blob: 2c7b80daeff4d827a0f5d8dcf380982db87115c5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/notreached.h"
#include "base/template_util.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/assertions.h"
namespace blink {
// Helpers for downcasting in a class hierarchy.
// IsA<T>(x): returns true if |x| can be safely downcast to T*. Usage of this
// should not be common; if it is paired with a call to To<T>, consider
// using DynamicTo<T> instead (see below). Note that this also returns
// false if |x| is nullptr.
// To<T>(x): unconditionally downcasts and returns |x| as a T*. DCHECKs if the
// downcast is unsafe. Use when IsA<T>(x) is known to be true due to
// external invariants. If |x| is nullptr, returns nullptr.
// DynamicTo<T>(x): downcasts and returns |x| as a T* iff IsA<T>(x) is true,
// and nullptr otherwise. This is useful for combining a conditional
// branch on IsA<T>(x) and an invocation of To<T>(x), e.g.:
// if (IsA<DerivedClass>(x))
// To<DerivedClass>(x)->...
// can be written:
// if (auto* derived = DynamicTo<DerivedClass>(x))
// derived->...;
// Marking downcasts as safe is done by specializing the DowncastTraits
// template:
// template <>
// struct DowncastTraits<DerivedClass> {
// static bool AllowFrom(const BaseClass& b) {
// return b.IsDerivedClass();
// }
// static bool AllowFrom(const AnotherBaseClass& b) {
// return b.type() == AnotherBaseClass::kDerivedClassTag;
// }
// };
// int main() {
// BaseClass* base = CreateDerived();
// AnotherBaseClass* another_base = CreateDerived();
// UnrelatedClass* unrelated = CreateUnrelated();
// std::cout << std::boolalpha;
// std::cout << IsA<Derived>(base) << '\n'; // prints true
// std::cout << IsA<Derived>(another_base) << '\n'; // prints true
// std::cout << IsA<Derived>(unrelated) << '\n'; // prints false
// }
template <typename T>
struct DowncastTraits {
template <typename U>
static bool AllowFrom(const U&) {
static_assert(sizeof(U) == 0, "no downcast traits specialization for T");
return false;
namespace internal {
// Though redundant with the return type inferred by `auto`, the trailing return
// type is needed for SFINAE.
template <typename Derived, typename Base>
auto IsDowncastAllowedHelper(const Base& from, base::internal::priority_tag<1>)
-> decltype(DowncastTraits<Derived>::AllowFrom(from)) {
return DowncastTraits<Derived>::AllowFrom(from);
// Though redundant with the return type inferred by `auto`, the trailing return
// type is needed for SFINAE.
template <typename Derived, typename Base>
auto IsDowncastAllowedHelper(const Base& from, base::internal::priority_tag<0>)
-> decltype(Derived::IsClassOf(from)) {
return Derived::IsClassOf(from);
} // namespace internal
// Returns true iff the conversion from Base to Derived is allowed. For the
// pointer overloads, returns false if the input pointer is nullptr.
template <typename Derived, typename Base>
bool IsA(const Base& from) {
return internal::IsDowncastAllowedHelper<Derived>(
from, base::internal::priority_tag<1>());
template <typename Derived, typename Base>
bool IsA(const Base* from) {
return from && IsA<Derived>(*from);
template <typename Derived, typename Base>
bool IsA(Base& from) {
return IsA<Derived>(static_cast<const Base&>(from));
template <typename Derived, typename Base>
bool IsA(Base* from) {
return from && IsA<Derived>(*from);
// Unconditionally downcasts from Base to Derived. Internally, this asserts
// that |from| is a Derived to help catch bad casts in testing/fuzzing. For the
// pointer overloads, returns nullptr if the input pointer is nullptr.
template <typename Derived, typename Base>
const Derived& To(const Base& from) {
return static_cast<const Derived&>(from);
template <typename Derived, typename Base>
const Derived* To(const Base* from) {
return from ? &To<Derived>(*from) : nullptr;
template <typename Derived, typename Base>
Derived& To(Base& from) {
return static_cast<Derived&>(from);
template <typename Derived, typename Base>
Derived* To(Base* from) {
return from ? &To<Derived>(*from) : nullptr;
// Safely downcasts from Base to Derived. If |from| is not a Derived, returns
// nullptr; otherwise, downcasts from Base to Derived. For the pointer
// overloads, returns nullptr if the input pointer is nullptr.
template <typename Derived, typename Base>
const Derived* DynamicTo(const Base* from) {
return IsA<Derived>(from) ? To<Derived>(from) : nullptr;
template <typename Derived, typename Base>
const Derived* DynamicTo(const Base& from) {
return IsA<Derived>(from) ? &To<Derived>(from) : nullptr;
template <typename Derived, typename Base>
Derived* DynamicTo(Base* from) {
return IsA<Derived>(from) ? To<Derived>(from) : nullptr;
template <typename Derived, typename Base>
Derived* DynamicTo(Base& from) {
return IsA<Derived>(from) ? &To<Derived>(from) : nullptr;
} // namespace blink