blob: 97d36a33e243ae33c4946542ac22277969432606 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ui/platform_window/x11/x11_window_manager.h"
#include "base/containers/contains.h"
#include "ui/platform_window/x11/x11_window.h"
namespace ui {
namespace {
X11WindowManager* g_instance = nullptr;
} // namespace
X11WindowManager::X11WindowManager() {
DCHECK(!g_instance) << "There should only be a single X11WindowManager";
g_instance = this;
X11WindowManager::~X11WindowManager() = default;
// static
X11WindowManager* X11WindowManager::GetInstance() {
if (!g_instance) {
auto manager = std::make_unique<X11WindowManager>();
X11WindowManager* manager_ptr = manager.release();
DCHECK_EQ(g_instance, manager_ptr);
return g_instance;
void X11WindowManager::GrabEvents(X11Window* window) {
DCHECK_NE(located_events_grabber_, window);
// Grabbing the mouse is asynchronous. However, we synchronously start
// forwarding all mouse events received by Chrome to the
// aura::WindowEventDispatcher which has capture. This makes capture
// synchronous for all intents and purposes if either:
// - |located_events_grabber_| is set to have capture.
// OR
// - The topmost window underneath the mouse is managed by Chrome.
auto* old_grabber = located_events_grabber_;
// Update |located_events_grabber_| prior to calling OnXWindowLostCapture() to
// avoid releasing pointer grab.
located_events_grabber_ = window;
if (old_grabber)
// the X11Window calls GrabPointer by itself.
void X11WindowManager::UngrabEvents(X11Window* window) {
DCHECK_EQ(located_events_grabber_, window);
// Release mouse grab asynchronously. A window managed by Chrome is likely
// the topmost window underneath the mouse so the capture release being
// asynchronous is likely inconsequential.
auto* old_grabber = located_events_grabber_;
located_events_grabber_ = nullptr;
void X11WindowManager::AddWindow(X11Window* window) {
auto widget = window->GetWidget();
DCHECK_NE(gfx::kNullAcceleratedWidget, widget);
DCHECK(!base::Contains(windows_, widget));
windows_.emplace(widget, window);
void X11WindowManager::RemoveWindow(X11Window* window) {
auto widget = window->GetWidget();
auto it = windows_.find(widget);
// The XWindow might not have been initialized due to some errors.
if (widget == gfx::kNullAcceleratedWidget) {
DCHECK(it == windows_.end());
} else {
DCHECK(it != windows_.end());
if (window_mouse_currently_on_ == it->second)
window_mouse_currently_on_ = nullptr;
X11Window* X11WindowManager::GetWindow(gfx::AcceleratedWidget widget) const {
DCHECK_NE(gfx::kNullAcceleratedWidget, widget);
auto it = windows_.find(widget);
return it != windows_.end() ? it->second : nullptr;
void X11WindowManager::MouseOnWindow(X11Window* window) {
if (window_mouse_currently_on_ == window)
window_mouse_currently_on_ = window;
std::vector<X11Window*> X11WindowManager::GetAllOpenWindows() const {
std::vector<X11Window*> all_windows;
for (const auto& item : windows_)
return all_windows;
} // namespace ui