blob: 96dcc8fc5004bf7090bf9018870c22a0b949130e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "cc/animation/animation_target.h"
#include "cc/animation/transform_operations.h"
#include "chrome/browser/vr/animation.h"
#include "chrome/browser/vr/audio_delegate.h"
#include "chrome/browser/vr/databinding/binding_base.h"
#include "chrome/browser/vr/elements/corner_radii.h"
#include "chrome/browser/vr/elements/draw_phase.h"
#include "chrome/browser/vr/elements/ui_element_name.h"
#include "chrome/browser/vr/elements/ui_element_type.h"
#include "chrome/browser/vr/frame_lifecycle.h"
#include "chrome/browser/vr/model/camera_model.h"
#include "chrome/browser/vr/model/reticle_model.h"
#include "chrome/browser/vr/model/sounds.h"
#include "chrome/browser/vr/target_property.h"
#include "chrome/browser/vr/vr_ui_export.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/point3_f.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/quaternion.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect_f.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/size_f.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/vector3d_f.h"
#include "ui/gfx/transform.h"
namespace base {
class TimeTicks;
namespace vr {
class KeyframeModel;
class SkiaSurfaceProvider;
class UiElementRenderer;
class InputEvent;
struct CameraModel;
struct EditedText;
enum LayoutAlignment {
NONE = 0,
struct VR_UI_EXPORT EventHandlers {
EventHandlers(const EventHandlers& other);
base::RepeatingCallback<void()> hover_enter;
base::RepeatingCallback<void()> hover_leave;
base::RepeatingCallback<void(const gfx::PointF&)> hover_move;
base::RepeatingCallback<void()> button_down;
base::RepeatingCallback<void()> button_up;
base::RepeatingCallback<void(const gfx::PointF&)> touch_move;
base::RepeatingCallback<void(bool)> focus_change;
struct HitTestRequest {
gfx::Point3F ray_origin;
gfx::Point3F ray_target;
float max_distance_to_plane = 1000.f;
// The result of performing a hit test.
struct HitTestResult {
enum Type {
// The given ray does not pass through the element.
kNone = 0,
// The given ray does not pass through the element, but passes through the
// element's plane.
// The given ray passes through the element.
Type type;
// The fields below are not set if the result Type is kNone.
// The hit position in the element's local coordinate space.
gfx::PointF local_hit_point;
// The hit position relative to the world.
gfx::Point3F hit_point;
// The distance from the ray origin to the hit position.
float distance_to_plane;
class VR_UI_EXPORT UiElement : public cc::AnimationTarget {
~UiElement() override;
enum OperationIndex {
kTranslateIndex = 0,
kRotateIndex = 1,
kScaleIndex = 2,
UiElementName name() const { return name_; }
void SetName(UiElementName name);
virtual void OnSetName();
UiElementName owner_name_for_test() const { return owner_name_for_test_; }
void set_owner_name_for_test(UiElementName name) {
owner_name_for_test_ = name;
UiElementType type() const { return type_; }
void SetType(UiElementType type);
virtual void OnSetType();
UiElement* GetDescendantByType(UiElementType type);
DrawPhase draw_phase() const { return draw_phase_; }
void SetDrawPhase(DrawPhase draw_phase);
virtual void OnSetDrawPhase();
void UpdateBindings();
// Returns true if the element has been updated in any visible way.
bool DoBeginFrame(const gfx::Transform& head_pose,
bool force_animations_to_completion);
// Returns true if the element has changed size or position, or otherwise
// warrants re-rendering the scene.
virtual bool PrepareToDraw();
// Returns true if the element updated its texture.
virtual bool HasDirtyTexture() const;
virtual void UpdateTexture();
bool IsHitTestable() const;
virtual void Render(UiElementRenderer* renderer,
const CameraModel& model) const;
virtual void Initialize(SkiaSurfaceProvider* provider);
// Controller interaction methods.
virtual void OnHoverEnter(const gfx::PointF& position,
base::TimeTicks timestamp);
virtual void OnHoverLeave(base::TimeTicks timestamp);
virtual void OnHoverMove(const gfx::PointF& position,
base::TimeTicks timestamp);
virtual void OnButtonDown(const gfx::PointF& position,
base::TimeTicks timestamp);
virtual void OnButtonUp(const gfx::PointF& position,
base::TimeTicks timestamp);
virtual void OnTouchMove(const gfx::PointF& position,
base::TimeTicks timestamp);
virtual void OnFlingCancel(std::unique_ptr<InputEvent> gesture,
const gfx::PointF& position);
virtual void OnScrollBegin(std::unique_ptr<InputEvent> gesture,
const gfx::PointF& position);
virtual void OnScrollUpdate(std::unique_ptr<InputEvent> gesture,
const gfx::PointF& position);
virtual void OnScrollEnd(std::unique_ptr<InputEvent> gesture,
const gfx::PointF& position);
// Whether the point (relative to the origin of the element), should be
// considered on the element. All elements are considered rectangular by
// default though elements may override this function to handle arbitrary
// shapes. Points within the rectangular area are mapped from 0:1 as follows,
// though will extend outside this range when outside of the element:
// [(0.0, 0.0), (1.0, 0.0)
// (0.0, 1.0), (1.0, 1.0)]
virtual bool LocalHitTest(const gfx::PointF& point) const;
// Performs a hit test for the ray supplied in the request and populates the
// result. The ray is in the world coordinate space.
virtual void HitTest(const HitTestRequest& request,
HitTestResult* result) const;
int id() const { return id_; }
// If true, the object has a non-zero opacity.
bool IsVisible() const;
// If true, the object is both visible and opaque.
bool IsVisibleAndOpaque() const;
// For convenience, sets opacity to |opacity_when_visible_|.
virtual void SetVisible(bool visible);
virtual void SetVisibleImmediately(bool visible);
void set_opacity_when_visible(float opacity) {
opacity_when_visible_ = opacity;
float opacity_when_visible() const { return opacity_when_visible_; }
bool requires_layout() const { return requires_layout_; }
void set_requires_layout(bool requires_layout) {
requires_layout_ = requires_layout;
bool hit_testable() const { return hit_testable_; }
void set_hit_testable(bool hit_testable) { hit_testable_ = hit_testable; }
bool focusable() const { return focusable_; }
void set_focusable(bool focusable);
virtual void OnSetFocusable();
bool scrollable() const { return scrollable_; }
void set_scrollable(bool scrollable) { scrollable_ = scrollable; }
bool bubble_events() const { return bubble_events_; }
void set_bubble_events(bool bubble_events) { bubble_events_ = bubble_events; }
void set_event_handlers(const EventHandlers& event_handlers) {
event_handlers_ = event_handlers;
// Editable elements should override these functions.
virtual void OnFocusChanged(bool focused);
virtual void OnInputEdited(const EditedText& info);
virtual void OnInputCommitted(const EditedText& info);
virtual void RequestFocus();
virtual void RequestUnfocus();
virtual void UpdateInput(const EditedText& info);
gfx::SizeF size() const;
void SetSize(float width, float hight);
virtual void OnSetSize(const gfx::SizeF& size);
// Setter and getter for the clip rect in relative tex coordinates, the same
// system used for hit testing.
gfx::RectF GetClipRect() const;
void SetClipRect(const gfx::RectF& rect);
gfx::PointF local_origin() const { return local_origin_; }
// These are convenience functions for setting the transform operations. They
// will animate if you've set a transition. If you need to animate more than
// one operation simultaneously, please use |SetTransformOperations| below.
void SetLayoutOffset(float x, float y);
void SetTranslate(float x, float y, float z);
void SetRotate(float x, float y, float z, float radians);
void SetScale(float x, float y, float z);
// Returns the target value of the animation if the corresponding property is
// being animated, or the current value otherwise.
gfx::SizeF GetTargetSize() const;
cc::TransformOperations GetTargetTransform() const;
float GetTargetOpacity() const;
float opacity() const { return opacity_; }
virtual void SetOpacity(float opacity);
CornerRadii corner_radii() const { return corner_radii_; }
void SetCornerRadii(const CornerRadii& radii);
virtual void OnSetCornerRadii(const CornerRadii& radii);
float corner_radius() const {
return corner_radii_.upper_left;
// Syntax sugar for setting all corner radii to the same value.
void set_corner_radius(float corner_radius) {
{corner_radius, corner_radius, corner_radius, corner_radius});
float computed_opacity() const;
void set_computed_opacity(float computed_opacity) {
computed_opacity_ = computed_opacity;
virtual float ComputedAndLocalOpacityForTest() const;
LayoutAlignment x_anchoring() const { return x_anchoring_; }
void set_x_anchoring(LayoutAlignment x_anchoring) {
DCHECK(x_anchoring == LEFT || x_anchoring == RIGHT || x_anchoring == NONE);
x_anchoring_ = x_anchoring;
LayoutAlignment y_anchoring() const { return y_anchoring_; }
void set_y_anchoring(LayoutAlignment y_anchoring) {
DCHECK(y_anchoring == TOP || y_anchoring == BOTTOM || y_anchoring == NONE);
y_anchoring_ = y_anchoring;
LayoutAlignment x_centering() const { return x_centering_; }
void set_x_centering(LayoutAlignment x_centering) {
DCHECK(x_centering == LEFT || x_centering == RIGHT || x_centering == NONE);
x_centering_ = x_centering;
LayoutAlignment y_centering() const { return y_centering_; }
void set_y_centering(LayoutAlignment y_centering) {
DCHECK(y_centering == TOP || y_centering == BOTTOM || y_centering == NONE);
y_centering_ = y_centering;
bool bounds_contain_children() const { return bounds_contain_children_; }
void set_bounds_contain_children(bool bounds_contain_children) {
bounds_contain_children_ = bounds_contain_children;
bool bounds_contain_padding() const { return bounds_contain_padding_; }
void set_bounds_contain_padding(bool bounds_contain_padding) {
bounds_contain_padding_ = bounds_contain_padding;
bool contributes_to_parent_bounds() const {
return contributes_to_parent_bounds_;
void set_contributes_to_parent_bounds(bool value) {
contributes_to_parent_bounds_ = value;
float left_padding() const { return left_padding_; }
float right_padding() const { return right_padding_; }
float top_padding() const { return top_padding_; }
float bottom_padding() const { return bottom_padding_; }
void set_padding(float x, float y) {
left_padding_ = x;
right_padding_ = x;
top_padding_ = y;
bottom_padding_ = y;
void set_padding(float left, float top, float right, float bottom) {
left_padding_ = left;
right_padding_ = right;
top_padding_ = top;
bottom_padding_ = bottom;
const gfx::Transform& inheritable_transform() const {
return inheritable_transform_;
void set_inheritable_transform(const gfx::Transform& transform) {
inheritable_transform_ = transform;
const gfx::Transform& world_space_transform() const;
void set_world_space_transform(const gfx::Transform& transform) {
world_space_transform_ = transform;
world_space_transform_dirty_ = false;
gfx::Transform ComputeTargetWorldSpaceTransform() const;
float ComputeTargetOpacity() const;
// Transformations are applied relative to the parent element, rather than
// absolutely.
void AddChild(std::unique_ptr<UiElement> child);
// These functions return the removed element.
std::unique_ptr<UiElement> RemoveChild(UiElement* to_remove);
std::unique_ptr<UiElement> ReplaceChild(UiElement* to_remove,
std::unique_ptr<UiElement> to_add);
UiElement* parent() { return parent_; }
const UiElement* parent() const { return parent_; }
void AddBinding(std::unique_ptr<BindingBase> binding);
const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<BindingBase>>& bindings() {
return bindings_;
gfx::Point3F GetCenter() const;
gfx::Vector3dF GetNormal() const;
// Computes the distance from |ray_origin| to this rectangles's plane, along
// |ray_vector|. Returns true and populates |distance| if the calculation is
// possible, and false if the ray is parallel to the plane.
bool GetRayDistance(const gfx::Point3F& ray_origin,
const gfx::Vector3dF& ray_vector,
float* distance) const;
// Projects a 3D world point onto the X and Y axes of the transformed
// rectangle, returning 2D coordinates relative to the un-transformed unit
// rectangle. This allows beam intersection points to be mapped to sprite
// pixel coordinates. Points that fall onto the rectangle will generate X and
// Y values on the interval [-0.5, 0.5].
gfx::PointF GetUnitRectangleCoordinates(
const gfx::Point3F& world_point) const;
// cc::AnimationTarget
void NotifyClientFloatAnimated(float value,
int target_property_id,
cc::KeyframeModel* keyframe_model) override;
void NotifyClientTransformOperationsAnimated(
const cc::TransformOperations& operations,
int target_property_id,
cc::KeyframeModel* keyframe_model) override;
void NotifyClientSizeAnimated(const gfx::SizeF& size,
int target_property_id,
cc::KeyframeModel* keyframe_model) override;
void SetTransitionedProperties(const std::set<TargetProperty>& properties);
void SetTransitionDuration(base::TimeDelta delta);
void AddKeyframeModel(std::unique_ptr<cc::KeyframeModel> keyframe_model);
void RemoveKeyframeModel(int keyframe_model_id);
void RemoveKeyframeModels(int target_property);
bool IsAnimatingProperty(TargetProperty property) const;
// Recursive method that sizes and lays out element subtrees.
bool SizeAndLayOut();
// Handles positioning adjustments for children. This will be overridden by
// UiElements providing custom layout modes. See the documentation of the
// override for their particular functionality. This method is specific to
// children that contribute to the parent's bounds. These elements may not
// use anchoring or centering attributes, as they themselves determine where
// the parent boundaries will be.
virtual void LayOutContributingChildren();
// Similar to LayOutContributingChildren, but runs after the parent's size has
// been determined. The default implementation applies anchoring.
virtual void LayOutNonContributingChildren();
// Recursive method that clips element subtrees, using the clip rect set.
void ClipChildren();
UiElement* FirstLaidOutChild() const;
UiElement* LastLaidOutChild() const;
virtual gfx::Transform LocalTransform() const;
virtual gfx::Transform GetTargetLocalTransform() const;
void UpdateComputedOpacity();
bool UpdateWorldSpaceTransform(bool parent_changed);
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<UiElement>>& children() { return children_; }
const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<UiElement>>& children() const {
return children_;
void set_update_phase(UpdatePhase phase) { update_phase_ = phase; }
UpdatePhase update_phase() const { return update_phase_; }
// This is true for all elements that respect the given view model matrix. If
// this is ignored (say for head-locked elements that draw in screen space),
// then this function should return false.
virtual bool IsWorldPositioned() const;
bool updated_visiblity_this_frame() const {
return updated_visibility_this_frame_;
void set_cursor_type(CursorType cursor_type) { cursor_type_ = cursor_type; }
CursorType cursor_type() const { return cursor_type_; }
std::string DebugName() const;
#ifndef NDEBUG
// Writes a pretty-printed version of the UiElement subtree to |os|. The
// vector of counts represents where each ancestor on the ancestor chain is
// situated in its parent's list of children. This is used to determine
// whether each ancestor is the last child (which affects the lines we draw in
// the tree).
// TODO(vollick): generalize the configuration of the dump to selectively turn
// off or on a variety of features.
void DumpHierarchy(std::vector<size_t> counts,
std::ostringstream* os,
bool include_bindings) const;
virtual void DumpGeometry(std::ostringstream* os) const;
// Set the sounds that play when an applicable handler is executed. Elements
// that override element hover and click methods must manage their own sounds.
void SetSounds(Sounds sounds, AudioDelegate* delegate);
bool clips_descendants() const { return clips_descendants_; }
void set_clip_descendants(bool clips) { clips_descendants_ = clips; }
bool resizable_by_layout() const { return resizable_by_layout_; }
void set_resizable_by_layout(bool resizable) {
resizable_by_layout_ = resizable;
bool descendants_updated() const { return descendants_updated_; }
void set_descendants_updated(bool updated) { descendants_updated_ = updated; }
base::TimeTicks last_frame_time() const { return last_frame_time_; }
void set_last_frame_time(const base::TimeTicks& time) {
last_frame_time_ = time;
// This method may be overridden by elements that have custom layout
// requirements.
virtual bool SizeAndLayOutChildren();
gfx::RectF GetAbsoluteClipRect() const;
Animation& animation() { return animation_; }
virtual const Sounds& GetSounds() const;
virtual bool ShouldUpdateWorldSpaceTransform(
bool parent_transform_changed) const;
void set_world_space_transform_dirty() {
world_space_transform_dirty_ = true;
EventHandlers event_handlers_;
virtual void OnUpdatedWorldSpaceTransform();
// Returns true if the element has been updated in any visible way.
virtual bool OnBeginFrame(const gfx::Transform& head_pose);
// If true, the element is either locally visible (independent of its
// ancestors), or its animation will cause it to become locally visible.
bool IsOrWillBeLocallyVisible() const;
// Recursive method that clips element subtrees, given that a parent is
// clipped. Receives a clipping rect in absolute scale.
void ClipChildren(const gfx::RectF& abs_clip);
virtual gfx::RectF ComputeContributingChildrenBounds();
// Valid IDs are non-negative.
int id_ = -1;
// If false, the reticle will not hit the element, even if visible.
bool hit_testable_ = false;
// If false, clicking on the element doesn't give it focus.
bool focusable_ = true;
// A signal to the input routing machinery that this element accepts scrolls.
bool scrollable_ = false;
// If true, events such as OnButtonDown, OnHoverEnter, etc, get bubbled up the
// parent chain.
bool bubble_events_ = false;
// The size of the object. This does not affect children.
gfx::SizeF size_;
// The clip of the object. The rect dimensions are relative to the element's
// size, with the origin at its center. Use the getter and setter to
// manipulate the rect in relative tex coordinates.
gfx::RectF clip_rect_ = {-0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f, 1.0f};
// Indicates that this element clips its descendants with its size.
bool clips_descendants_ = false;
// The local orgin of the element. This can be updated, say, so that an
// element can contain its children, even if they are not centered about its
// true origin.
gfx::PointF local_origin_ = {0.0f, 0.0f};
// The opacity of the object (between 0.0 and 1.0).
float opacity_ = 1.0f;
// SetVisible(true) is an alias for SetOpacity(opacity_when_visible_).
float opacity_when_visible_ = 1.0f;
// A signal that this element is to be considered in |LayOutChildren|.
bool requires_layout_ = true;
// The corner radius of the object. Analogous to the CSS property,
// border-radius. This is in meters (same units as |size|).
CornerRadii corner_radii_ = {0, 0, 0, 0};
// The computed opacity, incorporating opacity of parent objects.
float computed_opacity_ = 1.0f;
// Returns true if the last call to UpdateBindings had any effect. NB: this
// value is *not* updated for all elements in the tree each frame. It is
// important to only query this value for elements whose visibility has
// changed this frame or will be visible.
bool updated_bindings_this_frame_ = false;
// Return true if the last call to UpdateComputedOpacity had any effect on
// visibility.
bool updated_visibility_this_frame_ = false;
// If anchoring is specified, the translation will be relative to the
// specified edge(s) of the parent, rather than the center. A parent object
// must be specified when using anchoring.
LayoutAlignment x_anchoring_ = LayoutAlignment::NONE;
LayoutAlignment y_anchoring_ = LayoutAlignment::NONE;
// If centering is specified, the elements layout offset is adjusted such that
// it is positioned relative to its own edge or corner, rather than center.
LayoutAlignment x_centering_ = LayoutAlignment::NONE;
LayoutAlignment y_centering_ = LayoutAlignment::NONE;
// If this is true, after laying out descendants, this element updates its
// size to accommodate all descendants, adding in the padding below along the
// x and y axes.
bool bounds_contain_children_ = false;
bool bounds_contain_padding_ = true;
bool contributes_to_parent_bounds_ = true;
float left_padding_ = 0.0f;
float right_padding_ = 0.0f;
float top_padding_ = 0.0f;
float bottom_padding_ = 0.0f;
Animation animation_;
DrawPhase draw_phase_ = kPhaseNone;
// The time of the most recent frame.
base::TimeTicks last_frame_time_;
// This transform can be used by children to derive position of its parent.
gfx::Transform inheritable_transform_;
// An optional, but stable and semantic identifier for an element used in lieu
// of a string.
UiElementName name_ = UiElementName::kNone;
// This name is used in tests and debugging output to associate a "component"
// element with its logical owner, such as a button icon within a specific,
// named button instance.
UiElementName owner_name_for_test_ = UiElementName::kNone;
// An optional identifier to categorize a reusable element, such as a button
// background. It can also be used to identify categories of element for
// common styling. Eg, applying a corner-radius to all tab thumbnails.
UiElementType type_ = UiElementType::kTypeNone;
// This local transform operations. They are inherited by descendants and are
// stored as a list of operations rather than a baked transform to make
// transitions easier to implement (you may, for example, want to animate just
// the translation, but leave the rotation and scale in tact).
cc::TransformOperations transform_operations_;
// This is a cached version of the local transform.
gfx::Transform local_transform_;
// This is set by the parent and is combined into LocalTransform()
cc::TransformOperations layout_offset_;
// This is the combined, local to world transform. It includes
// |inheritable_transform_|, |transform_|, and anchoring adjustments.
gfx::Transform world_space_transform_;
bool world_space_transform_dirty_ = false;
UiElement* parent_ = nullptr;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<UiElement>> children_;
// This is true if a descendant has been added and the total list has not yet
// been collected by the scene.
bool descendants_updated_ = false;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<BindingBase>> bindings_;
UpdatePhase update_phase_ = kClean;
AudioDelegate* audio_delegate_ = nullptr;
Sounds sounds_;
// Indicates that this element may be resized by parent layout elements.
bool resizable_by_layout_ = false;
CursorType cursor_type_ = kCursorDefault;
} // namespace vr