blob: 63e60f001cbdc1230af0ac4f006b5e298e456097 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile.h"
#include "chromeos/login/auth/auth_status_consumer.h"
#include "components/account_id/account_id.h"
#include "components/user_manager/user.h"
namespace chromeos {
class UserContext;
class LoginDisplayHost;
// Defines possible variants of user flow upon logging in.
// See UserManager::SetUserFlow for usage contract.
class UserFlow {
virtual ~UserFlow() = 0;
// Provides ability to alter command line before session has started.
virtual void AppendAdditionalCommandLineSwitches() = 0;
// Indicates if screen locking should be enabled or disabled for a flow.
virtual bool CanLockScreen() = 0;
virtual bool CanStartArc() = 0;
// Whether or not the settings icon should be enabled in the system tray menu.
virtual bool ShouldEnableSettings() = 0;
// Whether or not the notifications tray should be visible.
virtual bool ShouldShowNotificationTray() = 0;
virtual bool ShouldLaunchBrowser() = 0;
virtual bool ShouldSkipPostLoginScreens() = 0;
virtual bool SupportsEarlyRestartToApplyFlags() = 0;
virtual bool AllowsNotificationBalloons() = 0;
virtual bool HandleLoginFailure(const AuthFailure& failure) = 0;
virtual void HandleLoginSuccess(const UserContext& context) = 0;
virtual bool HandlePasswordChangeDetected() = 0;
virtual void HandleOAuthTokenStatusChange(
user_manager::User::OAuthTokenStatus status) = 0;
virtual void LaunchExtraSteps(Profile* profile) = 0;
void SetHost(LoginDisplayHost* host);
LoginDisplayHost* host() { return host_; }
LoginDisplayHost* host_;
// UserFlow implementation for regular login flow.
class DefaultUserFlow : public UserFlow {
~DefaultUserFlow() override;
// UserFlow:
void AppendAdditionalCommandLineSwitches() override;
bool CanLockScreen() override;
bool CanStartArc() override;
bool ShouldEnableSettings() override;
bool ShouldShowNotificationTray() override;
bool ShouldLaunchBrowser() override;
bool ShouldSkipPostLoginScreens() override;
bool SupportsEarlyRestartToApplyFlags() override;
bool AllowsNotificationBalloons() override;
bool HandleLoginFailure(const AuthFailure& failure) override;
void HandleLoginSuccess(const UserContext& context) override;
bool HandlePasswordChangeDetected() override;
void HandleOAuthTokenStatusChange(
user_manager::User::OAuthTokenStatus status) override;
void LaunchExtraSteps(Profile* profile) override;
// UserFlow stub for non-regular flows.
class ExtendedUserFlow : public UserFlow {
explicit ExtendedUserFlow(const AccountId& account_id);
~ExtendedUserFlow() override;
// UserFlow:
void AppendAdditionalCommandLineSwitches() override;
bool ShouldEnableSettings() override;
bool ShouldShowNotificationTray() override;
bool AllowsNotificationBalloons() override;
void HandleOAuthTokenStatusChange(
user_manager::User::OAuthTokenStatus status) override;
// Subclasses can call this method to unregister flow in the next event.
virtual void UnregisterFlowSoon();
const AccountId& account_id() { return account_id_; }
const AccountId account_id_;
} // namespace chromeos