blob: 891f7d251565c15f46661b8b2b12f5d96fdb2521 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ui/platform_window/x11/x11_topmost_window_finder.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include <vector>
#include "base/bind.h"
#include "ui/base/x/x11_menu_list.h"
#include "ui/gfx/native_widget_types.h"
#include "ui/gfx/x/x11_atom_cache.h"
#include "ui/gfx/x/xproto_util.h"
#include "ui/platform_window/x11/x11_window.h"
#include "ui/platform_window/x11/x11_window_manager.h"
namespace ui {
namespace {
using ShouldStopIteratingCallback = base::RepeatingCallback<bool(x11::Window)>;
// Returns true if |window| is a named window.
bool IsWindowNamed(x11::Window window) {
return PropertyExists(window, x11::Atom::WM_NAME);
bool EnumerateChildren(ShouldStopIteratingCallback should_stop_iterating,
x11::Window window,
const int max_depth,
int depth) {
if (depth > max_depth)
return false;
std::vector<x11::Window> windows;
if (depth == 0) {
// Enumerate the menus first.
std::vector<x11::Window>::iterator iter;
for (iter = windows.begin(); iter != windows.end(); iter++) {
if (should_stop_iterating.Run(*iter))
return true;
auto query_tree = x11::Connection::Get()->QueryTree({window}).Sync();
if (!query_tree)
return false;
windows = std::move(query_tree->children);
// XQueryTree returns the children of |window| in bottom-to-top order, so
// reverse-iterate the list to check the windows from top-to-bottom.
std::vector<x11::Window>::reverse_iterator iter;
for (iter = windows.rbegin(); iter != windows.rend(); iter++) {
if (IsWindowNamed(*iter) && should_stop_iterating.Run(*iter))
return true;
// If we're at this point, we didn't find the window we're looking for at the
// current level, so we need to recurse to the next level. We use a second
// loop because the recursion and call to XQueryTree are expensive and is only
// needed for a small number of cases.
if (++depth <= max_depth) {
for (iter = windows.rbegin(); iter != windows.rend(); iter++) {
if (EnumerateChildren(should_stop_iterating, *iter, max_depth, depth))
return true;
return false;
bool EnumerateAllWindows(ShouldStopIteratingCallback should_stop_iterating,
int max_depth) {
x11::Window root = GetX11RootWindow();
return EnumerateChildren(should_stop_iterating, root, max_depth, 0);
void EnumerateTopLevelWindows(
ui::ShouldStopIteratingCallback should_stop_iterating) {
std::vector<x11::Window> stack;
if (!ui::GetXWindowStack(ui::GetX11RootWindow(), &stack)) {
// Window Manager doesn't support _NET_CLIENT_LIST_STACKING, so fall back
// to old school enumeration of all X windows. Some WMs parent 'top-level'
// windows in unnamed actual top-level windows (ion WM), so extend the
// search depth to all children of top-level windows.
const int kMaxSearchDepth = 1;
ui::EnumerateAllWindows(should_stop_iterating, kMaxSearchDepth);
std::vector<x11::Window>::iterator iter;
for (iter = stack.begin(); iter != stack.end(); iter++) {
if (should_stop_iterating.Run(*iter))
} // namespace
X11TopmostWindowFinder::X11TopmostWindowFinder() = default;
X11TopmostWindowFinder::~X11TopmostWindowFinder() = default;
x11::Window X11TopmostWindowFinder::FindLocalProcessWindowAt(
const gfx::Point& screen_loc_in_pixels,
const std::set<gfx::AcceleratedWidget>& ignore) {
screen_loc_in_pixels_ = screen_loc_in_pixels;
ignore_ = ignore;
std::vector<X11Window*> local_process_windows =
if (std::none_of(local_process_windows.cbegin(), local_process_windows.cend(),
[this](auto* window) {
return ShouldStopIteratingAtLocalProcessWindow(window);
})) {
return x11::Window::None;
&X11TopmostWindowFinder::ShouldStopIterating, base::Unretained(this)));
return toplevel_;
x11::Window X11TopmostWindowFinder::FindWindowAt(
const gfx::Point& screen_loc_in_pixels) {
screen_loc_in_pixels_ = screen_loc_in_pixels;
&X11TopmostWindowFinder::ShouldStopIterating, base::Unretained(this)));
return toplevel_;
bool X11TopmostWindowFinder::ShouldStopIterating(x11::Window xwindow) {
if (!IsWindowVisible(xwindow))
return false;
auto* window = X11WindowManager::GetInstance()->GetWindow(
if (window) {
if (ShouldStopIteratingAtLocalProcessWindow(window)) {
toplevel_ = xwindow;
return true;
return false;
if (WindowContainsPoint(xwindow, screen_loc_in_pixels_)) {
toplevel_ = xwindow;
return true;
return false;
bool X11TopmostWindowFinder::ShouldStopIteratingAtLocalProcessWindow(
X11Window* window) {
if (ignore_.find(window->GetWidget()) != ignore_.end())
return false;
// Currently |window|->IsVisible() always returns true.
// TODO(pkotwicz): Fix this.
if (!window->IsVisible())
return false;
gfx::Rect window_bounds = window->GetOuterBounds();
if (!window_bounds.Contains(screen_loc_in_pixels_))
return false;
gfx::Point window_point(screen_loc_in_pixels_);
window_point.Offset(-window_bounds.origin().x(), -window_bounds.origin().y());
return window->ContainsPointInXRegion(window_point);
} // namespace ui