blob: 0118bd04703b4c8a33adc4ce0e0cad1cb1bd589e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/browser/ui/views/toolbar/reload_button.h"
#include "base/run_loop.h"
#include "chrome/test/base/chrome_render_view_host_test_harness.h"
#include "chrome/test/base/testing_profile.h"
#include "chrome/test/views/chrome_test_views_delegate.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "ui/events/event_utils.h"
class ReloadButtonTest : public ChromeRenderViewHostTestHarness {
void CheckState(bool enabled,
ReloadButton::Mode intended_mode,
ReloadButton::Mode visible_mode,
bool double_click_timer_running,
bool mode_switch_timer_running);
// These accessors eliminate the need to declare each testcase as a friend.
void set_mouse_hovered(bool hovered) {
reload_.testing_mouse_hovered_ = hovered;
int reload_count() { return reload_.testing_reload_count_; }
ReloadButton* reload() { return &reload_; }
ChromeTestViewsDelegate views_delegate_;
ReloadButton reload_;
ReloadButtonTest::ReloadButtonTest() : reload_(nullptr) {
// Set the timer delays to 0 so that timers will fire as soon as we tell the
// message loop to run pending tasks.
reload_.double_click_timer_delay_ = base::TimeDelta();
reload_.mode_switch_timer_delay_ = base::TimeDelta();
void ReloadButtonTest::CheckState(bool enabled,
ReloadButton::Mode intended_mode,
ReloadButton::Mode visible_mode,
bool double_click_timer_running,
bool mode_switch_timer_running) {
EXPECT_EQ(enabled, reload_.enabled());
EXPECT_EQ(intended_mode, reload_.intended_mode_);
EXPECT_EQ(visible_mode, reload_.visible_mode_);
EXPECT_EQ(mode_switch_timer_running, reload_.mode_switch_timer_.IsRunning());
TEST_F(ReloadButtonTest, Basic) {
// The stop/reload button starts in the "enabled reload" state with no timers
// running.
CheckState(true, ReloadButton::Mode::kReload, ReloadButton::Mode::kReload,
false, false);
// Press the button. This should start the double-click timer.
ui::MouseEvent e(ui::ET_MOUSE_PRESSED, gfx::Point(), gfx::Point(),
ui::EventTimeForNow(), 0, 0);
reload()->ButtonPressed(reload(), e);
CheckState(true, ReloadButton::Mode::kReload, ReloadButton::Mode::kReload,
true, false);
// Now change the mode (as if the browser had started loading the page). This
// should cancel the double-click timer since the button is not hovered.
reload()->ChangeMode(ReloadButton::Mode::kStop, false);
CheckState(true, ReloadButton::Mode::kStop, ReloadButton::Mode::kStop, false,
// Press the button again. This should change back to reload.
reload()->ButtonPressed(reload(), e);
CheckState(true, ReloadButton::Mode::kReload, ReloadButton::Mode::kReload,
false, false);
TEST_F(ReloadButtonTest, DoubleClickTimer) {
// Start by pressing the button.
ui::MouseEvent e(ui::ET_MOUSE_PRESSED, gfx::Point(), gfx::Point(),
ui::EventTimeForNow(), 0, 0);
reload()->ButtonPressed(reload(), e);
// Try to press the button again. This should do nothing because the timer is
// running.
int original_reload_count = reload_count();
reload()->ButtonPressed(reload(), e);
CheckState(true, ReloadButton::Mode::kReload, ReloadButton::Mode::kReload,
true, false);
EXPECT_EQ(original_reload_count, reload_count());
// Hover the button, and change mode. The visible mode should not change,
// again because the timer is running.
reload()->ChangeMode(ReloadButton::Mode::kStop, false);
CheckState(true, ReloadButton::Mode::kStop, ReloadButton::Mode::kReload, true,
// Now fire the timer. This should complete the mode change.
CheckState(true, ReloadButton::Mode::kStop, ReloadButton::Mode::kStop, false,
TEST_F(ReloadButtonTest, DisableOnHover) {
// Change to stop and hover.
ui::MouseEvent e(ui::ET_MOUSE_PRESSED, gfx::Point(), gfx::Point(),
ui::EventTimeForNow(), 0, 0);
reload()->ButtonPressed(reload(), e);
reload()->ChangeMode(ReloadButton::Mode::kStop, false);
// Now change back to reload. This should result in a disabled stop button
// due to the hover.
reload()->ChangeMode(ReloadButton::Mode::kReload, false);
CheckState(false, ReloadButton::Mode::kReload, ReloadButton::Mode::kStop,
false, true);
// Un-hover the button, which should allow it to reset.
ui::MouseEvent e2(ui::ET_MOUSE_MOVED, gfx::Point(), gfx::Point(),
ui::EventTimeForNow(), 0, 0);
CheckState(true, ReloadButton::Mode::kReload, ReloadButton::Mode::kReload,
false, false);
TEST_F(ReloadButtonTest, ResetOnClick) {
// Change to stop and hover.
ui::MouseEvent e(ui::ET_MOUSE_PRESSED, gfx::Point(), gfx::Point(),
ui::EventTimeForNow(), 0, 0);
reload()->ButtonPressed(reload(), e);
reload()->ChangeMode(ReloadButton::Mode::kStop, false);
// Press the button. This should change back to reload despite the hover,
// because it's a direct user action.
reload()->ButtonPressed(reload(), e);
CheckState(true, ReloadButton::Mode::kReload, ReloadButton::Mode::kReload,
false, false);
TEST_F(ReloadButtonTest, ResetOnTimer) {
// Change to stop, hover, and change back to reload.
ui::MouseEvent e(ui::ET_MOUSE_PRESSED, gfx::Point(), gfx::Point(),
ui::EventTimeForNow(), 0, 0);
reload()->ButtonPressed(reload(), e);
reload()->ChangeMode(ReloadButton::Mode::kStop, false);
reload()->ChangeMode(ReloadButton::Mode::kReload, false);
// Now fire the stop-to-reload timer. This should reset the button.
CheckState(true, ReloadButton::Mode::kReload, ReloadButton::Mode::kReload,
false, false);