blob: 0ad91ae6d870e6993875979dfa03de13a3b94b8c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/timer/timer.h"
#include "components/cast_channel/cast_channel_enum.h"
#include "components/cast_channel/cast_transport.h"
#include "components/cast_channel/keep_alive_handler.h"
namespace cast_channel {
class CastSocket;
class Logger;
using ::cast::channel::CastMessage;
// Decorator delegate which provides keep-alive functionality.
// Keep-alive messages are handled by this object; all other messages and
// errors are passed to |inner_delegate_|.
class KeepAliveDelegate : public CastTransport::Delegate {
// |socket|: The socket to be kept alive.
// |logger|: The logging object which collects protocol events and error
// details.
// |inner_delegate|: The delegate which processes all non-keep-alive
// messages. This object assumes ownership of
// |inner_delegate|.
// |ping_interval|: The amount of idle time to wait before sending a PING to
// the remote end.
// |liveness_timeout|: The amount of idle time to wait before terminating the
// connection.
KeepAliveDelegate(CastSocket* socket,
scoped_refptr<Logger> logger,
std::unique_ptr<CastTransport::Delegate> inner_delegate,
base::TimeDelta ping_interval,
base::TimeDelta liveness_timeout);
~KeepAliveDelegate() override;
void SetTimersForTest(
std::unique_ptr<base::RetainingOneShotTimer> injected_ping_timer,
std::unique_ptr<base::RetainingOneShotTimer> injected_liveness_timer);
// CastTransport::Delegate implementation.
void Start() override;
void OnError(ChannelError error_state) override;
void OnMessage(const CastMessage& message) override;
// Delegate object which receives all non-keep alive messages.
std::unique_ptr<CastTransport::Delegate> inner_delegate_;
KeepAliveHandler handler_;
} // namespace cast_channel