blob: 9ef594a55bd80c7e629cbd616da91690610ec40c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/sequence_checker.h"
#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/data_store.h"
namespace base {
class Time;
namespace data_reduction_proxy {
class DataStore;
class DataUsageBucket;
// Time interval for each DataUsageBucket.
constexpr int kDataUsageBucketLengthInMinutes = 15;
// Number of days for which to maintain data usage history.
constexpr int kDataUsageHistoryNumDays = 60;
// Store for detailed data usage stats. Data usage from every
// |kDataUsageBucketLengthMins| interval is stored in a DataUsageBucket.
class DataUsageStore {
explicit DataUsageStore(DataStore* db);
// Loads the historic data usage into |data_usage|.
void LoadDataUsage(std::vector<DataUsageBucket>* data_usage);
// Loads the data usage bucket for the current interval into |current_bucket|.
// This method must be called at least once before any calls to
// |StoreCurrentDataUsageBucket|.
void LoadCurrentDataUsageBucket(DataUsageBucket* bucket);
// Stores the data usage bucket for the current interval. This will overwrite
// the current data usage bucket in the |db_| if they are for the same
// interval. It will also backfill any missed intervals with empty data.
// Intervals might be missed because Chrome was not running, or there was no
// network activity during an interval.
void StoreCurrentDataUsageBucket(const DataUsageBucket& current_bucket);
// Deletes all historical data usage from storage.
void DeleteHistoricalDataUsage();
// Deletes historical data usage from storage.
void DeleteBrowsingHistory(const base::Time& start, const base::Time& end);
// Returns whether |time1| and |time2| are in the same interval. Each hour is
// divided into |kDataUsageBucketLengthMins| minute long intervals. Returns
// true if either |time1| or |time2| has NULL time since an uninitialized
// bucket can be assigned to any interval.
static bool AreInSameInterval(const base::Time& time1,
const base::Time& time2);
// Returns whether the bucket that was last updated at |bucket_last_updated|
// overlaps in time with the interval [|start_interval|, |end_interval|].
static bool BucketOverlapsInterval(const base::Time& bucket_last_updated,
const base::Time& start_interval,
const base::Time& end_interval);
friend class DataUsageStoreTest;
// Converts the given |bucket| into a string format for persistance to
// |DataReductionProxyStore| and adds it to the map. The key is generated
// based on |current_bucket_index_|.
// |current_bucket_index_| will be incremented before generating the key if
// |increment_current_index| is true.
void GenerateKeyAndAddToMap(const DataUsageBucket& bucket,
std::map<std::string, std::string>* map,
bool increment_current_index);
// Returns the offset between the bucket for |current| time and the last
// bucket that was persisted to the store. Eg: Returns 0 if |current| is in
// the last persisted bucket. Returns 1 if |current| belongs to the bucket
// immediately after the last persisted bucket.
int BucketOffsetFromLastSaved(const base::Time& current) const;
// Computes the index of the bucket for the given |time| relative to
// |current_bucket_index_| and |current_bucket_last_updated_|.
// |current_bucket_last_updated_| belongs at |current_bucket_index_| and
// bucket index is computed by going backwards or forwards from current index
// by one position for every |kDataUsageBucketLengthInMinutes| minutes.
int ComputeBucketIndex(const base::Time& time) const;
// Loads the data usage bucket at the given index.
DataStore::Status LoadBucketAtIndex(int index, DataUsageBucket* current);
// The store to persist data usage information.
DataStore* db_;
// The index of the last bucket persisted in the |db_|. |DataUsageBucket| is
// stored in the |db_| as a circular array. This index points to the array
// position corresponding to the current bucket.
int current_bucket_index_;
// The time when the current bucket was last written to |db_|. This field is
// used to determine if a DataUsageBucket to be saved belongs to the same
// interval, or a more recent interval.
base::Time current_bucket_last_updated_;
base::SequenceChecker sequence_checker_;
} // namespace data_reduction_proxy