blob: 1df967f64e28356e80e257b91fce97433d907a3d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include <memory>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include "base/memory/scoped_refptr.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/allocator/allocator.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/type_traits.h"
namespace WTF {
template <typename T>
struct VectorTraitsBase {
static const bool kNeedsDestruction =
static constexpr bool kCanInitializeWithMemset =
// true iff memset(slot, 0, size) constructs an unused slot value that is
// valid for Oilpan to trace and if the value needs destruction, its
// destructor can be invoked over. The zero'ed value representing an unused
// slot in the vector's backing storage; it does not have to be equal to
// what its constructor(s) would create, only be valid for those two uses.
static constexpr bool kCanClearUnusedSlotsWithMemset =
std::is_trivially_destructible<T>::value &&
(!IsTraceable<T>::value || (std::is_trivially_constructible<T>::value &&
static constexpr bool kCanMoveWithMemcpy =
static constexpr bool kCanCopyWithMemcpy =
static constexpr bool kCanFillWithMemset =
std::is_default_constructible<T>::value && (sizeof(T) == sizeof(char));
static constexpr bool kCanCompareWithMemcmp =
std::is_scalar<T>::value; // Types without padding.
// Supports swapping elements using regular std::swap semantics.
static const bool kCanSwapUsingCopyOrMove = true;
template <typename U = void>
struct IsTraceableInCollection {
static const bool value = IsTraceable<T>::value;
// Vectors do not support deleting values.
static constexpr bool kCanHaveDeletedValue = false;
static bool IsDeletedValue(const T& value) { return false; }
// The kCanTraceConcurrently value is used by Oilpan concurrent marking.
// Only type for which VectorTraits<T>::kCanTraceConcurrently is true can
// be traced on a concurrent thread.
static constexpr bool kCanTraceConcurrently = false;
template <typename T>
struct VectorTraits : VectorTraitsBase<T> {};
// Classes marked with SimpleVectorTraits will use memmov, memcpy, memcmp
// instead of constructors, copy operators, etc for initialization, move and
// comparison.
template <typename T>
struct SimpleClassVectorTraits : VectorTraitsBase<T> {
static const bool kCanInitializeWithMemset = true;
static const bool kCanClearUnusedSlotsWithMemset = true;
static const bool kCanMoveWithMemcpy = true;
static const bool kCanCompareWithMemcmp = true;
// We know std::unique_ptr and RefPtr are simple enough that initializing to 0
// and moving with memcpy (and then not destructing the original) will totally
// work.
template <typename P>
struct VectorTraits<scoped_refptr<P>>
: SimpleClassVectorTraits<scoped_refptr<P>> {
// scoped_refptr cannot be copied using memcpy as the internals (e.g. ref
// count) depend on properly constructing the object.
static const bool kCanCopyWithMemcpy = false;
template <typename P>
struct VectorTraits<std::unique_ptr<P>>
: SimpleClassVectorTraits<std::unique_ptr<P>> {
// std::unique_ptr -> std::unique_ptr has a very particular structure that
// tricks the normal type traits into thinking that the class is "trivially
// copyable".
static const bool kCanCopyWithMemcpy = false;
"inefficient RefPtr Vector");
"inefficient RefPtr Vector");
"inefficient RefPtr Vector");
"inefficient std::unique_ptr Vector");
"inefficient std::unique_ptr Vector");
"inefficient std::unique_ptr Vector");
template <typename First, typename Second>
struct VectorTraits<std::pair<First, Second>> {
typedef VectorTraits<First> FirstTraits;
typedef VectorTraits<Second> SecondTraits;
"Weak references are not allowed in Vector");
"Weak references are not allowed in Vector");
static const bool kNeedsDestruction =
FirstTraits::kNeedsDestruction || SecondTraits::kNeedsDestruction;
static const bool kCanInitializeWithMemset =
FirstTraits::kCanInitializeWithMemset &&
static const bool kCanMoveWithMemcpy =
FirstTraits::kCanMoveWithMemcpy && SecondTraits::kCanMoveWithMemcpy;
static const bool kCanCopyWithMemcpy =
FirstTraits::kCanCopyWithMemcpy && SecondTraits::kCanCopyWithMemcpy;
static const bool kCanFillWithMemset = false;
static const bool kCanCompareWithMemcmp =
FirstTraits::kCanCompareWithMemcmp && SecondTraits::kCanCompareWithMemcmp;
static const bool kCanClearUnusedSlotsWithMemset =
FirstTraits::kCanClearUnusedSlotsWithMemset &&
// Supports swapping elements using regular std::swap semantics.
static const bool kCanSwapUsingCopyOrMove = true;
template <typename U = void>
struct IsTraceableInCollection {
static const bool value =
IsTraceableInCollectionTrait<FirstTraits>::value ||
// Vectors do not support deleting values.
static constexpr bool kCanHaveDeletedValue = false;
static bool IsDeletedValue(std::pair<First, Second> value) { return false; }
static constexpr bool kCanTraceConcurrently = false;
} // namespace WTF
namespace WTF { \
static_assert(!std::is_trivially_default_constructible<ClassName>::value || \
!std::is_trivially_move_assignable<ClassName>::value || \
!std::is_scalar<ClassName>::value, \
"macro not needed"); \
template <> \
struct VectorTraits<ClassName> : SimpleClassVectorTraits<ClassName> {}; \
namespace WTF { \
static_assert(!std::is_trivially_default_constructible<ClassName>::value || \
!std::is_trivially_move_assignable<ClassName>::value, \
"macro not needed"); \
template <> \
struct VectorTraits<ClassName> : VectorTraitsBase<ClassName> { \
static const bool kCanInitializeWithMemset = true; \
static const bool kCanClearUnusedSlotsWithMemset = true; \
static const bool kCanMoveWithMemcpy = true; \
}; \
namespace WTF { \
static_assert(!std::is_trivially_default_constructible<ClassName>::value, \
"macro not needed"); \
template <> \
struct VectorTraits<ClassName> : VectorTraitsBase<ClassName> { \
static const bool kCanInitializeWithMemset = true; \
static const bool kCanClearUnusedSlotsWithMemset = true; \
}; \
namespace WTF { \
static_assert(!std::is_trivially_default_constructible<ClassName>::value, \
"macro not needed"); \
template <> \
struct VectorTraits<ClassName> : VectorTraitsBase<ClassName> { \
static const bool kCanClearUnusedSlotsWithMemset = true; \
}; \
using WTF::VectorTraits;
using WTF::SimpleClassVectorTraits;