blob: 494f3577fb96f450d3f6083177ba089db0ae5686 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include <climits>
#include <string>
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include "base/allocator/buildflags.h"
#include "base/allocator/partition_alloc_support.h"
#include "base/allocator/partition_allocator/dangling_raw_ptr_checks.h"
#include "base/allocator/partition_allocator/partition_alloc.h"
#include "base/allocator/partition_allocator/partition_alloc_config.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "build/buildflag.h"
#include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "third_party/perfetto/include/perfetto/test/traced_value_test_support.h" // no-presubmit-check nogncheck
#include "base/allocator/partition_allocator/partition_tag.h"
using testing::AllOf;
using testing::HasSubstr;
using testing::Test;
static_assert(sizeof(raw_ptr<void>) == sizeof(void*),
"raw_ptr shouldn't add memory overhead");
static_assert(sizeof(raw_ptr<int>) == sizeof(int*),
"raw_ptr shouldn't add memory overhead");
static_assert(sizeof(raw_ptr<std::string>) == sizeof(std::string*),
"raw_ptr shouldn't add memory overhead");
// |is_trivially_copyable| assertion means that arrays/vectors of raw_ptr can
// be copied by memcpy.
"raw_ptr should be trivially copyable");
"raw_ptr should be trivially copyable");
"raw_ptr should be trivially copyable");
// |is_trivially_default_constructible| assertion helps retain implicit default
// constructors when raw_ptr is used as a union field. Example of an error
// if this assertion didn't hold:
// ../../base/trace_event/trace_arguments.h:249:16: error: call to
// implicitly-deleted default constructor of 'base::trace_event::TraceValue'
// TraceValue ret;
// ^
// ../../base/trace_event/trace_arguments.h:211:26: note: default
// constructor of 'TraceValue' is implicitly deleted because variant field
// 'as_pointer' has a non-trivial default constructor
// raw_ptr<const void> as_pointer;
"raw_ptr should be trivially default constructible");
"raw_ptr should be trivially default constructible");
"raw_ptr should be trivially default constructible");
// Don't use base::internal for testing raw_ptr API, to test if code outside
// this namespace calls the correct functions from this namespace.
namespace {
static int g_wrap_raw_ptr_cnt = INT_MIN;
static int g_release_wrapped_ptr_cnt = INT_MIN;
static int g_get_for_dereference_cnt = INT_MIN;
static int g_get_for_extraction_cnt = INT_MIN;
static int g_get_for_comparison_cnt = INT_MIN;
static int g_wrapped_ptr_swap_cnt = INT_MIN;
static int g_pointer_to_member_operator_cnt = INT_MIN;
static void ClearCounters() {
g_wrap_raw_ptr_cnt = 0;
g_release_wrapped_ptr_cnt = 0;
g_get_for_dereference_cnt = 0;
g_get_for_extraction_cnt = 0;
g_get_for_comparison_cnt = 0;
g_wrapped_ptr_swap_cnt = 0;
g_pointer_to_member_operator_cnt = 0;
using CountingSuperClass =
using CountingSuperClass = base::internal::MTECheckedPtrImpl<
using CountingSuperClass = base::internal::RawPtrNoOpImpl;
struct RawPtrCountingImpl : public CountingSuperClass {
using Super = CountingSuperClass;
template <typename T>
static ALWAYS_INLINE T* WrapRawPtr(T* ptr) {
return Super::WrapRawPtr(ptr);
template <typename T>
static ALWAYS_INLINE void ReleaseWrappedPtr(T* ptr) {
template <typename T>
static ALWAYS_INLINE T* SafelyUnwrapPtrForDereference(T* wrapped_ptr) {
return Super::SafelyUnwrapPtrForDereference(wrapped_ptr);
template <typename T>
static ALWAYS_INLINE T* SafelyUnwrapPtrForExtraction(T* wrapped_ptr) {
return Super::SafelyUnwrapPtrForExtraction(wrapped_ptr);
template <typename T>
static ALWAYS_INLINE T* UnsafelyUnwrapPtrForComparison(T* wrapped_ptr) {
return Super::UnsafelyUnwrapPtrForComparison(wrapped_ptr);
static ALWAYS_INLINE void IncrementSwapCountForTest() {
static ALWAYS_INLINE void IncrementPointerToMemberOperatorCountForTest() {
template <typename T>
using CountingRawPtr = raw_ptr<T, RawPtrCountingImpl>;
struct MyStruct {
int x;
struct Base1 {
explicit Base1(int b1) : b1(b1) {}
int b1;
struct Base2 {
explicit Base2(int b2) : b2(b2) {}
int b2;
struct Derived : Base1, Base2 {
Derived(int b1, int b2, int d) : Base1(b1), Base2(b2), d(d) {}
int d;
class RawPtrTest : public Test {
void SetUp() override { ClearCounters(); }
TEST_F(RawPtrTest, NullStarDereference) {
raw_ptr<int> ptr = nullptr;
EXPECT_DEATH_IF_SUPPORTED(if (*ptr == 42) return, "");
TEST_F(RawPtrTest, NullArrowDereference) {
raw_ptr<MyStruct> ptr = nullptr;
EXPECT_DEATH_IF_SUPPORTED(if (ptr->x == 42) return, "");
TEST_F(RawPtrTest, NullExtractNoDereference) {
CountingRawPtr<int> ptr = nullptr;
// No dereference hence shouldn't crash.
int* raw = ptr;
std::ignore = raw;
EXPECT_EQ(g_get_for_comparison_cnt, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(g_get_for_extraction_cnt, 1);
EXPECT_EQ(g_get_for_dereference_cnt, 0);
TEST_F(RawPtrTest, NullCmpExplicit) {
CountingRawPtr<int> ptr = nullptr;
EXPECT_TRUE(ptr == nullptr);
EXPECT_TRUE(nullptr == ptr);
EXPECT_FALSE(ptr != nullptr);
EXPECT_FALSE(nullptr != ptr);
// No need to unwrap pointer, just compare against 0.
EXPECT_EQ(g_get_for_comparison_cnt, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(g_get_for_extraction_cnt, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(g_get_for_dereference_cnt, 0);
TEST_F(RawPtrTest, NullCmpBool) {
CountingRawPtr<int> ptr = nullptr;
// No need to unwrap pointer, just compare against 0.
EXPECT_EQ(g_get_for_comparison_cnt, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(g_get_for_extraction_cnt, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(g_get_for_dereference_cnt, 0);
void FuncThatAcceptsBool(bool b) {}
bool IsValidNoCast(CountingRawPtr<int> ptr) {
return !!ptr; // !! to avoid implicit cast
bool IsValidNoCast2(CountingRawPtr<int> ptr) {
return ptr && true;
TEST_F(RawPtrTest, BoolOpNotCast) {
CountingRawPtr<int> ptr = nullptr;
volatile bool is_valid = !!ptr; // !! to avoid implicit cast
is_valid = ptr || is_valid; // volatile, so won't be optimized
if (ptr)
is_valid = true;
[[maybe_unused]] bool is_not_valid = !ptr;
if (!ptr)
is_not_valid = true;
std::ignore = IsValidNoCast(ptr);
std::ignore = IsValidNoCast2(ptr);
// No need to unwrap pointer, just compare against 0.
EXPECT_EQ(g_get_for_comparison_cnt, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(g_get_for_extraction_cnt, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(g_get_for_dereference_cnt, 0);
bool IsValidWithCast(CountingRawPtr<int> ptr) {
return ptr;
// This test is mostly for documentation purposes. It demonstrates cases where
// |operator T*| is called first and then the pointer is converted to bool,
// as opposed to calling |operator bool| directly. The former may be more
// costly, so the caller has to be careful not to trigger this path.
TEST_F(RawPtrTest, CastNotBoolOp) {
CountingRawPtr<int> ptr = nullptr;
[[maybe_unused]] bool is_valid = ptr;
is_valid = IsValidWithCast(ptr);
EXPECT_EQ(g_get_for_comparison_cnt, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(g_get_for_extraction_cnt, 3);
EXPECT_EQ(g_get_for_dereference_cnt, 0);
TEST_F(RawPtrTest, StarDereference) {
int foo = 42;
CountingRawPtr<int> ptr = &foo;
EXPECT_EQ(*ptr, 42);
EXPECT_EQ(g_get_for_comparison_cnt, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(g_get_for_extraction_cnt, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(g_get_for_dereference_cnt, 1);
TEST_F(RawPtrTest, ArrowDereference) {
MyStruct foo = {42};
CountingRawPtr<MyStruct> ptr = &foo;
EXPECT_EQ(ptr->x, 42);
EXPECT_EQ(g_get_for_comparison_cnt, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(g_get_for_extraction_cnt, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(g_get_for_dereference_cnt, 1);
TEST_F(RawPtrTest, Delete) {
CountingRawPtr<int> ptr = new int(42);
delete ptr;
// The pointer was extracted using implicit cast before passing to |delete|.
EXPECT_EQ(g_get_for_comparison_cnt, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(g_get_for_extraction_cnt, 1);
EXPECT_EQ(g_get_for_dereference_cnt, 0);
TEST_F(RawPtrTest, ClearAndDelete) {
CountingRawPtr<int> ptr(new int);
EXPECT_EQ(g_wrap_raw_ptr_cnt, 1);
EXPECT_EQ(g_release_wrapped_ptr_cnt, 1);
EXPECT_EQ(g_get_for_dereference_cnt, 0);
// When `MTECheckedPtr` is active, we must unwrap to delete.
EXPECT_EQ(g_get_for_extraction_cnt, 1);
EXPECT_EQ(g_get_for_extraction_cnt, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(g_wrapped_ptr_swap_cnt, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(ptr.get(), nullptr);
TEST_F(RawPtrTest, ClearAndDeleteArray) {
CountingRawPtr<int> ptr(new int[8]);
EXPECT_EQ(g_wrap_raw_ptr_cnt, 1);
EXPECT_EQ(g_release_wrapped_ptr_cnt, 1);
EXPECT_EQ(g_get_for_dereference_cnt, 0);
// When `MTECheckedPtr` is active, we must unwrap to delete.
EXPECT_EQ(g_get_for_extraction_cnt, 1);
EXPECT_EQ(g_get_for_extraction_cnt, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(g_wrapped_ptr_swap_cnt, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(ptr.get(), nullptr);
TEST_F(RawPtrTest, ConstVolatileVoidPtr) {
int32_t foo[] = {1234567890};
CountingRawPtr<const volatile void> ptr = foo;
EXPECT_EQ(*static_cast<const volatile int32_t*>(ptr), 1234567890);
// Because we're using a cast, the extraction API kicks in, which doesn't
// know if the extracted pointer will be dereferenced or not.
EXPECT_EQ(g_get_for_comparison_cnt, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(g_get_for_extraction_cnt, 1);
EXPECT_EQ(g_get_for_dereference_cnt, 0);
TEST_F(RawPtrTest, VoidPtr) {
int32_t foo[] = {1234567890};
CountingRawPtr<void> ptr = foo;
EXPECT_EQ(*static_cast<int32_t*>(ptr), 1234567890);
// Because we're using a cast, the extraction API kicks in, which doesn't
// know if the extracted pointer will be dereferenced or not.
EXPECT_EQ(g_get_for_comparison_cnt, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(g_get_for_extraction_cnt, 1);
EXPECT_EQ(g_get_for_dereference_cnt, 0);
TEST_F(RawPtrTest, OperatorEQ) {
int foo;
CountingRawPtr<int> ptr1 = nullptr;
EXPECT_TRUE(ptr1 == ptr1);
CountingRawPtr<int> ptr2 = nullptr;
EXPECT_TRUE(ptr1 == ptr2);
CountingRawPtr<int> ptr3 = &foo;
EXPECT_TRUE(&foo == ptr3);
EXPECT_TRUE(ptr3 == &foo);
EXPECT_FALSE(ptr1 == ptr3);
ptr1 = &foo;
EXPECT_TRUE(ptr1 == ptr3);
EXPECT_TRUE(ptr3 == ptr1);
EXPECT_EQ(g_get_for_comparison_cnt, 12);
EXPECT_EQ(g_get_for_extraction_cnt, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(g_get_for_dereference_cnt, 0);
TEST_F(RawPtrTest, OperatorNE) {
int foo;
CountingRawPtr<int> ptr1 = nullptr;
EXPECT_FALSE(ptr1 != ptr1);
CountingRawPtr<int> ptr2 = nullptr;
EXPECT_FALSE(ptr1 != ptr2);
CountingRawPtr<int> ptr3 = &foo;
EXPECT_FALSE(&foo != ptr3);
EXPECT_FALSE(ptr3 != &foo);
EXPECT_TRUE(ptr1 != ptr3);
ptr1 = &foo;
EXPECT_FALSE(ptr1 != ptr3);
EXPECT_FALSE(ptr3 != ptr1);
EXPECT_EQ(g_get_for_comparison_cnt, 12);
EXPECT_EQ(g_get_for_extraction_cnt, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(g_get_for_dereference_cnt, 0);
TEST_F(RawPtrTest, OperatorEQCast) {
int foo = 42;
const int* raw_int_ptr = &foo;
volatile void* raw_void_ptr = &foo;
CountingRawPtr<volatile int> checked_int_ptr = &foo;
CountingRawPtr<const void> checked_void_ptr = &foo;
EXPECT_TRUE(checked_int_ptr == checked_int_ptr);
EXPECT_TRUE(checked_int_ptr == raw_int_ptr);
EXPECT_TRUE(raw_int_ptr == checked_int_ptr);
EXPECT_TRUE(checked_void_ptr == checked_void_ptr);
EXPECT_TRUE(checked_void_ptr == raw_void_ptr);
EXPECT_TRUE(raw_void_ptr == checked_void_ptr);
EXPECT_TRUE(checked_int_ptr == checked_void_ptr);
EXPECT_TRUE(checked_int_ptr == raw_void_ptr);
EXPECT_TRUE(raw_int_ptr == checked_void_ptr);
EXPECT_TRUE(checked_void_ptr == checked_int_ptr);
EXPECT_TRUE(checked_void_ptr == raw_int_ptr);
EXPECT_TRUE(raw_void_ptr == checked_int_ptr);
// Make sure that all cases are handled by operator== (faster) and none by the
// cast operator (slower).
EXPECT_EQ(g_get_for_comparison_cnt, 16);
EXPECT_EQ(g_get_for_extraction_cnt, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(g_get_for_dereference_cnt, 0);
TEST_F(RawPtrTest, OperatorEQCastHierarchy) {
Derived derived_val(42, 84, 1024);
Derived* raw_derived_ptr = &derived_val;
const Base1* raw_base1_ptr = &derived_val;
volatile Base2* raw_base2_ptr = &derived_val;
// Double check the basic understanding of pointers: Even though the numeric
// value (i.e. the address) isn't equal, the pointers are still equal. That's
// because from derived to base adjusts the address.
// raw_ptr must behave the same, which is checked below.
ASSERT_TRUE(raw_base2_ptr == raw_derived_ptr);
CountingRawPtr<const volatile Derived> checked_derived_ptr = &derived_val;
CountingRawPtr<volatile Base1> checked_base1_ptr = &derived_val;
CountingRawPtr<const Base2> checked_base2_ptr = &derived_val;
EXPECT_TRUE(checked_derived_ptr == checked_derived_ptr);
EXPECT_TRUE(checked_derived_ptr == raw_derived_ptr);
EXPECT_TRUE(raw_derived_ptr == checked_derived_ptr);
EXPECT_TRUE(checked_derived_ptr == checked_base1_ptr);
EXPECT_TRUE(checked_derived_ptr == raw_base1_ptr);
EXPECT_TRUE(raw_derived_ptr == checked_base1_ptr);
EXPECT_TRUE(checked_base1_ptr == checked_derived_ptr);
EXPECT_TRUE(checked_base1_ptr == raw_derived_ptr);
EXPECT_TRUE(raw_base1_ptr == checked_derived_ptr);
// |base2_ptr| points to the second base class of |derived|, so will be
// located at an offset. While the stored raw uinptr_t values shouldn't match,
// ensure that the internal pointer manipulation correctly offsets when
// casting up and down the class hierarchy.
EXPECT_TRUE(checked_derived_ptr == checked_base2_ptr);
EXPECT_TRUE(checked_derived_ptr == raw_base2_ptr);
EXPECT_TRUE(raw_derived_ptr == checked_base2_ptr);
EXPECT_TRUE(checked_base2_ptr == checked_derived_ptr);
EXPECT_TRUE(checked_base2_ptr == raw_derived_ptr);
EXPECT_TRUE(raw_base2_ptr == checked_derived_ptr);
// Make sure that all cases are handled by operator== (faster) and none by the
// cast operator (slower).
// The 4 extractions come from .get() checks, that compare raw addresses.
EXPECT_EQ(g_get_for_comparison_cnt, 20);
EXPECT_EQ(g_get_for_extraction_cnt, 4);
EXPECT_EQ(g_get_for_dereference_cnt, 0);
TEST_F(RawPtrTest, OperatorNECast) {
int foo = 42;
volatile int* raw_int_ptr = &foo;
const void* raw_void_ptr = &foo;
CountingRawPtr<const int> checked_int_ptr = &foo;
CountingRawPtr<volatile void> checked_void_ptr = &foo;
EXPECT_FALSE(checked_int_ptr != checked_int_ptr);
EXPECT_FALSE(checked_int_ptr != raw_int_ptr);
EXPECT_FALSE(raw_int_ptr != checked_int_ptr);
EXPECT_FALSE(checked_void_ptr != checked_void_ptr);
EXPECT_FALSE(checked_void_ptr != raw_void_ptr);
EXPECT_FALSE(raw_void_ptr != checked_void_ptr);
EXPECT_FALSE(checked_int_ptr != checked_void_ptr);
EXPECT_FALSE(checked_int_ptr != raw_void_ptr);
EXPECT_FALSE(raw_int_ptr != checked_void_ptr);
EXPECT_FALSE(checked_void_ptr != checked_int_ptr);
EXPECT_FALSE(checked_void_ptr != raw_int_ptr);
EXPECT_FALSE(raw_void_ptr != checked_int_ptr);
// Make sure that all cases are handled by operator== (faster) and none by the
// cast operator (slower).
EXPECT_EQ(g_get_for_comparison_cnt, 16);
EXPECT_EQ(g_get_for_extraction_cnt, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(g_get_for_dereference_cnt, 0);
TEST_F(RawPtrTest, OperatorNECastHierarchy) {
Derived derived_val(42, 84, 1024);
const Derived* raw_derived_ptr = &derived_val;
volatile Base1* raw_base1_ptr = &derived_val;
const Base2* raw_base2_ptr = &derived_val;
CountingRawPtr<volatile Derived> checked_derived_ptr = &derived_val;
CountingRawPtr<const Base1> checked_base1_ptr = &derived_val;
CountingRawPtr<const volatile Base2> checked_base2_ptr = &derived_val;
EXPECT_FALSE(checked_derived_ptr != checked_derived_ptr);
EXPECT_FALSE(checked_derived_ptr != raw_derived_ptr);
EXPECT_FALSE(raw_derived_ptr != checked_derived_ptr);
EXPECT_FALSE(checked_derived_ptr != checked_base1_ptr);
EXPECT_FALSE(checked_derived_ptr != raw_base1_ptr);
EXPECT_FALSE(raw_derived_ptr != checked_base1_ptr);
EXPECT_FALSE(checked_base1_ptr != checked_derived_ptr);
EXPECT_FALSE(checked_base1_ptr != raw_derived_ptr);
EXPECT_FALSE(raw_base1_ptr != checked_derived_ptr);
// |base2_ptr| points to the second base class of |derived|, so will be
// located at an offset. While the stored raw uinptr_t values shouldn't match,
// ensure that the internal pointer manipulation correctly offsets when
// casting up and down the class hierarchy.
EXPECT_FALSE(checked_derived_ptr != checked_base2_ptr);
EXPECT_FALSE(checked_derived_ptr != raw_base2_ptr);
EXPECT_FALSE(raw_derived_ptr != checked_base2_ptr);
EXPECT_FALSE(checked_base2_ptr != checked_derived_ptr);
EXPECT_FALSE(checked_base2_ptr != raw_derived_ptr);
EXPECT_FALSE(raw_base2_ptr != checked_derived_ptr);
// Make sure that all cases are handled by operator== (faster) and none by the
// cast operator (slower).
// The 4 extractions come from .get() checks, that compare raw addresses.
EXPECT_EQ(g_get_for_comparison_cnt, 20);
EXPECT_EQ(g_get_for_extraction_cnt, 4);
EXPECT_EQ(g_get_for_dereference_cnt, 0);
TEST_F(RawPtrTest, Cast) {
Derived derived_val(42, 84, 1024);
raw_ptr<Derived> checked_derived_ptr = &derived_val;
Base1* raw_base1_ptr = checked_derived_ptr;
EXPECT_EQ(raw_base1_ptr->b1, 42);
Base2* raw_base2_ptr = checked_derived_ptr;
EXPECT_EQ(raw_base2_ptr->b2, 84);
Derived* raw_derived_ptr = static_cast<Derived*>(raw_base1_ptr);
EXPECT_EQ(raw_derived_ptr->b1, 42);
EXPECT_EQ(raw_derived_ptr->b2, 84);
EXPECT_EQ(raw_derived_ptr->d, 1024);
raw_derived_ptr = static_cast<Derived*>(raw_base2_ptr);
EXPECT_EQ(raw_derived_ptr->b1, 42);
EXPECT_EQ(raw_derived_ptr->b2, 84);
EXPECT_EQ(raw_derived_ptr->d, 1024);
raw_ptr<Base1> checked_base1_ptr = raw_derived_ptr;
EXPECT_EQ(checked_base1_ptr->b1, 42);
raw_ptr<Base2> checked_base2_ptr = raw_derived_ptr;
EXPECT_EQ(checked_base2_ptr->b2, 84);
raw_ptr<Derived> checked_derived_ptr2 =
EXPECT_EQ(checked_derived_ptr2->b1, 42);
EXPECT_EQ(checked_derived_ptr2->b2, 84);
EXPECT_EQ(checked_derived_ptr2->d, 1024);
checked_derived_ptr2 = static_cast<Derived*>(checked_base2_ptr);
EXPECT_EQ(checked_derived_ptr2->b1, 42);
EXPECT_EQ(checked_derived_ptr2->b2, 84);
EXPECT_EQ(checked_derived_ptr2->d, 1024);
const Derived* raw_const_derived_ptr = checked_derived_ptr2;
EXPECT_EQ(raw_const_derived_ptr->b1, 42);
EXPECT_EQ(raw_const_derived_ptr->b2, 84);
EXPECT_EQ(raw_const_derived_ptr->d, 1024);
raw_ptr<const Derived> checked_const_derived_ptr = raw_const_derived_ptr;
EXPECT_EQ(checked_const_derived_ptr->b1, 42);
EXPECT_EQ(checked_const_derived_ptr->b2, 84);
EXPECT_EQ(checked_const_derived_ptr->d, 1024);
const Derived* raw_const_derived_ptr2 = checked_const_derived_ptr;
EXPECT_EQ(raw_const_derived_ptr2->b1, 42);
EXPECT_EQ(raw_const_derived_ptr2->b2, 84);
EXPECT_EQ(raw_const_derived_ptr2->d, 1024);
raw_ptr<const Derived> checked_const_derived_ptr2 = raw_derived_ptr;
EXPECT_EQ(checked_const_derived_ptr2->b1, 42);
EXPECT_EQ(checked_const_derived_ptr2->b2, 84);
EXPECT_EQ(checked_const_derived_ptr2->d, 1024);
raw_ptr<const Derived> checked_const_derived_ptr3 = checked_derived_ptr2;
EXPECT_EQ(checked_const_derived_ptr3->b1, 42);
EXPECT_EQ(checked_const_derived_ptr3->b2, 84);
EXPECT_EQ(checked_const_derived_ptr3->d, 1024);
volatile Derived* raw_volatile_derived_ptr = checked_derived_ptr2;
EXPECT_EQ(raw_volatile_derived_ptr->b1, 42);
EXPECT_EQ(raw_volatile_derived_ptr->b2, 84);
EXPECT_EQ(raw_volatile_derived_ptr->d, 1024);
raw_ptr<volatile Derived> checked_volatile_derived_ptr =
EXPECT_EQ(checked_volatile_derived_ptr->b1, 42);
EXPECT_EQ(checked_volatile_derived_ptr->b2, 84);
EXPECT_EQ(checked_volatile_derived_ptr->d, 1024);
void* raw_void_ptr = checked_derived_ptr;
raw_ptr<void> checked_void_ptr = raw_derived_ptr;
raw_ptr<Derived> checked_derived_ptr3 = static_cast<Derived*>(raw_void_ptr);
raw_ptr<Derived> checked_derived_ptr4 =
EXPECT_EQ(checked_derived_ptr3->b1, 42);
EXPECT_EQ(checked_derived_ptr3->b2, 84);
EXPECT_EQ(checked_derived_ptr3->d, 1024);
EXPECT_EQ(checked_derived_ptr4->b1, 42);
EXPECT_EQ(checked_derived_ptr4->b2, 84);
EXPECT_EQ(checked_derived_ptr4->d, 1024);
TEST_F(RawPtrTest, UpcastConvertible) {
Derived derived_val(42, 84, 1024);
raw_ptr<Derived> checked_derived_ptr = &derived_val;
raw_ptr<Base1> checked_base1_ptr(checked_derived_ptr);
EXPECT_EQ(checked_base1_ptr->b1, 42);
raw_ptr<Base2> checked_base2_ptr(checked_derived_ptr);
EXPECT_EQ(checked_base2_ptr->b2, 84);
checked_base1_ptr = checked_derived_ptr;
EXPECT_EQ(checked_base1_ptr->b1, 42);
checked_base2_ptr = checked_derived_ptr;
EXPECT_EQ(checked_base2_ptr->b2, 84);
EXPECT_EQ(checked_base1_ptr, checked_derived_ptr);
EXPECT_EQ(checked_base2_ptr, checked_derived_ptr);
Derived derived_val(42, 84, 1024);
raw_ptr<Derived> checked_derived_ptr1 = &derived_val;
raw_ptr<Derived> checked_derived_ptr2 = &derived_val;
raw_ptr<Derived> checked_derived_ptr3 = &derived_val;
raw_ptr<Derived> checked_derived_ptr4 = &derived_val;
raw_ptr<Base1> checked_base1_ptr(std::move(checked_derived_ptr1));
EXPECT_EQ(checked_base1_ptr->b1, 42);
raw_ptr<Base2> checked_base2_ptr(std::move(checked_derived_ptr2));
EXPECT_EQ(checked_base2_ptr->b2, 84);
checked_base1_ptr = std::move(checked_derived_ptr3);
EXPECT_EQ(checked_base1_ptr->b1, 42);
checked_base2_ptr = std::move(checked_derived_ptr4);
EXPECT_EQ(checked_base2_ptr->b2, 84);
TEST_F(RawPtrTest, UpcastNotConvertible) {
class Base {};
class Derived : private Base {};
class Unrelated {};
EXPECT_FALSE((std::is_convertible<raw_ptr<Derived>, raw_ptr<Base>>::value));
EXPECT_FALSE((std::is_convertible<raw_ptr<Unrelated>, raw_ptr<Base>>::value));
EXPECT_FALSE((std::is_convertible<raw_ptr<Unrelated>, raw_ptr<void>>::value));
EXPECT_FALSE((std::is_convertible<raw_ptr<void>, raw_ptr<Unrelated>>::value));
(std::is_convertible<raw_ptr<int64_t>, raw_ptr<int32_t>>::value));
(std::is_convertible<raw_ptr<int16_t>, raw_ptr<int32_t>>::value));
TEST_F(RawPtrTest, UpcastPerformance) {
Derived derived_val(42, 84, 1024);
CountingRawPtr<Derived> checked_derived_ptr = &derived_val;
CountingRawPtr<Base1> checked_base1_ptr(checked_derived_ptr);
CountingRawPtr<Base2> checked_base2_ptr(checked_derived_ptr);
checked_base1_ptr = checked_derived_ptr;
checked_base2_ptr = checked_derived_ptr;
Derived derived_val(42, 84, 1024);
CountingRawPtr<Derived> checked_derived_ptr = &derived_val;
CountingRawPtr<Base1> checked_base1_ptr(std::move(checked_derived_ptr));
CountingRawPtr<Base2> checked_base2_ptr(std::move(checked_derived_ptr));
checked_base1_ptr = std::move(checked_derived_ptr);
checked_base2_ptr = std::move(checked_derived_ptr);
EXPECT_EQ(g_get_for_comparison_cnt, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(g_get_for_extraction_cnt, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(g_get_for_dereference_cnt, 0);
TEST_F(RawPtrTest, CustomSwap) {
int foo1, foo2;
CountingRawPtr<int> ptr1(&foo1);
CountingRawPtr<int> ptr2(&foo2);
// Recommended use pattern.
using std::swap;
swap(ptr1, ptr2);
EXPECT_EQ(ptr1.get(), &foo2);
EXPECT_EQ(ptr2.get(), &foo1);
EXPECT_EQ(g_wrapped_ptr_swap_cnt, 1);
TEST_F(RawPtrTest, StdSwap) {
int foo1, foo2;
CountingRawPtr<int> ptr1(&foo1);
CountingRawPtr<int> ptr2(&foo2);
std::swap(ptr1, ptr2);
EXPECT_EQ(ptr1.get(), &foo2);
EXPECT_EQ(ptr2.get(), &foo1);
EXPECT_EQ(g_wrapped_ptr_swap_cnt, 0);
TEST_F(RawPtrTest, PostIncrementOperator) {
int foo[] = {42, 43, 44, 45};
CountingRawPtr<int> ptr = foo;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
ASSERT_EQ(*ptr++, 42 + i);
EXPECT_EQ(g_get_for_comparison_cnt, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(g_get_for_extraction_cnt, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(g_get_for_dereference_cnt, 4);
TEST_F(RawPtrTest, PostDecrementOperator) {
int foo[] = {42, 43, 44, 45};
CountingRawPtr<int> ptr = &foo[3];
for (int i = 3; i >= 0; --i) {
ASSERT_EQ(*ptr--, 42 + i);
EXPECT_EQ(g_get_for_comparison_cnt, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(g_get_for_extraction_cnt, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(g_get_for_dereference_cnt, 4);
TEST_F(RawPtrTest, PreIncrementOperator) {
int foo[] = {42, 43, 44, 45};
CountingRawPtr<int> ptr = foo;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i, ++ptr) {
ASSERT_EQ(*ptr, 42 + i);
EXPECT_EQ(g_get_for_comparison_cnt, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(g_get_for_extraction_cnt, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(g_get_for_dereference_cnt, 4);
TEST_F(RawPtrTest, PreDecrementOperator) {
int foo[] = {42, 43, 44, 45};
CountingRawPtr<int> ptr = &foo[3];
for (int i = 3; i >= 0; --i, --ptr) {
ASSERT_EQ(*ptr, 42 + i);
EXPECT_EQ(g_get_for_comparison_cnt, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(g_get_for_extraction_cnt, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(g_get_for_dereference_cnt, 4);
TEST_F(RawPtrTest, PlusEqualOperator) {
int foo[] = {42, 43, 44, 45};
CountingRawPtr<int> ptr = foo;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i += 2, ptr += 2) {
ASSERT_EQ(*ptr, 42 + i);
EXPECT_EQ(g_get_for_comparison_cnt, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(g_get_for_extraction_cnt, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(g_get_for_dereference_cnt, 2);
TEST_F(RawPtrTest, MinusEqualOperator) {
int foo[] = {42, 43, 44, 45};
CountingRawPtr<int> ptr = &foo[3];
for (int i = 3; i >= 0; i -= 2, ptr -= 2) {
ASSERT_EQ(*ptr, 42 + i);
EXPECT_EQ(g_get_for_comparison_cnt, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(g_get_for_extraction_cnt, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(g_get_for_dereference_cnt, 2);
TEST_F(RawPtrTest, AdvanceString) {
const char kChars[] = "Hello";
std::string str = kChars;
CountingRawPtr<const char> ptr = str.c_str();
for (size_t i = 0; i < str.size(); ++i, ++ptr) {
ASSERT_EQ(*ptr, kChars[i]);
EXPECT_EQ(g_get_for_comparison_cnt, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(g_get_for_extraction_cnt, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(g_get_for_dereference_cnt, 5);
TEST_F(RawPtrTest, AssignmentFromNullptr) {
CountingRawPtr<int> wrapped_ptr;
wrapped_ptr = nullptr;
EXPECT_EQ(g_wrap_raw_ptr_cnt, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(g_get_for_comparison_cnt, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(g_get_for_extraction_cnt, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(g_get_for_dereference_cnt, 0);
void FunctionWithRawPtrParameter(raw_ptr<int> actual_ptr, int* expected_ptr) {
EXPECT_EQ(actual_ptr.get(), expected_ptr);
EXPECT_EQ(*actual_ptr, *expected_ptr);
// This test checks that raw_ptr<T> can be passed by value into function
// parameters. This is mostly a smoke test for TRIVIAL_ABI attribute.
TEST_F(RawPtrTest, FunctionParameters_ImplicitlyMovedTemporary) {
int x = 123;
raw_ptr<int>(&x), // Temporary that will be moved into the function.
// This test checks that raw_ptr<T> can be passed by value into function
// parameters. This is mostly a smoke test for TRIVIAL_ABI attribute.
TEST_F(RawPtrTest, FunctionParameters_ExplicitlyMovedLValue) {
int x = 123;
raw_ptr<int> ptr(&x);
FunctionWithRawPtrParameter(std::move(ptr), &x);
// This test checks that raw_ptr<T> can be passed by value into function
// parameters. This is mostly a smoke test for TRIVIAL_ABI attribute.
TEST_F(RawPtrTest, FunctionParameters_Copy) {
int x = 123;
raw_ptr<int> ptr(&x);
FunctionWithRawPtrParameter(ptr, // `ptr` will be copied into the function.
TEST_F(RawPtrTest, SetLookupUsesGetForComparison) {
std::set<CountingRawPtr<int>> set;
int x = 123;
CountingRawPtr<int> ptr(&x);
EXPECT_EQ(1, g_wrap_raw_ptr_cnt);
EXPECT_EQ(0, g_get_for_comparison_cnt);
EXPECT_EQ(0, g_get_for_extraction_cnt);
EXPECT_EQ(0, g_get_for_dereference_cnt);
EXPECT_EQ(0, g_wrap_raw_ptr_cnt);
EXPECT_NE(0, g_get_for_comparison_cnt);
EXPECT_EQ(0, g_get_for_extraction_cnt);
EXPECT_EQ(0, g_get_for_dereference_cnt);
EXPECT_EQ(0, g_wrap_raw_ptr_cnt);
EXPECT_NE(0, g_get_for_comparison_cnt);
EXPECT_EQ(0, g_get_for_extraction_cnt);
EXPECT_EQ(0, g_get_for_dereference_cnt);
TEST_F(RawPtrTest, ComparisonOperatorUsesGetForComparison) {
int x = 123;
CountingRawPtr<int> ptr(&x);
EXPECT_FALSE(ptr < ptr);
EXPECT_FALSE(ptr > ptr);
EXPECT_TRUE(ptr <= ptr);
EXPECT_TRUE(ptr >= ptr);
EXPECT_EQ(0, g_wrap_raw_ptr_cnt);
EXPECT_EQ(8, g_get_for_comparison_cnt);
EXPECT_EQ(0, g_get_for_extraction_cnt);
EXPECT_EQ(0, g_get_for_dereference_cnt);
EXPECT_FALSE(ptr < &x);
EXPECT_FALSE(ptr > &x);
EXPECT_TRUE(ptr <= &x);
EXPECT_TRUE(ptr >= &x);
EXPECT_EQ(0, g_wrap_raw_ptr_cnt);
EXPECT_EQ(4, g_get_for_comparison_cnt);
EXPECT_EQ(0, g_get_for_extraction_cnt);
EXPECT_EQ(0, g_get_for_dereference_cnt);
EXPECT_FALSE(&x < ptr);
EXPECT_FALSE(&x > ptr);
EXPECT_TRUE(&x <= ptr);
EXPECT_TRUE(&x >= ptr);
EXPECT_EQ(0, g_wrap_raw_ptr_cnt);
EXPECT_EQ(4, g_get_for_comparison_cnt);
EXPECT_EQ(0, g_get_for_extraction_cnt);
EXPECT_EQ(0, g_get_for_dereference_cnt);
// This test checks how the std library handles collections like
// std::vector<raw_ptr<T>>.
// When this test is written, reallocating std::vector's storage (e.g.
// when growing the vector) requires calling raw_ptr's destructor on the
// old storage (after std::move-ing the data to the new storage). In
// the future we hope that TRIVIAL_ABI (or [trivially_relocatable]]
// proposed by P1144 [1]) will allow memcpy-ing the elements into the
// new storage (without invoking destructors and move constructors
// and/or move assignment operators). At that point, the assert in the
// test should be modified to capture the new, better behavior.
// In the meantime, this test serves as a basic correctness test that
// ensures that raw_ptr<T> stored in a std::vector passes basic smoke
// tests.
// [1]
TEST_F(RawPtrTest, TrivialRelocability) {
std::vector<CountingRawPtr<int>> vector;
int x = 123;
// See how many times raw_ptr's destructor is called when std::vector
// needs to increase its capacity and reallocate the internal vector
// storage (moving the raw_ptr elements).
size_t number_of_capacity_changes = 0;
do {
size_t previous_capacity = vector.capacity();
while (vector.capacity() == previous_capacity)
} while (number_of_capacity_changes < 10);
// TODO(lukasza): In the future (once C++ language and std library
// support custom trivially relocatable objects) this #if branch can
// be removed (keeping only the right long-term expectation from the
// #else branch).
EXPECT_NE(0, g_release_wrapped_ptr_cnt);
// This is the right long-term expectation.
// (This EXPECT_EQ assertion is slightly misleading in
// !USE_BACKUP_REF_PTR mode, because RawPtrNoOpImpl has a default
// destructor that doesn't go through
// RawPtrCountingImpl::ReleaseWrappedPtr. Nevertheless, the spirit of
// the EXPECT_EQ is correct + the assertion should be true in the
// long-term.)
EXPECT_EQ(0, g_release_wrapped_ptr_cnt);
// Basic smoke test that raw_ptr elements in a vector work okay.
for (const auto& elem : vector) {
EXPECT_EQ(elem.get(), &x);
EXPECT_EQ(*elem, x);
// Verification that g_release_wrapped_ptr_cnt does capture how many
// times the destructors are called (e.g. that it is not always
// zero).
size_t number_of_cleared_elements = vector.size();
EXPECT_EQ((int)number_of_cleared_elements, g_release_wrapped_ptr_cnt);
// TODO(lukasza): !USE_BACKUP_REF_PTR / RawPtrNoOpImpl has a default
// destructor that doesn't go through
// RawPtrCountingImpl::ReleaseWrappedPtr. So we can't really depend
// on `g_release_wrapped_ptr_cnt`. This #else branch should be
// deleted once USE_BACKUP_REF_PTR is removed (e.g. once BackupRefPtr
// ships to the Stable channel).
EXPECT_EQ(0, g_release_wrapped_ptr_cnt);
std::ignore = number_of_cleared_elements;
struct BaseStruct {
explicit BaseStruct(int a) : a(a) {}
virtual ~BaseStruct() = default;
int a;
struct DerivedType1 : public BaseStruct {
explicit DerivedType1(int a, int b) : BaseStruct(a), b(b) {}
int b;
struct DerivedType2 : public BaseStruct {
explicit DerivedType2(int a, int c) : BaseStruct(a), c(c) {}
int c;
TEST_F(RawPtrTest, DerivedStructsComparison) {
DerivedType1 derived_1(42, 84);
raw_ptr<DerivedType1> checked_derived1_ptr = &derived_1;
DerivedType2 derived_2(21, 10);
raw_ptr<DerivedType2> checked_derived2_ptr = &derived_2;
// Make sure that comparing a |DerivedType2*| to a |DerivedType1*| casted
// as a |BaseStruct*| doesn't cause CFI errors.
TEST_F(RawPtrTest, TracedValueSupport) {
// Serialise nullptr.
EXPECT_EQ(perfetto::TracedValueToString(raw_ptr<int>()), "0x0");
// If the pointer is non-null, its dereferenced value will be serialised.
int value = 42;
EXPECT_EQ(perfetto::TracedValueToString(raw_ptr<int>(&value)), "42");
struct WithTraceSupport {
void WriteIntoTrace(perfetto::TracedValue ctx) const {
WithTraceSupport value;
class PmfTestBase {
int MemFunc(char, double) const { return 11; }
class PmfTestDerived : public PmfTestBase {
using PmfTestBase::MemFunc;
int MemFunc(float, double) { return 22; }
} // namespace
namespace base {
namespace internal {
void HandleOOM(size_t unused_size) {
LOG(FATAL) << "Out of memory";
static constexpr PartitionOptions kOpts = {
TEST(BackupRefPtrImpl, Basic) {
// TODO(bartekn): Avoid using PartitionAlloc API directly. Switch to
// new/delete once PartitionAlloc Everywhere is fully enabled.
PartitionAllocator allocator;
uint64_t* raw_ptr1 = reinterpret_cast<uint64_t*>(
allocator.root()->Alloc(sizeof(uint64_t), ""));
// Use the actual raw_ptr implementation, not a test substitute, to
// exercise real PartitionAlloc paths.
raw_ptr<uint64_t> wrapped_ptr1 = raw_ptr1;
*raw_ptr1 = 42;
EXPECT_EQ(*raw_ptr1, *wrapped_ptr1);
// In debug builds, the use-after-free should be caught immediately.
EXPECT_DEATH_IF_SUPPORTED(if (*wrapped_ptr1 == 42) return, "");
// The allocation should be poisoned since there's a raw_ptr alive.
EXPECT_NE(*wrapped_ptr1, 42ul);
// The allocator should not be able to reuse the slot at this point.
void* raw_ptr2 = allocator.root()->Alloc(sizeof(uint64_t), "");
EXPECT_NE(raw_ptr1, raw_ptr2);
// When the last reference is released, the slot should become reusable.
wrapped_ptr1 = nullptr;
void* raw_ptr3 = allocator.root()->Alloc(sizeof(uint64_t), "");
EXPECT_EQ(raw_ptr1, raw_ptr3);
TEST(BackupRefPtrImpl, ZeroSized) {
// TODO(bartekn): Avoid using PartitionAlloc API directly. Switch to
// new/delete once PartitionAlloc Everywhere is fully enabled.
PartitionAllocator allocator;
std::vector<raw_ptr<void>> ptrs;
// Use a reasonable number of elements to fill up the slot span.
for (int i = 0; i < 128 * 1024; ++i) {
// Constructing a raw_ptr instance from a zero-sized allocation should
// not result in a crash.
ptrs.emplace_back(allocator.root()->Alloc(0, ""));
TEST(BackupRefPtrImpl, EndPointer) {
// This test requires a fresh partition with an empty free list.
PartitionAllocator allocator;
// Check multiple size buckets and levels of slot filling.
for (int size = 0; size < 1024; size += sizeof(void*)) {
// Creating a raw_ptr from an address right past the end of an allocation
// should not result in a crash or corrupt the free list.
char* raw_ptr1 = reinterpret_cast<char*>(allocator.root()->Alloc(size, ""));
raw_ptr<char> wrapped_ptr = raw_ptr1 + size;
wrapped_ptr = nullptr;
// We need to make two more allocations to turn the possible free list
// corruption into an observable crash.
char* raw_ptr2 = reinterpret_cast<char*>(allocator.root()->Alloc(size, ""));
char* raw_ptr3 = reinterpret_cast<char*>(allocator.root()->Alloc(size, ""));
// Similarly for operator+=.
char* raw_ptr4 = reinterpret_cast<char*>(allocator.root()->Alloc(size, ""));
wrapped_ptr = raw_ptr4;
wrapped_ptr += size;
wrapped_ptr = nullptr;
char* raw_ptr5 = reinterpret_cast<char*>(allocator.root()->Alloc(size, ""));
char* raw_ptr6 = reinterpret_cast<char*>(allocator.root()->Alloc(size, ""));
TEST(BackupRefPtrImpl, QuarantinedBytes) {
PartitionAllocator allocator;
uint64_t* raw_ptr1 = reinterpret_cast<uint64_t*>(
allocator.root()->Alloc(sizeof(uint64_t), ""));
raw_ptr<uint64_t> wrapped_ptr1 = raw_ptr1;
// Memory should get quarantined.
// Non quarantined free should not effect total_size_of_brp_quarantined_bytes
void* raw_ptr2 = allocator.root()->Alloc(sizeof(uint64_t), "");
// Freeing quarantined memory should bring the size back down to zero.
wrapped_ptr1 = nullptr;
TEST(BackupRefPtrImpl, ReinterpretCast) {
// TODO(bartekn): Avoid using PartitionAlloc API directly. Switch to
// new/delete once PartitionAlloc Everywhere is fully enabled.
PartitionAllocator allocator;
void* ptr = allocator.root()->Alloc(16, "");
raw_ptr<void>* wrapped_ptr = reinterpret_cast<raw_ptr<void>*>(&ptr);
// The reference count cookie check should detect that the allocation has
// been already freed.
EXPECT_DEATH_IF_SUPPORTED(*wrapped_ptr = nullptr, "");
namespace {
// Install dangling raw_ptr handlers and restore them when going out of scope.
class ScopedInstallDanglingRawPtrChecks {
ScopedInstallDanglingRawPtrChecks() {
old_detected_fn_ = partition_alloc::GetDanglingRawPtrDetectedFn();
old_dereferenced_fn_ = partition_alloc::GetDanglingRawPtrReleasedFn();
~ScopedInstallDanglingRawPtrChecks() {
partition_alloc::DanglingRawPtrDetectedFn* old_detected_fn_;
partition_alloc::DanglingRawPtrReleasedFn* old_dereferenced_fn_;
} // namespace
TEST(BackupRefPtrImpl, RawPtrMayDangle) {
// TODO(bartekn): Avoid using PartitionAlloc API directly. Switch to
// new/delete once PartitionAlloc Everywhere is fully enabled.
PartitionAllocator allocator;
ScopedInstallDanglingRawPtrChecks enable_dangling_raw_ptr_checks;
void* ptr = allocator.root()->Alloc(16, "");
raw_ptr<void, DisableDanglingPtrDetection> dangling_ptr = ptr;
allocator.root()->Free(ptr); // No dangling raw_ptr reported.
dangling_ptr = nullptr; // No dangling raw_ptr reported.
TEST(BackupRefPtrImpl, RawPtrNotDangling) {
// TODO(bartekn): Avoid using PartitionAlloc API directly. Switch to
// new/delete once PartitionAlloc Everywhere is fully enabled.
PartitionAllocator allocator;
ScopedInstallDanglingRawPtrChecks enable_dangling_raw_ptr_checks;
void* ptr = allocator.root()->Alloc(16, "");
raw_ptr<void> dangling_ptr = ptr;
allocator.root()->Free(ptr); // Dangling raw_ptr detected.
dangling_ptr = nullptr; // Dangling raw_ptr released.
AllOf(HasSubstr("Detected dangling raw_ptr"),
HasSubstr("The memory was freed at:"),
HasSubstr("The dangling raw_ptr was released at:")));
// Check the comparator operators work, even across raw_ptr with different
// dangling policies.
TEST(BackupRefPtrImpl, DanglingPtrComparison) {
// TODO(bartekn): Avoid using PartitionAlloc API directly. Switch to
// new/delete once PartitionAlloc Everywhere is fully enabled.
PartitionAllocator allocator;
ScopedInstallDanglingRawPtrChecks enable_dangling_raw_ptr_checks;
void* ptr_1 = allocator.root()->Alloc(16, "");
void* ptr_2 = allocator.root()->Alloc(16, "");
if (ptr_1 > ptr_2)
std::swap(ptr_1, ptr_2);
raw_ptr<void, DisableDanglingPtrDetection> dangling_ptr_1 = ptr_1;
raw_ptr<void, DisableDanglingPtrDetection> dangling_ptr_2 = ptr_2;
raw_ptr<void> not_dangling_ptr_1 = ptr_1;
raw_ptr<void> not_dangling_ptr_2 = ptr_2;
EXPECT_EQ(dangling_ptr_1, not_dangling_ptr_1);
EXPECT_EQ(dangling_ptr_2, not_dangling_ptr_2);
EXPECT_NE(dangling_ptr_1, not_dangling_ptr_2);
EXPECT_NE(dangling_ptr_2, not_dangling_ptr_1);
EXPECT_LT(dangling_ptr_1, not_dangling_ptr_2);
EXPECT_GT(dangling_ptr_2, not_dangling_ptr_1);
EXPECT_LT(not_dangling_ptr_1, dangling_ptr_2);
EXPECT_GT(not_dangling_ptr_2, dangling_ptr_1);
not_dangling_ptr_1 = nullptr;
not_dangling_ptr_2 = nullptr;
// Check the assignment operator works, even across raw_ptr with different
// dangling policies.
TEST(BackupRefPtrImpl, DanglingPtrAssignment) {
// TODO(bartekn): Avoid using PartitionAlloc API directly. Switch to
// new/delete once PartitionAlloc Everywhere is fully enabled.
PartitionAllocator allocator;
ScopedInstallDanglingRawPtrChecks enable_dangling_raw_ptr_checks;
void* ptr = allocator.root()->Alloc(16, "");
raw_ptr<void, DisableDanglingPtrDetection> dangling_ptr_1;
raw_ptr<void, DisableDanglingPtrDetection> dangling_ptr_2;
raw_ptr<void> not_dangling_ptr;
dangling_ptr_1 = ptr;
not_dangling_ptr = dangling_ptr_1;
dangling_ptr_1 = nullptr;
dangling_ptr_2 = not_dangling_ptr;
not_dangling_ptr = nullptr;
dangling_ptr_1 = dangling_ptr_2;
dangling_ptr_2 = nullptr;
not_dangling_ptr = dangling_ptr_1;
dangling_ptr_1 = nullptr;
// Check the copy constructor works, even across raw_ptr with different dangling
// policies.
TEST(BackupRefPtrImpl, DanglingPtrCopyContructor) {
// TODO(bartekn): Avoid using PartitionAlloc API directly. Switch to
// new/delete once PartitionAlloc Everywhere is fully enabled.
PartitionAllocator allocator;
ScopedInstallDanglingRawPtrChecks enable_dangling_raw_ptr_checks;
void* ptr = allocator.root()->Alloc(16, "");
raw_ptr<void, DisableDanglingPtrDetection> dangling_ptr_1(ptr);
raw_ptr<void> not_dangling_ptr_1(ptr);
raw_ptr<void, DisableDanglingPtrDetection> dangling_ptr_2(not_dangling_ptr_1);
raw_ptr<void> not_dangling_ptr_2(dangling_ptr_1);
not_dangling_ptr_1 = nullptr;
not_dangling_ptr_2 = nullptr;
struct AsanStruct {
int x;
void func() { ++x; }
TEST(AsanBackupRefPtrImpl, Dereference) {
raw_ptr<AsanStruct> protected_ptr = new AsanStruct;
// The four statements below should succeed.
(*protected_ptr).x = 1;
delete protected_ptr.get();
EXPECT_DEATH_IF_SUPPORTED((*protected_ptr).x = 1,
"BackupRefPtr: Dereferencing a raw_ptr");
"BackupRefPtr: Dereferencing a raw_ptr");
"BackupRefPtr: Dereferencing a raw_ptr");
"BackupRefPtr: Dereferencing a raw_ptr");
TEST(AsanBackupRefPtrImpl, Extraction) {
raw_ptr<AsanStruct> protected_ptr = new AsanStruct;
AsanStruct* ptr1 = protected_ptr; // Shouldn't crash.
ptr1->x = 0;
delete protected_ptr.get();
AsanStruct* ptr2 = protected_ptr;
ptr2->x = 1;
"BackupRefPtr: Extracting from a raw_ptr");
TEST(AsanBackupRefPtrImpl, Instantiation) {
AsanStruct* ptr = new AsanStruct;
raw_ptr<AsanStruct> protected_ptr1 = ptr; // Shouldn't crash.
protected_ptr1 = nullptr;
delete ptr;
raw_ptr<AsanStruct> protected_ptr2 = ptr;
"BackupRefPtr: Constructing a raw_ptr");
static constexpr size_t kTagOffsetForTest = 2;
struct MTECheckedPtrImplPartitionAllocSupportForTest {
static bool EnabledForPtr(void* ptr) { return !!ptr; }
static ALWAYS_INLINE void* TagPointer(uintptr_t ptr) {
return reinterpret_cast<void*>(ptr - kTagOffsetForTest);
using MTECheckedPtrImplForTest =
TEST(MTECheckedPtrImpl, WrapAndSafelyUnwrap) {
// Create a fake allocation, with first 2B for tag.
// It is ok to use a fake allocation, instead of PartitionAlloc, because
// MTECheckedPtrImplForTest fakes the functionality is enabled for this
// pointer and points to the tag appropriately.
unsigned char bytes[] = {0xBA, 0x42, 0x78, 0x89};
void* ptr = bytes + kTagOffsetForTest;
ASSERT_EQ(0x78, *static_cast<char*>(ptr));
uintptr_t addr = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(ptr);
uintptr_t mask = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF;
if (sizeof(partition_alloc::PartitionTag) < 2)
uintptr_t wrapped =
// The bytes before the allocation will be used as tag (in reverse
// order due to little-endianness).
ASSERT_EQ(wrapped, (addr | 0x42BA000000000000) & mask);
// Modify the tag in the fake allocation.
bytes[0] |= 0x40;
wrapped =
ASSERT_EQ(wrapped, (addr | 0x42FA000000000000) & mask);
TEST(MTECheckedPtrImpl, SafelyUnwrapDisabled) {
// Create a fake allocation, with first 2B for tag.
// It is ok to use a fake allocation, instead of PartitionAlloc, because
// MTECheckedPtrImplForTest fakes the functionality is enabled for this
// pointer and points to the tag appropriately.
unsigned char bytes[] = {0xBA, 0x42, 0x78, 0x89};
unsigned char* ptr = bytes + kTagOffsetForTest;
ASSERT_EQ(0x78, *ptr);
ASSERT_EQ(MTECheckedPtrImplForTest::SafelyUnwrapPtrForDereference(ptr), ptr);
TEST(MTECheckedPtrImpl, CrashOnTagMismatch) {
// Create a fake allocation, using the first two bytes for the tag.
// It is ok to use a fake allocation, instead of PartitionAlloc, because
// MTECheckedPtrImplForTest fakes the functionality is enabled for this
// pointer and points to the tag appropriately.
unsigned char bytes[] = {0xBA, 0x42, 0x78, 0x89};
unsigned char* ptr =
MTECheckedPtrImplForTest::WrapRawPtr(bytes + kTagOffsetForTest);
// Clobber the tag associated with the fake allocation.
bytes[0] = 0;
if (*MTECheckedPtrImplForTest::SafelyUnwrapPtrForDereference(ptr) ==
0x78) return,
// This test works only when PartitionAlloc is used, when tags are enabled.
// Don't enable it when MEMORY_TOOL_REPLACES_ALLOCATOR is defined, because it
// makes PartitionAlloc take a different path that doesn't provide tags, thus no
// crash on UaF, thus missing the EXPECT_DEATH_IF_SUPPORTED expectation.
TEST(MTECheckedPtrImpl, CrashOnUseAfterFree) {
int* unwrapped_ptr = new int;
// Use the actual CheckedPtr implementation, not a test substitute, to
// exercise real PartitionAlloc paths.
raw_ptr<int> ptr = unwrapped_ptr;
*ptr = 42;
EXPECT_EQ(*ptr, 42);
delete unwrapped_ptr;
EXPECT_DEATH_IF_SUPPORTED(if (*ptr == 42) return, "");
TEST(MTECheckedPtrImpl, CrashOnUseAfterFree_WithOffset) {
const uint8_t kSize = 100;
uint8_t* unwrapped_ptr = new uint8_t[kSize];
// Use the actual CheckedPtr implementation, not a test substitute, to
// exercise real PartitionAlloc paths.
raw_ptr<uint8_t> ptrs[kSize];
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < kSize; ++i) {
ptrs[i] = static_cast<uint8_t*>(unwrapped_ptr) + i;
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < kSize; ++i) {
*ptrs[i] = 42 + i;
EXPECT_TRUE(*ptrs[i] == 42 + i);
delete[] unwrapped_ptr;
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < kSize; i += 15) {
EXPECT_DEATH_IF_SUPPORTED(if (*ptrs[i] == 42 + i) return, "");
TEST(MTECheckedPtrImpl, AdvancedPointerShiftedAppropriately) {
uint64_t* unwrapped_ptr = new uint64_t[6];
CountingRawPtr<uint64_t> ptr = unwrapped_ptr;
// This is unwrapped, but still useful for ensuring that the
// shift is sized in `uint64_t`s.
auto original_addr = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(ptr.get());
EXPECT_EQ(g_get_for_extraction_cnt, 1);
EXPECT_EQ(g_get_for_dereference_cnt, 0);
ptr += 5;
EXPECT_EQ(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(ptr.get()) - original_addr,
5 * sizeof(uint64_t));
EXPECT_EQ(g_get_for_extraction_cnt, 2);
EXPECT_EQ(g_get_for_dereference_cnt, 0);
delete[] unwrapped_ptr;
// We assert that no visible extraction actually took place.
EXPECT_EQ(g_get_for_extraction_cnt, 2);
EXPECT_EQ(g_get_for_dereference_cnt, 0);
} // namespace internal
} // namespace base