blob: 6cfbac4b787071e75e520b24d5c44f8800877886 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/common/mojom/autofill_types.mojom.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/common/save_password_progress_logger.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace autofill {
class FormStructure;
class LogManager;
namespace password_manager {
struct PasswordForm;
// This is the SavePasswordProgressLogger specialization for the browser code,
// where the LogManager can be directly called.
class BrowserSavePasswordProgressLogger
: public autofill::SavePasswordProgressLogger {
explicit BrowserSavePasswordProgressLogger(
const autofill::LogManager* log_manager);
~BrowserSavePasswordProgressLogger() override;
// Browser-specific addition to the base class' Log* methods. The input is
// sanitized and passed to SendLog for display.
void LogFormStructure(StringID label, const autofill::FormStructure& form);
// Browser-specific addition to the base class' Log* methods. The input is
// sanitized and passed to SendLog for display.
void LogSuccessiveOrigins(StringID label,
const GURL& old_origin,
const GURL& new_origin);
// Browser-specific addition to the base class' Log* methods. The input is
// passed to SendLog for display.
void LogString(StringID label, const std::string& s);
// Log a password successful submission event.
void LogSuccessfulSubmissionIndicatorEvent(
autofill::mojom::SubmissionIndicatorEvent event);
void LogPasswordForm(StringID label, const PasswordForm& form);
// autofill::SavePasswordProgressLogger:
void SendLog(const std::string& log) override;
// The LogManager to which logs can be sent for display. The log_manager must
// outlive this logger.
const autofill::LogManager* const log_manager_;
// Returns string representation for |FormStructure|.
std::string FormStructureToFieldsLogString(
const autofill::FormStructure& form);
// Returns string representation of password attributes for |FormStructure|.
std::string FormStructurePasswordAttributesLogString(
const autofill::FormStructure& form);
// Returns the string representation of a password attribute.
std::string PasswordAttributeLogString(StringID string_id,
const std::string& attribute_value);
// Returns the string representation of a binary password attribute.
std::string BinaryPasswordAttributeLogString(StringID string_id,
bool attribute_value);
} // namespace password_manager