blob: 61f4ab182326ad5dc23ba7d828e6264d354b1b4f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
namespace base {
// Sets a field of an object to a specified value, then returns it to its
// original value when the WeakAutoReset instance goes out of scope. Because a
// weak pointer is used, if the target object is destroyed, no attempt is made
// to restore the original value and no UAF occurs.
// Note that as of C++17 we can use CTAD to infer template parameters from
// constructor args; it is valid to write:
// WeakAutoReset war(myobj->GetWeakPtr(), &MyClass::member_, new_value);
// without specifying explicit types in the classname.
template <class T, class U>
class WeakAutoReset {
// Create an empty object that does nothing, you may move a value into this
// object via assignment.
WeakAutoReset() = default;
// Sets member `field` of object pointed to by `ptr` to `new_value`. `ptr`
// must be valid at time of construction. If `ptr` is still valid when this
// object goes out of scope, the member will be returned to its original
// value.
WeakAutoReset(base::WeakPtr<T> ptr, U T::*field, U new_value)
: ptr_(ptr),
old_value_(std::exchange(ptr.get()->*field, std::move(new_value))) {}
// Move constructor.
WeakAutoReset(WeakAutoReset&& other)
: ptr_(std::move(other.ptr_)),
field_(std::exchange(other.field_, nullptr)),
old_value_(std::move(other.old_value_)) {}
// Move assignment operator.
WeakAutoReset& operator=(WeakAutoReset&& other) {
if (this != &other) {
// If we're already tracking a value, make sure to restore it before
// overwriting our target.
ptr_ = std::move(other.ptr_);
field_ = std::exchange(other.field_, nullptr);
old_value_ = std::move(other.old_value_);
return *this;
~WeakAutoReset() { Reset(); }
void Reset() {
if (ptr_)
ptr_.get()->*field_ = std::move(old_value_);
base::WeakPtr<T> ptr_;
U T::*field_ = nullptr;
U old_value_ = U();
} // namespace base