from the origin, neutral orientation facing forward.
mojom::VRPosePtr pose = mojom::VRPose::New();
pose->position = gfx::Point3F(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
pose->orientation = gfx::Quaternion();
return pose;
float FakeArCore::GetEstimatedFloorHeight() {
return 2.0;
bool FakeArCore::RequestHitTest(
const mojom::XRRayPtr& ray,
std::vector<mojom::XRHitResultPtr>* hit_results) {
mojom::XRHitResultPtr hit = mojom::XRHitResult::New();
// Identity matrix - no translation and default orientation.
hit->hit_matrix = gfx::Transform();
return true;
base::Optional<uint32_t> FakeArCore::SubscribeToHitTest(
mojom::XRNativeOriginInformationPtr nativeOriginInformation,
mojom::XRRayPtr ray) {
return base::nullopt;
const device::mojom::VRPosePtr& pose) {
return nullptr;
void FakeArCore::UnsubscribeFromHitTest(uint32_t subscription_id) {
mojom::XRPlaneDetectionDataPtr FakeArCore::GetDetectedPlanesData() {
std::vector<mojom::XRPlaneDataPtr> result;
// 1m ahead of the origin, neutral orientation facing forward.
mojom::VRPosePtr pose = mojom::VRPose::New();
pose->position = gfx::Point3F(0.0, 0.0, -1.0);
pose->orientation = gfx::Quaternion();
// some random triangle
std::vector<mojom::XRPlanePointDataPtr> vertices;
vertices.push_back(mojom::XRPlanePointData::New(-0.3, -0.3));
vertices.push_back(mojom::XRPlanePointData::New(0, 0.3));
vertices.push_back(mojom::XRPlanePointData::New(0.3, -0.3));
mojom::XRPlaneData::New(1, device::mojom::XRPlaneOrientation::HORIZONTAL,
std::move(pose), std::move(vertices)));
return mojom::XRPlaneDetectionData::New(std::vector<uint32_t>{1},
mojom::XRAnchorsDataPtr FakeArCore::GetAnchorsData() {
std::vector<mojom::XRAnchorDataPtr> result;
std::vector<uint32_t> result_ids;
for (auto& anchor_id_and_data : anchors_) {
mojom::VRPosePtr pose = mojom::VRPose::New();
pose->position = anchor_id_and_data.second.position;
pose->orientation = anchor_id_and_data.second.orientation;
mojom::XRAnchorData::New(anchor_id_and_data.first, std::move(pose)));
return mojom::XRAnchorsData::New(std::move(result_ids), std::move(result));
base::Optional<uint32_t> FakeArCore::CreateAnchor(const mojom::VRPosePtr& pose,
uint32_t plane_id) {
// TODO(992035): Fix this when implementing tests.
return CreateAnchor(pose);
base::Optional<uint32_t> FakeArCore::CreateAnchor(
const mojom::VRPosePtr& pose) {
gfx::Point3F position =
pose->position ? gfx::Point3F(pose->position->x(), pose->position->y(),
: gfx::Point3F();
gfx::Quaternion orientation =
? gfx::Quaternion(pose->orientation->x(), pose->orientation->y(),
pose->orientation->z(), pose->orientation->w())
: gfx::Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 1);
anchors_[next_id_] = {position, orientation};
int32_t anchor_id = next_id_;
return anchor_id;
void FakeArCore::DetachAnchor(uint32_t anchor_id) {
auto count = anchors_.erase(anchor_id);
DCHECK_EQ(1u, count);
void FakeArCore::Pause() {
void FakeArCore::Resume() {
bool FakeArCore::IsOnGlThread() const {
return gl_thread_task_runner_->BelongsToCurrentThread();
std::unique_ptr<ArCore> FakeArCoreFactory::Create() {
return std::make_unique<FakeArCore>();
} // namespace device