blob: cdbd9c10e96a5c2ccf767de42f9b582abb328cc6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <sstream>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "chrome/browser/vr/elements/ui_element.h"
#include "chrome/browser/vr/vr_ui_export.h"
#include "ui/gfx/transform.h"
namespace vr {
// A repositioner adjusts the position of its children by rotation. The
// reposition is driven by controller. It maintains a transform and updates it
// when enabled as either the head or the controller move. In a nutshell, it
// rotates the elements per the angular change in the controller orientation,
// adjusting the up vector of the content so that it aligns with the head's up
// vector. As the window is being repositioned, we rotate it so that it remains
// pointing upward.
class VR_UI_EXPORT Repositioner : public UiElement {
~Repositioner() override;
void set_laser_direction(const gfx::Vector3dF& laser_direction) {
laser_direction_ = laser_direction;
void SetEnabled(bool enabled);
void Reset();
// This method returns true if the user has repositioned far enough that we
// should consider it an intentional drag (and the UI may want to respond
// different if this has happened).
bool HasMovedBeyondThreshold() const { return has_moved_beyond_threshold_; }
bool ShouldUpdateWorldSpaceTransform(
bool parent_transform_changed) const override;
gfx::Transform LocalTransform() const override;
gfx::Transform GetTargetLocalTransform() const override;
void UpdateTransform(const gfx::Transform& head_pose);
bool OnBeginFrame(const gfx::Transform& head_pose) override;
#ifndef NDEBUG
void DumpGeometry(std::ostringstream* os) const override;
bool enabled_ = false;
bool has_moved_beyond_threshold_ = false;
bool reset_yaw_ = false;
gfx::Transform transform_;
gfx::Vector3dF laser_direction_;
gfx::Transform initial_transform_;
gfx::Vector3dF initial_laser_direction_;
} // namespace vr