blob: 4daf41f9431b1f798cb2b38a4e7ce3f78724c890 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
found in the LICENSE file.
This file is used to generate a comprehensive list of Chrome rappor metrics
along with a detailed description for each histogram. See the design doc at
for a description of rappor metrics.
Noise levels that rappor metrics can be collected with. This list should be
kept in sync with NoiseLevel definitions in
<noise-level name="NO_NOISE">
Adds no noise at all. Only use this for non-sensitive fields, and only for
metrics from UMA opt-in users.
<noise-values fake-prob="0.0" fake-one-prob="0.0" one-coin-prob="1.0"
<noise-level name="NORMAL_NOISE">
The most common amount of noise, suitable for most fields.
<noise-values fake-prob="0.5" fake-one-prob="0.5" one-coin-prob="0.75"
<noise-level name="SPARSE_NOISE">
Reduced noise, suitable for metrics which receive limited reports (less than
500,000 per day) or expect a highly skewed/sparse distribution over a wide
set of domains. Approval from the Chrome Privacy and Rappor teams is
required to implement a metric using this noise level.
<noise-values fake-prob="0.25" fake-one-prob="0.5" one-coin-prob="0.75"
Parameters that rappor metrics can be collected with. This list should be
kept in sync with parameter type definitions in
<rappor-parameters name="COARSE_RAPPOR_TYPE">
Stricter parameters for metrics collected from a broader population.
<parameters num-cohorts="128" bytes="1" hash-functions="2"
reporting-level="COARSE" noise-level="NORMAL_NOISE"/>
<rappor-parameters name="ETLD_PLUS_ONE">
Deprecated parameters for collecting the domain and registry of a URL from
UMA opt-in users. Should use UMA_RAPPOR_TYPE instead.
<parameters num-cohorts="128" bytes="16" hash-functions="2"
reporting-level="FINE" noise-level="NORMAL_NOISE"/>
<rappor-parameters name="LOW_FREQUENCY_ETLD_PLUS_ONE">
Parameters for collecting the domain and registry of a URL from UMA opt-in
users, using SPARSE_NOISE. Intended for sparse/skewed metrics, or low
frequency metrics (less than 500,000 reports per day). Explicit approval
from the Chrome Privacy and Rappor teams is required to use this type. New
metrics should also consider LOW_FREQUENCY_UMA_RAPPOR_TYPE instead.
<parameters num-cohorts="128" bytes="16" hash-functions="2"
reporting-level="FINE" noise-level="SPARSE_NOISE"/>
Parameters for metrics related to Safe Browsing, collected from all users
with safe browsing enabled, using SPARSE_NOISE. Intended for sparse/skewed
metrics, or low frequency metrics (less than 500,000 reports per day).
Explicit approval from the Chrome Privacy and Rappor teams is required to
use this type.
<parameters num-cohorts="128" bytes="1" hash-functions="2"
reporting-level="COARSE" noise-level="SPARSE_NOISE"/>
<rappor-parameters name="LOW_FREQUENCY_UMA_RAPPOR_TYPE">
Parameters suitable for metrics from UMA opt-in users, using SPARSE_NOISE.
Intended for sparse/skewed metrics, or low frequency metrics (less than
500,000 reports per day). Explicit approval from the Chrome Privacy and
Rappor teams is required to use this type.
<parameters num-cohorts="128" bytes="4" hash-functions="2"
reporting-level="FINE" noise-level="SPARSE_NOISE"/>
<rappor-parameters name="SAFEBROWSING_RAPPOR_TYPE">
Parameters for metrics related to Safe Browsing, collected from all users
with safe browsing enabled.
<parameters num-cohorts="128" bytes="1" hash-functions="2"
reporting-level="COARSE" noise-level="NORMAL_NOISE"/>
<rappor-parameters name="UMA_RAPPOR_TYPE">
Parameters suitable for metrics from UMA opt-in users.
<parameters num-cohorts="128" bytes="4" hash-functions="2"
reporting-level="FINE" noise-level="NORMAL_NOISE"/>
<!-- Rappor metric definitions -->
<rappor-metric name="Android.ExternalNavigationNotChosen"
The package name of an application that was given as an alternative choice
to handling a URL in Chrome, but wasn't chosen.
<rappor-metric name="Android.PageLoadDueToExternalApp" type="UMA_RAPPOR_TYPE">
The package name of an application that sent an intent to Chrome. The name
is taken from EXTRA_APPLICATION_ID passed to Chrome in the intent by the
<rappor-metric name="AppBanner.NativeApp.Dismissed" type="ETLD_PLUS_ONE">
The eTLD+1 of a URL that displayed a native app banner, which was explicitly
dismissed by the user.
<rappor-metric name="AppBanner.NativeApp.Installed" type="ETLD_PLUS_ONE">
The eTLD+1 of a URL that displayed a native app banner, which resulted in
the user installing the promoted application.
<rappor-metric name="AppBanner.NativeApp.Shown" type="ETLD_PLUS_ONE">
The eTLD+1 of a URL that displayed a native app banner.
<rappor-metric name="AppBanner.WebApp.Dismissed" type="ETLD_PLUS_ONE">
The eTLD+1 of a URL that displayed a web app banner, which was explicitly
dismissed by the user.
<rappor-metric name="AppBanner.WebApp.Installed" type="ETLD_PLUS_ONE">
The eTLD+1 of a URL that displayed a web app banner, which resulted in the
user installing the promoted application.
<rappor-metric name="AppBanner.WebApp.Shown" type="ETLD_PLUS_ONE">
The eTLD+1 of a URL that displayed a web app banner.
<rappor-metric name="Autofill.CardUploadNotOfferedConflictingNames"
No longer being logged.
The eTLD+1 of a URL for which there was an attempted upload of a credit card
but for which we found conflicting names between the address and the card.
<rappor-metric name="Autofill.CardUploadNotOfferedNoAddress"
No longer being logged.
The eTLD+1 of a URL for which there was an attempted upload of a credit card
but for which we couldn't find a recently used address to associate with it.
<rappor-metric name="Autofill.CardUploadNotOfferedNoCvc" type="ETLD_PLUS_ONE">
No longer being logged.
The eTLD+1 of a URL for which there was an attempted upload of a credit card
but the form data didn't contain the card CVC.
<rappor-metric name="Autofill.CardUploadNotOfferedNoName" type="ETLD_PLUS_ONE">
No longer being logged.
The eTLD+1 of a URL for which there was an attempted upload of a credit card
but for which we found no name associated with the address or the card.
<rappor-metric name="Autofill.HighNumberOfHeuristicMismatches"
No longer being logged.
The eTLD+1 of a URL for which there was a high number of mismatches for the
heuristic prediction of the form field types.
<rappor-metric name="Autofill.HighNumberOfServerMismatches"
No longer being logged.
The eTLD+1 of a URL for which there was a high number of mismatches for the
server prediction of the form field types.
<rappor-metric name="Autofill.QueryResponseHasNoServerDataForForm"
No longer being logged.
The eTLD+1 of a URL for which there was a server query response for which
the server had no data at all for at least one form.
<rappor-metric name="BackgroundSync.Register.Origin" type="UMA_RAPPOR_TYPE">
The eTLD+1 of a URL which registered a Background Sync event.
<rappor-metric name="Bluetooth.APIUsage.Origin" type="ETLD_PLUS_ONE">
The eTLD+1 of the URL of frames using the Web Bluetooth API.
<rappor-metric name="BrowserActions.ServiceClient.PackageName"
The package name for a client that requests for the Browser Actions context
<rappor-metric name="BrowserActions.ServiceClient.PackageNameThirdParty"
The package name for a client that requests for the Browser Actions context
menu, excluding Google Search App.
<rappor-metric name="Cast.Sender.MediaFrameUrl" type="ETLD_PLUS_ONE">
The domain and registry of the frame URL that the user is trying to cast the
media from. Recorded every time the user casts the media.
<rappor-metric name="ContentSettings.MixedScript.DisplayedShield"
The eTLD+1 of a URL that displayed a mixed script shield. Note: this does
*not* include pages with mixed scripts where the user has already clicked
through the shield.
<rappor-metric name="ContentSettings.MixedScript.RanMixedScript"
The eTLD+1 of a URL that when mixed script actually ran.
<rappor-metric name="ContentSettings.MixedScript.UserClickedAllow"
The eTLD+1 of a URL where the user clicked &quot;Load unsafe scripts&quot;
on a mixed content shield. (This results in a page refresh. Mixed scripts
may not actually run until the users triggers them again after the refresh.)
<rappor-metric name="ContentSettings.PermissionActions_AudioCapture.Denied.Url"
**DEPRECATED. Replaced by
ContentSettings.PermissionActions_AudioCapture.Denied.Url2 as of M52. The
domain for which a AudioCapture permission prompt was Denied.
Removed in M64, see UMA or Permission Action Reporting data.
The domain for which an AudioCapture permission prompt was Denied.
**DEPRECATED. Replaced by
ContentSettings.PermissionActions_AudioCapture.Dismissed.Url2 as of M52. The
domain for which an AudioCapture permission prompt was Dismissed.
Removed in M64, see UMA or Permission Action Reporting data.
The domain for which an AudioCapture permission prompt was Dismissed.
**DEPRECATED. Replaced by
ContentSettings.PermissionActions_AudioCapture.Granted.Url2 as of M52. The
domain for which an AudioCapture permission prompt was accepted.
Removed in M64, see UMA or Permission Action Reporting data.
The domain for which an AudioCapture permission prompt was accepted.
**DEPRECATED. Replaced by
ContentSettings.PermissionActions_AudioCapture.Ignored.Url2 as of M52. The
domain for which an AudioCapture permission prompt was Ignored.
Removed in M64, see UMA or Permission Action Reporting data.
The domain for which an AudioCapture permission prompt was Ignored.
**DEPRECATED. Replaced by
ContentSettings.PermissionActions_AudioCapture.Revoked.Url2 as of M52. The
domain for which an AudioCapture permission was revoked. Note: This metric
is recorded for more revocation actions as of 2016-04-01 (M51).
Removed in M64, see UMA or Permission Action Reporting data.
The domain for which an AudioCapture permission was revoked.
<rappor-metric name="ContentSettings.PermissionActions_Camera.Revoked.Url"
**DEPRECATED. Renamed to
ContentSettings.PermissionActions_VideoCapture.Revoked.Url on 2016-01-07.**
The domain for which a camera permission was revoked.
<rappor-metric name="ContentSettings.PermissionActions_Flash.Denied.Url2"
Removed in M64, see UMA or Permission Action Reporting data.
The domain for which a Flash permission prompt was Denied.
<rappor-metric name="ContentSettings.PermissionActions_Flash.Dismissed.Url2"
Removed in M64, see UMA or Permission Action Reporting data.
The domain for which a Flash permission prompt was Dismissed.
<rappor-metric name="ContentSettings.PermissionActions_Flash.Granted.Url2"
Removed in M64, see UMA or Permission Action Reporting data.
The domain for which a Flash permission prompt was Granted.
<rappor-metric name="ContentSettings.PermissionActions_Flash.Ignored.Url2"
Removed in M64, see UMA or Permission Action Reporting data.
The domain for which a Flash permission prompt was Ignored.
<rappor-metric name="ContentSettings.PermissionActions_Geolocation.Denied.Url"
**DEPRECATED. Replaced by
ContentSettings.PermissionActions_Geolocation.Denied.Url2 as of M52. The
domain for which a Geolocation permission prompt was Denied.
<rappor-metric name="ContentSettings.PermissionActions_Geolocation.Denied.Url2"
Removed in M64, see UMA or Permission Action Reporting data.
The domain for which a Geolocation permission prompt was Denied.
**DEPRECATED. Replaced by
ContentSettings.PermissionActions_Geolocation.Dismissed.Url2 as of M52. The
domain for which a Geolocation permission prompt was Dismissed.
Removed in M64, see UMA or Permission Action Reporting data.
The domain for which a Geolocation permission prompt was Dismissed.
<rappor-metric name="ContentSettings.PermissionActions_Geolocation.Granted.Url"
**DEPRECATED. Replaced by
ContentSettings.PermissionActions_Geolocation.Granted.Url2 as of M52. The
domain for which a Geolocation permission prompt was accepted.
Removed in M64, see UMA or Permission Action Reporting data.
The domain for which a Geolocation permission prompt was accepted.
<rappor-metric name="ContentSettings.PermissionActions_Geolocation.Ignored.Url"
**DEPRECATED. Replaced by
ContentSettings.PermissionActions_Geolocation.Ignored.Url2 as of M52. The
domain for which a Geolocation permission prompt was Ignored.
Removed in M64, see UMA or Permission Action Reporting data.
The domain for which a Geolocation permission prompt was Ignored.
<rappor-metric name="ContentSettings.PermissionActions_Geolocation.Revoked.Url"
**DEPRECATED. Replaced by
ContentSettings.PermissionActions_Geolocation.Revoked.Url2 as of M52. The
domain for which a Geolocation permission was revoked. Note: This metric is
recorded for more revocation actions as of 2016-04-01 (M51).
Removed in M64, see UMA or Permission Action Reporting data.
The domain for which a Geolocation permission was revoked.
<rappor-metric name="ContentSettings.PermissionActions_Mic.Revoked.Url"
**DEPRECATED. Renamed to
ContentSettings.PermissionActions_AudioCapture.Revoked.Url on 2016-01-07.**
The domain for which a microphone permission was revoked.
**DEPRECATED. Replaced by
ContentSettings.PermissionActions_Notifications.Denied.Url2 as of M52. The
domain for which a Notification permission prompt was Denied.
Removed in M64, see UMA or Permission Action Reporting data.
The domain for which a Notification permission prompt was Denied.
**DEPRECATED. Replaced by
ContentSettings.PermissionActions_Notifications.Dismissed.Url2 as of M52.
The domain for which a Notification permission prompt was Dismissed.
Removed in M64, see UMA or Permission Action Reporting data.
The domain for which a Notification permission prompt was Dismissed.
**DEPRECATED. Replaced by
ContentSettings.PermissionActions_Notifications.Granted.Url2 as of M52. The
domain for which a Notification permission prompt was accepted.
Removed in M64, see UMA or Permission Action Reporting data.
The domain for which a Notification permission prompt was accepted.
**DEPRECATED. Replaced by
ContentSettings.PermissionActions_Notifications.Ignored.Url2 as of M52. The
domain for which a Notification permission prompt was Ignored.
Removed in M64, see UMA or Permission Action Reporting data.
The domain for which a Notification permission prompt was Ignored.
**DEPRECATED. Replaced by
ContentSettings.PermissionActions_Notifications.Revoked.Url2 as of M52. The
domain for which a Notification permission was revoked. Note: This metric is
recorded for more revocation actions as of 2016-04-01 (M51).
Removed in M64, see UMA or Permission Action Reporting data.
The domain for which a Notification permission was revoked.
<rappor-metric name="ContentSettings.PermissionActions_VideoCapture.Denied.Url"
**DEPRECATED. Replaced by
ContentSettings.PermissionActions_VideoCapture.Denied.Url2 as of M52. The
domain for which a VideoCapture permission prompt was Denied.
Removed in M64, see UMA or Permission Action Reporting data.
The domain for which a VideoCapture permission prompt was Denied.
**DEPRECATED. Replaced by
ContentSettings.PermissionActions_VideoCapture.Dismissed.Url2 as of M52. The
domain for which a VideoCapture permission prompt was Dismissed.
Removed in M64, see UMA or Permission Action Reporting data.
The domain for which a VideoCapture permission prompt was Dismissed.
**DEPRECATED. Replaced by
ContentSettings.PermissionActions_VideoCapture.Granted.Url2 as of M52. The
domain for which a VideoCapture permission prompt was accepted.
Removed in M64, see UMA or Permission Action Reporting data.
The domain for which a VideoCapture permission prompt was accepted.
**DEPRECATED. Replaced by
ContentSettings.PermissionActions_VideoCapture.Ignored.Url2 as of M52. The
domain for which a VideoCapture permission prompt was Ignored.
Removed in M64, see UMA or Permission Action Reporting data.
The domain for which a VideoCapture permission prompt was Ignored.
**DEPRECATED. Replaced by
ContentSettings.PermissionActions_VideoCapture.Revoked.Url2 as of M52. The
domain for which an VideoCapture permission was revoked. Note: This metric
is recorded for more revocation actions as of 2016-04-01 (M51).
Removed in M64, see UMA or Permission Action Reporting data.
The domain for which an VideoCapture permission was revoked.
<rappor-metric name="ContentSettings.PermissionRequested.Geolocation.Url"
**DEPRECATED: replaced by
ContentSettings.PermissionRequested.Geolocation.Url2 as of M52. The domain
that issues a Geolocation permission prompt.
<rappor-metric name="ContentSettings.PermissionRequested.Geolocation.Url2"
Removed in M64, see UMA or Permission Action Reporting data.
The domain that issues a Geolocation permission prompt.
<rappor-metric name="ContentSettings.PermissionRequested.Midi.Url"
**DEPRECATED: replaced by ContentSettings.PermissionRequested.Midi.Url2 as
of M53. The domain that requests using MIDI devices.
<rappor-metric name="ContentSettings.PermissionRequested.Midi.Url2"
Removed in M64, see UMA or Permission Action Reporting data.
The domain that requests using MIDI devices.
<rappor-metric name="ContentSettings.PermissionRequested.Notifications.Url"
**DEPRECATED: replaced by
ContentSettings.PermissionRequested.Notifications.Url2 as of M52. The domain
that issues a Notification permission prompt.
<rappor-metric name="ContentSettings.PermissionRequested.Notifications.Url2"
Removed in M64, see UMA or Permission Action Reporting data.
The domain that issues a Notification permission prompt.
<rappor-metric name="ContentSettings.PermissionRequested.ProtectedMedia.Url2"
Removed in M64, see UMA or Permission Action Reporting data.
The domain that issues a Protected Media Identifier permission prompt.
<rappor-metric name="ContentSettings.Plugins.AddedAllowException"
The eTLD+1 of a URL that the user added to the ALLOW site exceptions for the
Plugins Content Setting.
<rappor-metric name="CustomTabs.ServiceClient.PackageName"
The package name for a client that has connected through the custom tabs
<rappor-metric name="CustomTabs.ServiceClient.PackageNameThirdParty"
The package name for a client that has connected through the custom tabs
service excluding Google Search App.
<rappor-metric name="DeviceSensors.DeviceMotion" type="ETLD_PLUS_ONE">
The domain and registry of the URL that is using Device Motion API.
<rappor-metric name="DeviceSensors.DeviceMotionCrossOrigin"
The domain and registry of the URL that is using Device Motion API from a
frame with an origin different to that of the main frame.
<rappor-metric name="DeviceSensors.DeviceOrientation" type="ETLD_PLUS_ONE">
The domain and registry of the URL that is using Device Orientation API.
<rappor-metric name="DeviceSensors.DeviceOrientationCrossOrigin"
The domain and registry of the URL that is using Device Orientation API from
a frame with an origin different to that of the main frame.
<rappor-metric name="DomDistiller.OpenPanel" type="UMA_RAPPOR_TYPE">
The eTLD+1 of the frame URL where Reader Mode panel is opened by the user.
<rappor-metric name="DomDistiller.PromptPanel" type="UMA_RAPPOR_TYPE">
The eTLD+1 of the frame URL where Reader Mode is prompted.
The eTLD+1 of the website visited, along with the time between initial
creation of a touch event and the start of the frame swap on the GPU service
caused by the generated ScrollUpdate gesture event if that ScrollUpdate is
the first such event in a given scroll gesture event sequence. If no swap
was induced by the event, no recording is made.
<string-field name="Domain">
The domain+registry of the URL.
<uint64-field name="Latency">
Latency in microseconds representing first
The eTLD+1 of the website visited, along with the time between initial
creation of a wheel event and the start of the frame swap on the GPU service
caused by the generated ScrollUpdate gesture event if that ScrollUpdate is
the first such event in a given scroll gesture event sequence. If no swap
was induced by the event, no recording is made.
<string-field name="Domain">
The domain+registry of the URL.
<uint64-field name="Latency">
Latency in microseconds representing first
The eTLD+1 of the website visited, along with the time between the initial
creation of a touch event and the start of the frame swap on the GPU service
caused by the generated ScrollUpdate gesture event. If no swap was induced
by the event, no recording is made. The first GSU of every scrolling
sequence is excluded from this metric.
<string-field name="Domain">
The domain+registry of the URL.
<uint64-field name="Latency">
Latency in microseconds representing Touch.TimeToScrollUpdateSwapBegin.
The eTLD+1 of the website visited, along with the time between the initial
creation of a wheel event and the start of the frame swap on the GPU service
caused by the generated ScrollUpdate gesture event. If no swap was induced
by the event, no recording is made. The first GSU of every scrolling
sequence is excluded from this metric.
<string-field name="Domain">
The domain+registry of the URL.
<uint64-field name="Latency">
Latency in microseconds representing Wheel.TimeToScrollUpdateSwapBegin2.
<rappor-metric name="Extensions.AffectedByIsolateExtensions"
The ID of an extension which will trigger out-of-process iframes under
--isolate-extensions. This metric is logged even if --isolate-extensions is
disabled. Includes framing in both directions: non-extension documents that
contain chrome-extension:// iframes, or vice versa. Hosted apps are not
considered extensions for the purposes of this metric.
<rappor-metric name="Extensions.CrossOriginFetchFromContentScript"
The ID of an extension which triggers a cross-origin request from its
content script if such a request results in a non-empty, non-4xx response
that would have been blocked by CORB if the request didn't come from a
content script.
Note that gathering of this data is not reimplemented in the NetworkService
version of Cross-Origin Read Blocking feature. This should be okay since we
hope to gather enough data before NetworkService ships.
TODO(lukasza): Around Q4 2018: Remove code after we've gathered enough data.
DEPRECATED: This metric incorrectly covers more than just requests from
content scripts - for example it also covers requests from GuestViews
(initiated by a Chrome App injecting scripts into GuestView). For now
GuestView is outside the scope of Site Isolation so this metric has been
replaced by Extensions.CrossOriginFetchFromContentScript2.
<rappor-metric name="Extensions.CrossOriginFetchFromContentScript2"
The ID of an extension which triggers a cross-origin request from its
content script if such a request results in a non-empty, non-4xx response
that would have been blocked by CORB if the request didn't come from a
content script.
Note that gathering of this data is not reimplemented in the NetworkService
version of Cross-Origin Read Blocking feature. This should be okay since we
hope to gather enough data before NetworkService ships.
TODO(lukasza): Around Q4 2018: Remove code after we've gathered enough data.
<rappor-metric name="Extensions.PossibleAdInjection2" type="ETLD_PLUS_ONE">
The eTLD+1 of a URL that might be doing ad injection.
<rappor-metric name="Launch.HomeScreen.Shortcut" type="ETLD_PLUS_ONE">
The eTLD+1 of a URL that was launched from the Android Home screen into a
tab. This explicitly does not count relaunches via the Android Recents menu.
<rappor-metric name="Launch.HomeScreen.Standalone" type="ETLD_PLUS_ONE">
The eTLD+1 of a URL that was launched from the Android Home screen into a
WebappActivity. This explicitly does not count relaunches via the Android
Recents menu.
<rappor-metric name="Launch.HomeScreenSource.AddToHomeScreen"
The eTLD+1 of a URL that was launched from the Android Home screen via an
intent added from an add to homescreen menu item. This explicitly does not
count relaunches via the Android Recents menu.
<rappor-metric name="Launch.HomeScreenSource.AppBanner" type="ETLD_PLUS_ONE">
The eTLD+1 of a URL that was launched from the Android Home screen via an
intent added from an app banner. This explicitly does not count relaunches
via the Android Recents menu.
<rappor-metric name="Launch.HomeScreenSource.BookmarkNavigatorWidget"
The eTLD+1 of a URL that was launched from the Chrome's bookmark navigator
widget. This explicitly does not count relaunches via the Android Recents
<rappor-metric name="Launch.HomeScreenSource.BookmarkShortcutWidget"
The eTLD+1 of a URL that was launched from the Chrome's bookmark shortcut
widget. This explicitly does not count relaunches via the Android Recents
<rappor-metric name="Launch.HomeScreenSource.Unknown" type="ETLD_PLUS_ONE">
The eTLD+1 of a URL that was launched from the Android Home screen via an
intent added from an unknown source. This explicitly does not count
relaunches via the Android Recents menu.
<rappor-metric name="Media.Autoplay.CrossOrigin.Allowed.ChildFrame"
Deprecated January 2019, metric no longer needed.
The eTLD+1 of a cross-origin iframe URL containing media that was allowed to
<rappor-metric name="Media.Autoplay.CrossOrigin.Allowed.TopLevelFrame"
Deprecated January 2019, metric no longer needed.
The eTLD+1 of the top-level frame URL that has a cross-origin iframe
containing media that was allowed to autoplay.
<rappor-metric name="Media.Autoplay.CrossOrigin.Blocked.ChildFrame"
Deprecated January 2019, metric no longer needed.
The eTLD+1 of a cross-origin iframe URL containing media that was blocked to
<rappor-metric name="Media.Autoplay.CrossOrigin.Blocked.TopLevelFrame"
Deprecated January 2019, metric no longer needed.
The eTLD+1 of the top-level frame URL that has a cross-origin iframe
containing media that was blocked to autoplay.
Deprecated January 2019, metric no longer needed.
The eTLD+1 of a cross-origin iframe URL containing media that was blocked to
autoplay but the user plays the media by gesture at some point.
Deprecated January 2019, metric no longer needed.
The eTLD+1 of the top-level frame URL that has a cross-origin iframe
containing media that was allowed to autoplay but the user plays the media
by gesture at some point.
Deprecated January 2019, metric no longer needed.
The eTLD+1 of a cross-origin iframe URL containing an autoplaying video but
the user actively paused it.
Deprecated January 2019, metric no longer needed.
The eTLD+1 of the top-level frame URL that has a cross-origin iframe
containing an autoplaying video but the user actively paused it.
<rappor-metric name="Media.Controls.Cast" type="ETLD_PLUS_ONE">
The URL of the page when the user casts media using the normal button.
<rappor-metric name="Media.Controls.CastOverlay" type="ETLD_PLUS_ONE">
The URL of the page when the user casts media using the overlay button.
<rappor-metric name="Media.OriginUrl.EME" type="ETLD_PLUS_ONE">
Superseded by media UKM metrics. No longer being logged.
The domain and registry of the URL that uses Encrypted Media Extensions
<rappor-metric name="Media.OriginUrl.EME.Insecure" type="ETLD_PLUS_ONE">
Superseded by media UKM metrics. No longer being logged.
The domain and registry of the URL that uses Encrypted Media Extensions
(EME) from an insecure origin.
<rappor-metric name="Media.OriginUrl.GpuVideoDecoderInitFailure"
The domain and registry of the URL that loads an HTML5 media player but
seeing a failure when trying to initialize the GpuVideoDecoder.
<rappor-metric name="Media.OriginUrl.HLS" type="ETLD_PLUS_ONE">
The domain and registry of the URL that loads an HTML5 media player to play
a HLS stream.
<rappor-metric name="Media.OriginUrl.MS" type="ETLD_PLUS_ONE">
The domain and registry of the URL that loads an HTML5 media player using
<rappor-metric name="Media.OriginUrl.MSE" type="ETLD_PLUS_ONE">
The domain and registry of the URL that loads an HTML5 media player using
Media Source Extensions (MSE).
<rappor-metric name="Media.OriginUrl.MSE.Insecure" type="ETLD_PLUS_ONE">
The domain and registry of the URL that loads an HTML5 media player using
Media Source Extensions (MSE) from an insecure origin.
<rappor-metric name="Media.OriginUrl.MSE.KeyframeTimeGreaterThanDependant"
The domain and registry of the URL that loads an HTML5 media player using
Media Source Extensions (MSE) and supplies media containing a track
resulting in a sequence emitted from the coded frame processing algorithm
where a nonkeyframe's presentation timestamp precedes the presentation
timestamp of the keyframe needed to decode it. This is reported up to once
per track, so multiple reports may come from a single playback. See for more context on why such sequences may be
<rappor-metric name="Media.OriginUrl.MSE.MuxedSequenceModeSourceBuffer"
The domain and registry of the URL that loads an HTML5 media player using
Media Source Extensions (MSE) and appends a media segment to a multitrack
SourceBuffer that is using 'sequence' AppendMode. This usage frequently
results in surprising and undesirable results, usually due to automatic
timestampOffset updates based on one track after a discontinuity are applied
to all tracks. This is reported up to once per SourceBuffer, so multiple
reports may come from a single playback. See for
more context.
<rappor-metric name="Media.OriginUrl.MSE.PipelineError" type="ETLD_PLUS_ONE">
The domain and registry of the URL that loads an HTML5 media player using
Media Source Extensions (MSE) and ends up with an error.
<rappor-metric name="Media.OriginUrl.MSE.Secure" type="ETLD_PLUS_ONE">
The domain and registry of the URL that loads an HTML5 media player using
Media Source Extensions (MSE) from a potentially trustworthy origin.
We record all codecs (see list in GetCodecName() in But for
now we are only interested in H264, VP8 and VP9.
<rappor-metric name="Media.OriginUrl.MSE.VideoCodec.h264" type="ETLD_PLUS_ONE">
The domain and registry of the URL that loads an HTML5 media player using
MSE with H264 video codec.
<rappor-metric name="Media.OriginUrl.MSE.VideoCodec.vp8" type="ETLD_PLUS_ONE">
The domain and registry of the URL that loads an HTML5 media player using
MSE with VP8 video codec.
<rappor-metric name="Media.OriginUrl.MSE.VideoCodec.vp9" type="ETLD_PLUS_ONE">
The domain and registry of the URL that loads an HTML5 media player using
MSE with VP9 video codec.
<rappor-metric name="Media.OriginUrl.SRC" type="ETLD_PLUS_ONE">
The domain and registry of the URL that loads an HTML5 media player using
<rappor-metric name="Media.OriginUrl.SRC.PipelineError" type="ETLD_PLUS_ONE">
The domain and registry of the URL that loads an HTML5 media player using
SRC and ends up with an error.
We record all codecs (see list in GetCodecName() in But for
now we are only interested in H264, VP8 and VP9.
<rappor-metric name="Media.OriginUrl.SRC.VideoCodec.h264" type="ETLD_PLUS_ONE">
The domain and registry of the URL that loads an HTML5 media player using
SRC with H264 video codec.
<rappor-metric name="Media.OriginUrl.SRC.VideoCodec.vp8" type="ETLD_PLUS_ONE">
The domain and registry of the URL that loads an HTML5 media player using
SRC with VP8 video codec.
<rappor-metric name="Media.OriginUrl.SRC.VideoCodec.vp9" type="ETLD_PLUS_ONE">
The domain and registry of the URL that loads an HTML5 media player using
SRC with VP9 video codec.
<rappor-metric name="Media.Session.APIUsage.Origin" type="ETLD_PLUS_ONE">
The eTLD+1 of the URL of frames using the Media Session API.
<rappor-metric name="Media.Video.Autoplay.Muted.Attribute.Frame"
The eTLD+1 of the frame URL that has an autoplay muted video by attribute.
<rappor-metric name="Media.Video.Autoplay.Muted.DualSource.Frame"
The eTLD+1 of the frame URL that has an autoplay muted video by both
attribute and play() method.
<rappor-metric name="Media.Video.Autoplay.Muted.PlayMethod.Frame"
The eTLD+1 of the frame URL that has an autoplay muted video by play()
<rappor-metric name="Media.VideoPersistence.TopFrame" type="ETLD_PLUS_ONE">
The eTLD+1 of the top frame of the tab when a video persistence session is
<rappor-metric name="NTP.ExplicitUserAction.PageNavigation.NTPTileClick"
The eTLD+1 of the website visited by a user by clicking on the tile in the
<rappor-metric name="NTP.ExplicitUserAction.PageNavigation.OmniboxNonSearch"
The eTLD+1 of the website visited by a user by typing the URL in the omnibox
including those completed from suggestions but not including those that end
up being searches in the search engine.
<rappor-metric name="NTP.SuggestionsImpressions.IconsColor"
The eTLD+1 of a most visited tile displayed in the NTP, for cases where the
fallback color was used (as opposed to having an icon, or simply being
<rappor-metric name="NTP.SuggestionsImpressions.IconsGray"
The eTLD+1 of a most visited tile displayed in the NTP, for cases where the
gray fallback icon was used (as opposed to having an icon, or a fallback
<rappor-metric name="NTP.SuggestionsImpressions.IconsReal"
The eTLD+1 of a most visited tile displayed in the NTP, for cases where the
real icon was used (as opposed to having a fallback color or simply being
<rappor-metric name="Navigation.Scheme.Data" type="ETLD_PLUS_ONE">
No longer being logged.
The domain and registry of the URL that resulted in a main frame navigation
to a |data:| URL. This includes page initiated navigations (e.g. redirects)
and users clicking links, but excludes navigations initiated by users typing
|data:| URLs.
<rappor-metric name="Net.ErrAborted.Fast" type="ETLD_PLUS_ONE">
Deprecated Aug 2017, metric just showed popular sites.
The domain and registry of the URL that leads to a main frame ERR_ABORTED
error less than 100 ms after the request is created.
<rappor-metric name="Net.ErrAborted.Slow" type="ETLD_PLUS_ONE">
Deprecated Aug 2017, metric just showed popular sites.
The domain and registry of the URL that leads to a main frame ERR_ABORTED
error more than 100 ms after the request is created.
<rappor-metric name="PageLoad.CoarseTiming.NavigationToFirstContentfulPaint"
Deprecated May 2018
The eTLD+1 of the website visited, along with a bitfield representing bucket
membership in a coarse histogram of time from navigation start to the time
the first real content (text/image) is painted on the screen (See
PageLoad.PaintTiming.NavigationToFirstContentfulPaint). The bucket's name is
the histogram's lower bound. Tracks the same sites that the rest of the
PageLoad.* histogram metrics track, i.e. http/s, html, main frame
navigations. Metrics are only recorded for navigations that reached first
contentful paint entirely in the foreground.
<string-field name="Domain">
The domain+registry of the URL.
<flags-field name="Bucket">
<flag bit="0" label="0_2_SECONDS"/>
<flag bit="1" label="2_4_SECONDS"/>
<flag bit="2" label="4_8_SECONDS"/>
<flag bit="3" label="8_16_SECONDS"/>
<flag bit="4" label="16_32_SECONDS"/>
<flag bit="5" label="32_INF_SECONDS"/>
Bitfield representing the bucket when the time to first contentful paint
<flags-field name="IsSlow">
<flag bit="0" label="OVER_10_SECONDS"/>
Whether or not the navigation to first contentful paint took over ten
seconds. We send this over to ease in analysis. The Bucket field has many
dimensions of noise (i.e. bits flipped), so it will be much harder to
de-noise than this one.
Deprecated May 2018
The domain and registry of the URL of a page which did not report
PageLoad.Experimental.PaintTiming.NavigationToFirstMeaningfulPaint UMA
because the user left the page before the page's network activity settles
<rappor-metric name="Permissions.Action.AudioCapture"
**DEPRECATED. No longer reported as of M52. The domain+registry of a URL
that requested the MediaStream Microphone API.
<string-field name="Scheme">
The scheme of a URL that requested a permission.
<string-field name="Host">
The host of a URL that requested a permission.
<string-field name="Port">
The port of a URL that requested a permission.
<string-field name="Domain">
The domain+registry of a URL that requested a permission.
<flags-field name="Actions">
<flag bit="0" label="GRANTED"/>
<flag bit="1" label="DENIED"/>
<flag bit="2" label="DISMISSED"/>
<flag bit="3" label="IGNORED"/>
<flag bit="4" label="REVOKED"/>
<flag bit="5" label="REENABLED"/>
<flag bit="6" label="REQUESTED"/>
Bitfield of the permission actions taken for this permission.
<rappor-metric name="Permissions.Action.DurableStorage"
**DEPRECATED. No longer reported as of M52. The domain+registry of a URL
that requested the Durable Storage API.
<string-field name="Scheme">
The scheme of a URL that requested a permission.
<string-field name="Host">
The host of a URL that requested a permission.
<string-field name="Port">
The port of a URL that requested a permission.
<string-field name="Domain">
The domain+registry of a URL that requested a permission.
<flags-field name="Actions">
<flag bit="0" label="GRANTED"/>
<flag bit="1" label="DENIED"/>
<flag bit="2" label="DISMISSED"/>
<flag bit="3" label="IGNORED"/>
<flag bit="4" label="REVOKED"/>
<flag bit="5" label="REENABLED"/>
<flag bit="6" label="REQUESTED"/>
Bitfield of the permission actions taken for this permission.
<rappor-metric name="Permissions.Action.Geolocation"
**DEPRECATED. No longer reported as of M52. The domain+registry of a URL
that requested the Geolocation API.
<string-field name="Scheme">
The scheme of a URL that requested a permission.
<string-field name="Host">
The host of a URL that requested a permission.
<string-field name="Port">
The port of a URL that requested a permission.
<string-field name="Domain">
The domain+registry of a URL that requested a permission.
<flags-field name="Actions">
<flag bit="0" label="GRANTED"/>
<flag bit="1" label="DENIED"/>
<flag bit="2" label="DISMISSED"/>
<flag bit="3" label="IGNORED"/>
<flag bit="4" label="REVOKED"/>
<flag bit="5" label="REENABLED"/>
<flag bit="6" label="REQUESTED"/>
Bitfield of the permission actions taken for this permission.
<rappor-metric name="Permissions.Action.MidiSysEx"
**DEPRECATED. No longer reported as of M52. The domain+registry of a URL
that requested the MidiSysEx API.
<string-field name="Scheme">
The scheme of a URL that requested a permission.
<string-field name="Host">
The host of a URL that requested a permission.
<string-field name="Port">
The port of a URL that requested a permission.
<string-field name="Domain">
The domain+registry of a URL that requested a permission.
<flags-field name="Actions">
<flag bit="0" label="GRANTED"/>
<flag bit="1" label="DENIED"/>
<flag bit="2" label="DISMISSED"/>
<flag bit="3" label="IGNORED"/>
<flag bit="4" label="REVOKED"/>
<flag bit="5" label="REENABLED"/>
<flag bit="6" label="REQUESTED"/>
Bitfield of the permission actions taken for this permission.
<rappor-metric name="Permissions.Action.Notifications"
**DEPRECATED. No longer reported as of M52. The domain+registry of a URL
that requested the Notifications API.
<string-field name="Scheme">
The scheme of a URL that requested a permission.
<string-field name="Host">
The host of a URL that requested a permission.
<string-field name="Port">
The port of a URL that requested a permission.
<string-field name="Domain">
The domain+registry of a URL that requested a permission.
<flags-field name="Actions">
<flag bit="0" label="GRANTED"/>
<flag bit="1" label="DENIED"/>
<flag bit="2" label="DISMISSED"/>
<flag bit="3" label="IGNORED"/>
<flag bit="4" label="REVOKED"/>
<flag bit="5" label="REENABLED"/>
<flag bit="6" label="REQUESTED"/>
Bitfield of the permission actions taken for this permission.
<rappor-metric name="Permissions.Action.ProtectedMediaIdentifier"
**DEPRECATED. No longer reported as of M52. The domain+registry of a URL
that requested the ProtectedMediaIdentifier API.
<string-field name="Scheme">
The scheme of a URL that requested a permission.
<string-field name="Host">
The host of a URL that requested a permission.
<string-field name="Port">
The port of a URL that requested a permission.
<string-field name="Domain">
The domain+registry of a URL that requested a permission.
<flags-field name="Actions">
<flag bit="0" label="GRANTED"/>
<flag bit="1" label="DENIED"/>
<flag bit="2" label="DISMISSED"/>
<flag bit="3" label="IGNORED"/>
<flag bit="4" label="REVOKED"/>
<flag bit="5" label="REENABLED"/>
<flag bit="6" label="REQUESTED"/>
Bitfield of the permission actions taken for this permission.
<rappor-metric name="Permissions.Action.PushMessaging"
**DEPRECATED. No longer reported as of M52. The domain+registry of a URL
that requested the PushMessaging API.
<string-field name="Scheme">
The scheme of a URL that requested a permission.
<string-field name="Host">
The host of a URL that requested a permission.
<string-field name="Port">
The port of a URL that requested a permission.
<string-field name="Domain">
The domain+registry of a URL that requested a permission.
<flags-field name="Actions">
<flag bit="0" label="GRANTED"/>
<flag bit="1" label="DENIED"/>
<flag bit="2" label="DISMISSED"/>
<flag bit="3" label="IGNORED"/>
<flag bit="4" label="REVOKED"/>
<flag bit="5" label="REENABLED"/>
<flag bit="6" label="REQUESTED"/>
Bitfield of the permission actions taken for this permission.
<rappor-metric name="Permissions.Action.VideoCapture"
**DEPRECATED. No longer reported as of M52. The domain+registry of a URL
that requested the MediaStream Camera API.
<string-field name="Scheme">
The scheme of a URL that requested a permission.
<string-field name="Host">
The host of a URL that requested a permission.
<string-field name="Port">
The port of a URL that requested a permission.
<string-field name="Domain">
The domain+registry of a URL that requested a permission.
<flags-field name="Actions">
<flag bit="0" label="GRANTED"/>
<flag bit="1" label="DENIED"/>
<flag bit="2" label="DISMISSED"/>
<flag bit="3" label="IGNORED"/>
<flag bit="4" label="REVOKED"/>
<flag bit="5" label="REENABLED"/>
<flag bit="6" label="REQUESTED"/>
Bitfield of the permission actions taken for this permission.
<rappor-metric name="Plugins.FlashOriginUrl" type="ETLD_PLUS_ONE">
The domain and registry of the top level URL of a page which attempts to
launch a Flash NPAPI or PPAPI plugin, if the client has Flash installed and
enabled. Recorded when the plugin frame appears for each Flash object found
on the page, even if the plugin is click-to-play.
<rappor-metric name="Plugins.FlashUrl" type="ETLD_PLUS_ONE">
The domain and registry of the URL from where Flash SWF or SPL content is
being loaded from, while attempting to launch a Flash (NPAPI or PPAPI)
plugin that is installed and enabled. Recorded when the plugin frame appears
for each Flash object found in the page, even if the plugin is
<rappor-metric name="Plugins.SilverlightOriginUrl" type="ETLD_PLUS_ONE">
Deprecated with NPAPI removal. The domain and registry of the top level URL
of a page which attempts to launch a Silverlight NPAPI plugin, if the client
has Silverlight installed and enabled. Recorded when the plugin frame
appears for each Silverlight object found on the page, even if the plugin is
<rappor-metric name="PowerfulFeatureUse.ETLDPlus1.GetUserMedia.Insecure"
The ETLD+1 of the URL that uses the getUserMedia API from an insecure
<rappor-metric name="PowerfulFeatureUse.ETLDPlus1.GetUserMedia.Secure"
The ETLD+1 of the URL that uses the getUserMedia API from a secure origin.
<rappor-metric name="PowerfulFeatureUse.Host.ApplicationCacheAPI.Insecure"
The host of the URL that uses a the Application Cache programmatic API from
an insecure origin.
The host of the URL that uses an Application Cache manifest from an insecure
<rappor-metric name="PowerfulFeatureUse.Host.DeviceMotion.Insecure"
The host of the URL that uses the device motion API from an insecure origin.
<rappor-metric name="PowerfulFeatureUse.Host.DeviceOrientation.Insecure"
The host of the URL that uses the device orientation API from an insecure
<rappor-metric name="PowerfulFeatureUse.Host.Fullscreen.Insecure"
The host of the URL that uses the fullscreen API from an insecure origin.
<rappor-metric name="PowerfulFeatureUse.Host.Geolocation.Insecure"
The host of the URL that uses the geolocation API from an insecure origin.
<rappor-metric name="PowerfulFeatureUse.Host.GetUserMedia.Insecure"
**DEPRECATED. No longer reporting as of M53. Replaced by
PowerfulFeatureUse.ETLDPlus1.GetUserMedia.Insecure The host of the URL that
uses the getUserMedia API from an insecure origin.
<rappor-metric name="PowerfulFeatureUse.Host.GetUserMedia.Secure"
**DEPRECATED. No longer reporting as of M53. Replaced by
PowerfulFeatureUse.ETLDPlus1.GetUserMedia.Secure. The host of the URL that
uses the getUserMedia API from a secure origin.
<rappor-metric name="PushMessaging.GenericNotificationShown.Origin"
Number of times the generic (forced) notification was shown per origin. This
happens if the site uses the push api but does not generate a notification
of their own.
<rappor-metric name="PushMessaging.MessageReceived.Origin" type="ETLD_PLUS_ONE">
Push Messages received per Origin.
<rappor-metric name="RTCPeerConnection.Audio" type="ETLD_PLUS_ONE">
The ETLD+1 of the URL with a WebRTC peer connection with at least one audio
<rappor-metric name="RTCPeerConnection.DataChannel" type="ETLD_PLUS_ONE">
The ETLD+1 of the URL with a WebRTC peer connection with at least one data
<rappor-metric name="RTCPeerConnection.Unconnected" type="ETLD_PLUS_ONE">
The ETLD+1 of the URL with a WebRTC peer connection that was created but
never connected.
<rappor-metric name="RTCPeerConnection.Video" type="ETLD_PLUS_ONE">
The ETLD+1 of the URL with a WebRTC peer connection with at least one video
<rappor-metric name="ResourceReporter.Cpu" type="UMA_RAPPOR_TYPE">
A Chrome task, its process priority, and its CPU usage range.
<string-field name="task">
The canonicalized name of a Chrome task. In most cases this is the origin
URL of the task's WebContents.
<flags-field name="priority">
<flag bit="0" label="BACKGROUND"/>
Bitfield for the task's process priority (whether it's foregrounded or
<flags-field name="num_cores_range">
<flag bit="0" label="RANGE_CORES_1_CORE"/>
<flag bit="1" label="RANGE_CORES_2_CORES"/>
<flag bit="2" label="RANGE_CORES_3_TO_4_CORES"/>
<flag bit="3" label="RANGE_CORES_5_TO_8_CORES"/>
<flag bit="4" label="RANGE_CORES_9_TO_16_CORES"/>
<flag bit="5" label="RANGE_CORES_ABOVE_16_CORES"/>
Bitfield for the current system's number or cores range.
<flags-field name="usage_range">
<flag bit="0" label="RANGE_10_TO_30_PERCENT"/>
<flag bit="1" label="RANGE_30_TO_60_PERCENT"/>
<flag bit="2" label="RANGE_ABOVE_60_PERCENT"/>
Bitfield for the tasks CPU usage range.
<rappor-metric name="ResourceReporter.Memory" type="UMA_RAPPOR_TYPE">
A Chrome task, and its memory usage range.
<string-field name="task">
The canonicalized name of a Chrome task. In most cases this is the origin
URL of the task's WebContents.
<flags-field name="priority">
<flag bit="0" label="BACKGROUND"/>
Bitfield for the task's process priority (whether it's foregrounded or
<flags-field name="usage_range">
<flag bit="0" label="RANGE_200_TO_400_MB"/>
<flag bit="1" label="RANGE_400_TO_600_MB"/>
<flag bit="2" label="RANGE_600_TO_800_MB"/>
<flag bit="3" label="RANGE_800_TO_1_GB"/>
<flag bit="4" label="RANGE_ABOVE_1_GB"/>
Bitfield for the tasks memory usage range.
<rappor-metric name="SafeBrowsing.UnverifiedDownloads.Allowed"
**DEPRECATED: No longer reported as of M52. The domain and registry of the
URL for which a download was allowed without being verified by Safe
Browsing. Recorded before the download is started.
<rappor-metric name="SafeBrowsing.UnverifiedDownloads.AllowedByWhitelist"
**DEPRECATED: No longer reported as of M52. The domain and registry of the
URL for which a download was allowed without being verified by Safe Browsing
because it was on a whitelisted domain. Recorded before the download is
started. The candidates should come from the domain whitelist.
**DEPRECATED: No longer reported as of M52. The domain and registry of the
URL for which a download was allowed without being verified by Safe Browsing
because the service was disabled at the time. Recorded before the download
is started.
<rappor-metric name="SafeBrowsing.UnverifiedDownloads.Blocked"
**DEPRECATED: No longer reported as of M52. The domain and registry of the
URL for which a download was blocked without being verified by Safe Browsing
because the extension matched the blacklist provided by Finch. Recorded
before the download is started.
<rappor-metric name="Search.DefaultSearchProvider" type="ETLD_PLUS_ONE">
The domain and registry of the URL for the default search engine. Recorded
when a profile is opened or after a profile reset.
No longer being logged since Sep 2018.
The domain and registry of the URL of service worker script which used
importScripts() to import a script that was not previously installed.
Recorded when importScripts() is called.
<rappor-metric name="ServiceWorker.ControlledPageUrl" type="ETLD_PLUS_ONE">
The domain and registry of the URL of the page which is controlled by a
ServiceWorker. Recorded when the page is loaded.
<rappor-metric name="Settings.FirstStartupPage" type="ETLD_PLUS_ONE">
The domain and registry of the URL of the first page opened on startup.
Recorded when a profile is loaded if preferences specify a fixed set of URLs
to open on startup.
<rappor-metric name="Settings.HomePage2" type="ETLD_PLUS_ONE">
The eTLD+1 of the prefs::kHomePage setting. Recorded when a profile is
loaded if the URL is valid and prefs::kHomePageIsNewTabPage is false.
<rappor-metric name="Settings.NewTabPage" type="ETLD_PLUS_ONE">
The domain and registry of the URL chrome://newtab is rewritten to. Recorded
when a profile is loaded, if the URL is valid.
<rappor-metric name="SoftwareReporter.FoundUwS" type="COARSE_RAPPOR_TYPE">
The IDs of unwanted software found by the software reporter tool.
<rappor-metric name="Startup.BrowserLaunchURL" type="UMA_RAPPOR_TYPE">
The eTLD+1 of a URL that was passed in from the command line when Chrome is
invoked. Note that this handles the case of a URL passed to Chrome starting
up, or when a running Chrome is given the message to open a new URL.
<rappor-metric name="SubresourceFilter.UIShown" type="UMA_RAPPOR_TYPE">
Deprecated May 2018 in favor of SubresourceFilter UKM.
The eTLD+1 that caused the SubresourceFilter UI to show that ads are being
blocked on the site.
<rappor-metric name="Tab.TabUnder.Opener" type="UMA_RAPPOR_TYPE">
Now logged in UKM (see AbusiveExperienceHeuristic)
The domain and registry of the URL that attempted to initiate a
&quot;tab-under&quot; navigation. That is, a navigation which occurs in the
background without a user gesture, after the tab had already opened a popup.
<rappor-metric name="VR.FullScreenMode" type="ETLD_PLUS_ONE">
The host of the URL for pages that enter a fullscreen experience while in
<rappor-metric name="VR.Video.Browser" type="ETLD_PLUS_ONE">
The host of URL that played video while in the VR browser
<rappor-metric name="VR.Video.Fullscreen" type="ETLD_PLUS_ONE">
The host of the URL that played video while in a fullscreen experience in
<rappor-metric name="VR.Video.WebVR" type="ETLD_PLUS_ONE">
The host of the URL that played video while in WebVR.
<rappor-metric name="VR.WebVR.GetDisplays" type="ETLD_PLUS_ONE">
The host of the URL that called WebVR APIs to obtain the list of VRDisplays.
<rappor-metric name="VR.WebVR.PresentSuccess" type="ETLD_PLUS_ONE">
The host of the URL that succeeded in presenting WebVR content.
<rappor-metric name="WebComponents.EventPath" type="ETLD_PLUS_ONE">
The host of a URL that used Event::Path().
<rappor-metric name="WebComponents.EventPath.Extensions" type="ETLD_PLUS_ONE">
The name of an extension that used Event::Path().
<rappor-metric name="interstitial.harmful" type="SAFEBROWSING_RAPPOR_TYPE">
The domain+registry of a URL that triggered a safe-browsing UWS
<string-field name="domain">
**DEPRECATED: replaced by interstitial.harmful2 as of M52. The
domain+registry of a URL that triggered a safe-browsing UWS interstitial.
<flags-field name="flags">
<flag bit="0" label="DID_PROCEED"/>
<flag bit="1" label="IS_REPEAT_VISIT"/>
Bitfield of the state from a safe-browsing UWS warning interstitial.
<rappor-metric name="interstitial.harmful2"
**DEPRECATED as of M57. The domain+registry of a URL that triggered a
safe-browsing UWS interstitial.
<string-field name="domain">
The domain+registry of a URL that triggered a safe-browsing UWS
<flags-field name="flags">
<flag bit="0" label="DID_PROCEED"/>
<flag bit="1" label="IS_REPEAT_VISIT"/>
Bitfield of the state from a safe-browsing UWS warning interstitial.
<rappor-metric name="interstitial.malware" type="SAFEBROWSING_RAPPOR_TYPE">
**DEPRECATED: replaced by interstitial.malware2 as of M52. The
domain+registry of a URL that triggered a safe-browsing malware
<string-field name="domain">
**DEPRECATED as of M57. The domain+registry of a URL that triggered a
safe-browsing malware interstitial.
<flags-field name="flags">
<flag bit="0" label="DID_PROCEED"/>
<flag bit="1" label="IS_REPEAT_VISIT"/>
Bitfield of the state from a safe-browsing malware warning interstitial.
<rappor-metric name="interstitial.malware2"
The domain+registry of a URL that triggered a safe-browsing malware
<string-field name="domain">
The domain+registry of a URL that triggered a safe-browsing malware
<flags-field name="flags">
<flag bit="0" label="DID_PROCEED"/>
<flag bit="1" label="IS_REPEAT_VISIT"/>
Bitfield of the state from a safe-browsing malware warning interstitial.
<rappor-metric name="interstitial.phishing" type="SAFEBROWSING_RAPPOR_TYPE">
**DEPRECATED: replaced by interstitial.phishing2 as of M52. The
domain+registry of a URL that triggered a safe-browsing phishing
<string-field name="domain">
The domain+registry of a URL that triggered a safe-browsing phishing
<flags-field name="flags">
<flag bit="0" label="DID_PROCEED"/>
<flag bit="1" label="IS_REPEAT_VISIT"/>
Bitfield of the state from a safe-browsing phishing warning interstitial.
<rappor-metric name="interstitial.phishing2"
**DEPRECATED as of M57. The domain+registry of a URL that triggered a
safe-browsing phishing interstitial.
<string-field name="domain">
The domain+registry of a URL that triggered a safe-browsing phishing
<flags-field name="flags">
<flag bit="0" label="DID_PROCEED"/>
<flag bit="1" label="IS_REPEAT_VISIT"/>
Bitfield of the state from a safe-browsing phishing warning interstitial.
<rappor-metric name="interstitial.ssl.domain" type="COARSE_RAPPOR_TYPE">
** DEPRECATED. Replaced by insterstitial.ssl2.domain on 2015-07-07 since the
type changed.** The domain+registry of a URL that triggered an SSL
interstitial. Domains for bad-clock warnings are not reported.
<rappor-metric name="interstitial.ssl2" type="UMA_RAPPOR_TYPE">
**DEPRECATED: replaced by interstitial.ssl2 as of M52. The domain+registry
of a URL that triggered an SSL interstitial.
<string-field name="domain">
The domain+registry of a URL that triggered an SSL interstitial.
<flags-field name="flags">
<flag bit="0" label="DID_PROCEED"/>
<flag bit="1" label="IS_REPEAT_VISIT"/>
Bitfield of the state from an SSL warning interstitial.
<rappor-metric name="interstitial.ssl3" type="LOW_FREQUENCY_UMA_RAPPOR_TYPE">
**DEPRECATED as of M57. The domain+registry of a URL that triggered an SSL
<string-field name="domain">
The domain+registry of a URL that triggered an SSL interstitial.
<flags-field name="flags">
<flag bit="0" label="DID_PROCEED"/>
<flag bit="1" label="IS_REPEAT_VISIT"/>
Bitfield of the state from an SSL warning interstitial.