blob: da82dd7d35cc8ab92a1aff0ef14f1feb6b791e13 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "chrome/browser/notifications/notification_common.h"
typedef void* ProfileID;
class GURL;
class Profile;
namespace message_center {
class Notification;
// This interface is used to manage the UI surfaces for non-native desktop
// notifications (hence, this is not used by Chrome OS and is not used for
// Windows Action Center notifications). There is just one instance for all
// profiles. This represents the middle layer of notification and it's aware of
// profile. It identifies a notification by the id string and a profile, hence
// two notifications from two different profiles, even though they may have
// identical ids, will not be considered the same notification. This interface
// will generate a new id behind the scene based on the id string and the
// profile's characteristics for each notification and use this new id to call
// lower layer MessageCenter interface which is profile agnostic. Therefore the
// ids passed into this interface are not the same as those passed into the
// MessageCenter interface.
class NotificationUIManager {
// Convert a profile pointer into an opaque profile id, which can be safely
// used by FindById() and CancelById() even after a profile may have been
// destroyed.
static ProfileID GetProfileID(Profile* profile) {
return static_cast<ProfileID>(profile);
virtual ~NotificationUIManager() {}
// Creates an initialized UI manager.
static NotificationUIManager* Create();
// Adds a notification to be displayed.
virtual void Add(const message_center::Notification& notification,
Profile* profile) = 0;
// Updates the given notification, if it already exists.Returns true for
// update and false to report a no-op.
virtual bool Update(const message_center::Notification& notification,
Profile* profile) = 0;
// Returns the pointer to a notification if it match the supplied ID, either
// currently displayed or in the queue.
// This function can be bound for delayed execution, where a profile pointer
// may not be valid. Hence caller needs to call the static GetProfileID(...)
// function to turn a profile pointer into a profile id and pass that in.
virtual const message_center::Notification* FindById(
const std::string& delegate_id,
ProfileID profile_id) const = 0;
// Removes any notifications matching the supplied ID, either currently
// displayed or in the queue. Returns true if anything was removed.
// This function can be bound for delayed execution, where a profile pointer
// may not be valid. Hence caller needs to call the static GetProfileID(...)
// function to turn a profile pointer into a profile id and pass that in.
virtual bool CancelById(const std::string& delegate_id,
ProfileID profile_id) = 0;
// Returns the set of all delegate IDs for notifications from |profile_id|.
virtual std::set<std::string> GetAllIdsByProfile(ProfileID profile_id) = 0;
// Removes notifications matching the |source_origin| (which could be an
// extension ID). Returns true if anything was removed.
virtual bool CancelAllBySourceOrigin(const GURL& source_origin) = 0;
// Removes notifications matching |profile_id|. Returns true if any were
// removed.
virtual bool CancelAllByProfile(ProfileID profile_id) = 0;
// Cancels all pending notifications and closes anything currently showing.
// Used when the app is terminating.
virtual void CancelAll() = 0;
// Cancels all pending notifications and closes anything currently showing.
// After this is called, no new notifications can be added. Used when the app
// is terminating.
virtual void StartShutdown() = 0;
NotificationUIManager() {}