blob: b09e65e1483ccf2df1874fd90fe2f2151de04bf4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Defines all install related constants that need to be used by Chrome as
// well as Chrome Installer.
#include "base/basictypes.h"
namespace installer {
// Return status of installer. Values in this enum must not change. Always add
// to the end. When removing an unused value, retain the deprecated name and
// value in a comment for posterity's sake, but take the liberty of removing the
// old doc string.
enum InstallStatus {
FIRST_INSTALL_SUCCESS = 0, // First install of Chrome succeeded.
INSTALL_REPAIRED = 1, // Same version reinstalled for repair.
NEW_VERSION_UPDATED = 2, // Chrome successfully updated to new version.
EXISTING_VERSION_LAUNCHED = 3, // No work done; launched existing Chrome.
HIGHER_VERSION_EXISTS = 4, // Higher version of Chrome already exists
USER_LEVEL_INSTALL_EXISTS = 5, // User level install already exists.
SYSTEM_LEVEL_INSTALL_EXISTS = 6, // Machine level install already exists.
INSTALL_FAILED = 7, // Install/update failed.
SETUP_PATCH_FAILED = 8, // Failed to patch setup.exe.
OS_NOT_SUPPORTED = 9, // Current OS not supported.
OS_ERROR = 10, // OS API call failed.
TEMP_DIR_FAILED = 11, // Unable to get Temp directory.
UNCOMPRESSION_FAILED = 12, // Failed to uncompress Chrome archive.
INVALID_ARCHIVE = 13, // Something wrong with the installer archive.
INSUFFICIENT_RIGHTS = 14, // User trying system level install is not Admin.
CHROME_NOT_INSTALLED = 15, // Chrome not installed (returned in case of
// uninstall).
CHROME_RUNNING = 16, // Chrome currently running (when trying to
// uninstall).
UNINSTALL_CONFIRMED = 17, // User has confirmed Chrome uninstall.
UNINSTALL_DELETE_PROFILE = 18, // User okayed uninstall and profile deletion.
UNINSTALL_SUCCESSFUL = 19, // Chrome successfully uninstalled.
UNINSTALL_FAILED = 20, // Chrome uninstallation failed.
UNINSTALL_CANCELLED = 21, // User cancelled Chrome uninstallation.
UNKNOWN_STATUS = 22, // Unknown status (this should never happen).
RENAME_SUCCESSFUL = 23, // Rename of new_chrome.exe to chrome.exe worked.
RENAME_FAILED = 24, // Rename of new_chrome.exe failed.
EULA_REJECTED = 25, // EULA dialog was not accepted by user.
EULA_ACCEPTED = 26, // EULA dialog was accepted by user.
EULA_ACCEPTED_OPT_IN = 27, // EULA accepted with the crash option selected.
INSTALL_DIR_IN_USE = 28, // Installation directory is in use by another
// process
UNINSTALL_REQUIRES_REBOOT = 29, // Uninstallation required a reboot.
IN_USE_UPDATED = 30, // Chrome successfully updated but old version
// running.
SAME_VERSION_REPAIR_FAILED = 31, // Chrome repair failed as Chrome was
// running.
REENTRY_SYS_UPDATE = 32, // Setup has been re-launched as the interactive
// user.
SXS_OPTION_NOT_SUPPORTED = 33, // The chrome-sxs option provided does not
// work with other command line options.
APPLY_DIFF_PATCH_FAILED = 42, // Failed to apply a diff patch.
INVALID_STATE_FOR_OPTION = 47, // A non-install option was called with an
// invalid installer state.
WAIT_FOR_EXISTING_FAILED = 48, // OS error waiting for existing setup.exe.
PATCH_INVALID_ARGUMENTS = 49, // The arguments of --patch were missing or
// they were invalid for any reason.
DIFF_PATCH_SOURCE_MISSING = 50, // No previous version archive found for
// differential update.
UNUSED_BINARIES = 51, // No multi-install products to update. The
// binaries will be uninstalled if they are not
// in use.
UNUSED_BINARIES_UNINSTALLED = 52, // The binaries were uninstalled.
UNSUPPORTED_OPTION = 53, // An unsupported legacy option was given.
CPU_NOT_SUPPORTED = 54, // Current OS not supported
REENABLE_UPDATES_SUCCEEDED = 55, // Autoupdates are now enabled.
REENABLE_UPDATES_FAILED = 56, // Autoupdates could not be enabled.
UNPACKING_FAILED = 57, // Unpacking the (possibly patched) uncompressed
// archive failed.
// The type of an update archive.
enum ArchiveType {
UNKNOWN_ARCHIVE_TYPE, // Unknown or uninitialized.
FULL_ARCHIVE_TYPE, // Full chrome.7z archive.
INCREMENTAL_ARCHIVE_TYPE // Incremental or differential archive.
// Stages of an installation reported through Google Update on failure.
// The order and value of existing enums must not change. Please add new
// values to the end (before NUM_STAGES) and update the compile assert below
// to assert on the last value added.
enum InstallerStage {
NO_STAGE, // 0: No stage to report.
PRECONDITIONS, // 1: Evaluating pre-install conditions.
UNCOMPRESSING, // 2: Uncompressing chrome.packed.7z.
ENSEMBLE_PATCHING, // 3: Patching chrome.7z using courgette.
BINARY_PATCHING, // 4: Patching chrome.7z using bspatch.
UNPACKING, // 5: Unpacking chrome.7z.
BUILDING, // 6: Building the install work item list.
EXECUTING, // 7: Executing the install work item list.
ROLLINGBACK, // 8: Rolling-back the install work item list.
REFRESHING_POLICY, // 9: Refreshing the elevation policy.
UPDATING_CHANNELS, // 10: Updating channel information.
COPYING_PREFERENCES_FILE, // 11: Copying preferences file.
CREATING_SHORTCUTS, // 12: Creating shortcuts.
REGISTERING_CHROME, // 13: Performing Chrome registration.
REMOVING_OLD_VERSIONS, // 14: Deleting old version directories.
FINISHING, // 15: Finishing the install.
CONFIGURE_AUTO_LAUNCH, // 16: Configuring Chrome to auto-launch.
CREATING_VISUAL_MANIFEST, // 17: Creating VisualElementsManifest.xml
DEFERRING_TO_HIGHER_VERSION, // 18: Deferring to an installed higher version.
UNINSTALLING_BINARIES, // 19: Uninstalling unused binaries.
UNINSTALLING_CHROME_FRAME, // 20: Uninstalling multi-install Chrome Frame.
NUM_STAGES // 21: The number of stages.
// When we start reporting the numerical values from the enum, the order
// above MUST be preserved.
namespace switches {
extern const char kAutoLaunchChrome[];
extern const char kChrome[];
extern const char kChromeFrame[];
extern const char kChromeSxS[];
extern const char kConfigureUserSettings[];
extern const char kCriticalUpdateVersion[];
extern const char kDeleteProfile[];
extern const char kDisableLogging[];
extern const char kDoNotLaunchChrome[];
extern const char kDoNotRegisterForUpdateLaunch[];
extern const char kDoNotRemoveSharedItems[];
extern const char kEnableLogging[];
extern const char kForceConfigureUserSettings[];
extern const char kForceUninstall[];
extern const char kInstallArchive[];
extern const char kInstallerData[];
extern const char kLogFile[];
extern const char kMakeChromeDefault[];
extern const char kMsi[];
extern const char kMultiInstall[];
extern const char kNewSetupExe[];
extern const char kOnOsUpgrade[];
extern const char kReenableAutoupdates[];
extern const char kRegisterChromeBrowser[];
extern const char kRegisterChromeBrowserSuffix[];
extern const char kRegisterDevChrome[];
extern const char kRegisterURLProtocol[];
extern const char kRenameChromeExe[];
extern const char kRemoveChromeRegistration[];
extern const char kRunAsAdmin[];
extern const char kSelfDestruct[];
extern const char kSystemLevel[];
extern const char kTriggerActiveSetup[];
extern const char kUninstall[];
extern const char kUpdateSetupExe[];
extern const char kUncompressedArchive[];
extern const char kVerboseLogging[];
extern const char kShowEula[];
extern const char kShowEulaForMetro[];
extern const char kInactiveUserToast[];
extern const char kSystemLevelToast[];
extern const char kExperimentGroup[];
extern const char kToastResultsKey[];
extern const char kPatch[];
extern const char kInputFile[];
extern const char kPatchFile[];
extern const char kOutputFile[];
} // namespace switches
namespace env_vars {
extern const char kGoogleUpdateIsMachineEnvVar[];
} // namespace env_vars
extern const wchar_t kActiveSetupExe[];
extern const wchar_t kAppLauncherGuid[];
extern const wchar_t kChromeDll[];
extern const wchar_t kChromeChildDll[];
extern const wchar_t kChromeExe[];
extern const wchar_t kChromeFrameDll[];
extern const wchar_t kChromeFrameHelperDll[];
extern const wchar_t kChromeFrameHelperExe[];
extern const wchar_t kChromeFrameHelperWndClass[];
extern const wchar_t kChromeLauncherExe[];
extern const wchar_t kChromeMetroDll[];
extern const wchar_t kChromeNewExe[];
extern const wchar_t kChromeOldExe[];
extern const wchar_t kCmdOnOsUpgrade[];
extern const wchar_t kCmdQuickEnableCf[];
extern const wchar_t kDelegateExecuteExe[];
extern const wchar_t kEULASentinelFile[];
extern const wchar_t kGoogleChromeInstallSubDir1[];
extern const wchar_t kGoogleChromeInstallSubDir2[];
extern const wchar_t kInstallBinaryDir[];
extern const wchar_t kInstallerDir[];
extern const wchar_t kInstallTempDir[];
extern const wchar_t kLnkExt[];
extern const wchar_t kNaClExe[];
extern const wchar_t kSetupExe[];
extern const wchar_t kSxSSuffix[];
extern const wchar_t kUninstallArgumentsField[];
extern const wchar_t kUninstallDisplayNameField[];
extern const wchar_t kUninstallInstallationDate[];
extern const char kUninstallMetricsName[];
extern const wchar_t kUninstallStringField[];
// Google Update installer result API
extern const wchar_t kInstallerError[];
extern const wchar_t kInstallerExtraCode1[];
extern const wchar_t kInstallerResult[];
extern const wchar_t kInstallerResultUIString[];
extern const wchar_t kInstallerSuccessLaunchCmdLine[];
// Product options.
extern const wchar_t kOptionMultiInstall[];
// Chrome channel display names.
// NOTE: Canary is not strictly a 'channel', but rather a separate product
// installed side-by-side. However, GoogleUpdateSettings::GetChromeChannel
// will return "canary" for that product.
extern const wchar_t kChromeChannelUnknown[];
extern const wchar_t kChromeChannelCanary[];
extern const wchar_t kChromeChannelDev[];
extern const wchar_t kChromeChannelBeta[];
extern const wchar_t kChromeChannelStable[];
extern const wchar_t kChromeChannelStableExplicit[];
extern const size_t kMaxAppModelIdLength;
// The range of error values for the installer, Courgette, and bsdiff is
// overlapping. These offset values disambiguate between different sets
// of errors by shifting the values up with the specified offset.
const int kCourgetteErrorOffset = 300;
const int kBsdiffErrorOffset = 600;
// Arguments to --patch switch
extern const char kCourgette[];
extern const char kBsdiff[];
} // namespace installer