blob: bbae2cbe4e4f0b2f356a0d8cc3f3f93e453abff8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <base/logging.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <ostream>
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/editing/forward.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/editing/text_affinity.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/modules/modules_export.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/heap/persistent.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/allocator.h"
namespace blink {
class AXObject;
// When converting to a DOM position from an |AXPosition| or vice versa, and the
// corresponding position is invalid, doesn't exist, or is inside an ignored
// object or a range of ignored objects, determines how to adjust the new
// position in order to make it valid.
enum class AXPositionAdjustmentBehavior { kMoveLeft, kMoveRight };
// Describes a position in the Blink accessibility tree.
// A position is either anchored to before or after a child object inside a
// container object, or is anchored to a character inside a text object.
// The former are called tree positions, and the latter text positions.
// Tree positions are never located on a specific |AXObject|. Rather, they are
// always between two objects, or an object and the start / end of their
// container's children, known as "before children" and "after children"
// positions respectively. They should be thought of like a caret that is always
// between two characters. Another way of calling these types of positions is
// object anchored and text anchored.
class MODULES_EXPORT AXPosition final {
static const AXPosition CreatePositionBeforeObject(const AXObject& child);
static const AXPosition CreatePositionAfterObject(const AXObject& child);
static const AXPosition CreateFirstPositionInObject(
const AXObject& container);
static const AXPosition CreateLastPositionInObject(const AXObject& container);
static const AXPosition CreatePositionInTextObject(
const AXObject& container,
const int offset,
const TextAffinity = TextAffinity::kDownstream);
static const AXPosition FromPosition(
const Position&,
const TextAffinity = TextAffinity::kDownstream);
static const AXPosition FromPosition(const PositionWithAffinity&);
// Creates an empty position. |IsValid| will return false.
AXPosition(const AXPosition&) = default;
AXPosition& operator=(const AXPosition&) = default;
~AXPosition() = default;
// The |AXObject| in which the tree position is located, or in whose text the
// text position is found.
const AXObject* ContainerObject() const { return container_object_; }
// Returns |nullptr| for text, and "after children" or equivalent positions.
const AXObject* ChildAfterTreePosition() const;
// Only valid for tree positions.
int ChildIndex() const;
// Only valid for text positions.
int TextOffset() const;
// If this is a text position, the length of the text in its container object.
int MaxTextOffset() const;
// When the same character offset could correspond to two possible caret
// positions, upstream means it's on the previous line rather than the next
// line.
TextAffinity Affinity() const { return affinity_; }
// Verifies if the anchor is present and if it's set to a live object with a
// connected node.
bool IsValid() const;
operator bool() const { return IsValid(); }
// Returns whether this is a position anchored to a character inside a text
// object.
bool IsTextPosition() const;
const AXPosition CreateNextPosition() const;
const AXPosition CreatePreviousPosition() const;
// Returns an adjusted position by skipping over any ignored objects in the
// case of a "before object" or "after object" position, or skipping over any
// ignored children in the case of a "before children" or "after children"
// position. If a text object is ignored, returns a position anchored at the
// nearest object, which might not be a text object. If the container object
// is ignored, tries to find if an equivalent position exists in its unignored
// parent, since all the children of an ignored object in the accessibility
// tree appear as children of its immediate unignored parent.
const AXPosition AsUnignoredPosition(
const AXPositionAdjustmentBehavior =
AXPositionAdjustmentBehavior::kMoveLeft) const;
// Adjusts the position by skipping over any objects that don't have a
// corresponding |node| in the DOM tree, e.g. list bullets.
const AXPosition AsValidDOMPosition(
const AXPositionAdjustmentBehavior =
AXPositionAdjustmentBehavior::kMoveLeft) const;
// Converts to a DOM position.
const PositionWithAffinity ToPositionWithAffinity(
const AXPositionAdjustmentBehavior =
AXPositionAdjustmentBehavior::kMoveLeft) const;
// Only used by static Create... methods.
explicit AXPosition(const AXObject& container);
// The |AXObject| in which the position is present.
// Only valid during a single document lifecycle hence no need to maintain a
// strong reference to it.
WeakPersistent<const AXObject> container_object_;
// If the position is anchored to before or after an object, the number of
// child objects in |container_object_| that come before the position.
// If this is a text position, the number of characters in the canonical text
// of |container_object_| before the position. The canonical text is the DOM
// node's text but with, e.g., whitespace collapsed and any transformations
// applied.
int text_offset_or_child_index_;
// When the same character offset could correspond to two possible caret
// positions.
TextAffinity affinity_;
// TODO(nektar): Use layout tree version in place of DOM and style versions.
uint64_t dom_tree_version_;
uint64_t style_version_;
MODULES_EXPORT bool operator==(const AXPosition&, const AXPosition&);
MODULES_EXPORT bool operator!=(const AXPosition&, const AXPosition&);
MODULES_EXPORT bool operator<(const AXPosition&, const AXPosition&);
MODULES_EXPORT bool operator<=(const AXPosition&, const AXPosition&);
MODULES_EXPORT bool operator>(const AXPosition&, const AXPosition&);
MODULES_EXPORT bool operator>=(const AXPosition&, const AXPosition&);
MODULES_EXPORT std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const AXPosition&);
} // namespace blink