blob: 7663889bd44b4aaa84f51faedf4fe8bafd2940cd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/allocator/allocator_shim.h"
#include <errno.h>
#include <atomic>
#include <new>
#include "base/allocator/buildflags.h"
#include "base/bits.h"
#include "base/check_op.h"
#include "base/memory/page_size.h"
#include "base/threading/platform_thread.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include <unistd.h>
#include "base/allocator/winheap_stubs_win.h"
#include <malloc/malloc.h>
#include "base/allocator/allocator_interception_mac.h"
#include "base/mac/mach_logging.h"
#include "base/allocator/allocator_shim_default_dispatch_to_partition_alloc.h"
// No calls to malloc / new in this file. They would would cause re-entrancy of
// the shim, which is hard to deal with. Keep this code as simple as possible
// and don't use any external C++ object here, not even //base ones. Even if
// they are safe to use today, in future they might be refactored.
namespace {
std::atomic<const base::allocator::AllocatorDispatch*> g_chain_head{
bool g_call_new_handler_on_malloc_failure = false;
ALWAYS_INLINE size_t GetCachedPageSize() {
static size_t pagesize = 0;
if (!pagesize)
pagesize = base::GetPageSize();
return pagesize;
// Calls the std::new handler thread-safely. Returns true if a new_handler was
// set and called, false if no new_handler was set.
bool CallNewHandler(size_t size) {
return base::allocator::WinCallNewHandler(size);
std::new_handler nh = std::get_new_handler();
if (!nh)
return false;
// Assume the new_handler will abort if it fails. Exception are disabled and
// we don't support the case of a new_handler throwing std::bad_balloc.
return true;
ALWAYS_INLINE const base::allocator::AllocatorDispatch* GetChainHead() {
return g_chain_head.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
} // namespace
namespace base {
namespace allocator {
void SetCallNewHandlerOnMallocFailure(bool value) {
g_call_new_handler_on_malloc_failure = value;
void* UncheckedAlloc(size_t size) {
const allocator::AllocatorDispatch* const chain_head = GetChainHead();
return chain_head->alloc_unchecked_function(chain_head, size, nullptr);
void UncheckedFree(void* ptr) {
const allocator::AllocatorDispatch* const chain_head = GetChainHead();
return chain_head->free_function(chain_head, ptr, nullptr);
void InsertAllocatorDispatch(AllocatorDispatch* dispatch) {
// Loop in case of (an unlikely) race on setting the list head.
size_t kMaxRetries = 7;
for (size_t i = 0; i < kMaxRetries; ++i) {
const AllocatorDispatch* chain_head = GetChainHead();
dispatch->next = chain_head;
// This function guarantees to be thread-safe w.r.t. concurrent
// insertions. It also has to guarantee that all the threads always
// see a consistent chain, hence the atomic_thread_fence() below.
// InsertAllocatorDispatch() is NOT a fastpath, as opposite to malloc(), so
// we don't really want this to be a release-store with a corresponding
// acquire-load during malloc().
// Set the chain head to the new dispatch atomically. If we lose the race,
// retry.
if (g_chain_head.compare_exchange_strong(chain_head, dispatch,
std::memory_order_relaxed)) {
// Success.
CHECK(false); // Too many retries, this shouldn't happen.
void RemoveAllocatorDispatchForTesting(AllocatorDispatch* dispatch) {
DCHECK_EQ(GetChainHead(), dispatch);>next, std::memory_order_relaxed);
} // namespace allocator
} // namespace base
// The Shim* functions below are the entry-points into the shim-layer and
// are supposed to be invoked by the allocator_shim_override_*
// headers to route the malloc / new symbols through the shim layer.
// They are defined as ALWAYS_INLINE in order to remove a level of indirection
// between the system-defined entry points and the shim implementations.
extern "C" {
// The general pattern for allocations is:
// - Try to allocate, if succeded return the pointer.
// - If the allocation failed:
// - Call the std::new_handler if it was a C++ allocation.
// - Call the std::new_handler if it was a malloc() (or calloc() or similar)
// AND SetCallNewHandlerOnMallocFailure(true).
// - If the std::new_handler is NOT set just return nullptr.
// - If the std::new_handler is set:
// - Assume it will abort() if it fails (very likely the new_handler will
// just suicide printing a message).
// - Assume it did succeed if it returns, in which case reattempt the alloc.
ALWAYS_INLINE void* ShimCppNew(size_t size) {
const base::allocator::AllocatorDispatch* const chain_head = GetChainHead();
void* ptr;
do {
void* context = nullptr;
context = malloc_default_zone();
ptr = chain_head->alloc_function(chain_head, size, context);
} while (!ptr && CallNewHandler(size));
return ptr;
ALWAYS_INLINE void* ShimCppNewNoThrow(size_t size) {
void* context = nullptr;
context = malloc_default_zone();
const base::allocator::AllocatorDispatch* const chain_head = GetChainHead();
return chain_head->alloc_unchecked_function(chain_head, size, context);
ALWAYS_INLINE void* ShimCppAlignedNew(size_t size, size_t alignment) {
const base::allocator::AllocatorDispatch* const chain_head = GetChainHead();
void* ptr;
do {
void* context = nullptr;
context = malloc_default_zone();
ptr = chain_head->alloc_aligned_function(chain_head, alignment, size,
} while (!ptr && CallNewHandler(size));
return ptr;
ALWAYS_INLINE void ShimCppDelete(void* address) {
void* context = nullptr;
context = malloc_default_zone();
const base::allocator::AllocatorDispatch* const chain_head = GetChainHead();
return chain_head->free_function(chain_head, address, context);
ALWAYS_INLINE void* ShimMalloc(size_t size, void* context) {
const base::allocator::AllocatorDispatch* const chain_head = GetChainHead();
void* ptr;
do {
ptr = chain_head->alloc_function(chain_head, size, context);
} while (!ptr && g_call_new_handler_on_malloc_failure &&
return ptr;
ALWAYS_INLINE void* ShimCalloc(size_t n, size_t size, void* context) {
const base::allocator::AllocatorDispatch* const chain_head = GetChainHead();
void* ptr;
do {
ptr = chain_head->alloc_zero_initialized_function(chain_head, n, size,
} while (!ptr && g_call_new_handler_on_malloc_failure &&
return ptr;
ALWAYS_INLINE void* ShimRealloc(void* address, size_t size, void* context) {
// realloc(size == 0) means free() and might return a nullptr. We should
// not call the std::new_handler in that case, though.
const base::allocator::AllocatorDispatch* const chain_head = GetChainHead();
void* ptr;
do {
ptr = chain_head->realloc_function(chain_head, address, size, context);
} while (!ptr && size && g_call_new_handler_on_malloc_failure &&
return ptr;
ALWAYS_INLINE void* ShimMemalign(size_t alignment, size_t size, void* context) {
const base::allocator::AllocatorDispatch* const chain_head = GetChainHead();
void* ptr;
do {
ptr = chain_head->alloc_aligned_function(chain_head, alignment, size,
} while (!ptr && g_call_new_handler_on_malloc_failure &&
return ptr;
ALWAYS_INLINE int ShimPosixMemalign(void** res, size_t alignment, size_t size) {
// posix_memalign is supposed to check the arguments. See tc_posix_memalign()
// in
if (((alignment % sizeof(void*)) != 0) ||
!base::bits::IsPowerOfTwo(alignment)) {
return EINVAL;
void* ptr = ShimMemalign(alignment, size, nullptr);
*res = ptr;
return ptr ? 0 : ENOMEM;
ALWAYS_INLINE void* ShimValloc(size_t size, void* context) {
return ShimMemalign(GetCachedPageSize(), size, context);
ALWAYS_INLINE void* ShimPvalloc(size_t size) {
// pvalloc(0) should allocate one page, according to its man page.
if (size == 0) {
size = GetCachedPageSize();
} else {
size = base::bits::AlignUp(size, GetCachedPageSize());
// The third argument is nullptr because pvalloc is glibc only and does not
// exist on OSX/BSD systems.
return ShimMemalign(GetCachedPageSize(), size, nullptr);
ALWAYS_INLINE void ShimFree(void* address, void* context) {
const base::allocator::AllocatorDispatch* const chain_head = GetChainHead();
return chain_head->free_function(chain_head, address, context);
ALWAYS_INLINE size_t ShimGetSizeEstimate(const void* address, void* context) {
const base::allocator::AllocatorDispatch* const chain_head = GetChainHead();
return chain_head->get_size_estimate_function(
chain_head, const_cast<void*>(address), context);
ALWAYS_INLINE unsigned ShimBatchMalloc(size_t size,
void** results,
unsigned num_requested,
void* context) {
const base::allocator::AllocatorDispatch* const chain_head = GetChainHead();
return chain_head->batch_malloc_function(chain_head, size, results,
num_requested, context);
ALWAYS_INLINE void ShimBatchFree(void** to_be_freed,
unsigned num_to_be_freed,
void* context) {
const base::allocator::AllocatorDispatch* const chain_head = GetChainHead();
return chain_head->batch_free_function(chain_head, to_be_freed,
num_to_be_freed, context);
ALWAYS_INLINE void ShimFreeDefiniteSize(void* ptr, size_t size, void* context) {
const base::allocator::AllocatorDispatch* const chain_head = GetChainHead();
return chain_head->free_definite_size_function(chain_head, ptr, size,
ALWAYS_INLINE void* ShimAlignedMalloc(size_t size,
size_t alignment,
void* context) {
const base::allocator::AllocatorDispatch* const chain_head = GetChainHead();
void* ptr = nullptr;
do {
ptr = chain_head->aligned_malloc_function(chain_head, size, alignment,
} while (!ptr && g_call_new_handler_on_malloc_failure &&
return ptr;
ALWAYS_INLINE void* ShimAlignedRealloc(void* address,
size_t size,
size_t alignment,
void* context) {
// _aligned_realloc(size == 0) means _aligned_free() and might return a
// nullptr. We should not call the std::new_handler in that case, though.
const base::allocator::AllocatorDispatch* const chain_head = GetChainHead();
void* ptr = nullptr;
do {
ptr = chain_head->aligned_realloc_function(chain_head, address, size,
alignment, context);
} while (!ptr && size && g_call_new_handler_on_malloc_failure &&
return ptr;
ALWAYS_INLINE void ShimAlignedFree(void* address, void* context) {
const base::allocator::AllocatorDispatch* const chain_head = GetChainHead();
return chain_head->aligned_free_function(chain_head, address, context);
} // extern "C"
// Cpp symbols (new / delete) should always be routed through the shim layer
// except on Windows and macOS (except for PartitionAlloc-Everywhere) where the
// malloc intercept is deep enough that it also catches the cpp calls.
// In case of PartitionAlloc-Everywhere on macOS, malloc backed by
// base::internal::PartitionMalloc crashes on OOM, and we need to avoid crashes
// in case of operator new() noexcept. Thus, operator new() noexcept needs to
// be routed to base::internal::PartitionMallocUnchecked through the shim layer.
#include "base/allocator/allocator_shim_override_cpp_symbols.h"
// Android does not support symbol interposition. The way malloc symbols are
// intercepted on Android is by using link-time -wrap flags.
#include "base/allocator/allocator_shim_override_linker_wrapped_symbols.h"
// On Windows we use plain link-time overriding of the CRT symbols.
#include "base/allocator/allocator_shim_override_ucrt_symbols_win.h"
#include "base/allocator/allocator_shim_override_mac_default_zone.h"
#include "base/allocator/allocator_shim_override_mac_symbols.h"
#include "base/allocator/allocator_shim_override_libc_symbols.h"
// Some glibc versions (until commit 6c444ad6e953dbdf9c7be065308a0a777)
// incorrectly call __libc_memalign() to allocate memory (see elf/dl-tls.c in
// glibc 2.23 for instance), and free() to free it. This causes issues for us,
// as we are then asked to free memory we didn't allocate.
// This only happened in glibc to allocate TLS storage metadata, and there are
// no other callers of __libc_memalign() there as of September 2020. To work
// around this issue, intercept this internal libc symbol to make sure that both
// the allocation and the free() are caught by the shim.
// This seems fragile, and is, but there is ample precedent for it, making it
// quite likely to keep working in the future. For instance, LLVM for LSAN uses
// this mechanism.
#include "base/allocator/allocator_shim_override_glibc_weak_symbols.h"
namespace base {
namespace allocator {
void InitializeAllocatorShim() {
// Prepares the default dispatch. After the intercepted malloc calls have
// traversed the shim this will route them to the default malloc zone.
MallocZoneFunctions functions = MallocZoneFunctionsToReplaceDefault();
// This replaces the default malloc zone, causing calls to malloc & friends
// from the codebase to be routed to ShimMalloc() above.
} // namespace allocator
} // namespace base
// Cross-checks.
#error The allocator shim should not be compiled when building for memory tools.
#if (defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__EXCEPTIONS)) || \
(defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_CPPUNWIND))
#error This code cannot be used when exceptions are turned on.