blob: 12489dc22b1135fb1c75d24b4d661958d9a2838e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/threading/thread_checker.h"
#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/data_reduction_proxy_metrics.h"
#include "components/data_use_measurement/core/data_use_user_data.h"
#include "net/base/completion_callback.h"
#include "net/base/layered_network_delegate.h"
#include "net/proxy_resolution/proxy_retry_info.h"
class GURL;
namespace net {
class HttpRequestHeaders;
class NetworkDelegate;
class ProxyConfig;
class ProxyInfo;
class URLRequest;
namespace data_reduction_proxy {
class DataReductionProxyBypassStats;
class DataReductionProxyConfig;
class DataReductionProxyConfigurator;
class DataReductionProxyIOData;
class DataReductionProxyRequestOptions;
// Values of the UMA DataReductionProxy.LoFi.TransformationType histogram.
// This enum must remain synchronized with
// DataReductionProxyLoFiTransformationType in
// metrics/histograms/histograms.xml.
enum LitePageTransformationType {
// DataReductionProxyNetworkDelegate is a LayeredNetworkDelegate that wraps a
// NetworkDelegate and adds Data Reduction Proxy specific logic.
class DataReductionProxyNetworkDelegate : public net::LayeredNetworkDelegate {
// Provides an additional proxy configuration that can be consulted after
// proxy resolution. Used to get the Data Reduction Proxy config and give it
// to the OnResolveProxyHandler and RecordBypassedBytesHistograms.
typedef base::Callback<const net::ProxyConfig&()> ProxyConfigGetter;
// Constructs a DataReductionProxyNetworkDelegate object with the given
// |network_delegate|, |config|, |handler|, |configurator|, and
// |experiments_stats|. Takes ownership of
// and wraps the |network_delegate|, calling an internal implementation for
// each delegate method. For example, the implementation of
// OnHeadersReceived() calls OnHeadersReceivedInternal().
std::unique_ptr<net::NetworkDelegate> network_delegate,
DataReductionProxyConfig* config,
DataReductionProxyRequestOptions* handler,
const DataReductionProxyConfigurator* configurator);
~DataReductionProxyNetworkDelegate() override;
// Initializes member variables to record data reduction proxy prefs and
// report UMA.
void InitIODataAndUMA(
DataReductionProxyIOData* io_data,
DataReductionProxyBypassStats* bypass_stats);
friend class DataReductionProxyTestContext;
// Called before an HTTP transaction is started. Allows the delegate to
// modify the Chrome-Proxy-Accept-Transform header to convey acceptable
// content transformations.
void OnBeforeStartTransactionInternal(
net::URLRequest* request,
net::HttpRequestHeaders* headers) override;
// Called after connection. Allows the delegate to read/write
// |headers| before they get sent out. |headers| is valid only until
// OnCompleted or OnURLRequestDestroyed is called for this request.
void OnBeforeSendHeadersInternal(
net::URLRequest* request,
const net::ProxyInfo& proxy_info,
const net::ProxyRetryInfoMap& proxy_retry_info,
net::HttpRequestHeaders* headers) override;
// Called after a redirect response. Clears out persistent
// DataReductionProxyData from the URLRequest.
void OnBeforeRedirectInternal(net::URLRequest* request,
const GURL& new_location) override;
// Indicates that the URL request has been completed or failed.
// |started| indicates whether the request has been started. If false,
// some information like the socket address is not available.
void OnCompletedInternal(net::URLRequest* request,
bool started,
int net_error) override;
// Checks if a LoFi or Lite Pages response was received and sets the state on
// DataReductionProxyData for |request|.
void OnHeadersReceivedInternal(
net::URLRequest* request,
const net::HttpResponseHeaders* original_response_headers,
scoped_refptr<net::HttpResponseHeaders>* override_response_headers,
GURL* allowed_unsafe_redirect_url) override;
// Calculates actual data usage that went over the network at the HTTP layer
// (e.g. not including network layer overhead) and estimates original data
// usage for |request|.
void CalculateAndRecordDataUsage(const net::URLRequest& request,
DataReductionProxyRequestType request_type);
// Posts to the UI thread to UpdateContentLengthPrefs in the data reduction
// proxy metrics and updates |received_content_length_| and
// |original_content_length_|.
void AccumulateDataUsage(
int64_t data_used,
int64_t original_size,
DataReductionProxyRequestType request_type,
const std::string& mime_type,
bool is_user_traffic,
data_use_measurement::DataUseUserData::DataUseContentType content_type,
int32_t service_hash_code);
// Record information such as histograms related to the Content-Length of
// |request|. |original_content_length| is the length of the resource if
// fetched over a direct connection without the Data Reduction Proxy, or -1 if
// no original content length is available.
void RecordContentLength(const net::URLRequest& request,
DataReductionProxyRequestType request_type,
int64_t original_content_length);
// Records UMA that counts how many pages were transformed by various lite
// page transformations.
void RecordLitePageTransformationType(LitePageTransformationType type);
// Returns whether |request| would have used the data reduction proxy server
// if the holdback fieldtrial weren't enabled. |proxy_info| is the list of
// proxies being used, and |proxy_retry_info| contains a list of bad proxies.
bool WasEligibleWithoutHoldback(
const net::URLRequest& request,
const net::ProxyInfo& proxy_info,
const net::ProxyRetryInfoMap& proxy_retry_info) const;
// May add Brotli to Accept Encoding request header if |proxy_info| contains
// a proxy server that is expected to support Brotli encoding.
void MaybeAddBrotliToAcceptEncodingHeader(
const net::ProxyInfo& proxy_info,
net::HttpRequestHeaders* request_headers,
const net::URLRequest& request) const;
// May add chrome-proxy-ect header to |request_headers| if adding of
// chrome-proxy-ect is enabled via field trial and a valid estimate of
// network quality is available. This method should be called only when the
// resolved proxy for |request| is a data saver proxy.
void MaybeAddChromeProxyECTHeader(net::HttpRequestHeaders* request_headers,
const net::URLRequest& request) const;
// Removes the chrome-proxy-ect header from |request_headers|.
void RemoveChromeProxyECTHeader(
net::HttpRequestHeaders* request_headers) const;
// All raw Data Reduction Proxy pointers must outlive |this|.
DataReductionProxyConfig* data_reduction_proxy_config_;
DataReductionProxyBypassStats* data_reduction_proxy_bypass_stats_;
DataReductionProxyRequestOptions* data_reduction_proxy_request_options_;
DataReductionProxyIOData* data_reduction_proxy_io_data_;
const DataReductionProxyConfigurator* configurator_;
base::ThreadChecker thread_checker_;
} // namespace data_reduction_proxy