blob: ef2ea9e0516d5910342441bfb811bda6c615e8d8 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
'''Implements Chrome-Fuchsia package binary size checks.'''
from __future__ import print_function
import argparse
import collections
import copy
import json
import math
import os
import re
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile
from common import GetHostToolPathFromPlatform, SDK_ROOT, DIR_SOURCE_ROOT
# Import SendResults() from the in tools/perf/core instead
# of the deprecated one in the chrome infra build recipes folder on the recipes
# module path.
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(DIR_SOURCE_ROOT, 'tools', 'perf'))
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(DIR_SOURCE_ROOT, 'tools', 'perf', 'core'))
from results_dashboard import SendResults
# Structure representing the compressed and uncompressed sizes for a Fuchsia
# package.
PackageSizes = collections.namedtuple('PackageSizes',
['compressed', 'uncompressed'])
def CreateBinarySizeHistogram(name, commit_position, size):
"""Create a performance dashboard histogram from the histogram template and
binary size data."""
# Chromium performance dashboard histogram containing binary size data.
histogram = {
'name': name,
'sampleValues': [size],
'maxNumSampleValues': 1,
'running': [1, size, math.log(size), size, size, size, 0],
'unit': 'sizeInBytes_smallerIsBetter',
'description': 'chrome-fuchsia package binary sizes',
'diagnostics': {
'chromiumCommitPositions': {
'type': 'GenericSet',
'values': [commit_position],
'bots': {
'type': 'GenericSet',
'values': ['fuchsia-fyi-arm64-size']
'benchmarks': {
'type': 'GenericSet',
'values': ['sizes']
'masters': {
'type': 'GenericSet',
'values': ['ChromiumLinux']
'summaryOptions': {
'avg': True,
'count': False,
'max': False,
'min': False,
'std': False,
'sum': False,
return histogram
def CompressedSize(file_path, compression_args):
"""Calculates size file after zstd compression. Uses non-chunked compression
(Fuchsia uses chunked compression which is not available in the zstd command
line tool). The compression level can be set using compression_args."""
# Path to zstd compression utility.
zstd_path = os.path.join(DIR_SOURCE_ROOT, 'third_party', 'zstd', 'bin',
devnull = open(os.devnull)
proc = subprocess.Popen([zstd_path, '-f', file_path, '-c'] + compression_args,
stdout=open(os.devnull, 'w'),
zstd_stats = proc.stderr.readline()
# Match a compressed bytes total from zstd stderr output like
# test : 14.04% ( 3890 => 546 bytes, test.zst)
zstd_compressed_bytes_re = r'\d+\s+=>\s+(?P<bytes>\d+) bytes,'
match =, zstd_stats)
if not match:
raise Exception('Could not get compressed bytes for %s' % file_path)
return int('bytes'))
def ExtractFarFile(file_path, extract_dir):
"""Extracts contents of a Fuchsia archive file to the specified directory."""
far_tool = GetHostToolPathFromPlatform('far')
far_tool, 'extract',
'--archive=%s' % file_path,
'--output=%s' % extract_dir
def GetBlobNameHashes(meta_dir):
"""Returns mapping from Fuchsia pkgfs paths to blob hashes. The mapping is
read from the extracted meta.far archive contained in an extracted package
blob_name_hashes = {}
contents_path = os.path.join(meta_dir, 'meta', 'contents')
with open(contents_path) as lines:
for line in lines:
(pkgfs_path, blob_hash) = line.strip().split('=')
blob_name_hashes[pkgfs_path] = blob_hash
return blob_name_hashes
def CommitPositionFromGitShow():
"""Returns the chromium commit position for the current workspace."""
# Match a commit position from a "git show" string like
# " Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#819438}"
git_commit_position_re = r'^\s*Cr-Commit-Position:.*@\{#(?P<position>\d+)\}'
show_output = subprocess.check_output(['git', 'show', 'origin/master'])
match =, show_output, re.MULTILINE)
if match:
return int('position'))
raise RuntimeError('could not get chromium commit position from git show')
def CommitPositionFromBuildProperty(value):
"""Extracts the chromium commit position from a builders got_revision_cp
# Match a commit position from a build properties commit string like
# "refs/heads/master@{#819458}"
test_arg_commit_position_re = r'\{#(?P<position>\d+)\}'
match =, value)
if match:
return int('position'))
raise RuntimeError('Could not get chromium commit position from test arg.')
def GetSDKLibs():
"""Finds shared objects (.so) under the Fuchsia SDK arch directory in dist or
lib subdirectories.
# Fuchsia SDK arch directory path (contains all shared object files).
sdk_arch_dir = os.path.join(SDK_ROOT, 'arch')
# Leaf subdirectories containing shared object files.
sdk_so_leaf_dirs = ['dist', 'lib']
# Match a shared object file name.
sdk_so_filename_re = r'\.so(\.\d+)?$'
lib_names = set()
for dirpath, _, file_names in os.walk(sdk_arch_dir):
if os.path.basename(dirpath) in sdk_so_leaf_dirs:
for name in file_names:
if, name):
return lib_names
def FarBaseName(name):
_, name = os.path.split(name)
name = re.sub(r'\.far$', '', name)
return name
def GetBlobSizes(far_file, build_out_dir, extract_dir, excluded_paths,
"""Calculates compressed and uncompressed blob sizes for specified FAR file.
Does not count blobs from SDK libraries."""
#TODO( Use partial sizes for blobs shared by packages.
base_name = FarBaseName(far_file)
# Extract files and blobs from the specified Fuchsia archive.
far_file_path = os.path.join(build_out_dir, far_file)
far_extract_dir = os.path.join(extract_dir, base_name)
ExtractFarFile(far_file_path, far_extract_dir)
# Extract the meta.far archive contained in the specified Fuchsia archive.
meta_far_file_path = os.path.join(far_extract_dir, 'meta.far')
meta_far_extract_dir = os.path.join(extract_dir, '%s_meta' % base_name)
ExtractFarFile(meta_far_file_path, meta_far_extract_dir)
# Map Linux filesystem blob names to blob hashes.
blob_name_hashes = GetBlobNameHashes(meta_far_extract_dir)
# Sum compresses and uncompressed blob sizes, except for SDK blobs.
blob_sizes = {}
for blob_name in blob_name_hashes:
_, blob_base_name = os.path.split(blob_name)
if blob_base_name not in excluded_paths:
blob_path = os.path.join(far_extract_dir, blob_name_hashes[blob_name])
compressed_size = CompressedSize(blob_path, compression_args)
uncompressed_size = os.path.getsize(blob_path)
blob_sizes[blob_name] = PackageSizes(compressed_size, uncompressed_size)
return blob_sizes
def GetPackageSizes(far_files, build_out_dir, extract_dir, excluded_paths,
compression_args, print_sizes):
"""Calculates compressed and uncompressed package sizes from blob sizes.
Does not count blobs from SDK libraries."""
#TODO( Use partial sizes for blobs shared by
# non Chrome-Fuchsia packages.
# Get sizes for blobs contained in packages.
package_blob_sizes = {}
for far_file in far_files:
package_name = FarBaseName(far_file)
package_blob_sizes[package_name] = GetBlobSizes(far_file, build_out_dir,
extract_dir, excluded_paths,
# Optionally print package blob sizes (does not count sharing).
if print_sizes:
for package_name in sorted(package_blob_sizes.keys()):
print('Package: %s' % package_name)
for blob_name in sorted(package_blob_sizes[package_name].keys()):
size = package_blob_sizes[package_name][blob_name]
print('blob: %s %d %d' %
(blob_name, size.compressed, size.uncompressed))
# Count number of packages sharing blobs (a count of 1 is not shared).
blob_counts = collections.defaultdict(int)
for package_name in package_blob_sizes:
for blob_name in package_blob_sizes[package_name]:
blob_counts[blob_name] += 1
# Package sizes are the sum of blob sizes divided by their share counts.
package_sizes = {}
for package_name in package_blob_sizes:
compressed_size = 0
uncompressed_size = 0
for blob_name in package_blob_sizes[package_name]:
count = blob_counts[blob_name]
size = package_blob_sizes[package_name][blob_name]
compressed_size += size.compressed / count
uncompressed_size += size.uncompressed / count
package_sizes[package_name] = PackageSizes(compressed_size,
return package_sizes
def GetBinarySizeHistogramsData(args):
"""Get binary size histogram data for packages specified in args."""
# Calculate compressed and uncompressed package sizes.
sdk_libs = GetSDKLibs()
extract_dir = args.extract_dir if args.extract_dir else tempfile.mkdtemp()
package_sizes = GetPackageSizes(args.far_file, args.build_out_dir,
extract_dir, sdk_libs, args.compression_args,
if not args.extract_dir:
# Optionally calculate total compressed and uncompressed package sizes.
if args.total_size_name:
compressed = sum([a.compressed for a in package_sizes.values()])
uncompressed = sum([a.uncompressed for a in package_sizes.values()])
package_sizes[args.total_size_name] = PackageSizes(compressed, uncompressed)
# Determine chromium commit position from builder property or workspace.
if args.test_revision_cp:
commit_position = CommitPositionFromBuildProperty(args.test_revision_cp)
commit_position = CommitPositionFromGitShow()
print('Chromium commit position: %d' % commit_position)
for name, size in package_sizes.items():
print('%s: compressed %d, uncompressed %d' %
(name, size.compressed, size.uncompressed))
# Generate chromium performance dashboard histogram data for each binary size.
histograms_data = []
for name, size in package_sizes.items():
CreateBinarySizeHistogram('%s_%s' % (name, 'compressed'),
commit_position, size.compressed))
CreateBinarySizeHistogram('%s_%s' % (name, 'uncompressed'),
commit_position, size.uncompressed))
return histograms_data
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
help='Location of the build artifacts.',
help='Arguments to pass to zstd compression utility.')
help='Debugging option, specifies directory for extracted FAR files.'
'If present, extracted files will not be deleted after use.')
help='Name of Fuchsia package FAR file (may be used more than once.)')
help='Optional output file for histogram data')
help='Write data to performance dashboard server URL instead of to a file'
help='Optional directory for histogram output file. This argument is '
'automatically supplied by the recipe infrastructure when this script '
'is invoked by a recipe call to api.chromium.runtest().')
help='Set the chromium commit point NNNNNN from a build property value '
'like "refs/heads/master@{#NNNNNNN}". Intended for use in recipes with '
'the build property got_revision_cp',
help='Enable a total sizes metric and specify its name')
help='Enable verbose output')
args = parser.parse_args()
# Optionally prefix the output_dir to the histogram_path.
if args.output_dir and args.histogram_path:
args.histogram_path = os.path.join(args.output_dir, args.histogram_path)
# If the zstd compression level is not specified, use Fuchsia's default level.
compression_level_args = [
value for value in args.compression_args if re.match(r'-\d+$', value)
if not compression_level_args:
if args.verbose:
print('Fuchsia binary sizes')
print('Working directory', os.getcwd())
for var in vars(args):
print(' {}: {}'.format(var, getattr(args, var) or ''))
if not os.path.isdir(args.build_out_dir):
raise Exception('Could not find build output directory "%s".' %
if args.extract_dir and not os.path.isdir(args.extract_dir):
raise Exception(
'Could not find FAR file extraction output directory "%s".' %
for far_rel_path in args.far_file:
far_abs_path = os.path.join(args.build_out_dir, far_rel_path)
if not os.path.isfile(far_abs_path):
raise Exception('Could not find FAR file "%s".' % far_abs_path)
histograms_data = GetBinarySizeHistogramsData(args)
if args.server_url:
# Send histograms to the performance dashboard.
for data in histograms_data:
if args.histogram_path:
# Save histogram data to a file.
histogram_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(args.histogram_path))
if not os.path.isdir(histogram_dir):
raise Exception('Could not find histogram file output directory "%s".' %
json_out = open(args.histogram_path, 'w')
json.dump(histograms_data, json_out)
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':