blob: 4dcd8caba448e1547f88ba83638a2349befebcc1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "ui/base/models/list_selection_model.h"
#include "ui/base/models/table_model.h"
#include "ui/base/models/table_model_observer.h"
#include "ui/gfx/font_list.h"
#include "ui/views/controls/focus_ring.h"
#include "ui/views/view.h"
#include "ui/views/views_export.h"
namespace ui {
struct AXActionData;
struct AXNodeData;
} // namespace ui
// A TableView is a view that displays multiple rows with any number of columns.
// TableView is driven by a TableModel. The model returns the contents
// to display. TableModel also has an Observer which is used to notify
// TableView of changes to the model so that the display may be updated
// appropriately.
// TableView itself has an observer that is notified when the selection
// changes.
// When a table is sorted the model coordinates do not necessarily match the
// view coordinates. All table methods are in terms of the model. If you need to
// convert to view coordinates use ModelToView().
// Sorting is done by a locale sensitive string sort. You can customize the
// sort by way of overriding TableModel::CompareValues().
namespace views {
class AXVirtualView;
class FocusRing;
struct GroupRange;
class TableGrouper;
class TableHeader;
class TableViewObserver;
class TableViewTestHelper;
// The cells in the first column of a table can contain:
// - only text
// - a small icon (16x16) and some text
// - a check box and some text
enum TableTypes {
class VIEWS_EXPORT TableView
: public views::View,
public ui::TableModelObserver {
// Internal class name.
static const char kViewClassName[];
// Used by AdvanceActiveVisibleColumn(), AdvanceSelection() and
// ResizeColumnViaKeyboard() to determine the direction to change the
// selection.
enum AdvanceDirection {
// Used to track a visible column. Useful only for the header.
struct VIEWS_EXPORT VisibleColumn {
// The column.
ui::TableColumn column;
// Starting x-coordinate of the column.
int x;
// Width of the column.
int width;
// Describes a sorted column.
struct VIEWS_EXPORT SortDescriptor {
SortDescriptor() : column_id(-1), ascending(true) {}
SortDescriptor(int column_id, bool ascending)
: column_id(column_id),
ascending(ascending) {}
// ID of the sorted column.
int column_id;
// Is the sort ascending?
bool ascending;
typedef std::vector<SortDescriptor> SortDescriptors;
// Creates a new table using the model and columns specified.
// The table type applies to the content of the first column (text, icon and
// text, checkbox and text).
TableView(ui::TableModel* model,
const std::vector<ui::TableColumn>& columns,
TableTypes table_type,
bool single_selection);
~TableView() override;
// Assigns a new model to the table view, detaching the old one if present.
// If |model| is NULL, the table view cannot be used after this call. This
// should be called in the containing view's destructor to avoid destruction
// issues when the model needs to be deleted before the table.
void SetModel(ui::TableModel* model);
ui::TableModel* model() const { return model_; }
// Returns a new ScrollView that contains the receiver.
View* CreateParentIfNecessary();
// Sets the TableGrouper. TableView does not own |grouper| (common use case is
// to have TableModel implement TableGrouper).
void SetGrouper(TableGrouper* grouper);
// Returns the number of rows in the TableView.
int RowCount() const;
// Selects the specified item, making sure it's visible.
void Select(int model_row);
// Returns the first selected row in terms of the model.
int FirstSelectedRow();
const ui::ListSelectionModel& selection_model() const {
return selection_model_;
// Changes the visibility of the specified column (by id).
void SetColumnVisibility(int id, bool is_visible);
bool IsColumnVisible(int id) const;
// Adds the specified column. |col| is not made visible.
void AddColumn(const ui::TableColumn& col);
// Returns true if the column with the specified id is known (either visible
// or not).
bool HasColumn(int id) const;
// Returns whether an active row and column have been set.
bool HasFocusIndicator() const;
// Moves the focus ring to its new location if the active cell has changed, or
// hides the focus ring if the table is not focused.
void ResetFocusIndicator();
void set_observer(TableViewObserver* observer) { observer_ = observer; }
TableViewObserver* observer() const { return observer_; }
int GetActiveVisibleColumnIndex() const;
void SetActiveVisibleColumnIndex(int index);
const std::vector<VisibleColumn>& visible_columns() const {
return visible_columns_;
const VisibleColumn& GetVisibleColumn(int index);
// Sets the width of the column. |index| is in terms of |visible_columns_|.
void SetVisibleColumnWidth(int index, int width);
// Modify the table sort order, depending on a clicked column and the previous
// table sort order. Does nothing if this column is not sortable.
// When called repeatedly on the same sortable column, the sort order will
// cycle through three states in order: sorted -> reverse-sorted -> unsorted.
// When switching from one sort column to another, the previous sort column
// will be remembered and used as a secondary sort key.
void ToggleSortOrder(int visible_column_index);
const SortDescriptors& sort_descriptors() const { return sort_descriptors_; }
void SetSortDescriptors(const SortDescriptors& descriptors);
bool is_sorted() const { return !sort_descriptors_.empty(); }
// Maps from the index in terms of the model to that of the view.
int ModelToView(int model_index) const;
// Maps from the index in terms of the view to that of the model.
int ViewToModel(int view_index) const;
int row_height() const { return row_height_; }
void set_select_on_remove(bool select_on_remove) {
select_on_remove_ = select_on_remove;
// View overrides:
void Layout() override;
const char* GetClassName() const override;
gfx::Size CalculatePreferredSize() const override;
bool OnKeyPressed(const ui::KeyEvent& event) override;
bool OnMousePressed(const ui::MouseEvent& event) override;
void OnGestureEvent(ui::GestureEvent* event) override;
base::string16 GetTooltipText(const gfx::Point& p) const override;
bool GetTooltipTextOrigin(const gfx::Point& p,
gfx::Point* loc) const override;
void GetAccessibleNodeData(ui::AXNodeData* node_data) override;
bool HandleAccessibleAction(const ui::AXActionData& action_data) override;
// ui::TableModelObserver overrides:
void OnModelChanged() override;
void OnItemsChanged(int start, int length) override;
void OnItemsAdded(int start, int length) override;
void OnItemsRemoved(int start, int length) override;
void OnItemsMoved(int old_start, int length, int new_start) override;
// View overrides:
gfx::Point GetKeyboardContextMenuLocation() override;
void OnPaint(gfx::Canvas* canvas) override;
void OnFocus() override;
void OnBlur() override;
friend class TableViewTestHelper;
struct GroupSortHelper;
struct SortHelper;
// Used during painting to determine the range of cells that need to be
// painted.
// NOTE: the row indices returned by this are in terms of the view and column
// indices in terms of |visible_columns_|.
struct VIEWS_EXPORT PaintRegion {
int min_row;
int max_row;
int min_column;
int max_column;
// Returns the horizontal margin between the bounds of a cell and its
// contents.
int GetCellMargin() const;
// Returns the horizontal spacing between elements (grouper, icon, and text)
// in a cell.
int GetCellElementSpacing() const;
// Invoked when the number of rows changes in some way.
void NumRowsChanged();
// Does the actual sort and updates the mappings (|view_to_model_| and
// |model_to_view_|) appropriately.
void SortItemsAndUpdateMapping();
// Used to sort the two rows. Returns a value < 0, == 0 or > 0 indicating
// whether the row2 comes before row1, row2 is the same as row1 or row1 comes
// after row2. This invokes CompareValues on the model with the sorted column.
int CompareRows(int model_row1, int model_row2);
// Returns the bounds of the specified row.
gfx::Rect GetRowBounds(int row) const;
// Returns the bounds of the specified cell. |visible_column_index| indexes
// into |visible_columns_|.
gfx::Rect GetCellBounds(int row, int visible_column_index) const;
// Adjusts |bounds| based on where the text should be painted. |bounds| comes
// from GetCellBounds() and |visible_column_index| is the corresponding column
// (in terms of |visible_columns_|).
void AdjustCellBoundsForText(int visible_column_index,
gfx::Rect* bounds) const;
// Creates |header_| if necessary.
void CreateHeaderIfNecessary();
// Updates the |x| and |width| of each of the columns in |visible_columns_|.
void UpdateVisibleColumnSizes();
// Returns the cells that need to be painted for the specified region.
// |bounds| is in terms of |this|.
PaintRegion GetPaintRegion(const gfx::Rect& bounds) const;
// Returns the bounds that need to be painted based on the clip set on
// |canvas|.
gfx::Rect GetPaintBounds(gfx::Canvas* canvas) const;
// Invokes SchedulePaint() for the selected rows.
void SchedulePaintForSelection();
// Returns the TableColumn matching the specified id.
ui::TableColumn FindColumnByID(int id) const;
// Advances the active visible column (from the active visible column index)
// in the specified direction.
void AdvanceActiveVisibleColumn(AdvanceDirection direction);
// Sets the selection to the specified index (in terms of the view).
void SelectByViewIndex(int view_index);
// Sets the selection model to |new_selection|.
void SetSelectionModel(ui::ListSelectionModel new_selection);
// Advances the selection (from the active index) in the specified direction.
void AdvanceSelection(AdvanceDirection direction);
// Sets |model| appropriately based on a event.
void ConfigureSelectionModelForEvent(const ui::LocatedEvent& event,
ui::ListSelectionModel* model) const;
// Set the selection state of row at |view_index| to |select|, additionally
// any other rows in the GroupRange containing |view_index| are updated as
// well. This does not change the anchor or active index of |model|.
void SelectRowsInRangeFrom(int view_index,
bool select,
ui::ListSelectionModel* model) const;
// Returns the range of the specified model index. If a TableGrouper has not
// been set this returns a group with a start of |model_index| and length of
// 1.
GroupRange GetGroupRange(int model_index) const;
// Used by both GetTooltipText methods. Returns true if there is a tooltip and
// sets |tooltip| and/or |tooltip_origin| as appropriate, each of which may be
// NULL.
bool GetTooltipImpl(const gfx::Point& location,
base::string16* tooltip,
gfx::Point* tooltip_origin) const;
// Updates a set of accessibility views that expose the visible table contents
// to assistive software.
void UpdateVirtualAccessibilityChildren();
// Updates the internal accessibility state and fires the required
// accessibility events to indicate to assistive software which row is active
// and which cell is focused, if any.
void UpdateAccessibilityFocus();
// Returns the virtual accessibility view corresponding to the specified row.
// |row| should be a view index, not a model index.
AXVirtualView* GetVirtualAccessibilityRow(int row);
// Returns the virtual accessibility view corresponding to the specified cell.
// |row| should be a view index, not a model index.
// |visible_column_index| indexes into |visible_columns_|.
AXVirtualView* GetVirtualAccessibilityCell(int row, int visible_column_index);
ui::TableModel* model_;
std::vector<ui::TableColumn> columns_;
// The set of visible columns. The values of these point to |columns_|. This
// may contain a subset of |columns_|.
std::vector<VisibleColumn> visible_columns_;
// The active visible column. Used for keyboard access to functionality such
// as sorting and resizing. -1 if no visible column is active.
int active_visible_column_index_;
// Used to draw a focus indicator around the active cell.
std::unique_ptr<FocusRing> focus_ring_;
// The header. This is only created if more than one column is specified or
// the first column has a non-empty title.
TableHeader* header_;
const TableTypes table_type_;
const bool single_selection_;
// If |select_on_remove_| is true: when a selected item is removed, if the
// removed item is not the last item, select its next one; otherwise select
// its previous one if there is an item.
// If |select_on_remove_| is false: when a selected item is removed, no item
// is selected then.
bool select_on_remove_ = true;
TableViewObserver* observer_;
// The selection, in terms of the model.
ui::ListSelectionModel selection_model_;
gfx::FontList font_list_;
int row_height_;
// Width of the ScrollView last time Layout() was invoked. Used to determine
// when we should invoke UpdateVisibleColumnSizes().
int last_parent_width_;
// The width we layout to. This may differ from |last_parent_width_|.
int layout_width_;
// Current sort.
SortDescriptors sort_descriptors_;
// Mappings used when sorted.
std::vector<int> view_to_model_;
std::vector<int> model_to_view_;
TableGrouper* grouper_;
// True if in SetVisibleColumnWidth().
bool in_set_visible_column_width_;
} // namespace views