blob: fff856a30cddf9ced6c44ad5aa6d9bcb1ba6e320 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
#include "base/sys_byteorder.h"
#include "net/base/net_export.h"
#include "net/spdy/hpack/hpack_decoder_interface.h"
#include "net/spdy/hpack/hpack_encoder.h"
#include "net/spdy/spdy_alt_svc_wire_format.h"
#include "net/spdy/spdy_flags.h"
#include "net/spdy/spdy_header_block.h"
#include "net/spdy/spdy_headers_block_parser.h"
#include "net/spdy/spdy_headers_handler_interface.h"
#include "net/spdy/spdy_protocol.h"
namespace net {
class HttpProxyClientSocketPoolTest;
class HttpNetworkLayer;
class HttpNetworkTransactionTest;
class SpdyHttpStreamTest;
class SpdyNetworkTransactionTest;
class SpdyProxyClientSocketTest;
class SpdySessionTest;
class SpdyStreamTest;
class SpdyFramer;
class SpdyFrameBuilder;
class SpdyFramerDecoderAdapter;
namespace test {
class TestSpdyVisitor;
class SpdyFramerPeer;
} // namespace test
// SpdyFramerVisitorInterface is a set of callbacks for the SpdyFramer.
// Implement this interface to receive event callbacks as frames are
// decoded from the framer.
// Control frames that contain HTTP2 header blocks (HEADER, and PUSH_PROMISE)
// are processed in fashion that allows the decompressed header block to be
// delivered in chunks to the visitor.
// The following steps are followed:
// 1. OnHeaders, or OnPushPromise is called.
// 2. OnHeaderFrameStart is called; visitor is expected to return an instance
// of SpdyHeadersHandlerInterface that will receive the header key-value
// pairs.
// 3. OnHeaderFrameEnd is called, indicating that the full header block has
// been delivered for the control frame.
// During step 2, if the visitor is not interested in accepting the header data,
// it should return a no-op implementation of SpdyHeadersHandlerInterface.
class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE SpdyFramerVisitorInterface {
virtual ~SpdyFramerVisitorInterface() {}
// Called if an error is detected in the SpdySerializedFrame protocol.
virtual void OnError(SpdyFramer* framer) = 0;
// Called when the common header for a frame is received. Validating the
// common header occurs in later processing.
virtual void OnCommonHeader(SpdyStreamId stream_id,
size_t length,
uint8_t type,
uint8_t flags) {}
// Called when a data frame header is received. The frame's data
// payload will be provided via subsequent calls to
// OnStreamFrameData().
virtual void OnDataFrameHeader(SpdyStreamId stream_id,
size_t length,
bool fin) = 0;
// Called when data is received.
// |stream_id| The stream receiving data.
// |data| A buffer containing the data received.
// |len| The length of the data buffer.
virtual void OnStreamFrameData(SpdyStreamId stream_id,
const char* data,
size_t len) = 0;
// Called when the other side has finished sending data on this stream.
// |stream_id| The stream that was receivin data.
virtual void OnStreamEnd(SpdyStreamId stream_id) = 0;
// Called when padding is received (padding length field or padding octets).
// |stream_id| The stream receiving data.
// |len| The number of padding octets.
virtual void OnStreamPadding(SpdyStreamId stream_id, size_t len) = 0;
// Called just before processing the payload of a frame containing header
// data. Should return an implementation of SpdyHeadersHandlerInterface that
// will receive headers for stream |stream_id|. The caller will not take
// ownership of the headers handler. The same instance should remain live
// and be returned for all header frames comprising a logical header block
// (i.e. until OnHeaderFrameEnd() is called with end_headers == true).
virtual SpdyHeadersHandlerInterface* OnHeaderFrameStart(
SpdyStreamId stream_id) = 0;
// Called after processing the payload of a frame containing header data.
// |end_headers| is true if there will not be any subsequent CONTINUATION
// frames.
virtual void OnHeaderFrameEnd(SpdyStreamId stream_id, bool end_headers) = 0;
// Called when a RST_STREAM frame has been parsed.
virtual void OnRstStream(SpdyStreamId stream_id,
SpdyRstStreamStatus status) = 0;
// Called when a SETTINGS frame is received.
// |clear_persisted| True if the respective flag is set on the SETTINGS frame.
virtual void OnSettings(bool clear_persisted) {}
// Called when a complete setting within a SETTINGS frame has been parsed and
// validated.
virtual void OnSetting(SpdySettingsIds id, uint32_t value) = 0;
// Called when a SETTINGS frame is received with the ACK flag set.
virtual void OnSettingsAck() {}
// Called before and after parsing SETTINGS id and value tuples.
virtual void OnSettingsEnd() = 0;
// Called when a PING frame has been parsed.
virtual void OnPing(SpdyPingId unique_id, bool is_ack) = 0;
// Called when a GOAWAY frame has been parsed.
virtual void OnGoAway(SpdyStreamId last_accepted_stream_id,
SpdyGoAwayStatus status) = 0;
// Called when a HEADERS frame is received.
// Note that header block data is not included. See OnHeaderFrameStart().
// |stream_id| The stream receiving the header.
// |has_priority| Whether or not the headers frame included a priority value,
// and stream dependency info.
// |weight| If |has_priority| is true, then weight (in the range [1, 256])
// for the receiving stream, otherwise 0.
// |parent_stream_id| If |has_priority| is true the parent stream of the
// receiving stream, else 0.
// |exclusive| If |has_priority| is true the exclusivity of dependence on the
// parent stream, else false.
// |fin| Whether FIN flag is set in frame headers.
// |end| False if HEADERs frame is to be followed by a CONTINUATION frame,
// or true if not.
virtual void OnHeaders(SpdyStreamId stream_id,
bool has_priority,
int weight,
SpdyStreamId parent_stream_id,
bool exclusive,
bool fin,
bool end) = 0;
// Called when a WINDOW_UPDATE frame has been parsed.
virtual void OnWindowUpdate(SpdyStreamId stream_id,
int delta_window_size) = 0;
// Called when a goaway frame opaque data is available.
// |goaway_data| A buffer containing the opaque GOAWAY data chunk received.
// |len| The length of the header data buffer. A length of zero indicates
// that the header data block has been completely sent.
// When this function returns true the visitor indicates that it accepted
// all of the data. Returning false indicates that that an error has
// occurred while processing the data. Default implementation returns true.
virtual bool OnGoAwayFrameData(const char* goaway_data, size_t len);
// Called when rst_stream frame opaque data is available.
// |rst_stream_data| A buffer containing the opaque RST_STREAM
// data chunk received.
// |len| The length of the header data buffer. A length of zero indicates
// that the opaque data has been completely sent.
// When this function returns true the visitor indicates that it accepted
// all of the data. Returning false indicates that that an error has
// occurred while processing the data. Default implementation returns true.
virtual bool OnRstStreamFrameData(const char* rst_stream_data, size_t len);
// Called when a BLOCKED frame has been parsed.
virtual void OnBlocked(SpdyStreamId stream_id) {}
// Called when a PUSH_PROMISE frame is received.
// Note that header block data is not included. See OnHeaderFrameStart().
virtual void OnPushPromise(SpdyStreamId stream_id,
SpdyStreamId promised_stream_id,
bool end) = 0;
// Called when a CONTINUATION frame is received.
// Note that header block data is not included. See OnHeaderFrameStart().
virtual void OnContinuation(SpdyStreamId stream_id, bool end) = 0;
// Called when an ALTSVC frame has been parsed.
virtual void OnAltSvc(
SpdyStreamId stream_id,
base::StringPiece origin,
const SpdyAltSvcWireFormat::AlternativeServiceVector& altsvc_vector) {}
// Called when a PRIORITY frame is received.
// |stream_id| The stream to update the priority of.
// |parent_stream_id| The parent stream of |stream_id|.
// |weight| Stream weight, in the range [1, 256].
// |exclusive| Whether |stream_id| should be an only child of
// |parent_stream_id|.
virtual void OnPriority(SpdyStreamId stream_id,
SpdyStreamId parent_stream_id,
int weight,
bool exclusive) {}
// Called when a frame type we don't recognize is received.
// Return true if this appears to be a valid extension frame, false otherwise.
// We distinguish between extension frames and nonsense by checking
// whether the stream id is valid.
virtual bool OnUnknownFrame(SpdyStreamId stream_id, int frame_type) = 0;
// Optionally, and in addition to SpdyFramerVisitorInterface, a class supporting
// SpdyFramerDebugVisitorInterface may be used in conjunction with SpdyFramer in
// order to extract debug/internal information about the SpdyFramer as it
// operates.
// Most HTTP2 implementations need not bother with this interface at all.
class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE SpdyFramerDebugVisitorInterface {
virtual ~SpdyFramerDebugVisitorInterface() {}
// Called after compressing a frame with a payload of
// a list of name-value pairs.
// |payload_len| is the uncompressed payload size.
// |frame_len| is the compressed frame size.
virtual void OnSendCompressedFrame(SpdyStreamId stream_id,
SpdyFrameType type,
size_t payload_len,
size_t frame_len) {}
// Called when a frame containing a compressed payload of
// name-value pairs is received.
// |frame_len| is the compressed frame size.
virtual void OnReceiveCompressedFrame(SpdyStreamId stream_id,
SpdyFrameType type,
size_t frame_len) {}
class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE SpdyFramer {
// HTTP2 states.
enum SpdyState {
SPDY_READY_FOR_FRAME, // Framer is ready for reading the next frame.
SPDY_FRAME_COMPLETE, // Framer has finished reading a frame, need to reset.
// SPDY error codes.
enum SpdyError {
SPDY_INVALID_STREAM_ID, // Stream ID is invalid
SPDY_INVALID_CONTROL_FRAME, // Control frame is mal-formatted.
SPDY_CONTROL_PAYLOAD_TOO_LARGE, // Control frame payload was too large.
SPDY_ZLIB_INIT_FAILURE, // The Zlib library could not initialize.
SPDY_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION, // Control frame has unsupported version.
SPDY_DECOMPRESS_FAILURE, // There was an error decompressing.
SPDY_COMPRESS_FAILURE, // There was an error compressing.
SPDY_GOAWAY_FRAME_CORRUPT, // GOAWAY frame could not be parsed.
SPDY_RST_STREAM_FRAME_CORRUPT, // RST_STREAM frame could not be parsed.
SPDY_INVALID_PADDING, // HEADERS or DATA frame padding invalid
SPDY_INVALID_DATA_FRAME_FLAGS, // Data frame has invalid flags.
SPDY_INVALID_CONTROL_FRAME_FLAGS, // Control frame has invalid flags.
SPDY_UNEXPECTED_FRAME, // Frame received out of order.
SPDY_INTERNAL_FRAMER_ERROR, // SpdyFramer was used incorrectly.
SPDY_INVALID_CONTROL_FRAME_SIZE, // Control frame not sized to spec
SPDY_OVERSIZED_PAYLOAD, // Payload size was too large
LAST_ERROR, // Must be the last entry in the enum.
enum CompressionOption {
// Typedef for a function used to create SpdyFramerDecoderAdapter's.
// Defined in support of evaluating an alternate HTTP/2 decoder.
typedef std::unique_ptr<SpdyFramerDecoderAdapter> (*DecoderAdapterFactoryFn)(
SpdyFramer* outer);
// Constant for invalid (or unknown) stream IDs.
static const SpdyStreamId kInvalidStream;
// The maximum size of header data decompressed/delivered at once to the
// header block parser. (Exposed here for unit test purposes.)
static const size_t kHeaderDataChunkMaxSize;
void SerializeHeaderBlockWithoutCompression(
SpdyFrameBuilder* builder,
const SpdyHeaderBlock& header_block) const;
// Retrieve serialized length of SpdyHeaderBlock.
static size_t GetSerializedLength(const SpdyHeaderBlock* headers);
// Gets the serialized flags for the given |frame|.
static uint8_t GetSerializedFlags(const SpdyFrameIR& frame);
explicit SpdyFramer(CompressionOption option);
// Used recursively from the above constructor in order to support
// instantiating a SpdyFramerDecoderAdapter selected via flags or some other
// means.
SpdyFramer(DecoderAdapterFactoryFn adapter_factory, CompressionOption option);
virtual ~SpdyFramer();
// Set callbacks to be called from the framer. A visitor must be set, or
// else the framer will likely crash. It is acceptable for the visitor
// to do nothing. If this is called multiple times, only the last visitor
// will be used.
void set_visitor(SpdyFramerVisitorInterface* visitor);
// Set debug callbacks to be called from the framer. The debug visitor is
// completely optional and need not be set in order for normal operation.
// If this is called multiple times, only the last visitor will be used.
void set_debug_visitor(SpdyFramerDebugVisitorInterface* debug_visitor);
// Sets whether or not ProcessInput returns after finishing a frame, or
// continues processing additional frames. Normally ProcessInput processes
// all input, but this method enables the caller (and visitor) to work with
// a single frame at a time (or that portion of the frame which is provided
// as input). Reset() does not change the value of this flag.
void set_process_single_input_frame(bool v);
// Pass data into the framer for parsing.
// Returns the number of bytes consumed. It is safe to pass more bytes in
// than may be consumed.
size_t ProcessInput(const char* data, size_t len);
// Resets the framer state after a frame has been successfully decoded.
// TODO(mbelshe): can we make this private?
void Reset();
// Check the state of the framer.
SpdyError error_code() const;
SpdyState state() const;
bool HasError() const { return state() == SPDY_ERROR; }
// Given a buffer containing a serialized header block parse out a
// SpdyHeaderBlock, putting the results in the given header block.
// Returns true if successfully parsed, false otherwise.
bool ParseHeaderBlockInBuffer(const char* header_data,
size_t header_length,
SpdyHeaderBlock* block) const;
// Iteratively converts a SpdyHeadersIR (with a possibly huge SpdyHeaderBlock)
// into an appropriate sequence of SpdySerializedFrames.
class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE SpdyHeaderFrameIterator {
SpdyHeaderFrameIterator(SpdyFramer* framer,
std::unique_ptr<SpdyHeadersIR> headers_ir);
// SpdyHeaderFrameIterator is neither copyable nor movable.
SpdyHeaderFrameIterator(const SpdyHeaderFrameIterator&) = delete;
SpdyHeaderFrameIterator& operator=(const SpdyHeaderFrameIterator&) = delete;
SpdySerializedFrame NextFrame();
bool HasNextFrame() const { return has_next_frame_; }
std::unique_ptr<SpdyHeadersIR> headers_ir_;
std::unique_ptr<HpackEncoder::ProgressiveEncoder> encoder_;
SpdyFramer* framer_;
// Field for debug reporting.
size_t debug_total_size_;
bool is_first_frame_;
bool has_next_frame_;
// Serialize a data frame.
SpdySerializedFrame SerializeData(const SpdyDataIR& data) const;
// Serializes the data frame header and optionally padding length fields,
// excluding actual data payload and padding.
SpdySerializedFrame SerializeDataFrameHeaderWithPaddingLengthField(
const SpdyDataIR& data) const;
SpdySerializedFrame SerializeRstStream(
const SpdyRstStreamIR& rst_stream) const;
// Serializes a SETTINGS frame. The SETTINGS frame is
// used to communicate name/value pairs relevant to the communication channel.
SpdySerializedFrame SerializeSettings(const SpdySettingsIR& settings) const;
// Serializes a PING frame. The unique_id is used to
// identify the ping request/response.
SpdySerializedFrame SerializePing(const SpdyPingIR& ping) const;
// Serializes a GOAWAY frame. The GOAWAY frame is used
// prior to the shutting down of the TCP connection, and includes the
// stream_id of the last stream the sender of the frame is willing to process
// to completion.
SpdySerializedFrame SerializeGoAway(const SpdyGoAwayIR& goaway) const;
// Serializes a HEADERS frame. The HEADERS frame is used
// for sending headers.
SpdySerializedFrame SerializeHeaders(const SpdyHeadersIR& headers);
// Serializes a WINDOW_UPDATE frame. The WINDOW_UPDATE
// frame is used to implement per stream flow control.
SpdySerializedFrame SerializeWindowUpdate(
const SpdyWindowUpdateIR& window_update) const;
// Serializes a BLOCKED frame. The BLOCKED frame is used to
// indicate to the remote endpoint that this endpoint believes itself to be
// flow-control blocked but otherwise ready to send data. The BLOCKED frame
// is purely advisory and optional.
SpdySerializedFrame SerializeBlocked(const SpdyBlockedIR& blocked) const;
// Serializes a PUSH_PROMISE frame. The PUSH_PROMISE frame is used
// to inform the client that it will be receiving an additional stream
// in response to the original request. The frame includes synthesized
// headers to explain the upcoming data.
SpdySerializedFrame SerializePushPromise(
const SpdyPushPromiseIR& push_promise);
// Serializes a CONTINUATION frame. The CONTINUATION frame is used
// to continue a sequence of header block fragments.
SpdySerializedFrame SerializeContinuation(
const SpdyContinuationIR& continuation) const;
// Serializes an ALTSVC frame. The ALTSVC frame advertises the
// availability of an alternative service to the client.
SpdySerializedFrame SerializeAltSvc(const SpdyAltSvcIR& altsvc);
// Serializes a PRIORITY frame. The PRIORITY frame advises a change in
// the relative priority of the given stream.
SpdySerializedFrame SerializePriority(const SpdyPriorityIR& priority) const;
// Serialize a frame of unknown type.
SpdySerializedFrame SerializeFrame(const SpdyFrameIR& frame);
// Returns whether this SpdyFramer will compress header blocks using HPACK.
bool compression_enabled() const {
return compression_option_ == ENABLE_COMPRESSION;
void SetHpackIndexingPolicy(HpackEncoder::IndexingPolicy policy) {
// Returns the (minimum) size of frames (sans variable-length portions).
size_t GetDataFrameMinimumSize() const;
size_t GetFrameHeaderSize() const;
size_t GetRstStreamSize() const;
size_t GetSettingsMinimumSize() const;
size_t GetPingSize() const;
size_t GetGoAwayMinimumSize() const;
size_t GetHeadersMinimumSize() const;
size_t GetWindowUpdateSize() const;
size_t GetBlockedSize() const;
size_t GetPushPromiseMinimumSize() const;
size_t GetContinuationMinimumSize() const;
size_t GetAltSvcMinimumSize() const;
size_t GetPrioritySize() const;
// Returns the minimum size a frame can be (data or control).
size_t GetFrameMinimumSize() const;
// Returns the maximum size a frame can be (data or control).
size_t GetFrameMaximumSize() const;
// Returns the maximum payload size of a DATA frame.
size_t GetDataFrameMaximumPayload() const;
// For debugging.
static const char* StateToString(int state);
static const char* ErrorCodeToString(int error_code);
static const char* StatusCodeToString(int status_code);
static const char* FrameTypeToString(SpdyFrameType type);
// Did the most recent frame header appear to be an HTTP/1.x (or earlier)
// response (i.e. start with "HTTP/")?
bool probable_http_response() const;
SpdyPriority GetLowestPriority() const { return kV3LowestPriority; }
SpdyPriority GetHighestPriority() const { return kV3HighestPriority; }
// Updates the maximum size of the header encoder compression table.
void UpdateHeaderEncoderTableSize(uint32_t value);
// Updates the maximum size of the header decoder compression table.
void UpdateHeaderDecoderTableSize(uint32_t value);
// Returns the maximum size of the header encoder compression table.
size_t header_encoder_table_size() const;
void set_max_decode_buffer_size_bytes(size_t max_decode_buffer_size_bytes) {
size_t send_frame_size_limit() const { return send_frame_size_limit_; }
void set_send_frame_size_limit(size_t send_frame_size_limit) {
send_frame_size_limit_ = send_frame_size_limit;
size_t recv_frame_size_limit() const { return recv_frame_size_limit_; }
void set_recv_frame_size_limit(size_t recv_frame_size_limit) {
recv_frame_size_limit_ = recv_frame_size_limit;
void SetDecoderHeaderTableDebugVisitor(
std::unique_ptr<HpackHeaderTable::DebugVisitorInterface> visitor);
void SetEncoderHeaderTableDebugVisitor(
std::unique_ptr<HpackHeaderTable::DebugVisitorInterface> visitor);
// For use in SpdyFramerDecoderAdapter implementations; returns a HPACK
// decoder to be used.
HpackDecoderInterface* GetHpackDecoderForAdapter() {
return GetHpackDecoder();
friend class BufferedSpdyFramer;
friend class HttpNetworkLayer; // This is temporary for the server.
friend class HttpNetworkTransactionTest;
friend class HttpProxyClientSocketPoolTest;
friend class SpdyHttpStreamTest;
friend class SpdyNetworkTransactionTest;
friend class SpdyProxyClientSocketTest;
friend class SpdySessionTest;
friend class SpdyStreamTest;
friend class test::TestSpdyVisitor;
friend class test::SpdyFramerPeer;
class CharBuffer {
explicit CharBuffer(size_t capacity);
void CopyFrom(const char* data, size_t size);
void Rewind();
const char* data() const { return buffer_.get(); }
size_t len() const { return len_; }
std::unique_ptr<char[]> buffer_;
size_t capacity_;
size_t len_;
// Scratch space necessary for processing SETTINGS frames.
struct SpdySettingsScratch {
void Reset();
// Buffer contains up to one complete key/value pair.
CharBuffer buffer;
// The ID of the last setting that was processed in the current SETTINGS
// frame. Used for detecting out-of-order or duplicate keys within a
// settings frame. Set to -1 before first key/value pair is processed.
int last_setting_id;
// Internal breakouts from ProcessInput. Each returns the number of bytes
// consumed from the data.
size_t ProcessCommonHeader(const char* data, size_t len);
size_t ProcessControlFramePayload(const char* data, size_t len);
size_t ProcessControlFrameBeforeHeaderBlock(const char* data, size_t len);
// HPACK data is re-encoded as SPDY3 and re-entrantly delivered through
// |ProcessControlFrameHeaderBlock()|. |is_hpack_header_block| controls
// whether data is treated as HPACK- vs SPDY3-encoded.
size_t ProcessControlFrameHeaderBlock(const char* data, size_t len);
size_t ProcessDataFramePaddingLength(const char* data, size_t len);
size_t ProcessFramePadding(const char* data, size_t len);
size_t ProcessDataFramePayload(const char* data, size_t len);
size_t ProcessGoAwayFramePayload(const char* data, size_t len);
size_t ProcessRstStreamFramePayload(const char* data, size_t len);
size_t ProcessSettingsFrameHeader(const char* data, size_t len);
size_t ProcessSettingsFramePayload(const char* data, size_t len);
size_t ProcessAltSvcFramePayload(const char* data, size_t len);
size_t ProcessIgnoredControlFramePayload(/*const char* data,*/ size_t len);
// Validates the frame header against the current protocol, e.g.
// Frame type must be known, must specify a non-zero stream id.
// is_control_frame : the control bit
// frame_type_field : the unparsed frame type octet(s)
// payload_length_field: the stated length in octets of the frame payload
// For valid frames, returns the correct SpdyFrameType.
// Otherwise returns a best guess at invalid frame type,
// after setting the appropriate SpdyError.
SpdyFrameType ValidateFrameHeader(bool is_control_frame,
int frame_type_field,
size_t payload_length_field);
// Helpers for above internal breakouts from ProcessInput.
void ProcessControlFrameHeader(int control_frame_type_field);
// Always passed exactly 1 setting's worth of data.
bool ProcessSetting(const char* data);
// Get (and lazily initialize) the HPACK state.
HpackEncoder* GetHpackEncoder();
HpackDecoderInterface* GetHpackDecoder();
size_t GetNumberRequiredContinuationFrames(size_t size);
void WritePayloadWithContinuation(SpdyFrameBuilder* builder,
const std::string& hpack_encoding,
SpdyStreamId stream_id,
SpdyFrameType type,
int padding_payload_len);
// Deliver the given control frame's uncompressed headers block to the
// visitor in chunks. Returns true if the visitor has accepted all of the
// chunks.
bool IncrementallyDeliverControlFrameHeaderData(SpdyStreamId stream_id,
const char* data,
size_t len);
// Utility to copy the given data block to the current frame buffer, up
// to the given maximum number of bytes, and update the buffer
// data (pointer and length). Returns the number of bytes
// read, and:
// *data is advanced the number of bytes read.
// *len is reduced by the number of bytes read.
size_t UpdateCurrentFrameBuffer(const char** data, size_t* len,
size_t max_bytes);
// Serializes a HEADERS frame from the given SpdyHeadersIR and encoded header
// block. Does not need or use the SpdyHeaderBlock inside SpdyHeadersIR.
SpdySerializedFrame SerializeHeadersGivenEncoding(
const SpdyHeadersIR& headers,
const std::string& encoding) const;
// Calculates the number of bytes required to serialize a SpdyHeadersIR, not
// including the bytes to be used for the encoded header set.
size_t GetHeaderFrameSizeSansBlock(const SpdyHeadersIR& header_ir) const;
// Serializes the flags octet for a given SpdyHeadersIR.
uint8_t SerializeHeaderFrameFlags(const SpdyHeadersIR& header_ir) const;
// Set the error code and moves the framer into the error state.
void set_error(SpdyError error);
// The size of the control frame buffer.
// Since this is only used for control frame headers, the maximum control
// frame header size is sufficient; all remaining control
// frame data is streamed to the visitor.
static const size_t kControlFrameBufferSize;
// The maximum size of the control frames that we send, including the size of
// the header. This limit is arbitrary. We can enforce it here or at the
// application layer. We chose the framing layer, but this can be changed (or
// removed) if necessary later down the line.
// TODO(diannahu): Rename to make it clear that this limit is for sending.
static const size_t kMaxControlFrameSize;
// The maximum size for the payload of DATA frames to send.
static const size_t kMaxDataPayloadSendSize;
SpdyState state_;
SpdyState previous_state_;
SpdyError error_code_;
// Note that for DATA frame, remaining_data_length_ is sum of lengths of
// frame header, padding length field (optional), data payload (optional) and
// padding payload (optional).
size_t remaining_data_length_;
// The length (in bytes) of the padding payload to be processed.
size_t remaining_padding_payload_length_;
// The number of bytes remaining to read from the current control frame's
// headers. Note that header data blocks (for control types that have them)
// are part of the frame's payload, and not the frame's headers.
size_t remaining_control_header_;
// The limit on the size of sent HTTP/2 payloads as specified in the
// SETTINGS_MAX_FRAME_SIZE received from peer.
size_t send_frame_size_limit_ = kSpdyInitialFrameSizeLimit;
// The limit on the size of received HTTP/2 payloads as specified in the
// SETTINGS_MAX_FRAME_SIZE advertised to peer.
size_t recv_frame_size_limit_ = kSpdyInitialFrameSizeLimit;
CharBuffer current_frame_buffer_;
// The type of the frame currently being read.
SpdyFrameType current_frame_type_;
// The total length of the frame currently being read, including frame header.
uint32_t current_frame_length_;
// The stream ID field of the frame currently being read, if applicable.
SpdyStreamId current_frame_stream_id_;
// Set this to the current stream when we receive a HEADERS, PUSH_PROMISE, or
// CONTINUATION frame without the END_HEADERS(0x4) bit set. These frames must
// be followed by a CONTINUATION frame, or else we throw a PROTOCOL_ERROR.
// A value of 0 indicates that we are not expecting a CONTINUATION frame.
SpdyStreamId expect_continuation_;
// Scratch space for handling SETTINGS frames.
// TODO(hkhalil): Unify memory for this scratch space with
// current_frame_buffer_.
SpdySettingsScratch settings_scratch_;
std::unique_ptr<CharBuffer> altsvc_scratch_;
std::unique_ptr<HpackEncoder> hpack_encoder_;
std::unique_ptr<HpackDecoderInterface> hpack_decoder_;
SpdyFramerVisitorInterface* visitor_;
SpdyFramerDebugVisitorInterface* debug_visitor_;
std::unique_ptr<SpdyHeadersBlockParser> header_parser_;
SpdyHeadersHandlerInterface* header_handler_;
// Optional decoder to use instead of this instance.
std::unique_ptr<SpdyFramerDecoderAdapter> decoder_adapter_;
// The flags field of the frame currently being read.
uint8_t current_frame_flags_;
// Determines whether HPACK compression is used.
const CompressionOption compression_option_;
// On the first read, we check to see if the data starts with HTTP.
// If it does, we likely have an HTTP response. This isn't guaranteed
// though: we could have gotten a settings frame and then corrupt data that
// just looks like HTTP, but deterministic checking requires a lot more state.
bool probable_http_response_;
// If a HEADERS frame is followed by a CONTINUATION frame, the FIN/END_STREAM
// flag is still carried in the HEADERS frame. If it's set, flip this so that
// we know to terminate the stream when the entire header block has been
// processed.
bool end_stream_when_done_;
// If true, then ProcessInput returns after processing a full frame,
// rather than reading all available input.
bool process_single_input_frame_ = false;
} // namespace net