blob: 73ed8c72b23d5101f8e9e0f9867b1330aef0dc87 [file] [log] [blame]
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="/resources/testharness.js" ></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="support/helper.sub.js"></script>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="trusted-types *">
test(t => {
const p1 = trustedTypes.createPolicy("policyHTMLAndScript", {
createHTML: s => s,
createScript: s => s
assert_throws(new TypeError(), _ => { p1.createScriptURL("foo"); });
assert_throws(new TypeError(), _ => { p1.createURL("foo"); });
const p2 = trustedTypes.createPolicy("policyURLAndScriptURL", {
createURL: s => s,
createScriptURL: s => s
assert_throws(new TypeError(), _ => { p2.createHTML("foo"); });
assert_throws(new TypeError(), _ => { p2.createScript("foo"); });
}, "calling undefined callbacks throws");
test(t => {
const noopPolicy = {
createHTML: (s) => s,
createScriptURL: (s) => s,
createURL: (s) => s,
createScript: (s) => s,
policy = trustedTypes.createPolicy(Math.random(), noopPolicy, true);
let el = document.createElement("div");
el.title = policy.createHTML(INPUTS.URL);
assert_equals(el.title, INPUTS.URL);
el.title = policy.createURL(INPUTS.HTML);
assert_equals(el.title, INPUTS.HTML);
}, "Attributes without type constraints will work as before.");
test(t => {
const policy = trustedTypes.createPolicy("nullpolicy", null);
assert_throws(new TypeError(), _ => { policy.createScriptURL("foo"); });
assert_throws(new TypeError(), _ => { policy.createURL("foo"); });
assert_throws(new TypeError(), _ => { policy.createHTML("foo"); });
assert_throws(new TypeError(), _ => { policy.createScript("foo"); });
}, "trustedTypes.createPolicy(.., null) creates empty policy.");
// testCases contains a list of policy functions and expected results (when
// called with a given default argument). They also use various helper
// variables (declared just below) to test side effects or interactions of
// global vars/functions with policy callbacks.
let aGlobalVarForSideEffectTesting = "global";
var aGlobalObject = { "foo": "well," };
function aGlobalFunction(s) { return + " " + s; }
function anotherGlobalFunction(s) { return s + "#" +; }
var foo = "a global var named foo";
const stringTestCases = [
[ s => s, "whatever" ],
[ s => null, "" ],
[ s => "well, " + s, "well, whatever" ],
[ s => { throw new Error() }, new Error() ],
[ s => { aGlobalVarForSideEffectTesting = s; return s }, "whatever" ],
[ s => aGlobalVarForSideEffectTesting + s, "whateverwhatever" ],
[ aGlobalFunction.bind(aGlobalObject), "well, whatever" ],
[ s => aGlobalFunction(s), "a global var named foo whatever" ],
const urlTestCases = [
[ s => null, "" ],
[ s => s + "#duck", INPUTS.SCRIPTURL + "#duck" ],
[ s => { throw new Error() }, new Error() ],
[ s => s + "#" + aGlobalVarForSideEffectTesting,
INPUTS.SCRIPTURL + "#global" ],
[ anotherGlobalFunction.bind(aGlobalObject), INPUTS.SCRIPTURL + "#well," ],
[ s => anotherGlobalFunction(s),
INPUTS.SCRIPTURL + "#a global var named foo" ],
function policyBuilder(trustedMethodName, trustedType, defaultArg) {
return function(name, fn) {
let options = {};
options[trustedMethodName] = fn;
let policy = window.trustedTypes.createPolicy(name, options);
let result = policy[trustedMethodName](defaultArg);
assert_true(result instanceof trustedType);
return result;
const testCases = [
[TrustedHTML, "createHTML", "whatever", stringTestCases],
[TrustedScript, "createScript", "whatever", stringTestCases],
[TrustedURL, "createURL", INPUTS.SCRIPTURL, urlTestCases],
[TrustedScriptURL, "createScriptURL", INPUTS.SCRIPTURL, urlTestCases],
// Iterate over all trusted types, iterate over all test cases.
// For each, build the suitable policy and check the result.
for (let [trusted_class, trusted_method, default_arg, test_cases] of testCases) {
aGlobalVarForSideEffectTesting = "global";
let builder = policyBuilder(trusted_method, trusted_class, default_arg);
for (let [index, [policy_fn, value]] of test_cases.entries()) {
let subtest_name = "TestPolicy" + + index;
test(t => {
if (value instanceof Error) {
assert_throws(value, () => builder(subtest_name, policy_fn));
} else {
assert_equals("" + builder(subtest_name, policy_fn), value);
}, subtest_name + " (" + + ": " +
policy_fn.toString() + ")");