blob: 237418614925d740a9128fd3f552bcc237cf374a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/values.h"
namespace chromeos {
namespace configuration {
// Configuration keys that are used to automate OOBE screens go here.
// Please keep keys grouped by screens and ordered according to OOBE flow.
extern const char kWelcomeNext[];
extern const char kNetworkSelectGUID[];
extern const char kDeviceRequisition[];
extern const char kEULASendUsageStatistics[];
extern const char kEULAAutoAccept[];
extern const char kUpdateSkipUpdate[];
extern const char kWizardAutoEnroll[];
extern const char kEnrollmentLicenseType[];
extern const char kEnrollmentAssetId[];
extern const char kEnrollmentLocation[];
extern const char kEnrollmentAutoAttributes[];
enum class ConfigurationHandlerSide : unsigned int {
HANDLER_JS, // Handled by JS code
HANDLER_CPP, // Handled by C++ code
HANDLER_BOTH, // Used in both JS and C++ code
HANDLER_DOC // Not used by code, serves for documentation purposes only.
// Checks if configuration is valid (all fields have correct types, no extra
// fields).
bool ValidateConfiguration(const base::Value& configuration);
// Copies only fields handled by particular |side| from |configuration| to
// |filtered_result|.
void FilterConfiguration(const base::Value& configuration,
ConfigurationHandlerSide side,
base::Value& filtered_result);
} // namespace configuration
} // namespace chromeos